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"Berbagai isu strategik yang memengaruhi kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia sangat kompleks seperti halnya pada pemerintahan daerah di negara lain, sebagaimana diungkapkan pada hasil penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya, antara lain kemampuan fiskal, latar belakang pimpinan daerah sebagai entrepreneur, dan kapasitas manajemen memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melakukan investigasi terhadap isu-isu strategik lainnya yaitu karakteristik daerah, public entrepreneurship, lingkungan strategik, serta penegakan etika dan akuntabilitas apakah sangat penting dan pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah. Sebagai tahap awal penelitian menyeluruh terkait pengaruh public entrepreneurship terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah, pemetaan perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan tingkat kepentingan dan kepastian dari asumsi strategik tersebut dengan pendekatan Strategy Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) yang melibatkan pakar secara terbatas melalui penyebaran kuesioner dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil olah data atas jawaban kuesioner mengindikasikan variabel karakteristik pemerintahan daerah dan elemen-elemennya (aset daerah, kapasitas fiskal, kapasitas manajemen dan perilaku kewirausahaan), public entrepreneurship (inovasi, kreativitas, proaktivitas, risk-taking dan orientasi kepentingan publik) merupakan asumsi strategik yang penting dan cukup pasti pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja pemerintahan daerah di Indonesia.

Various strategic issues that have an effect towards the performance of local governments in Indonesia are very complex just like the local governments in other countries, as investigated on previous researches. These strategic issues, which include the fiscal capacity, the background of the local leaders as entrepreneurs, and the capacity of management, would have significant influence towards the performance of local governments. This research tries to conduct the investigation towards other strategic issues i.e. the characteristics of local governments, the public entrepreneurship, the strategic environment, and the enforcement of ethics and accountability of bureaucracy, which is both very important and very certain in terms of the influence towards the performance of local governments. As the initial phase of thorough research is related to the influence of public entrepreneurship towards the performance of local government, the mapping needs to be conducted in order to ensure the level of importance and certainty of the strategic issues with the use of the Strategic Assumption Surfacing Test (SAST) approach involving the selected experts through limited Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of data processing would give an overview that the characteristics of local governments and its elements (the regional assets, the fiscal capacity, the capacity of management and entrepreneurial behavior), the public entrepreneurship (innovation, the creativity of the individuals within bureaucracy, proactiveness, risk-taking and public-oriented) are the strategic issues, which are important and certainly influence the performance of local governments in Indonesia."
Bogor: Faculty of Technology Bogor Agricultural University, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tjip Ismail
"Abstract. Together with the implementation of local autonomy, Indonesia implemented the concept of fiscal decentralization,
manifested through the local government’s authority to collect tax and retribution. The implementation process of such policy,
however, still triggers certain problems, such as people’s perception of tax as burdensome obligation without any right of
counter-achievement (compensation) for its payment. This research aims to study the paradigm change of local tax, viewed
from three aspects: (1) the paradigm shift of local tax in Indonesian governance system, (2) new paradigm of local tax, (3) the
effect of local tax paradigm change toward local developments. The approach used is qualitative with data collection techniques
of observation, in-depth interview and literature study. The result shows that the paradigm change of local tax is necessary since
there is a spectrum of democracy development in society due to the fact that the revenue from local retribution is less than the
revenue from local tax. As a consequence, local tax paradigm should be altered i.e. local tax must give counter-achievement
for the related tax sectors. Hence, local tax paradigm change shall increasingly influence the taxpayers to obediently fulfill their
obligation of paying local tax since they may directly enjoy the benefit of their tax."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muh Tang Abdullah
"Abstract. The research aims to describe the profile andrestructuring process of organizational structure of Maros District government. The research uses the theory of organization, concept of local bureaucracy and local government to enrich the study. Through the method of qualitative research and the data analysis technique of interactive model, the research finds that the organizational restructuring of local government was conducted through new formation, merging, division, and removal, either in the structural position, or regional working unit itself. The study also shows the presence of several structural positions and working units that have more than one function. This indicates that the restructuring and functioning of local government organizations has not reflected the rationality of local bureaucracy and shows the complexity of the functions inherent in the organizational structure of local government.
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses restruktrurisasi dan profil struktur organisasi pemerintahan daerah Kabupaten Maros. Penelitian menggunakan teori organisasi, konsep birokrasi pemerintah daerah (local bureaucracy), konsep pemerintahan daerah (local government) dan perspektif mengenai local bureaucracy untuk memperkaya kajian ini. Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif dan teknik analisis data model interaktif, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa restrukturisasi organisasi pemerinatah daerah dilaksanakan dengan cara pembentukan baru, penggabungan, pemisahan, dan penghapusan, baik pada jabatan struktural maupun satuan perangkat daerah itu sendiri. Hasil kajian menunjukan pula adanya beberapa jabatan dalam struktur dan satuan perangkat daerah yang memiliki lebih dari satu fungsi. Hal ini menandakan bahwa pembangunan struktur dan fungsi organisasi pemerintahan daerah belum mencerminkan rasionalitas birokrasi lokal serta menunjukkan adanya kompleksitas fungsi yang melekat pada suatu struktur organisasi pemerintah daerah."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wanto Rivaie
"ABSTRACT.This research studies the local-based MDGs and ARG models of poverty eradication efforts in border areas in West Borneo. The aim is to map the psycho-social economic dimensions and identify the behavior of poverty-stricken groups. Poverty in border areas is getting higher compared to other areas since they are strategically and geographically different in characteristics. The purpose of the study is to improve the policy and budgeting system of poverty eradication programs. A qualitative approach is used through the concept of planning and developing. The result shows that the high income of some people does not reduce the number of poor family in border areas. Poor areas in Sambas District are spread in 164 locations, while its development is distributed among 6373 locations. The Gross Domestic Product of Sambas District is higher than two other districts, i.e. IDR 5,287,291.21 and its Per Capita Income is 163,773.00 per month. The profile of poor people: most of them work in agricultural sector, have low education, have improper house with no lavatory, and in average have four children.
ABSTRAK.Penelitian Model Millenium Development Goals (MDG?S) ini adalah untuk mengembangkan Anggaran Responsif Gender (ARG) Berbasis Lokal, yang merupakan upaya mengurangi kemiskinan daerah perbatasan. Tujuannya adalah membuat peta dimensi-dimensi psikososial ekonomi dan mengidentifikasi sikap perilaku kelompok miskin. Kemiskinan daerah perbatasan bergerak semakin tajam dibanding daerah lain, karena ia memiliki ciri-ciri yang bernilai strategis, dan berbeda secara geografis. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki kebijakan dan sistem pennganggaran.Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan melalui perencanaan, dan pengembangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perolehan pendapatan yang tinggi pada sebagian masyarakat tidak mengurangi jumlah kelompok keluarga miskin. Daerah miskin di Kabupaten Sambas berjumlah 164 lokasi, dibanding 2 daerah lain, Sementara sebaran pembangunan sekitar 6373 tempat. PDB Kabupaten Sambas lebih tinggi dibanding 2 daerah yang lain yaitu sekitar Rp.5.287.291,21 dan pendapatan per kapita Rp.163.773,00 per bulan. Profil masyarakat miskin tersebut bekerja di sektor pertanian , berpendidikan rendah, rumah yang kurang layak huni, tidak ada toilet,sebagian besar beranak 4 orang."
Departement of Sosiology, FKIP, UniversitasTanjungpura, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Slamet Rosyadi
"Abstract. Centralized approach is no longer perceived as effective in managing natural resources such as the forest. In line with the good governance movement, practices of forest resource management have changed from one-bureaucratic show into partnership. Consequently, the concept of transparency, accountability, and broader public participations should be institutionalized to improve the sustainability of forest management. By using the experience of Banyumas? forest communities as case studies, this research aims to examine the extent to which the practice of good governance in forest management develops and influences the sustainability of forest management. Since this study was been intended to reveal the process of governance practices at the level of community-based organization, it uses the descriptive-qualitative approach in its analysis. The result of this study shows that participatory forest monitoring, transparency and accountable asset utilization have been practiced by the local forestry organization in their forest management. The researcher also found that strong traditions and local leadership contributes
positively to good governance practices by providing cultural dialogue forum, social control and a spirit of volunteering.
Abstrak. Sumber daya alam seperti hutan tidak lagi efektif untuk dikelola dengan pendekatan terpusat. Sejalan dengan gerakan pemerintahan yang baik, praktik pengelolaan sumber daya hutan telah berubah dari satu-cara birokrasi kepada cara-cara kemitraan. Akibatnya, konsep transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan partisipasi publik yang lebih luas harus dilembagakan untuk meningkatkan kelestarian hutan. Dengan menggunakan pengalaman masyarakat di hutan Banyumas sebagai studi kasus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji sejauh mana praktek gerakan pemerintahan yang baikdidalam pengelolaan hutan untuk mengembangkan dan mempengaruhi kesesuaian pengelolaan hutan. Karena penelitian ini telah dimaksudkan untuk mengungkapkan proses praktek tata kelola pada tingkat masyarakat berbasis organisasi, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif dalam analisisnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyertaan dalam pemantauan hutan , transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pemanfaatan aset telah dipraktekkan oleh organisasi kehutanan setempat dalam pengelolaan hutan. Saya juga menemukan bahwa tradisi yang kuat dan kepemimpinan lokal memberikan kontribusi positif bagi praktek tata kelola yang baik dengan menyediakan forum dialog budaya, kontrol sosial dan semangat sukarela."
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Sudirman, Porwokerto, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tengku Rika Valentina
"Abstract. Analyzing the root of conflict in the practice of decentralization and transfer of authority from the State to Nagari, it turns out that Nagari has been ?framed? by the State (provincial and district government) to perform its tasks regardless of the original culture and characteristics of the local community as is stated in Law No. 32 of 2004 concerning the Local Government. Nagari in West Sumatera is still a matter to be discussed, with elaborative variables of social stratification and model of kinship and the notably diverse political system (kelarasan koto piliang and bodi chaniago) enriching Nagari with analysis of its democratic transition history, model of participation and model of intervention by the State along the time."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Tri Haryamito
"Fiscal decentralization reform era started since January 1st, 2001, with the implications of changes from central¬ized to highly decentralized. Unfortunately, it led to a greater dependence on the Local Government to Central Govern¬ment through the Intergovernmental Transfers, especially on General Allocation Fund (DAU) and also a few on the Spe¬cific Allocation Fund (DAK) and Revenue Sharing (DBH). Based on that problem, this research aims to describe regional performances since 2008 until 2014, using several indicators and quadrant method approaches. In accordance with the calculation of the ratio of local independence, the majority of regions are in the category of less independent. While using dependency ratio, the majority of regions are in the group of very large dependency and a dependency. From the results of quadrant analysis methods, most regions are in quadrant III, which means to have a high dependence on government assistance. As a policy recommendation, the government needs to evaluate the improvement of the fiscal decentralization in Indonesia."
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayat Taufik Arevin
"Penelitian ini mengungkapkan peubah yang berhubungan dan mempengaruhi keberhasilan pemilik usaha pondok wisat (UPW). Total jumlah sampel 160 pemilik UPW di lima KSPN (Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional) yaitu: Pangandaran Parangtritis, Karangasem, Pulau Untung Jawa, dan Tanjung Lesung-TNUK. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah: (1) Karakteristi individu dan lingkungan berpengaruh nyata terhadap proses penyuluhan, kompetensi kerja, dan perilaku kewirausahaan; (2) Proses Penyuluhan berpengaruh nyata terhadap kompetensi kerja dan keberdayaan, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhada perilaku kewirausahaan; (3) Kompetensi Kerja berpengaruh nyata positif terhadap perilaku kewirausahaan dan keberdayaan (4) Perilaku kewirausahaan berpengaruh nyata positif terhadap keberhasilan usaha; dan (5) Keberdayaan berpengaruh nyat terhadap keberhasilan usaha. Teknik bootstrapping menghasilkan strategi bahwa: (1) tingkat efektivitas proses penyuluha dipengaruhi usia, tingkat kosmopolitan, peran tokoh masyarakat, dan sistem nilai budaya; (2) Peran lembaga dan metod penyuluhan diupayakan berkontribusi pada peningkatan kompetensi kerja dan perilaku kewirausahaan. (3) Kompetensi kerja pemilik UPW tercermin dari kemampuan menangani reservasi, layanan resepsionis dan penyediaan layanan housekeeping (4) Perilaku kewirausahaan direfleksikan oleh transparansi, tingkat disiplin, ketelitian dan ketekunan pemilik UPW; dan (5) Keberhasilan usaha lebih efektif melalui kompetensi kerja yang berkontribusi pada perilaku kewirausahaan, dibandingkan melalui tingkat keberdayaan.

This study examines the variables related and having influence on the success of the coastal homestay business owners. The total number of samples is 160 owners in five areas of KSPN (the Strategic Area of Indonesian National Tourism) namely: Pangandaran, Parangtritis, Karangasem, Pulau Untung Jawa, and Tanjung Lesung-UKNP. The hypotheses are: (1) individual and environmental characteristics influence the process of extensions, working-competence, and entrepreneurial behavior; (2) the extension process has real influence on working-competence and business empowerment; (3) working competence positively influence entrepreneurial behavior and empowerment; (4) Entrepreneurial behavior and empowermen directly affect the success of business, and (5) Empowerment clearly affects business success. The model evaluation throug bootstrapping technique gives a reference that: (1) the level of effectiveness of the extension process is influenced by age, cosmopolitan level, the role of community leaders, and cultural value systems; (2) the role of extension institutions and method contributes to the increased working-competence and entrepreneurial behavior. (3) working-competence is reflected in the ability to handle reservations, receptions, and housekeeping; (4) the entrepreneurial behavior is reflected by transparency, th level of discipline, punctuality and tenacity; and (5) business success becomes more effective through entrepreneurial behavio than the level of empowerment."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anwar Sanusi
"Abstract. There are three specific objectives outlined in this paper, the first objective is to identify and describe existing condition of institutional arrangement of public services in several local governments, the second objective is to examine problems and challenges in providing public services in the areas of investment, the last is to provide recommendations on institutional models and strategies or innovations which can be applied in order to improve performance in investment services; undertanding how regional goverment institutions can contribute significantly to improve investment for economic growth. Qualitative method was employed to evaluate the effectiveness of increasing customer satisfactions, reducing red-tape, and improving coordination amongst government institutions, an in- depth interviews conducted with resource persons as respresentatives from stakeholders, including government officials, businessmen (entrepreneurs), and experts from local universities. By evaluating City Government of Batam as the best practice in the institutional arrangement for investment, the main potential contribution of this study is to provide valid information about the most crucial problems and challenges in institutional arrangement for investment affairs in local government to which their investment target could be achieved by using the institutional model provided.
Abstrak. Ada tiga tujuan tertentu yang digariskan di dalam makalah ini, tujuan pertama adalah untuk mengenali dan menjelaskan kondisi yang ada sekarang dari susunan kelembagaan pelayanan publik di beberapa pemerintahan daerah, tujuan kedua adalah untuk mempelajari masalah-masalah dan tantangan-tantangan di dalam hal penyediaan pelayanan publik di daerah-daerah tujuan penanaman modal, tujuan terakhir adalah mengajukan rekomendasi di dalam hal model kelembagaan dan strategi atau inovasi yang dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan penanaman modal; pemahaman bagaimana lembaga-lembaga pemerintah daerah dapat menyumbang secara bermakna untuk meningkatkan penanaman modal demi bertumbuhnya ekonomi, mengurangi birokrasi dan meningkatkan koordinasi di antara lembaga-lembaga pemerintah. Metode kualitatif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas peningkatan kepuasan pelanggan dan meningkatkan koordinasi antar lembaga pemerintah, wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan para narasumber yang mewakili para pemangku kepentingan, termasuk pejabat pemerintah, pengusaha, dan para ahli dari universitas-universitas setempat. Dengan mengevaluasi Pemerintah Kota Batam sebagai penerapan terbaik dari penataan kelembagaan di dalam hal penanaman modal, kontribusi utama penelitian ini adalah penyediaan informasi yang sahih mengenai masalah-masalah dan tantangan-tantangan yang paling penting yang dihadapi penataan kelembagaan untuk urusan penanaman modal di pemerintah daerah dalam rangka mencapai target penanaman modal melalui penggunaan modal penataan kelembagaan yang tersedia."
Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Wijaya Putra University, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Juni Woro
"Abstract. Research indicates that accountability system has not been effectively implemented yet and the pattern is found out to be bureaucratic. In order to revitalize this system, we should emphasize and pay more attention on: (1) the improvement of capacity in strategic planning formulation process, and (2) the effectiveness of performance monitoring and evaluation. To accelerate both, the support of proper Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-Government system is of vital importance. This research result, that revitalization for accountability system that emphasizes the need to establish a new functional institutions, namely GAPURA KOTA model.
Abstrak.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pelaksanaan sistem akuntabilitas belum efektif dan terdapat kecenderungan pola yang birokratis. Dalam rangka untuk merevitalisasi sistem ini, sebaiknya menekankan dan membayar perhatian lebih : (1) peningkatan kapasitas dalam proses perumusan perencanaan strategis, dan (2) efektivitas dari tindakan pengawasan dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan model pembangunan institusi yang berdasarkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Hasil penelitian ini, mengusulkan revitalisasi akuntabilitas yang menekankan kebutuhan untuk membangun lembaga-lembaga fungsional baru, yaitu model GAPURA KOTA"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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