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Ditemukan 36343 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"In this paper, a method of location analysis for smart house is proposed. The proposed method uses projective transformation to process the input from visual sensor for determining coordinate of resident and also the entire device inside the smart house. With a good calculated coordinate, each device function in the smart house can be optimized for the good of the resident. From the experiment results, the proposed method successfully maps all coordinates of any device in the smart house up to 81% accuracy.
Pada publikasi ini diajukan sebuah metode analisis lokasi yang digunakan pada rumah cerdas. Metode yang diajukan menggunakan transformasi proyektif terhadap masukan dari sensor visual untuk menentukan koordinat penghuni dan setiap benda yang ada pada rumah cerdas. Dengan penentuan koordinat yang baik, fungsi setiap benda dalam rumah cerdas dapat dioptimalkan untuk kebaikan penghuni. Dari uji coba yang dilakukan, metode ini berhasil memetakan koordinat benda-benda pada rumah cerdas dengan akurasi kebenaran 81%."
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Banyuawangi merupakan kabupaten yang terletak di ujung paling timur provinsi Jawa Timur. Banyuwangi berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Situbondo. , di sebalah barat Kabupaten Jember dan Bondowoso , sebelah Timur selat Bali dan disebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Samudera Hindia"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melisa Andaru Pramudita
"House of Risk merupakan modifikasi antara metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dengan kerangka House of Quality (HOQ dengan fokus utama yaitu merumuskan tindakan mitigasi terhadap sumber risiko prioritas penyebab kejadian risiko agregat. Metode ini biasa digunakan dalam manajemen risiko. Manajemen risiko sendiri mencakup proses identifikasi, menilai, serta merespons risiko agar dapat ditangani secara efektif. Pada penelitian ini, manajemen risiko pada proses awal digitalisasi dalam persiapan penerbangan reguler ditinjau menggunakan HOR. Penelitian ini diawali dengan melakukan identifikasi kejadian risiko yang dapat terjadi pada proses digitalisasi penerbangan reguler serta agen risiko penyebab kejadian tersebut melalui diskusi dengan para ahli di bidang terkait. Hasil HOR tahap 1 menunjukkan terdapat 18 jenis kejadian risiko dan 21 agen risiko. Berdasarkan perhitungan Pareto, terdapat 12 agen risiko yang mencakup 80% dari total Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) dan dipilih sebagai prioritas mitigasi. Agen risiko dengan nilai terbesar yaitu kesalahan saat pembelian sistem dengan nilai ARP sebesar 1032. Setelah itu, dari hasil HOR tahap 2, ditetapkan 12 tindakan pencegahan yang direkomendasikan untuk mengatasi agen risiko yang perlu diselesaikan. Tindakan mitigasi dengan nilai efektivitas tertinggi sebesar 2322 dan 1701 yaitu membuat rencana cadangan dengan mempertimbangkan semua perhitungan dan kemungkinan kejadian apa pun dan selalu melakukan pembaharuan software secara berkala untuk menghindari kejadian yang tidak diinginkan.

House of Risk is a modification of the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method with the House of Quality (HOQ) framework with the focus being to formulate mitigation actions against priority risk sources causing aggregate risk, process, assess, respond to risks so that they can be handled effectively. In this study, risk management in the digitalization process in the initial preparation can use HOR. The risk that causes these events is through discussions with experts in related fields. The results of HOR stage 1 show that there are 18 types of risk events and 21 risk agents. Based on Pareto calculations, there are 12 a risk agent that covers 80% of the total Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) and is selected as a mitigation priority. The risk agent with the largest value is the lack of knowledge, experience, and work skills with an ARP value of 864. After that, from the results of the HOR stage 2, 12 recommended countermeasures to address the risk agents that need to be resolved. Mitigation action with the highest effectiveness value of 4572 is a backup plan by considering all calculations and the possibility of any event and always making periodic repairs to avoid unwanted events.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Powell, Robert
Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing, 2009
728.78 POW s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Powell, Robert
Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing, 2009
728.78 POW s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naniek Widiyaningsih
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji penetapan harga pasar dari rumah
sejahtera tapak dibawah plafon ceiling price yang telah ditetapkan oleh
pemerintah.Dengan menggunakanpendekatankuantitatifdanmetoderegresi linear
bergandadari data panel, hasil dalam penelitian ini bahwa Faktor – factor
determinan yang berpengaruh dalam perhitungan harga rumah sejahtera tapak
dibawah plafon ceiling price pemerintah adalah harga tanah, indek kemahalan
konstruksi, serta biaya penyediaan fasilitas umum. Pengaruh yang diberikan oleh
masing masing factor determinan tersebut cukup relevan secara individu yang
diartikan padasetiap kenaikan harga rumah sejahtera tapak, ketiganya member
kontribusi nilai yang berbeda setiap tahunnya. Sementara untuk factor determinan
lainnya yakni biaya penyediaan PSU dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan
perubahan searah namun tidak signifikan, sehingga kenaikan harga rumah tapak
sejahtera tidak terpengaruhi oleh keberadaan pembiayaan penyediaan PSU. Hal
ini diasumsikan bahwa pembiayaan penyediaan PSU tidak seluruhnya di
bebankan kepada penyedia jasa bidang perumahan namun dibiayai oleh bantuan
stimulan PSU yang telah diberikan pemerintah sebagai bentuk subsidi bagi
penyedia jasa bidang perumahan.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the market pricing of the prosperous tread
below the ceiling price by the government. By using a quantitative approach and
the method of multiple linear regression of panel data, the results in this study that
the factors - factors that influence the calculation of the determinant of house
prices prosperous tread below the ceiling price ceiling is a government land price,
construction cost index, as well as the cost of providing public facilities. Influence
exerted by each factor is quite relevant determinants are defined individually on
each rising landed house price prosperous, contributing three different values each
year . As for the other determinant factors namely cost of providing the PSU from
the results of this study showed changes in the same direction but not significant,
so the rise of landedhouse price prosperous unaffected by the presence of
financing the provision of PSU . It is assumed that the financing of the provision
of the PSU is not entirely in charge to providers of housing financed by a
stimulant but a PSU that has been given by the government as a form of subsidy
for the housing sector service providers ."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dietz, Albert G.H.
Massachusetts: MIT Pres, 1991
690.837 DIE d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vania Johana
"[Tesis ini membahas mengenai hubungan hukum antara Balai Lelang dan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II baik berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2005 yaitu Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 118/PMK.07/2005 tentang Balai Lelang dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 119/PMK.07/2005 tentang Pejabat Lelang Kelas II maupun berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2010 yaitu Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 176/PMK.06/2010
tentang Balai lelang dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 175/PMK.06/2010 tentang Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Yuridis Normatif, dengan metode analisis data kualitatif, serta tipologi penelitian eksplanatoris sehingga bentuk hasil penelitian adalah ekplanatoris-analitis. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2005 maka Balai Lelang dalam menyelenggarakan
Jasa Pelaksanaan Lelang wajib mengadakan perikatan perdata dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II mengenai pelaksanaan lelang dan honorarium Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Namun kemudian ketentuan tersebut diubah dengan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Menteri Keuangan yang terbit Tahun 2010 di mana didalamnya diatur Balai Lelang selaku pemohon atau kuasa pemilik barang dapat mengadakan perjanjian perdata dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II mengenai pelaksanaan lelang dan imbalan jasa Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Sejak diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri
Keuangan Tahun 2010 banyak keluhan yang muncul terutama dari pihak Balai Lelang dikarenakan Balai Lelang tentunya merasa lahan pekerjaannya jadi mengecil jika dibandingkan dengan ketentuan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian kemudian menyimpulkan belum adanya harmonisasi yang baik antara Balai Lelang dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II. Tesis ini juga membahas hubungan hukum yang tepat yang dapat mengharmonisasikan hubungan Balai Lelang dengan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II.; This thesis discusses the legal relationship between the Auction House and the Second Class Auctioneer under the Minister Of Finance Regulations, published in 2005, namely Minister of Finance Regulation No. 118/PMK.07/2005 on Auction House and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 119/PMK.07/2005 on Second Class Auctioneer and based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance, published in 2010, namely Minister of Finance Regulations No. 176/PMK.06/2010 on Action House and the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 175/PMK.06/2010 on Second Class Auctioneer. This research is a normative juridical research, with qualitative data analysis methods, as well as the typology of explanatory research that the forms results is a analytical ekplanatory research. Issues raised in this study is that based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance, published in 2005, the Auctioneer in organizing Implementation Services Auctions shall hold a civil engagement with Second Class Auction Officer regarding the auction and honorarium Second Class Auction Officer. But then
such provision amended by the enactment of the Finance Minister, published in 2010, where in regulated Auctioneer as the applicant or owner of the goods can hold power civil agreement with Second Class Auction Officer regarding the auction and auction fee of Second Class Auction Officer. Since the enactment of the Finance Minister in 2010 many complaints that arise mainly from the Party of Auction House, it because they certainly find their land of work be smaller when compared to the previous provisions. Results of the research concluded that there is a lack of harmonization between the Auction House and the Second Class Auction Officer. This thesis also discusses the precise legal relationship which can harmonize relations between the Auction House and the Second Class Auction Officer., This thesis discusses the legal relationship between the Auction House and
the Second Class Auctioneer under the Minister Of Finance Regulations,
published in 2005, namely Minister of Finance Regulation No. 118/PMK.07/2005
on Auction House and Minister of Finance Regulation No. 119/PMK.07/2005 on
Second Class Auctioneer and based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance,
published in 2010, namely Minister of Finance Regulations No.
176/PMK.06/2010 on Action House and the Minister of Finance Regulation No.
175/PMK.06/2010 on Second Class Auctioneer. This research is a normative
juridical research, with qualitative data analysis methods, as well as the typology
of explanatory research that the forms results is a analytical ekplanatory research.
Issues raised in this study is that based on the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance, published in 2005, the Auctioneer in organizing Implementation Services
Auctions shall hold a civil engagement with Second Class Auction Officer
regarding the auction and honorarium Second Class Auction Officer. But then
such provision amended by the enactment of the Finance Minister, published in
2010, where in regulated Auctioneer as the applicant or owner of the goods can
hold power civil agreement with Second Class Auction Officer regarding the
auction and auction fee of Second Class Auction Officer. Since the enactment of
the Finance Minister in 2010 many complaints that arise mainly from the Party of
Auction House, it because they certainly find their land of work be smaller when
compared to the previous provisions. Results of the research concluded that there
is a lack of harmonization between the Auction House and the Second Class
Auction Officer. This thesis also discusses the precise legal relationship which
can harmonize relations between the Auction House and the Second Class
Auction Officer.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silfia Mona Aryani
"The initial house provided by the government of Indonesia for low and medium family hence should be in affordable process is called Rumah Inti Tumbuh (RIT). The Indonesian word tumbuh means “to grow”, indicating that these houses are expected to be transformed, as a representation of growing, following to the owners’ financial improvement and spatial needs. This article is based on the second stage of the research on RIT. The first stage of the research observed units in the Condong Catur Public Housing project in Yogyakarta Province, which was initiated in the 1980s. The findings from the first stage prompted a further research question related to the tendency to transform newer public housing. This article discusses the design transformation of public housing units that have been occupied for shorter periods of time than those units featured in the previous study. The current research employed qualitative methods by observing the occupants of the Wonorejo Public Housing project and the transformations they have made to their homes to meet their expanding spatial needs. The observed units had been occupied for less than five years at the time this research was conducted. Data collection consisted of observing the units, interviewing the occupants, and gaining information from secondary data resources such as the literature and the blue print of the initial design. The observation focused on the development direction and zoning pattern of the units. The research found that the occupants tended to maintain the existing zoning, enlarge semi-public and service spaces, and prioritize development at the back of the housing site. The findings of this second stage research show similar tendencies with the previous research; therefore, these trends could be considered predictive factors that could inform initial RIT design."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:6 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogor: mAAN Indonesia Pub., 2008
690 RUM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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