ABSTRAK Rumah sakit merupakan salah satu tempat dilakukannya pelayanan medis atau kesehatan bagi
masyarakat. RSPAD Gatot Soebroto merupakan rumah sakit tipe A Pendidikan yang merupakan
rumah sakit rujukan dari rumah sakit dibawahnya. Salah satu faktor yang sangat mempengaruhi
mutu dari rumah sakit adalah pelayanan kefarmasian. Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker yang
dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Fatmawati ditujukan untuk memahami tugas dan fungsi
apoteker dalam melaksanakan Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit yang meliputi pengelolaan
Sediaan Farmasi dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai, serta pelayanan farmasi klinik. Untuk melakukan
pelayanan kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit, khususnya dalam bidang farmasi klinis maka Apoteker
perlu untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan pengetahuan serta peraturan yang berlaku. Strategi
pengembangan praktek kefarmasian di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto adalah dengan melakukannya
kegiatan penyuluhan rutin terkait obat untuk para tenaga kefarmasian maupun tenaga kesehatan
ABSTRACT The hospital is one place of the medical or health care does for the community. Gatot SoebrotoHospital is a hospital-type A education which is the referral hospital of other. One of the factorsthat greatly affect the quality of the hospital is a pharmaceutical services. Pharmacists ProfessionInternship conducted at General Hospital Gatot Soebroto aimed to understand the duties andfunctions of pharmacists in carrying out in Hospital Pharmaceutical Services which includesmanagement of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Materials and Consumables, and clinicalpharmacy services. To perform pharmacy services in hospitals, particularly in the field of clinicalpharmacy, the pharmacist needs to keep learning of developments and valid regulations.Development strategy in Gatot Soebroto Hospital pharmacy practice is to give a routineinformations related to the pharmaceutical medicine for other pharmacist and other healthprofessionals.;The hospital is one place of the medical or health care does for the community. Gatot SoebrotoHospital is a hospital-type A education which is the referral hospital of other. One of the factorsthat greatly affect the quality of the hospital is a pharmaceutical services. Pharmacists ProfessionInternship conducted at General Hospital Gatot Soebroto aimed to understand the duties andfunctions of pharmacists in carrying out in Hospital Pharmaceutical Services which includesmanagement of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Materials and Consumables, and clinicalpharmacy services. To perform pharmacy services in hospitals, particularly in the field of clinicalpharmacy, the pharmacist needs to keep learning of developments and valid regulations.Development strategy in Gatot Soebroto Hospital pharmacy practice is to give a routineinformations related to the pharmaceutical medicine for other pharmacist and other healthprofessionals.;The hospital is one place of the medical or health care does for the community. Gatot SoebrotoHospital is a hospital-type A education which is the referral hospital of other. One of the factorsthat greatly affect the quality of the hospital is a pharmaceutical services. Pharmacists ProfessionInternship conducted at General Hospital Gatot Soebroto aimed to understand the duties andfunctions of pharmacists in carrying out in Hospital Pharmaceutical Services which includesmanagement of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Materials and Consumables, and clinicalpharmacy services. To perform pharmacy services in hospitals, particularly in the field of clinicalpharmacy, the pharmacist needs to keep learning of developments and valid regulations.Development strategy in Gatot Soebroto Hospital pharmacy practice is to give a routineinformations related to the pharmaceutical medicine for other pharmacist and other healthprofessionals."