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Nani Utami Dewi
"Latar Belakang: Stroke iskemia merupakan disfungsi neurologik area tertentu atau menyeluruh akibat gangguan aliran darah ke otak yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan. Berbagai faktor risiko yang tidak dapat dimodifikasi dan dapat dimodifikasi seperti usia, jenis kelamin, riwayat keluarga, hipertensi, diabetes melitus, obesitas berperan menyebabkan pembentukan aterosklerosis, iskemia serebral selanjutnya menyebabkan stroke iskemia. Stroke iskemia dan sejumlah penyulit akan menimbulkan defisit neurologi yang menyebabkan malnutrisi, dehidrasi, keluaran yang buruk dan kualitas hidup menurun. Terapi medik gizi klinis berperan memberi nutrisi optimal, membatasai natrium, mengontrol glukosa darah dan memperhatikan volume cairan yang diberikan sehingga status nutrisi tetap terjaga, memperbaiki keluaran, dan mencegah rekurensi.
Metode: Serial kasus ini memaparkan empat kasus stroke iskemia pada pasien perempuan dan laki-laki dengan rentang usia 53 ndash;66 tahun, dengan penyulit seperti disfagia, perdarahan GIT dan pneumonia, disertai komorbiditas yaitu DM tipe 2, hipertensi, dan chronic kidney disease,. Keempat pasien membutuhkan dukungan nutrisi akibat komplikasi stroke iskemia yaitu disfagia dengan risiko terjadinya malnutrisi, dehidrasi dan ketidakseimbangan elektrolit. Satu pasien dengan berat badan normal, 1 pasien BB lebih, dan 2 pasien obes I. Masalah nutrisi yang dihadapi keempat pasien ini adalah asupan makro dan mikronutrien yang tidak optimal, jalur pemberian nutrisi, kebutuhan nutrisi yang tidak terpenuhi selama sakit, anemia, hiperglikemia, dislipidemia, gangguan fungsi ginjal dan keseimbangan cairan. Terapi medik gizi klinik diberikan sesuai rekomendasi stroke iskemia dan disesuaikan dengan komorbidnya. Pemantauan pasien meliputi keadaan umum, hemodinamik, analisis dan toleransi asupan, monitoring terhadap kadar glukosa darah, fungsi ginjal, keseimbangan cairan, elektrolit dan kapasitas fungsional.
Hasil :Ketiga pasien pada serial kasus menunjukkan perbaikan klinis, berupa tekanan darah terkontrol, kadar glukosa darah terkontrol, dan kapasitas fungsional yang membaik. Satu pasien meninggal pada hari perawatan ke-35 akibat sepsis.
Kesimpulan:Terapi medik gizi klinik yang optimal dapat memperbaiki kondisi klinis pada pasien stroke iskemia dengan DM tipe 2 dan penyulitnya.

Background: Ischemic stroke is a partial or comprehensive neurological disfunction caused by cerebral blood flow disturbance as basis of tissue damages. A diversity of non modified and modified risk factors such as age, sex, family history, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and obesity act as underlying causes to atherosclerosis, ischemia cerebral, that lead to ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke with accompanying comorbidity will inflict neurological deficit causing malnutrition, dehydration, bad outcome and the diminution quality of life. The role of nutritional medical therapy is pivotal for optimal nutritional support, sodium intake restriction, and glycemic control with the goal to maintain nutrition status, improve outcome and prevent recurrence.
Methods: The case series describes four ischemic stroke cases with complications such as dysphagia, gastrointestinal bleeding, and pneumonia, and aggravated by DM type II, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease comorbidity, in males and females aged 53 ndash 66 years old. Due to risk of malnutrition, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance caused by dysphagia, nutrition support was required by all patients to treat this ischemic stroke complication. One patient was normoweight, while three other cases included one overweight and two obese I patients. The nutritional problems faced by these four patients laid on the non optimal macro and micro nutrient intake, route of nutrient intake, nutrition composition imbalance during ill period, anaemia, hyperglycaemia, dyslipidemia, decrease of renal function, and fluid imbalance. Nutritional medical therapy was given according to recommendations for ischemic stroke and adjusted with its comorbidity. Patients rsquo monitoring was done including their general condition, hemodynamic, intake analysis and tolerance, monitoring in blood glucose, kidney function, fluid balance, electrolyte and functional capacity.
Result: Three patients in the case series showed positive changes in clinical conditions, shown by improvement in blood pressure, blood glucose, and functional capacity. One patient died on the 35th treatment day due of sepsis.
Conclusion: Optimal nutritional medical therapy plays important role in improving clinical conditions of ischemic stroke patient with DM type 2 and other complications.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Gunawan
"A number of investigations reported that hyperhomocysteinemia (hHcy) is a risk factor for vascular diseases. Some casecontrol studies find that total homocysteine (tHcy) level is higher among stroke ischemic patients. if hHcy in stroke ischemic patients is due to genetic defect, their children may inherit that. And if the causes are nutritional deficiencies or lifestyle determinants, their children may have that also. So, it may be expected that hHcy is more prevalent among the children of stroke ischemic patients. The role of Hcy in vascular disease has been investigated in many studies. One of vascular phenotypes observed in hHcy is endothelial dysfunction, manifested by decreased bioavailability of endothelium derived nitric oxide (NO). Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, and smoking can also decrease NO released from endothelial cells. The aim of this study was to find proportion of hHcy, and the pattern of NO level among the children of stroke ischemic patients. In addition, we examined the relationship between plasma tHcy, hypertension, LDL-cholesterol, and HbAlc 'with NO production, by measuring nitrate-nitrite (NOx) level, as its metabolites. This cross sectional study includes 86 childrenof stroke ischemic patients, who fulfilled study criteria. The proportion of hHcy is in the range of 11,6 } 6,9%. The NOx level of 40 subjects which are randomly selected from the 86 subjects, have the median of 80,99 µM (42,9 - 226,8 1.M). There is no significant relationship between plasma tHcy with NOx level (r = 0,220, p = 0,086). There is no significant relationship between systolic, and diastolic blood pressure, LDL-cholesterol, HbAlc, and history of hypertension with plasma NOx level (r = 0.073 ; p = 0.327, r = 0,220, p = 0,086, r = -0,207 ; p = 0,100, r = 0,261 ; p = 0,052 dan r = 0,119, p = 0,233). The NOx level of subjects .with hHcy, history of hypertension, elevated systolic, diastolic blood pressure, and high LDL-cholesterol level tends to be higher than the subjects with Hcy level < 15 µM, Without hypertension history, normotensive, and subjects with normal LDL-cholesterol level."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cut Hafiah Halidha Nilanda
Latar Belakang: Stroke hemoragik merupakan penyakit serebrovaskular yang ditandai dengan pecahnya pembuluh darah sehingga terjadi perdarahan pada otak. Penyebab tersering stroke hemoragik adalah hipertensi. Selain itu penyebab lainnya seperti diabetes melitus dan obesitas dapat menjadi penyulit keadaan klinis pasien. Stroke hemoragik dan beberapa penyulit akan menyebabkan disfungsi neurologis dan disfungsi motorik, yang keduanya akan menyebabkan penurunan asupan nutrisi. Penurunan asupan nutrisi dapat disebabkan penurunan kapasitas fungsional dan gangguan proses menelan atau disfagia. Nutrisi yang tidak adekuat dapat menyebabkan kualitas hidup menurun serta risiko serangan stroke berulang. Terapi medik gizi klinis berperan memberi nutrisi optimal, membatasai natrium, mengontrol glukosa darah dan mengatasi defisiensi mikronutrien. Metode:Serial kasus ini terdiri dari empat kasus stroke hemoragik pada pasien perempuan dan laki-laki dengan rentang usia 50 ndash;65 tahun, dengan penyulit seperti disfagia, penurunan kesadaran, dan perdarahan GIT, disertai penyakit penyerta yaitu Hipertensi dan DM tipe 2. Kasus pertama dan kedua mengalami gejala disfagia dan membutuhkan dukungan nutrisi melalui jalur enteral. Kasus ketiga terdapat penurunan asupan makanan karena penurunan kapasitas fungsional yang terjadi. Kasus keempat mengalami penurunan kesadaran dan perdarahan saluran cerna serta membutuhkan dukungan nutrisi secara enteral dan parenteral. Keempat pasien memiliki indeks massa tubuh obes 1. Masalah nutrisi yang dihadapi keempat pasien ini adalah asupan makro dan mikronutrien yang tidak optimal, jalur pemberian nutrisi, kebutuhan nutrisi yang tidak terpenuhi selama sakit. Terapi medik gizi klinik diberikan sesuai rekomendasi stroke hemoragik ddengan hipertensi dan DM tipe 2. Hasil :Kasus pertama hingga kasus ketiga mengalami perbaikan keadaan klinis, antara lain peningkatan kemampuan menelan, perbaikan tekanan darah, kadar glukosa, dan kapasitas fungsional. Kasus keempat meninggal dunia pada hari perawatan ke-8 akibat edema paru dan gagal jantung. Kesimpulan: Terapi medik gizi klinik yang diberikan dapat membantu keadaan klinis dan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien stroke hemoragik dengan Hipertensi dan DM tipe 2.

Background Hemorrhagic stroke is a cerebrovascular disease characterized by rupture of blood vessels resulting in bleeding in the brain. The most common cause of hemorrhagic stroke is hypertension. In addition, other causes such as diabetes mellitus and obesity could worsening the patient's clinical situation. Hemorrhagic strokes and some complications will cause neurologic dysfunction and motoric dysfunction, both of which will lead to a decrease in nutrient intake. Decreased nutritional intake could caused due to decreased functional capacity and impaired ingestion or dysphagia. Inadequate nutrition can lead to decreased quality of life as well as the risk of recurrent stroke. Medical clinical nutrition therapy plays an optimal role in nutrition, restricting sodium, controlling blood glucose and overcoming micronutrient deficiencies. Methods This case series consists of four cases of hemorrhagic stroke in female and male patients with age range 50-65 years, with complications such as dysphagia, consciousness derivation, and gastrointestinal bleeding, accompanied by comorbidities susch as Hypertension and type 2 DM. The first and second cases have symptoms of dysphagia and require nutritional support through the enteral route. The third case there is a decrease in food intake due to decreased functional capacity that occurs. The fourth case has consciousness derivation and gastrointestinal bleeding that requires support of enteral and parenteral nutritions. All of patients had obesity 1 body mass index. Nutritional problems faced by these four patients were unoptimal macro and micronutrient intake, nutritional pathways, unfulfilled nutritional needs during illness. Medical clinical nutrition therapy is given as recommended by hemorrhagic stroke with hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus Result The first case to the third case has improved clinical conditions, including increased ability to swallow, improvement of blood pressure, glucose levels, and functional capacity. The fourth case died on the 8th day of treatment due to pulmonary edema and heart failure. Conclusion Clinical nutrition therapy provided could improved clinical and functional capacity in hemorrhagic stroke patients with hypertension and type 2 DM."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaerul Achmad
"Latar Belakang. Penyakit arteri perifer terjadi akibat penyempitan pembuluh darah arteri karena proses ateroskierosis. Beberapa studi yang lalu menunjukan bahwa penyakit arteri perifer dihubungkan dengan peningkatan kesakitan dan kematian penyakit kardiovaskular secara signifikan. Deteksi yang mampu menilai darah secara cepat sebelum kejadian nekrosis menunjukan hal yang berharga pada triage pasien dalam menurunkan biaya perawatan. N-terminal albumin yang mengalami kerusakan atau terikat dengan tembaga dinamakan ischemia modified albumin (IMA). Test albumin cobalt binding (ACB) merupakan tes diagnosis kuantitatif yang dapat mendeteksi albumin yang termodifikasi yang terjadi pada saat albumin terekspos jaringan iskernik melalui pengukuran kapasitas ikatan albumin dalam serum atau plasma manusia. Pada studi eksperimental ini, diteliti peningkatan ACB akibat lamanya proses iskernik.
Metode. 10 hewan kelinci dengan jenis kelamin jantan dari ras New Zealand White (NZW) usia 5 bulan mengalami perlakuan iskemia total pada tungkai kin. ACB serum darah diukur sebelum dilakukan iskemi tungkai dan ini dilihat sebagai kontrol. Pengukuran dilanjutkan pada menit ke-15 dan menit 150 secara berurutan. Analisis statistik menggunakan program SPSS versi 11,5 dengan menggunakan tes general linear models (GLM) repeated measured.
Hasil. Nilai rerata ACB sebelum iskemia adalah 48,30 + 5,95 u/ml dan nilai reratanya meningkat menjadi 103,43 ± 13,67 u/ml pada 15 menit sesudah mengalami iskernia. Terjadi peningkatan delta sebelum iskemia dan 15 menit setelah iskemia sebesar 55,13 u/mL. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kadar ACB pada menit ke-15 setelah iskemia dengan sebelum iskemia. Nilai rerata ACB menit ke-150 setelah iskernia adalah 155,42 ± 22,87 u/ml. Terdapat peningkatan kadar ACB antara sebelum iskemia, 15 menit, dan 150 menit setelah iskemia masing-masing sebesar 51,98 dan 107,12 ulmL.
Kesimpulan. Kadar ACB meningkat pada kelinci yang mengalami iskemia tungkai dan peningkatan kadar ACB sesuai dengan lamanya iskemia.
Kata kunci: Penyakit arteri perifer, ischemia modified albumin, albumin cobalt binding.

Background. Peripheral arterial diseases (PAD) commonly result from progressive narrowing of arteries due to atherosclerosis. Previous studies have shown that PAD associated with a significantly elevated risk of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. A rapid blood test capable of detecting prior to necrosis would prove invaluable in patient triage and in reducing health care cost. Albumin in which the N-terminus is either damaged or bound to copper is termed ischemia modified albumin (IMA). The albumin cobalt binding (ACB) test is quantitative diagnostic test that detect modification to albumin that occur when albumin is exposed to ischemic tissue by measuring the cobalt binding capacity of albumin in human serum or plasma.
In this experimental study, the increase of ACB was observed with induced by duration of ischemia.
Methods. Ten male New Zealand White Rabbits aged 5 months experienced total ischemia of the left limb. Blood serum ACB was measured before performing ischemia of the left limb as a control. Fifteen minutes and 150 minutes after ischemia blood serum ACB as secondary and thirdly measurement were measured. Statistical analysis program SPSS version 11.5 by using General linear Model (GLM) repeated measure test.
Results. The mean value of ACB before ischemia was 48.30 1 5.95 u/ml and increased mean value of ACB 103.43 13.67 u/ml in 15 minutes after ischemia. There was increasing delta before ischemia and 15 minutes after ischemia was 55.13 u/ml. There were significant differences of ACB level in the 15 minutes after ischemia compared with before ischemia. The mean level of ACB 150 minutes after ischemia was 155.42 ± 22.87 u/ml. There were increasing level ACB before compared to 15 minutes and 150 minutes after ischemia (51.98 and 107.12, respectively).
Conclusions. ACB level increased in rabbits with acute limb ischemia, where increasing level ACB parallel with length of occlusion.
Key words: Peripheral artery disease, ischemia modified albumin, albumin cobalt binding.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Fitriyani
Stroke iskemia menyebabkan cedera pada otak yang dapat menyebabkan malnutrisi dan disfagia. Risiko stroke meningkat jika ditemukan hipertensi dan dislipidemia. Tujuan tata laksana nutrisi adalah mencegah malnutrisi, menurunkan faktor risiko, dan mencegah risiko stroke berulang dan komplikasi pada pasien dengan faktor risiko.
Presentasi Kasus:
Pasien dalam serial kasus terdiri dari tiga pasien laki-laki dan satu pasien perempuan berusia antara 39-54 tahun yang didiagnosis stroke iskemia. Kasus pertama dan kedua memiliki faktor risiko hipertensi, sedangkan kasus kedua dan keempat memiliki faktor risiko dislipidemia. Hasil skrining gizi dengan MST pada pasien pertama adalah skor 2 dan diagnosis khusus, sedangkan tiga kasus lain termasuk dalam diagnosis khusus. Kebutuhan nutrisi dihitung dengan persamaan Harris-Benedict dengan faktor stres 1,5 pada kasus pertama karena terdapat ulkus dekubitus, sedangkan faktor stres tiga kasus lain adalah 1,3. Target pemberian protein adalah 1,3-1,5 g/kg BB/hari. Selama pemantauan, pemberian protein mencapai 1,3-1,4 g/kg BB/hari. Kasus kedua dan keempat mengalami disfagia, tetapi terdapat perbaikan disfagia pada pasien keempat sehingga jalur nutrisi diubah melalui oral, sedangkan pada kasus kedua tidak terdapat perbaikan disfagia sehingga pasien pulang dengan NGT. Terdapat riwayat hiponatremia berulang pada kasus pertama, sehingga dilakukan koreksi natrium dan restriksi cairan.
Terdapat perbaikan klinis pada keempat kasus dan perbaikan kapasitas fungsional, kecuali kapasitas fungsional kasus pertama.
Tata laksana nutrisi adekuat pada pasien stroke iskemia dengan mempertimbangkan komorbiditas dapat menunjang perbaikan klinis dan kapasitas fungsional pasien.

Ischemic stroke cause cerebral insult results in malnutrition and dysphagia. Risk factors of stroke are hypertension and dyslipidemia. The aim of nutrition management is malnutrition prevention, lowering the risk factors, and preventing of recurrent stroke and complication.
Case Presentation:
The four patients included in this serial case were three males and one female, 39-54 years old, diagnosed with ischemic stroke. The first and second case had history of hypertension and the third and fourth case had dyslipidemia. The result of MST score of first case was 2 and special diagnosed, whereas the other three cases were special diagnosed. Energy needs was based on Harris-Benedict equation with 1,5 of factor stress for first case (with pressure ulcers) and 1,3 for the other three cases. The target of protein needs is 1,3-1,5 g/kg. The protein intake during monitoring were 1,3-1,4 g/kg. Dysphagia were found at second and fourth case, but then the fourth case had recovery of dysphagia and nutrition route was transitioned to oral, while the second case did not had recovery of dysphagia during monitoring and discharged with NGT. Natrium correction and fluid restriction were done at first case due to history of repeated hyponatremia.
There were improvement of clinical outcome and functional capacity, except functional capacity of first case.
Adequate nutritional management for ischemic stroke patients could support the recovery of clinical outcome and functional capacity and should consider patients? comorbidities.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Wulan Apriliyasari
Stroke merupakan cedera otak yang disebabkan adanya obstruksi dengan gejala Stroke Iskemik merupakan cedera otak yang disebabkan adanya obstruksi dengan gejala awal gangguan memori jangka pendek. Stimulasi auditori diberikan melalui pendekatan budaya dengan instrumen gamelan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian terapi musik gamelan terhadap memori jangka pendek pada pasien stroke iskemik. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain RCT dengan rancangan pretest-posttest with control group. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 19 responden kelompok intervensi dan 15 responden kelompok kontrol yang dibagi dengan cara randomisasi blok. Hasil penelitian ini dinyatakan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan memori jangka pendek sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi musik gamelan, dengan p value 0,000 (α =0,05). Akan tetapi pada uji beda dua kelompok didapatkan hasil tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol. Pada penelitian ini direkomendasikan bahwa penerapan terapi musik efektif digunakan sebagai stimulasi auditori pada pasien stroke iskemik.

Stroke is a brain injury caused by obstruction, one of the symptoms is short-term memory impairment. Auditory stimulation is given through a cultural approach with gamelan instruments. The purpose of the research was to know the effect of Gamelan music therapy to short-term memory in Ischemic stroke patients. RCT with using pretest-posttest with control groups design was used in this study. The number of respondents that used in the research was 19 respondents as intervention groups and 15 respondents as control group that used blok randomised. The result of the study show that there was significantly differences short-term memory between before and after Gamelan music therapy with a p-value .000 (α=.005). However, on two different test groups showed no significant difference in the intervention group and the control group. This study is recommended that the application of music therapy is effective as auditory stimulation in patients with ischemic stroke."
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eny Nurhayati
"Latar belakang: Pentoksifilin belum memberikan hasil yang konsisten pada pasien stroke iskemik akut sehingga pada penelitian ini dipakai suatu penanda spesifik untuk melihat efektifitas terapi yaitu adanya hiperviskositas darah.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal. Pasien stroke iskemik akut onset kurang dari 72 jam yang mengalami hiperviskositas darah diacak menjadi kelompok perlakuan n=22 dan kontrol n=22 . Terapi standar stroke akut diberikan pada semua subyek. Kelompok perlakuan mendapat terapi tambahan berupa pentoksifilin 1.200mg/hari intravena selama lima hari dan dilanjutkan dosis oral 2x400mg per hari selama 23 hari setelahnya. Pemeriksaan viskositas darah dan interleukin-6 dilakukan pada hari pertama dan ketujuh perawatan. Luaran klinis dinilai dengan menggunakan national institute of health stroke scale NIHSS , modified rankin score mRS dan indeks barthel pada hari ketujuh dan juga pada hari ke-30.
Hasil: Kadar viskositas darah seluruh subyek mengalami penurunan pada hari ketujuh dan ketiga puluh. Pada kelompok perlakuan, rerata penurunan viskositas darah memiliki perbedaan bermakna pada subyek dengan faktor risiko merokok dan dislipidemia. Tidak didapatkan penurunan kadar interleukin-6 pada kedua kelompok. Kelompok perlakuan memiliki perbaikan defisit neurologis sebesar 32 risiko relatif [RR]1,00; 95 interval kepercayaan [IK] 0,421-3,556; p = 1,00 . Disabilitas dan kemandirian fungsional yang baik didapatkan pada 67 kelompok perlakuan RR 1,026; 95 IK 0,656-1,605; p = 0,9 . Pada kelompok perlakuan, luaran klinis berbeda bermakna pada subyek yang memiliki sakit jantung dan diabetes melitus.
Kesimpulan: Setelah pemberian pentoksifilin didapatkan penurunan kadar viskositas dan perbaikan luaran klinis. Studi lanjutan dibutuhkan dengan kriteria yang lebih spesifik dan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar.

Background: The role of pentoxifylline in acute ischemic stroke lacks objective markers of its efficacy. Therefore, we used blood viscosity to determine the efficacy of pentoxifylline.
Method: This was a randomized single blind, controlled trial. Acute ischemic stroke patients with blood hyperviscosity within 3 day onset were randomly allocated to the study n 22 or control n 22 group. All subjects received a standard treatment for acute ischemic stroke. The study group was administered with intravenous pentoxifylline 1,200 mg day for five consecutive days and continued with oral 800 mg in two divided doses for next twenty three days. Blood viscosity and interleukin 6 IL 6 were evaluated at the first and seventh day. Clinical outcomes were measured using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale NIHSS, modified Rankin Scale mRS, and barthel index BI at the seventh and thirtieth day.
Result: The level of blood viscosity of all subjects tends to be decreased on the seventh and thirtieth day. In study group, the decrement of blood viscosity was significant for smoking and dyslipidemic subject. There was no decrement of the IL 6 on both group. The improvement of NIHSS in study group was 32 relative risk RR 1,00 95 CI 0,421 3,556 p 1,00 . At 1 month follow up, 67 of study group had a good functional outcome RR 1,026 95 CI 0,656 1,605 p 0,9 and the good functional outcome was statistically significant for diabetes mellitus and heart disease subject.
Conclusion The decrement of blood viscosity and the improvement of clinical outcome were seen after pentoxifylline administration.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhiyah Mumpuni
"Stroke iskemik merupakan kondisi dimana adanya gangguan aliran darah ke parenkim otak yang menyebabkan kematian sel-sel otak karena kekurangan oksigen. Manifestasi klinis yang umum terjadi pada pasien pasca stroke adalah hemiparesis. Hemiparesis merupakan kelemahan pada satu sisi tubuh biasanya kontralateral pada area yang terdampak stroke. Hemiparesis umumnya terjadi dari wajah hingga kaki dimana terjadi penurunan kekuatan otot. Analisis dilakukan pada pasien perempuan berusia 63 tahun yang mengalami stroke iskemik berulang dengan faktor risiko hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus. Masalah keperawatan yang muncul adalah risiko perfusi serebral tidak efektif, hambatan mobilitas fisik, dan ketidakstabilan kadar glukosa darah. Tujuan penulisan ini yaitu memparkan hasil analisis asuhan Keperawatan dengan menggunakan latihan ROM spherical grip untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot pada pasien stroke iskemik. Latihan ROM spherical grip diberikan selama empat hari dari tanggal 22/09/22 sampai dengan 26/09/22 dengan setiap latihan dilakukan sekitar 15 menit dilakukan dua kali sehari pagi dan sore. Dari hasil latihan ROM spherical grip, terbukti efektif meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan rentang pergerakan pergelangan tangan. Kesimpulannya latihan ROM spherical grip dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kekuatan otot dan intervensi ini mudah dilakukan serta tidak menimbulkan efek samping.

Ischemic stroke is a condition where there is an interruption of blood flow to the brain parenchyma which causes the death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen. The common clinical manifestation in post-stroke patients is hemiparesis. Hemiparesis is weakness on one side of the body, usually contralateral to the area affected by the stroke. Hemiparesis generally occurs from the face to the feet where there is a decrease in muscle strength. The analysis was performed on a 63-year-old female patient who had recurrent ischemic stroke with risk factors for hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Nursing diagnose that arise are the risk of ineffective cerebral perfusion, impared physical mobility, and instability of blood glucose levels. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the analysis of nursing care using ROM spherical grip exercises to increase muscle strength in ischemic stroke patients. The spherical grip ROM exercise was given for four days from 22/09/22 to 26/09/22 with each exercise performed for about 15 minutes twice a day in the morning and evening. From the results of the spherical grip ROM exercise, it is proven to be effective in increasing muscle strength and range of motion of the wrist. In conclusion, spherical grip ROM exercises can be done to increase muscle strength and this intervention is easy to do and does not cause side effects."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ihza Fachriza
"Latar Belakang: Acute Limb Ischemia (ALI) merupakan kondisi yang mengancam fungsi tungkai hingga keberlangsungan hidup seseorang. Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19), telah menjadi pandemi sejak diumumkan oleh World Health Orgazination (WHO) pada Maret 2020, berdampak dalam penundaan diagnosis dan penanganan penyakit termasuk penyakit non COVID-19. Trombosis merupakan salah satu etiologi ALI diketahui meningkat kejadiannya sebagai komplikasi COVID-19. Namun, studi terkait karakteristik pasien ALI terkait pandemi COVID-19 tidak banyak dilakukan, terutama di Indonesia. Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif karakteristik pasien ALI di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta pada tahun 2018-2022. Seluruh pasien kemudian dibagi menjadi kelompok sebelum pandemi dan selama pandemi dengan batas Maret 2023. Keluaran yang dianalisis adalah keberhasilan revaskularisasi, re-intervensi, dan mortalitas saat perawatan. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS for Mac versi 25 secara bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil: Sebanyak 81 pasien menjadi subjek penelitian terdiri dari 28 (34,6%) pasien pada periode sebelum pandemi dan 53 (65,4%) pasien pada periode selama pandemi COVID-19. Pada periode selama pandemi COVID-19 didapatkan bahwa lebih banyak pasien rujukan (p = 0,001). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kedua periode pandemi terhadap keberhasilan revaskularisasi (p = 0,013) tapi tidak pada keluaran re-intervensi dan mortalitas saat perawatan. Pada periode selama pandemi COVID-19, didapatkan 13 pasien yang memiliki riwayat/terkonfirmasi COVID-19 dengan keluaran yang secara deskriptif sebanding. Pada analisis multivariat, penggunaan fluoroskopi dan trombektomi memengaruhi keluaran keberhasilan revaskularisasi; klasifikasi Rutherford memengaruhi keluaran re-intervensi; dislipidemia, penyakit jantung, dan fluoroskopi memengaruhi keluaran mortalitas saat perawatan. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan keluaran tatalaksana pasien ALI sebelum dan selama pandemi COVID-19 pada keluaran keberhasilan revaskularisasi. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi keluaran pasien ALI sebelum dan selama pandemi COVID-19
Background: Acute Limb Ischemia (ALI) is a condition that threatens limb function and the survival of a patient. Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19), has become a pandemic since it was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 2020, causing delays in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases including non-COVID-19 diseases. Thrombosis is one of the etiologies of ALI known to increase its incidence as a complication of COVID-19. However, there are not many studies regarding the characteristics of ALI patients related to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Indonesia. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of the characteristics of ALI patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta in 2018-2022. All patients were then divided into groups before the pandemic and during the pandemic with a deadline of March 2023. The outcomes analyzed were revascularization success, re-intervention, and mortality during treatment. Data analysis used SPSS for Mac version 25 in bivariate and multivariate ways. Results: A total of 81 patients were the subjects of the study consisting of 28 (34.6%) patients in the pre-pandemic period and 53 (65.4%) patients in the period during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the period during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was found that there were more referral patients (p = 0.001). There was a significant difference between the two pandemic periods on revascularization success (p = 0.013) but not on re-intervention outcomes and on-hospital mortality. During the period during the COVID-19 pandemic, there were 13 patients who had a history/confirmed COVID-19 with outcomes that were descriptively comparable. In multivariate analysis, the use of fluoroscopy and thrombectomy influenced the outcome of successful revascularization; Rutherford's classification influenced re-intervention outcomes; dyslipidemia, heart disease, and fluoroscopy affect the outcome of in-hospital mortality. Conclusion: There are differences in the outcome of the management of ALI patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the outcome of revascularization success. There are several factors that influence patient outcomes for ALI before and during the COVID-19 pandemic."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isti Nurul Afifah
"Pasien yang dirawat inap dengan stroke iskemik perlu mendapat perhatian khusus karena komorbiditas dan polifarmasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis masalah terkait obat dengan domain efektivitas terapi dan reaksi obat yang tidak diinginkan di bawah Jaringan Perawatan Farmasi Eropa. Metode penelitian ini adalah cross sectional berdasarkan data rekam medis, resep, dan catatan perawat. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah pasien dengan diagnosis primer stroke iskemik dan pasien berusia lebih dari sama dengan 23 tahun. Analisis dilakukan pada 115 sampel penelitian. Masalah terkait obat yang paling umum adalah masalah efektivitas pengobatan (65,00%) dengan efek sub domain dari pengobatan obat tidak optimal (29,58%) sebagai sub domain yang paling parah. Masalah terkait narkoba lainnya adalah masalah reaksi merugikan memiliki prosentase (35,00%) dengan subtitusi kejadian obat merugikan (tidak alergi) sebesar (34,58%) sebagai sub domain tertinggi. Penyebab tertinggi dari masalah yang diidentifikasi dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa kombinasi obat, atau obat, dan makanan yang tidak tepat yaitu (56,04%).

Patients who are hospitalized with ischemic stroke need special attention due to comorbidity and polypharmacy. This study aims to analyze drug-related problems with the domain of therapeutic effectiveness and unwanted drug reactions under the European Pharmaceutical Care Network. This research method is cross sectional based on medical records, prescriptions, and nurses' records. Samples from this study were patients with a primary diagnosis of ischemic stroke and patients aged more than equal to 23 years. Analysis was conducted on 115 study samples. The most common drug-related problem is the problem of treatment effectiveness (65.00%) with the sub-domain effect of suboptimal drug treatment (29.58%) being the most severe sub-domain. Another drug related problem is the problem of adverse reactions having a percentage (35.00%) with the substitution of adverse drug events (not allergic) of (34.58%) as the highest sub domain. The highest cause of the problems identified in this study was that the combination of drugs, or drugs, and food were not appropriate (56.04%)."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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