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Lisa Rakhmawati Saputri
"Kota Jambi yang berada di pesisir timur Pulau Sumatera dan menjadi ibu kota Provinsi Jambi, memiliki topografi yang relatif rendah, dan dialiri oleh Sungai Batanghari yang merupakan sungai terpanjang di Pulau Sumatera. Sungai Batanghari membelah Kota Jambi menjadi Utara dan Selatan, sebelah Utara dikenal dengan 'Kota Seberang' dan sebelah Selatan dikenal dengan 'Kota Jambi'. Seiring berjalannya waktu, semakin terlihat perbedaan di kedua daerah yang dibelah oleh aliran Sungai Batanghari ini, baik secara fisik maupun non-fisik, seperti ekonomi, sosial, dan budayanya. Daerah di sebelah Utara sering dinilai kurang berkembang, statis, masih sangat tradisional bahkan cenderung kumuh. Padahal daerah ini memiliki begitu banyak potensi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan mempercepat pembangunan, salah satunya adalah kerajinan Batik Jambi.
Tujuan dari tesis perancangan ini adalah untuk menghasilkan pedoman dalam pengembangan kawasan Kota Seberang yang menjadi daerah penghasil kerajinan, serta mengidentifikasi bentuk fisik ruang kota yang terjadi akibat penataan tersebut. Untuk itu dalam prosesnya perancangan ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dan konsep urban katalis yang dapat memberikan multiplier effect dalam pembangunan daerah disekitarnya. Tesis perancangan ini menghasilkan bahwa katalis diperlukan untuk mempercepat pembangunan di Kota Seberang, hal ini terjadi karena efek-efek positif dari munculnya katalis.

Jambi city which is located on the east coast of Sumatera Island and became the capital of Jambi Province, has a relatively low topography, and fed by the Batanghari River which is the longest river on the island of Sumatera. Batanghari River divides Jambi city into north and south, in the north known as the ldquo Kota Seberang rdquo and the south known as ldquo Jambi rdquo. There are some differentiation between this two areas which divided by the Batanghari River, both physical and non physical, such as economic, social, and cultural. The north area often rated less developed, static, traditional and tend to be seedy. This area has so much potential that can be used to develop and accelerate the development of Seberang Kota, one of them is Batik Jambi.
The purpose of this design thesis is to produce guidelines to develop Kota Seberang as crafts region, and identifying the physical form of urban space resulting from the arrangement. This design process using the case study method and the concept of urban catalyst that can provide a multiplier effect in the development of the area. The results of this thesis is the catalyst needed to accelerate development in Seberang, this could happens because the positive effects of the rise of the catalyst.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1988
899.221 3 BAG c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandi Prasetyo
"Salah satu kota di dunia paling berkembang saat ini adalah Jakarta. Dampak lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh kota Jakarta diantaranya adalah masalah kebisingan. Masalah kebisingan di kawasan perkotaan menjadi sangat penting karena menyinggung soal kenyamanan penduduknya. Kendaraan bermotor, baik roda dua, tiga, maupun roda empat merupakan sumber utama kebisingan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1 mengetahui tingkat kebisingan di Kota Jakarta, 2 membuat model penyebaran kebisingan, 3 melakukan kajian mengenai pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap hubungan kebisingan dengan pembangunan ruang terbuka hijau dan pengembangan sistem transportasi massal, serta 4 membangun model pengendalian kebisingan kawasan perkotaan dengan pendekatan ruang terbuka hijau dan pengembangan sistem transportasi massal. Berdasarkan perhitungan model penyebaran kebisingan dapat diketahui bahwa wilayah terbising di Kota Jakarta adalah kawasan Semanggi. Melalui perhitungan path analysis diketahui bahwa semakin baik pengetahuan responden, maka semakin tinggi perilaku responden untuk membangun RTH dan mengusulkan kepada pemerintah tentang pembatasan penggunaan kendaraan pribadi. Melalui perhitungan path analysis didapati juga bahwa semakin baik pengetahuan responden, tidak berarti perilaku responden untuk menggunakan kendaraan umum semakin meningkat, malah justru berbanding terbalik. Berdasarkan model pengendalian kebisingan, didapati bahwa dengan menggunakan keempat metode pembangunan RTH, pengembangan transportasi massal, pengendalian jumlah penduduk, dan kebijakan pemerintah tingkat kebisingan diharapkan dapat dikendalikan dan akan menurun. Keterbaharuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyusun konsep yang mengintergrasikan ketiga unsur penataan ruang, transportasi massal, dan pengendalian kebisingan dengan menggunakan model dalam lingkup kajian pengembangan perkotaan yang berkelanjutan.

Jakarta as the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia is a metropolitan region with a population of more than 9.9 million people. One of the environmental impact is the noise problem. Noise problems in urban areas is very necessary because it has direct impact to the convenience of inhabitants. Motor vehicles, both wheeled two, three or four wheels is a major source of noise. This study aims 1 to determine the level of noise in the city of Jakarta, 2 to create a model the propagation of noise, 3 to conduct a study on knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards the relationship of noise with the construction of green open space and the development of mass transit systems, and 4 to build model of noise control in urban areas with the approach of green open space and the development of mass transit systems. From the calculation of noise dispersion modeling can be seen that the most noisy locantion in Jakarta is the Semanggi area. Through path analysis calculations in mind that the better the knowledge of the respondent, the higher the respondent 39 s behavior to build green open space and propose to the government of restricting the use of private vehicles. But from the calculation of path analysis also found that the better the knowledge of the respondent, does not mean the behavior of respondents to use public transport is increasing, instead it is inversely proportional. From the model of noise control, it was found that by using four methods green open space development, the development of mass transportation, population control and government policies the noise level is expected to be controlled and will decline. Novelty of this research is to develop concepts that integrate the three elements the arrangement of space, mass transport and noise control using a model within the scope of the study of sustainable urban development.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Tutrianto
Perubahan dan perkembangan kota tidak luput dari eksistensi konflik, yang pada gilirannya pastinya bisa mengarah pada lahirnya kejahatan di daerah perkotaan, itu juga bisa ditemukan di Kota Pekanbaru. Tingginya jumlah kejahatan di suatu wilayah, jumlah jenis kejahatan tertentu yang terjadi pada sekelompok orang tertentu, adalah semakin banyak fenomena dalam masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian semi-etnografi dalam mengumpulkan data penelitian, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketidaksamaan struktural yang dirasakan oleh orang-orang yang tinggal di Kampung Dalam dan Pangeran Hidayat Kota Pekanbaru menempatkan mereka dalam posisi yang kurang menguntungkan. Banyaknya arena budaya yang mengharuskan seseorang untuk menunjukkan kesuksesannya tetapi cara untuk merayakan kesuksesan tidak sama tersedia di kota telah menyebabkan ketidakpercayaan cara yang dilembagakan dengan cara yang tersedia untuk mencapai tujuan budaya, kemudian melakukan kejahatan sebagai entitas merupakan alternatif untuk memuaskan keinginan untuk mencapai budaya tujuan. Keberadaan kejahatan di kedua wilayah ini mengalami kesinambungan karena terjadinya transmisi nilai-nilai kejahatan dari generasi ke generasi. Di mana tradisi kenakalan dan kejahatan ditransmisikan dari satu generasi ke generasi berikutnya. Meskipun tidak dapat di samaratakan bahwa seluruh masyarakat yang berada di kedua wilayah ini adalah pelaku kejahatan atau mendukung aksi kejahatan, namun meraka dapat menerima keberadaan pelaku kejahatan maupun kejahatan itu sendiri yang berada di wilayah ini

Changes and developments of the city can not shake off from the conflict existence, which in turn can certainly lead to the birth of crime in urban area, it also can be found in Pekanbaru City. The high amount of crimes in a region, the amount of certain types of criminality committed to a particular group of society, is a growing amount of phenomena in society. This research uses semi ethnographic research methods in collecting data, this study shows that structural inequality felt by society whose living in Kampung Dalam and Pangeran Hidayat Pekanbaru puts them in a disadvantage. The multitude of culture arenas that require a person to show his success but the way to show it is not same, available in the city has led to distrust of institutionalized ways in the way available to achieve cultural goals, then do crime as an entity is an alternative to satisfying the desire to achieve a goal culture. The existence of crime in these two areas is continuous because of the transmission of evil values from generation to generation. Where the tradition of delinquency and evil is transmitted from one generation to the next. Although it can not be asserted that all society in these two areas are perpetrators of the criminality or support the criminality, they can accept the existence of the perpetrators of the criminality as well as the criminality in the territory."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wismu Sadono
Konflik antar kelompok merupakan salah satu isu penting yang mempengaruhi pembangunan perkotaan di Utara Bekasi. Dimulai dengan pengrusakkan monumen sampai penolakan tempat ibadah oleh organisasi massa. Insiden ini terjadi karena penduduk asli berasumsi bahwa para pendatang mengambil territory mereka. Mereka khawatir dengan pembangunan modern yang dibawa oleh para pendatang yang menyebabkan menyusutnya budaya lokal. Perilaku organisasi massa ini secara tidak langsung membentuk territory yang menjadikan ruang kota seperti lsquo;tidak inklusif rsquo;.Tesis ini menawarkan alternatif lain dalam perancangan perkotaan untuk meminimalisasi konflik yang terjadi dalam ruang perkotaan. Untuk itu saya perlu mengetahui konteks dari territory tersebut dan mencoba untuk melakukan re-territory terhadap wilayah yang berkonflik. Saya menggunakan pendekatan Reteritorialisasi untuk menteritori kembali lsquo;ruang transisi rsquo;. Saya menggunakan metode pengamatan langsung, pemetaan sosial-budaya, wawancara mendalam, dan model 3D.Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menegaskan territory pada ruang kota yang hadir nantinya akan bisa mengakomodasi semua kebutuhan dari pengguna teritori tersebut. Hasilnya adalah mengembangkan ruang transisi sebagai ruang-ruang publik yang mampu membaurkan semua elemen masyarakat di dalamnya. Membaurkan dalam arti, ruang transisi ini akan membuat masyarakat untuk saling berbagi dan berinteraksi satu sama lain tanpa memandang darimana asalnya. Ruang publik ini merupakan bentuk intervensi hasil Reteritorialisasi untuk meminimalisasi konflik yang terjadi dan tetap menjaga keheterogenan di ruang perkotaan Utara Bekasi.Kata kunci: Bekasi, Budaya, Konflik Perkotaan, Reteritorialisasi, Ruang Transisi

AbstractInter group conflict is one of the crucial issues affecting urban development in Northern part of Bekasi. It begins with the destruction of monuments until the rejection of worship places in this case is church by mass organizations. These incidents occurred because the native assumed that the migrants took their territory. They concerned about the modern development brought by the migrants that caused the shrinking of local culture. The behavior of these mass organizations constituted the territory that made the urban space seemed lsquo not inclusive rsquo indirectly.This thesis offered another alternative in urban design to reduce conflicts within the territory. I sought about the territory context and reterritorialized the conflicted area. I used Reterritorialization approach to re territory in the transitional space. I conducted direct observation method, socio cultural mapping, in depth interview, and 3D model.This thesis aimed to affirm the territory in urban space that would be able to accommodate the needs of the territory user. The result is developing a transitional space as a public space that is able to blend all elements of society in it. The transitional space will make people to share and interact with each other regardless of where they come from. This public space is an intervention using Reterritorialization approach to reduce conflicts that occur and keep the heterogeneity in the urban space of Northern part of Bekasi.Keyword Bekasi, Culture, Urban Conflict, Reterritorialization, Transitional Space"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damar Adhika Sari
Kemayoran telah mengalami transformasi fungsi kota. Bermula sebagai lahan berawa yang dijadikan kawasan bandara udara kemudian diubah menjadi kawasan perdagangan internasional yang dilengkapi area hunian didalamnya. Kebon Kosong menjadi kawasan hunian yang dilengkapi fasilitas publik di dalamnya. Dalam kehidupan, manusia senantiasa mencariketenangan dan kenyamanan jiwa melalui beragam aktivitas yang terwujud dalam kegiatan ritual. Sadar ataupun tidak warga kota menandai tempat tertentu berdasarkan interiority yang mereka rasakan untuk melakukan kegiatan ritual. Pembahasan aktivitas ritual dalam tesis ini terfokus pada kegiatan yang terjadi di ruang publik berdasarkan life cycle space. Life cycle space merupakan ruang gerak yang terbentuk dari aktivitas manusia berdasarkan kelompok usia tertentu. Setiap fase tumbuh kembang manusia memiliki radius gerak manusia yang terpaut dengan rumah tinggal. Area radius gerak manusia yang terjadi di ruang publik selanjutnya disebut sebagai ruang ritus kota. Berdasarkan analisis, ruang teduh menjadi tujuan warga kota untuk beraktivitas. Temuan ini mengantarkan pada metode merancang kota dengan permukaan bayangan.

Kemayoran has been a transformation in the city functions. Previously, this area was marshy land that once used the area airports and then transformed into an international trade, with a residential area. Kebon Kosong area has now become a residential area and has been equipped with public facilities. In life, people always seek tranquility and comfort the soul through a variety of activities embodied in ritual activities. Consciously or not, people mark certain places based interiority they feel to perform the ritual activities. Discussion of ritual activity in this thesis is focused on the activities that take place in public spaces based on life cycle space. Life cycle space is the space that is formed from human activities and based on a particular age group. Each phase of human growth and development has a radius of human motion adrift with their living places. Radius area of human motion that occurs in the public space will be referred to as a rite of urban space. Based on the analysis, a shady area becomes people?s aim for daily activities. The result of this thesis leads to a method of designing the city with a shadow surface.;Kemayoran has been a transformation in the city functions. Previously, this area was marshy land that once used the area airports and then transformed into an international trade, with a residential area. Kebon Kosong area has now become a residential area and has been equipped with public facilities. In life, people always seek tranquility and comfort the soul through a variety of activities embodied in ritual activities. Consciously or not, people mark certain places based interiority they feel to perform the ritual activities. Discussion of ritual activity in this thesis is focused on the activities that take place in public spaces based on life cycle space. Life cycle space is the space that is formed from human activities and based on a particular age group. Each phase of human growth and development has a radius of human motion adrift with their living places. Radius area of human motion that occurs in the public space will be referred to as a rite of urban space. Based on the analysis, a shady area becomes people?s aim for daily activities. The result of this thesis leads to a method of designing the city with a shadow surface., Kemayoran has been a transformation in the city functions. Previously, this area was marshy land that once used the area airports and then transformed into an international trade, with a residential area. Kebon Kosong area has now become a residential area and has been equipped with public facilities. In life, people always seek tranquility and comfort the soul through a variety of activities embodied in ritual activities. Consciously or not, people mark certain places based interiority they feel to perform the ritual activities. Discussion of ritual activity in this thesis is focused on the activities that take place in public spaces based on life cycle space. Life cycle space is the space that is formed from human activities and based on a particular age group. Each phase of human growth and development has a radius of human motion adrift with their living places. Radius area of human motion that occurs in the public space will be referred to as a rite of urban space. Based on the analysis, a shady area becomes people’s aim for daily activities. The result of this thesis leads to a method of designing the city with a shadow surface.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Budianta
Yogyakarta: Jendela , 2002
899.221 EKA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gina Dharmestiningsih
"[Perencanaan yang dilakukan pada suatu kota memiliki tujuan tertentu, baik itu pengembangan maupun pelestarian. Kyoto merupakan kota di Jepang yang memiliki sejarah panjang sebagai ibukota Jepang kuno sehingga banyak terdapat peninggalan bersejarah yang harus dilestarikan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai pelestarian budaya yang dilakukan di Kyoto dalam pengembangan tata kotanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Pengembangan tata ruang Kota Kyoto yang dilakukan oleh
pemerintah kota memang memiliki tujuan untuk melestarikan benda bersejarah yang ada di kotanya dan juga terus mengembangkan kotanya mengikuti zaman. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat dari pembagian zona dalam penataan kota tersebut.

Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the zoning system in the city.;Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the zoning system in the city.;Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the
development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto
is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of
the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an
overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method
that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban
planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the
zoning system in the city., Every city’s urban planning are designed to fulfill its own purpose, whether it is for the
development of the city or for preservation. As the capital city of ancient Japan, Kyoto
is one of the cities in Japan that has a long and rich hisory, making the preservation of
the cultural heritage in the city a necessity. This research is expected to give an
overview of the preservation efforts in Kyoto through its urban planning. The method
that is used in this research is descriptive analysis. The development of the urban
planning in Kyoto is indeed not only to preserve the cultural heritage and traditional
buildings in the city while continuiting to adopt to modernity. It can be seen from the
zoning system in the city.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margie Civitaria Siahay
Kota Ambon merupakan salah satu kota yang pernah dilanda konflik agama beberapa
tahun yang silam (1999-2004). Meskipun kini telah dinyatakan aman dan kondusif, namun
terlihat bekas konflik masih terasa, terutama di ruang bermukim masyarakat yang sudah terpola
sesuai dengan keyakinan agamanya masing-masing sejak konflik dahulu hingga kini. Hal ini
pada akhirnya turut berdampak pada keberadaan ruang kota (ruang publik) yang semakin
menurun kualitas lingkungannya.
Segregrasi yang terjadi di dalam kawasan bermukim pada akhirnya menurunkan kualitas
ruang kota. Ruang kota yang dapat menjadi ruang publik yang digunakan oleh masyarakat
sebagai bagian dari publik pun tidak tercapai dengan baik. Desain dihadirkan sebagai mediator di
antara kedua pihak yang terpisah dalam pola bermukim ini. Perancangan dengan menggunakan
konsep Shared Space diharapkan akan dapat mengembalikan harmoni ruang kota dengan
menghadirkan desain ruang yang menjadi mediasi atau jembatan dengan tujuan untuk menjadi
pemersatu keragaman etnis dan agama di dalam ruang publik di kota Ambon. Konsep shared
space akan menampilkan kembali integritas dan keseimbangan serta ‘sense of place’ dalam
kawasan pusat kota terkususnya ruang publik, dan mengembalikan identitas Ambon pasca
konflik agar menjadi ruang ruang kebersamaan antar komunitas dengan culture oriented dan
berlandaskan kearifan lokal ikatan persaudaraan Pela-Gandong.

Ambon city is one of the city that has been hit by religious conflict many years ago
(1999-2004). Although it has now been declared safe and conducive, but it appears that the
conflict is still felt, especially in communities living space (residences) that has been patterned
in accordance with their religious beliefs since the conflict a few years ago until now. Therefore,
it affects the existence of the urban space (public space), this causes a decreased quality of the
city environment.
Segregation that occurred in the area of residences in the end make the quality of urban
space has decreased significantly. Urban space should be a public space that is used by the
community as part of the public was not achieved well. In this thesis, the design presented as a
mediator between the two parties separated in this living space. Design by using the concept of
Shared Space is expected to be able to restore the harmony of urban space which can be a
mediation or a bridge with the aim to unite ethnic and religious diversity in the public space in
the city of Ambon. The concept of Shared Space will bring back integrity and balance as well as
the 'sense of place' in the downtown area especially public space, and returns the identity of the
city of Ambon in the post-conflict period, in order to become a space of togetherness among
communities with culture-oriented and based on local wisdom, which is the bond of Pela-
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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