ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran mediasi kepuasan karir pada hubungan antara perceived organization support (POS) dan kepuasan hidup. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan Satisfaction with Life Scale untuk mengukur kepuasan hidup, versi singkat Survey of Perceived Organizational Support untuk mengukur POS, dan Career Satisfaction Scale untuk mengukur kepuasan karir. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan Generasi Milenial (N = 107) berusia 24-38 tahun yang telah bekerja minimal 6 bulan. Hasil analisis mediasi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh langsung (B = .03, SE = .12, p> .71) tidak signifikan, pengaruh tidak langsung (B = .10, SE = .07, BCa CI [.03) , .20]) yang signifikan, dengan ukuran efek diklasifikasikan sebagai sedang (k2 = .13, BCa CI [.04, .24]). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan karir memediasi sepenuhnya hubungan antara POS dan kepuasan hidup. Oleh karena itu, berbagai perusahaan diharapkan dapat memberikan dukungan yang dapat menunjang kepuasan karir sehingga karyawan juga akan merasakan kepuasan dalam hidupnya.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to see the mediating role of career satisfaction in the relationship between perceived organization support (POS) and life satisfaction. This quantitative research uses the Satisfaction with Life Scale to measure life satisfaction, a short version of the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support to measure POS, and the Career Satisfaction Scale to measure career satisfaction. Respondents in this study were employees of the Millennial Generation (N = 107) aged 24-38 years who had worked at least 6 months. The results of the mediation analysis showed that the direct effect (B = .03, SE = .12, p> .71) was not significant, the indirect effect (B = .10, SE = .07, BCa CI [.03), .20] ), with the effect size classified as moderate (k2 = .13, BCa CI [.04, .24]). These results suggest that career satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between POS and life satisfaction. Therefore, various companies are expected to provide support that can support career satisfaction so that employees will also feel satisfaction in their lives."