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"Studi diagnostik tes garam cepat dan titrasi garam terhadap kadar yodium dalam urin sebagai upaya monitonng program penanggulangan GAKY di Indonesia merupakan ana/isis lanjut Riskesdas 2007 sebagai baseline data kesehatan d1 Indonesia. Sampel dipilih secara purposive yakni rumah tangga dari 30 kabupatenlkota yang tercakup dalam suNey sebelumnya (SGY 2003). Hasil ana/isis menunjukkan ada hubungan antara titrasi garam dengan urin intake excretion (UIE) dengan kuat hubungan 7.3% dan hubungan tersebut dapat dije/askan sebesar 0,5%. Uji Chi-square menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan kadar UIE menu rut tes garam cepat (p=O, 000), dengan peningkatan faktor resiko temadap kandungan yodium dalam urin (OR= 1, 762). Demikian juga untuk kadar UIE menurut titrasi garam yang juga menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (p=0,001 ; OR=1, 740). Tes Anova menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan kadar UtE menu rut titrasi garam (p=0,019). Mean UtE dengan titrasi cukup yodium = 274,73 meg dan kurang yodium=248,38 meg; sebaliknya tes garam cepat menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan. Penggunaan tes garam cepat maupun titrasi garam memberikan hasil signifikan temadap UtE. Tes garam cepat memiliki nilai yang /ebih sensitif daripada titrasi garam, tetapi titrasi garam memiliki angka yang lebih spesifik. Namun demikian, penggunaan tes garam cepat secara ekonomis jauh lebih murah dan mudah dibandingkan titrasi garam. Sebagai rekomendasi, tes garam cepat bemubungan dengan U/E sehingga dapat digunakan untuk prediksi kadar UIE yang lebih murah dan mudah dilakukan. Penggunaan tes garam cepat untuk penilaian kadungan yodium garam di masyarakat cukup signifikan, sensitif serta efisien dibandingkan dengan uji titrasi, sehingga dapat direkomendasikan sebagai metode yang cukup ap/ikabel dimasa yang akan datang."
610 BULHSR 13:3 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Muslimatun
"A cross-sectional study was conducted in eight villages of Paninggahan Puskesmas catchment area in Solok district, West Sumatra province during March 1996. Its main objective was to investigate the relationship between iodine supplementation and IDD status among school age children in endemic goiter area.
A total of 238 children aged between 8 - 10 years from 8 public elementary schools were recruited into the study. Methods of assessment were palpation of thyroid gland, measurement of UIE level, determination of iodine level in salt and drinking water, weight and height, and interviews to determine the actual iodized oil capsule coverage. In addition, samples of environmental water was collected to assess its iodine content.
The survey area was categorized as mild 1DD area based on goiter rate, i.e. 19% (all were in grade 1). Median UIE level indicated that the subjects had been in iodine-replete condition (13.1 pg/dl). Iodine in salt was 14.4 t 9 ppm and iodine in drinking water was 11.7 t 8.2 pg/L. Mean of iodine level in the environmental water (river, well, and lake) was relatively high (12.2 t 4.7 pgfL). Iodized oil capsule coverage was 61%, and 55% of those children received their latest capsule less than one year at the time of the study. The surveyed children had low nutritional status based on anthropometric measurement, which was shown by the -high prevalence of stunting (36%), underweight (31%), and wasting (5%). There was no association between anthropometric indices and goiter.
The three types of iodine supplementation, i.e.: iodized oil capsule, iodized salt, and iodinated water were not associated with goiter rate, while iodine level in salt - although below the recommended level - was significantly associated-with -UiE level, suggesting that efforts to -attain the universal-salt iodization should be encouraged. The relatively high iodine level in environmental water implied sufficient iodine sources in the area, therefore factors other than iodine deficiency might play an important role in the 1DD status of the surveyed population.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pardede, Lucia V.H.
A study on Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) and intellectual performance of the school-children has been done in Malang District, East Java, in December 1994. This study covered 11 villages within 5 sub districts, three of which have volcanic soil and two have limestone soil. Totally 544 school-children aged 8- 10 years old, from 22 public primary schools were measured. Villages selection was done with the aim to describe the overall extent and severity of IDD among school-children by using different methods of assessment. Methods of assessment were palpation, ultrasonography, urinary iodine excretion (UIE) and the serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level. Culture Fair Intelligence Test were used to assess the intelligence quotient (IQ) points. The Total Goiter Rate (TGR) for the whole survey area as indicated both by palpation and ultrasound measurement were revealed 35.7 % and 54.8 % respectively.
According to WHO criteria, the survey area categorized as "Severe" (TGR >=30%) as indicated by either palpation or ultrasound measurement. In contrast, the survey area categorized as "Mild" based on both UIE and TSH level (Median UIE = 5.50 ag/dl, TSH >5 mU/l = 3.4 %) Goiter, either determined by palpation or USG, was significantly associated with IQ points of the subjects ( p < 0.001 and p < 0.01 respectively). The association between median of UIE and IQ points of the subjects were also significant (p < 0.001). TSH level was not necessarily associated with either IQ points of the subjects or another IDD indicators. It is concluded that two of the IDD indicators (goiter and UIE) were significantly associated with the level of intelligence of the school-children, which reflected the quality of life of the people. Therefore, the intervention is urgently needed.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniadi Husodo
Pendahuluan. Irigasi dan debridement yang adekuat dinilai sebagai faktor yang paling menentukan dalam pencegahan infeksi pada fraktur terbuka. Povidone Iodine dan hidrogen peroksida sering digunakan sebagai adjuvant pada proses irigasi untuk membunuh mikroorganisme dan menurunkan angka infeksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh povidone iodine dan hidrogen peroksida terhadap penyembuhan fraktur dan reaksi jaringan yang terjadi.
Metode. Empat puluh ekor tikus Sprague Dawley jantan dialokasikan acak ke dalam kelompok perlakuan, yaitu; kelompok I (kontrol), kelompok II (povidone iodine 10%), kelompok III (povidone iodine 1%), dan kelompok IV (hidrogen peroksida 3%). Pada minggu pertama, kedua, dan kelima masing-masing dikorbankan 3 ekor tikus pada setiap kelompok. Evaluasi penyembuhan fraktur dilakukan dengan histomorfometri menggunakan program ImageJ®, variabel yang dinilai meliputi; persentase jaringan fibrosa, jaringan tulang rawan, dan jaringan penulangan pada kalus. Reaksi jaringan dinilai dari jumlah sel limfosit dan makrofag yang dinilai secara semikuantitatif. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan uji ANCOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji post hoc Dunnett.
Hasil. Persentase luas jaringan penulangan terbanyak ditemukan pada kelompok III, diikuti oleh kelompok I, kelompok IV, dan kelompok II. Persentase luas jaringan fibrosa terbanyak ditemukan pada kelompok II, diikuti oleh kelompok IV, kelompok I, dan kelompok III. Reaksi jaringan terbesar ditemukan pada kelompok II, diikuti oleh kelompok IV, kelompok III, dan kelompok I. Pada uji ANCOVA ditemukan perbedaan antar kelompok yang bermakna. Pada uji Dunnett terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kelompok II dan IV terhadap kontrol.
Simpulan. Povidone iodine 1% menunjukkan gangguan penyembuhan fraktur dan reaksi jaringan yang minimal.

Introduction. Adequate irrigation and debridement are important factors to prevent infection in open fractures. Povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide are adjuvants often used in irrigation to kill microorganisms and prevent infections. This study aims to determine the effect of povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide on fracture healing and also reaction of host tissue to their presence.
Methods. Fourty male Sprague Dawley rats were allocated randomly into group I (control), group II (10% povidone iodine), group III (1% povidone iodine), and group IV (3% hydrogen peroxide). Three rats on each group were sacrificed on the first, second, and fifth week. Evaluation of fracture healing was done by histomorphometry using ImageJ®, variables measured were; percentage of fibrous tissue, cartilage tissue, and osseous tissue in fracture callus. Reaction of host tissue was analyzed by semiquantative evaluation of lymphocytes and macrophages. Statistical analysis was performed with ANCOVA test followed by Dunnett post hoc test.
Results. The highest percentage of osseous tissue was found in group III, followed by Group I, Group IV and Group II. The highest percentage of fibrous tissue was found in group II, followed by group IV, group I, and group III. The largest tissue reaction was found in group II, followed by group IV, group III, and group I. In ANCOVA test, there was significant difference found between groups. In Dunnett test, significant differences were found between group II and IV to control.
Conclusion. One percent povidone iodine caused minimal impairment of fracture healing and host tissue reaction., Introduction. Adequate irrigation and debridement are important factors to prevent infection in open fractures. Povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide are adjuvants often used in irrigation to kill microorganisms and prevent infections. This study aims to determine the effect of povidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide on fracture healing and also reaction of host tissue to their presence.
Methods. Fourty male Sprague Dawley rats were allocated randomly into group I (control), group II (10% povidone iodine), group III (1% povidone iodine), and group IV (3% hydrogen peroxide). Three rats on each group were sacrificed on the first, second, and fifth week. Evaluation of fracture healing was done by histomorphometry using ImageJ®, variables measured were; percentage of fibrous tissue, cartilage tissue, and osseous tissue in fracture callus. Reaction of host tissue was analyzed by semiquantative evaluation of lymphocytes and macrophages. Statistical analysis was performed with ANCOVA test followed by Dunnett post hoc test.
Results. The highest percentage of osseous tissue was found in group III, followed by Group I, Group IV and Group II. The highest percentage of fibrous tissue was found in group II, followed by group IV, group I, and group III. The largest tissue reaction was found in group II, followed by group IV, group III, and group I. In ANCOVA test, there was significant difference found between groups. In Dunnett test, significant differences were found between group II and IV to control.
Conclusion. One percent povidone iodine caused minimal impairment of fracture healing and host tissue reaction.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annasari Mustafa
"Salt, is a potential vehicle and has extensively been used for delivery of iodine to the population, as an iodized salt. Many methods for assessing intake of salt have been applied in several studies in Indonesia, but all those methods were suspected to be relatively inaccurate. More precise method needed to define the amount of discretionary salt intake, which is salt added during cooking and at the table.
Lithjum.marker technique is a relatively new method, has been established as a suitable, safe and biological reference for tracking the actual intake of individual salt. This method has been treated as a ?gold standard? method for assessing the discretionary salt intake. This result report deals with three methods: lithium-labeled salt technique, 24-hour salt recall and salt weighing, for assessing discretionary salt intake among children and mothers in an iodine deficient area of East Java-Indonesia.
The research report has been organized under three major parts. The first part, the introduction, consists ofbackground, problem statement and rationale ofthe study, literature review, conceptual framework of research, objectives and variable and indicator matrix. Part two, the manuscript for publication to International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. This part provides the abstract, introduction, subjects and methods, result, discussion, conclusion, and references. Part three is the last part of this report, the appendices, consists of questionnaires, detailed of the methodologies, detailed of the results, ethic application and ethical clearance, grand approval, references and curriculum vitae."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofia Anis Isnani
"Ketersediaan iodium dalam garam beriodium yang kurang atau berlebih dapatmenyebabkan penyakit gangguan tiroid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketersediaan iodium dalamgaram beriodium merek ldquo;R rdquo; pada tingkat rumah tangga. Garam beriodium merek ldquo;R rdquo; merupakan salah satu produk garam beriodium yang telah terdaftar.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang mengunakan desain crosssectional. Sampel penelitian adalah 124 rumah tangga yang didapatkan denganteknik purposive sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapathubungan yang signifikan antara wadah penyimpanan garam dengan ketersediaaniodium dalam garam beriodium p = 0,044 dan OR = 4,083 . Sebagian besarketersediaan iodium dalam sampel garam merek ldquo;R rdquo; berlebih sehingga dapatmemicu timbulnya penyakit hipertiroid. Sebaiknya pemerintah memberikanperhatian terhadap kemungkinan munculnya hipertiroidisme sebagai dampak dariprogram iodisasi garam.

The availability of less or excessive iodine in iodized salt can cause thyroiddisorder disease. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with theavailability of iodine in the ldquo R rdquo branded iodized salt at the household level. The R branded iodized salt is one of the registered iodized salt products.This study isa quantitative research using cross sectional design. The sample of this study was124 households obtained with purposive sampling technique.
The results showedthat there was a significant association between salt storage containers with iodineavailability in iodized salt p 0.044 and OR 4,083 . Most of the availability ofiodine in the ldquo R rdquo branded iodized salt samples were excessive, so it could lead tohyperthyroidism. The government should pay attention to the possibility ofhyperthyroidism as an impact of the salt iodization program.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A cross sectional study to determine the salt consumption at household level was carried out in Sukabumi District. Two hundred households with children 1-5 years were selected randomly. This study consisted of interviews of the mothers, observation of iodized salt usage and analysis of the iodine content in iodized salt.
The results showed that all households in the study area have used iodized salt but they were not aware that. they used iodized salt.
The average salt consumption at household level was 4.8 gr per day per capita with majority iodine intake (71 %) less than 100 pg. Using lodometry test, 47 % of households had iodine content in iodized salt was less than 30 ppm. In general, all cooked food used salt except for rice as staple food, but not all of food prepared with salt were consumed by children 1-5 years.
According to mothers' perception, the mother with better knowledge had higher percentages on using iodized salt and also had better educational level.
These findings showed that the recommended iodine intake by WHO of 100-300 pg per day per capita was not fulfilled, mainly because of the low quality of iodized salt, as well as improper ways of salt storage and food preparations. Lack of knowledge due to low educational level of mother was worsening this condition."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY), merupakan masalah yang serius di Indonesia. Pada saat ini di Indonesia diperkirakan ada sekitar 10 juta orang menderita gondok, 750.000-900.000 menderita kretin endemik dan 3,5 juta menderita GAKY Iainnya. Dampak negatif dari GAKY berpengaruh langsung terhadap kualitas sumber daya manusia, anak-anak yang menderita kekurangan yodium mempunyai rata-rata IQ 13,5 point lebih rendah dibandingkan mereka yang cukup mendapat yodium.
Pemerintah menempuh 2 macam upaya penanggulangan GAKY di Indonesia, yaitu melalui upaya pemberian kapsul minyak beryodium yang diprioritaskan pada wanita usia subur 15-49 tahun termasuk ibu hamil dan ibu nifas dan penggalakkan penggunaan garam beryodium di masyarakat. Untuk meningkatkan demand masyarakat terhadap penggunaan garam beryodium, Pusat Promosi Kesehatan telah melakukan kampanye penggunaan garam beryodium melalui media TV dan Radio pada tahun 1998/1999. Namun data yang telah dikumpulkan baru dianalisis secara univariat, sehingga dirasa perlu untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut melalui penulisan ini.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemakaian garam beryodium rumah tangga di 10 propinsi daerah endemik Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY) di Indonesia tahun 1999.Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder hasil evaluasi kampanye garam beryodium melalui media TV dan Radio yang dilakukan Pusat Promosi Kesehatan pada tahun 1999 terhadap 600 responden wanita usia subur di 10 propinsi GAKY di Indonesia. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan dengan bantuan program komputer.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 462 responden (77%) menggunakan garam beryodium, sedangkan sisanya menggunakan garam lain. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan garam beryodium antara lain: Pengetahuan, Pendidikan, Niat, Ketersediaan garam beryodium, dan Keterpaparan terhadap media. Dari ke-lima faktor tersebut, ketersediaan garam beryodium merupakan faktor yang mempunyai hubungan paling dominan dengan penggunaan garam beryodium dengan nilai Odds Ratio (OR)=l,36I (95% CI 1,30 - 1,43). Artinya responden dengan ketersediaan garam beryodium di sekitar tempat tinggalnya, kemungkinan akan menggunakan garam beryodium 1,361 kali dibandingkan dengan responden yang disekitar tempat tinggalnya tidak tersedia garam beryodium.
Atas dasar hasil penelitian tersebut, kepada pengelola program GAKY disarankan untuk melakukan advokasi secara intensif kepada lintas sektor, terutama sektor yang berkaitan dengan distribusi garam beryodium untuk menjamin ketersediaan garam beryodium di seluruh Indonesia. Disamping itu, kampanye penggunaan garam beryodium perlu dijaga kesinambungannya, karena dari hasil penelitian juga terbukti bahwa keterpaparan media berhubungan dengan penggunaan garam beryodium.

Factor Related to Iodized Salt Usage in Ten Province Subjected to Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) in Indonesia Year of 1999There are many people in Indonesia still suffer from goiter. 10 million from 42 million people which living in area with deficiency of iodine are suffering this disease. IDD has negative impact directly to quality of human resources, especially concerned to intelligence and productivity.
In this study we looking for some factor related to iodized salt usage in ten IDD province in Indonesia. Independent factors in this study are predisposition factors (knowledge, willingness, and education), enabling factor (salt availability), and enforcing factor (media). We were looking for some relation of these three variables with iodized salt usage as dependent variable.
This study using cross sectional design to secondary data of 600 respondents (women in fertile age) in ten IDD province (GAKY) in 1999, which collected by Health Promotion Center of Health Department of Republic of Indonesia. From 600 respondents which being studied, 462 respondents (77%) using iodized salt. Factor that related to iodized salt usage is availability of iodized salt, media exposure, knowledge, and level of education. The most dominant factor is iodized salt availability (OR 1,361; 95%CI 1,30-1,43), which means respondents which easy to find iodized salt have 1,361; possibility to use iodized salt compared to those who difficult to find iodized salt.
We recommend to Department of Trade and Industry to ensure the availability of iodized salt in public, and to IDD program's management to improve campaign of benefits of iodized salt usage to public.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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