ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dari adanya kegiatan pemasaran yang dilakukan
Majelis Rasulullah sebagai komunitas religi dalam memasarkan produk beratribut
Majelis Rasulullah pada jamaahnya. Kesamaan dalam agama Islam yang
melatarbelakangi terbentuknya komunitas religi Majelis Rasulullah
menjadikannya sebagai gambaran dari adanya komunikasi transaksional berupa
pertukaran pemahaman akan akidah Islam sebagai sarana dalam menunjang
komunikasi Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu (IMC) dalam memasarkan
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus dan
bersifat deskriptif interpretatif. Informan berjumlah 4 orang yang dipilih secara
purposif. teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi
partisipan, dan studi literatur. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis
Spreadley dan uji keabsahan data melalui triangulasi sumber.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa IMC pada produk beratribut Majelis
Rasulullah yang berkontribusi besar dalam penjualan yakni melalui kegiatan acara
(event) dan juga penjualan melalui sistem online dan kendala utamanya tertuju
pada perijinan. Komunikasi transaksional yang menunjukan kesamaan latar
belakang dan pengalaman dari pihak Majelis Rasulullah dengan jamaahnya
terlihat dari adanya kesamaan pada akidah Islam.
ABSTRACTThis research is motivated from the marketing activities of Majelis Rasulullah as a
religious community to marketed product to its congregation. The similarity in the
Islamic religion behind the formation of Majelis Rasulullah communities making
it an overview of transactional communication to exchange the understanding of
Islamic faith to support the IMC.
This study used a qualitative approach with case study method, and descriptive
interpretative as the method nature. The informants are 4 people who selected
with purposive sampling. Techniques of data collection used an interviews,
participant observation, and literature study. Data analyzed using Spreadley’s
analysis techniques and data validity through source triangulations.
The results showed that the IMC on the Majelis Rasulullah’s product which
contribute significantly to the sales through the activities of the event as well as
sales through online system and primarily focused on permitting constraints.
Transactional communications that show the similarities of background and
experience of Majelis Rasulullah with its congregation to the Islamic faith;This research is motivated from the marketing activities of Majelis Rasulullah as a
religious community to marketed product to its congregation. The similarity in the
Islamic religion behind the formation of Majelis Rasulullah communities making
it an overview of transactional communication to exchange the understanding of
Islamic faith to support the IMC.
This study used a qualitative approach with case study method, and descriptive
interpretative as the method nature. The informants are 4 people who selected
with purposive sampling. Techniques of data collection used an interviews,
participant observation, and literature study. Data analyzed using Spreadley’s
analysis techniques and data validity through source triangulations.
The results showed that the IMC on the Majelis Rasulullah’s product which
contribute significantly to the sales through the activities of the event as well as
sales through online system and primarily focused on permitting constraints.
Transactional communications that show the similarities of background and
experience of Majelis Rasulullah with its congregation to the Islamic faith, This research is motivated from the marketing activities of Majelis Rasulullah as a
religious community to marketed product to its congregation. The similarity in the
Islamic religion behind the formation of Majelis Rasulullah communities making
it an overview of transactional communication to exchange the understanding of
Islamic faith to support the IMC.
This study used a qualitative approach with case study method, and descriptive
interpretative as the method nature. The informants are 4 people who selected
with purposive sampling. Techniques of data collection used an interviews,
participant observation, and literature study. Data analyzed using Spreadley’s
analysis techniques and data validity through source triangulations.
The results showed that the IMC on the Majelis Rasulullah’s product which
contribute significantly to the sales through the activities of the event as well as
sales through online system and primarily focused on permitting constraints.
Transactional communications that show the similarities of background and
experience of Majelis Rasulullah with its congregation to the Islamic faith]"