"Latar Belakang: Whistle deformity merupakan deformitas yang paling sering terjadi pasca labioplasti.
Tujuan: untuk membandingkan ukuran tinggi cupid bow sisi non celah, midline dan cupid bow sisi celah pasca Labioplasti dengan teknik Cronin pada pasien UCLP bibir istirahat dan berfungsi dan mengevaluasi apakah terjadi whistle deformity atau tidak.
Metode: Penilaian whistle deformity berdasarkan skala antropometri dari data fotograf wajah, yaitu ukuran tinggi cupid bow sisi non celah, midline dan sisi celah pada 24 pasien UCLP pasca labioplasti dengan teknik Cronin, dan pada pasien whistle deformity dilakukan saat bibir istirahat dan berfungsi.
Hasil: Dari hasil statistik didapatkan P0,05.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada tinggi cupid bow sisi non celah dan sisi celah, tinggi cupid bow sisi non celah, sisi celah dan midline pasien whistle deformity bibir berfungsi dan istirahat, tinggi cupid bow sisi kanan dan kiri pada anak nomal bibir berfungsi dan istirahat, tinggi cupid bow anak normal dengan whistle deformity saat berfungsi. Sedangkan tinggi midline anak normal dan tinggi cupid rsquo;s bow anak normal dan whistle deformity saat bibir istirahat terdapat perbedaan bermakna.
Background: Whistle deformity is one of the lip deformities post labioplasty usually occurs.Objectives: To compare the height of cupid bow in the normal side, midline and the cleft side post Cronin method labioplasty in the UCLP patient while the lips in function and rest and evaluate is there whistle deformity or not.Method: Evaluation whistle deformity according to anthropometry scale from profile photograph, which are the height cupid bow normal side, midline and cleft side in 24 UCLP patients post Cronin method labioplasty, in the whistle deformity patients while lips function and rest.Result: Base on statistic, the result showed P0,05.Conclusion: There is no significant difference between height cupid bow in the normal side and cleft side, height cupid bow in the normal side, cleft side and midline in the whistle deformity while lips function and rest, height cupid bow of the right and left side in the normal children while lips function and rest, height cupid bow in the normal children and whistle deformity while lips function. On the other side, there is significant difference between height midline in the normal children and height cupid bow in the normal children and whistle deformity while lips rest."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016