ABSTRAKOtoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) tengah gencar mendorong bank-bank, termasuk bank
BUMN untuk memperkuat kedudukannya dengan berbagai upaya seperti konsolidasi,
merger, maupun akuisisi. Selain akuisisi terhadap bank, saat ini akuisisi lembaga
keuangan bukan bank banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Skripsi ini membahas
pengaturan akuisisi perusahaan asuransi oleh bank BUMN menurut perundangan
Indonesia, disertai studi kasus akuisisi PT Bringin Life yang dilakukan oleh BRI.
Adapun akuisisi tersebut telah sesuai dengan pengaturannya dan memberikan banyak
manfaat untuk pihak yang melakukan akuisisi, sehingga Penulis menyarankan agar
pemerintah terus mendorong bank, khususnya bank BUMN untuk terus melakukan
akuisisi terhadap perusahaan asuransi lain agar kemudian dapat ikut bersaing di
dalam perekonomian global. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian bersifat yuridis
normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian kepustakaan. Sumber penelitian meliputi
bahan primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Untuk pengumpulan data digunakan studi
dokumen yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif
ABSTRACTIn order to prepare a competent banking system in the era of globalization and free
trade, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) has been vigorously encouraging banks,
including state-owned banks to strengthen their positions through various efforts such
as consolidation, merger, and acquisition. In addition to the acquisition of bank,
recently the acquisition of insurance company has been widely happening in
Indonesia. This undergraduate thesis discusses about the arrangement of the
acquisition of insurance company by state-owned banks according to Indonesia laws,
along with the case study of the acquisition of PT Bringin Life conducted by BRI.
The acquisition is in accordance with the arrangement and provides many benefits for
the parties, so Author suggests that the government should constantly encouraging
banks, especially state-owned banks, to continue the acquisitions of insurance
company in order to be able compete in the global economy. The type of research that
is conducted in this undergraduate thesis is normative juridicial research supported
with the approach of literature research. The source of research material includes
primary, secondary, dan tertiary datas. As for the data collection, this undergraduate
thesis used the study of document which is analyzed by using qualitative method.;"