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Ferial Rizkia
"The main idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which has become a hot topic at the present is that companies doing businesses are not only committed to their shareholders but also their stakeholders. This commitment is shown from the contribution to develop a sustainable economy by contributing to the environment and working with employees, their families, the local community and society at large to improve their lives in ways that are good for business and for development. Through CSR, the establishment of good corporate governance will be supported. It is one of the means in realizing the principles of corporate governance established by the Organization for Economic and Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD) in 2004. OECD listed these principles which are:
1. Ensuring the basis for an effective corporate governance framework
2. The rights of shareholders and key ownership functions,
3. The equitable treatment of shareholders,
4. The role of stakeholders in corporate governance,
5. Disclosure and Transparency,
6. Responsibilities of the Board.
The principles were first endorsed back in 1999 by OECD ministers and since then they have become an international benchmark for investors, policy makers, corporations and stakeholders worldwide.
The discussion on the matter of CSR reheated in Indonesia when there were rumors that a new law will be established on the requirement and details in conducting CSR.Eventually it became the main discussion due to the approval of the draft of the much fearful new law ; Company Law article 74 (UU Perseroan Terbatas pasal 74) on July 20th, 2007 one of which paragraph states that every company operating in areas relating to natural resources is obliged to fulfill its social and environment responsibilities. The approval of this new law surely invites pros and contras from many constituents. It seems that many still feel that CSR is not necessary and only should be voluntary. The problem is when CSR was a voluntary activity, only a few are willing to carry it out furthermore to give their best to contribute on the matter. Unilever as one of the companies realizing the importance of CSR has been executing CSR since it was first established. Its reputation in the CSR implementation is recognized nationally and internationally; many have awarded Unilever for its outstanding achievements. Programs are approached using the triple bottom-line approach so that it covers the three perspectives, namely social, economy and environmental. Thus, the company formulates CSR programs mainly in three areas environment, small and medium enterprises and health and hygiene. The programs have been enormously successful and have contributed significantly to the sustainable operations of the company and its position as a market leader and as the brand preferred by the people. This excellent implementation of CSR is a mirror image of the commitment made by the company to its stakeholders; an emphasis on the growing awareness in the industry to alter companies? point of views in their purpose of existence from maximizing shareholders? value to stakeholders? value. It has also helped the implementation of good corporate governance at Unilever as CSR is one of the elements of supporting good corporate governance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"India's increasing population has attracted a host of multinational corporations (MNCs) to enter the country to tap its market. Because of their enthusiasm and the favorable market conditions, these MNCs get carried away and sometimes regulations are flouted. The absence of clear regulations leads to problems when government agencies find fault with MNCs products."
[s.l]: [s.n], 2006
300 APS 6:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bery Prima
"Di era saat ini adalah suatu kewajiban bagi setiap pelaku usaha untuk menciptakan bisnis dengan memperhatikan tanggung jawab sosial dengan para stakeholder. Banyak penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa keberlangsungan bisnis dalam jangka panjang meningkat ketika perusahaan mampu memenuhi keinginan atau kepentingan para stakeholder. Untuk itu persepsi konsumen sebagai stakeholder penting bagi perusahaan dalam menilai kegiatan CSR yang dilakukan perusahaan akan sangat menentukan kelangsungan bisnis perusahaan. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk menilai efek atau pengaruh yang terjadi dari persepsi masyarakat terhadap antiseden dan konsekuensi dari kegiatan CSR. Antiseden adalah sebuah evaluasi sebelum terbentuknya kegiatan CSR yang merupakan ekspektasi masyarakat dengan menilai kinerja keuangan dan kualitas pernyataan etika perusahaan. Konsekuensi adalah persepsi yang timbul akibat adanya kegiatan CSR yaitu reputasi perusahaan, resiko membeli yang dipersepsikan, kepercayaan konsumen dan loyalitas konsumen.
Penelitian dilakukan kepada 175 ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan analisa penelitian menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) memperlihatkan adanya signifikansi pengaruh positif dari kinerja perusahaan dan kualitas pernyataan etika terhadap ekpektasi dari kegiatan CSR, Aktivitas CSR juga menimbulkan pengaruh positif terhadap reputasi dimana reputasi menimbulkan signifikansi pengaruh negatif terhadap resiko membeli yang dipersepsikan dan pengaruh positif terhadap kepercayaan. Dalam penelitian juga terlihat signifikansi pengaruh positif antara kepercayaan konsumen dengan loyalitas konsumen dan pengaruh negatif kepercayaan konsumen terhadap resiko membeli. Namun pada penelitian ini ditemukan fakta yang tidak signifikan dimana evaluasi konsumen atas kegiatan CSR tidak menimbulkan pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap kepercayaan konsumen dan loyalitas konsumen.

In the current era of business, businesses are obliged to create businesses that pay attention to social responsibility with stakeholders. Much research stating that the existence of long term business increased when the company was able to meet the wishes or interests of the stakeholders. To that end, the perception of consumers as stakeholders important to companies in assessing a company's CSR activities conducted. This research was made to assess the consumer's perception of the antecedent and consequence of CSR activities. Antecedent is an evaluation prior to the formation of CSR activities that constitute the community's expectations, by assessing the financial performance and the quality of the company's ethics statement. The consequence is the perception that arise due to the presence of CSR activities like reputation, consumer trust, perceived risk, and consumer loyalty . This research was conducted to 175 housewife?s as a respondent and analyzed by using SEM (structural equation modeling) methods.
Result of this studies showed a significance of the positive influence on the financial performance and quality of ethical statements to expectation of CSR activities. CSR activities has a positive influence on corporate reputation, and reputation has a negative influence on the perceived risk and has a positive influence on consumer trust. This study also led to the significance of positive influence between trust and consumer loyalty and trust has a negative influence to perceive risk. However, this research found that there is no significance influence between evaluation of CSR activities on trust and consumer loyalty.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herdiana Sukmadhany
"Tesis ini membahas salah satu strategi dari Public Relations (Hubungan Masyarakat) yakni CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) sebagai salah satu strategi bisnis yang mampu meningkatkan reputasi perusahaan termasuk pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pembiayaan. Dengan melakukan kegiatan sosial dapat dilihat sebagai bentuk pendekatan atas perhatian perusahaan dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat dampak serta pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari salah satu strategi perusahaan ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain eksploratif.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa strategi CSR termasuk dalam strategi bisnis yang turut serta membantu meningkatkan citra dan reputasi perusahaan pembiayaan walaupun tergolong terbatas pada kegiatan sosialnya saja. Ukuran keberhasilan secara tertulis dan mendapatkan feedback baik dari karyawan maupun masyarakat digunakan sebagai tolak ukur keberhasilan strategi ini.

This study discussed on one of Pubic Relations strategy that is CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as one of business strategy that can build company reputation including to finance company in service sector. Execute social activities had seen as consideration in approaching implementation company responsibility to public. This research happen to see the impact also influence that arise from this one of company strategy. This research is using qualitative research with explorative des ign.
The result of this research conclude that CSR strategy include in business strategy that get involve to help increase image and finance company reputation although limited only in social activities. Hence, success measurement in written and get feedback either from employee or public can use as effectiveness indicator of this strategy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sentanu, Arif Ario Suryo Hendara
"The purpose of this study is to understand what are the driving factors and focuses of CSR implementation by family businesses in Indonesia, Japan and Thailand. We investigated how these countries differ and are similar to one another. An in depth literature review was conducted which was also analyzed using NVivo; We also conducted in depth interview with several family businessmen from Indonesia and Japan to gain more insight regarding the topic. The result show that culture religion moral and ethics as the driving factors for these family businesses They all focus their CSR program on education community and the environment. Although all countries were similar they each had their own uniqueness and characteristics.

Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk memahami apa saja motivating drivers dan fokus pelaksanaan CSR oleh perusahaan keluarga di Indonesia, Jepang dan Thailand. Kami menganalisa apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan negara negara ini Pene litian ini melibatkan in depth literature review dan juga analisa menggunakan NVivo. Penelitian ini juga melibatkan wawancara dengan pelaku perusahaan keluarga untuk menggali lebih dalam informasi perihal topik studi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kultur agama moral dan ethics sebagai driving factors untuk perusahaan keluarga Semua perusahaan keluarga memfokuskan program CSR mereka terhadap pendidikan komunitas dan lingkungan hidup Meskipun semua Negara memiliki kesamaan tetapi mereka juga memiliki."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Sujatmiko
"Program kemitraan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah adalah salah satu bentuk tanggung jawab sosial (Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR) perusahaan, khususnya Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Skripsi ini mengkaji pelaksanaan program kemitraan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2003 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Negara dan pelaksanaannya dalam bentuk program kemitraan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang dilakukan oleh PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif. Pelaksanaan program kemitraan BUMN diamanatkan dalam ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2003 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Negara dan Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor Per-05/MBU/2007 tentang Program Kemitraan Badan Usaha Milik Negara dengan Usaha Kecil dan Program Bina Lingkungan sebagai peraturan pelaksananya. Pada intinya ketentuan tentang pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) wajib memperhatikan antara lain mengenai kriteria calon mitra binaan, kewajiban BUMN pembina dan mitra binaan, sumber dana program kemitraan, mekanisme penyaluran dana, kualitas pinjaman dan lain sebagainya. Pelaksanaan program kemitraan PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk. telah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan yang berlaku. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kewajiban yang telah dipenuhi PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk. sebagai BUMN pembina sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Negara Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor Per-05/MBU/2007 tentang Program Kemitraan Badan Usaha Milik Negara dengan Usaha Kecil dan Program Bina Lingkungan. Namun dalam ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai program kemitraan dan bina lingkungan tidak diatur mengenai sanksi bagi BUMN yang tidak melakukan progam kemitraan dan bina lingkungan.

Partnership Program is one form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), particularly State-Owned Enterprise (SOE). This thesis examines the implementation Partnership Program of Micro, Small and Medium Business as a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the law number 19 Year 2003 about State-Owned Enterprise and implementation partnership Program of Micro, Small and Medium Business as a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk. A method used in analyze this case is a normative juridical. The implementation partnership program of SOE is contained in the law number 19 Year 2003 about State-Owned Enterprise and Minister of State Enterprises Regulation No. PER-05/MBU/2007, dated 27 April 2007, on the Partnership Program of SOE with Small Business and Environmental Development Program as the rule?s executioner. In essence the implementation partnership program and environmental development program must be observe criteria of partners, liabilities of SOE and partners, source of funds, mechanism of channeling funds, quality of loan, etc. Bank Mandiri?s Partnership Program has been in accordance with a regulation. It can be seen from the obligations have been performed PT. Bank Mandiri Tbk. as a SOE builder regulated as Minister of State Enterprises Regulation No. PER-05/MBU/2007, dated 27 April 2007, on the Partnership Program of SOE with Small Business and Environmental Development Program. But then in provisions of the partnership program is not arranged sanctions for the SOE that doesn?t do partnership program and environmental development program."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasibuan-Sedyono, Chrysanti
"Tidak ada keraguan bahwa CSR teiah dan akan terus berperan penting daiam wacana dan praktik bisnis didunia. Dengan berjaiannya waktu, pengertian CSR telah mengalami evoiusi, dan kini para pemangku kepentingan menuntut bahwa bisnis mencapai kinerjanya daiam triple bottom line dengan cara yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai, kepentingan dan harapan masyarakat dimana perusahaan beroperasi. CSR mempunyai makna yang berbeda bagi orang yang berbeda. Karena itu menjadi penting untuk melakukan komunikasi yang tepat kepada para pemangku kepentingan. CSR is not only about doing good and doing well; it is also abot doing good and telling it well."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Sumodiningrat
Bogor: Sains , 2014
658.4 GUN e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachry Arsyad
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi program CSR Agribisnis PT. NFI di wilayah Bogor dengan komoditinya yaitu Srikaya, serta faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Model evaluasi merunut dari Pietrzak (1991), meliputi evaluasi input, proses, dan outcome. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari input, dan proses cukup banyak ketidaksesuaian sehingga beberapa tujuan program tidak tercapai seperti rendahnya kompetensi petani dan turunnya jumlah partisipasi petani, meskipun penghasilan petani meningkat. Faktor pendukung program yaitu dukungan dari komisaris perusahaan, perkembangan ilmu teknologi pertanian, dan kebutuhan pasar terhadap komoditi srikaya yang luas. Faktor penghambat program dari internal yaitu keterbatasan jumlah tenaga pendamping, dan eksternal yaitu hama, musim, keterbatasan sumberdaya petani.

This study aimed to evaluate the CSR program Agribusiness PT. NFI in Bogor with skrikaya as a commodity. The evaluation model was taken from Pietrzak (1991), includes the evaluation of input, process, and outcome. The results showed such low competence of farmers and the decreasing the number of farmers participation (input and process), although the income of farmers was increase. Programs supporting factors, among other are, the support of its commissioners, competent assistant program, the developing of agricultural technology and wide market needed for srikaya. Program inhibiting factors are lack of the facilitators, pests, season, limited resource farmers.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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