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Harry Topan
Latar belakang dan tujuan : Trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) atau tic douloureux adalah rasa nyeri seperti ditusuk-tusuk pada satu sisi wajah. Prevalensi TGN 0,01% sampai 0,3%, angka kejadian 3,4 sampai 5,9 per 100.000 orang pertahun. 3D CISS MRI waktu akuisisi singkat, Signal to Noise Ratio tinggi, dan Contrast to Noise Ratio yang baik. Instrumen Pain Assessment Scale (PAS) yang digunakan adalah Pain Rating Scale (PRS) karena mudah digunakan, tersedia luas dan murah. PRS dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai instrumen penilaian perkiraan jarak Neurovascular compression terhadap Root Exit Zone (REZ).
Metode : Penelitian retrospektif pada 32 subjek Trigeminal Neuralgia yang melakukan pemeriksaan 3D CISS MRI dalam rentang Januari 2013 sampai Januari 2016. Evaluasi 3D CISS MRI 32 subjek ditemukan 35 origin vaskular penyebab kompresi. Metode penelitian menggunakan uji korelatif dengan pendekatan potong lintang antara nilai PRS dengan jarak NC terhadap REZ yang dievaluasi menggunakan 3D CISS MRI.
Hasil : Menggunakan tes Spearman terhadap 35 subjek kompresi diperoleh hasil terdapat korelasi antara nilai PRS dengan jarak NC terhadap REZ dengan rerata jarak kompresi 2,10 mm ± 2,10 (r = -0,39 dan p= 0,021). Dihasilkan formulasi regresi jarak kompresi 3,15 ? 0,47 x Skala nyeri.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat korelasi antara nilai PRS dengan jarak NCterhadap REZ pada pasien Trigeminal neuralgia.

Background and Objective: Trigeminal neuralgia or tic douloureuxis unilateral facial pain. TGN prevalence 0,01% to 0,3%, incidence rate 3,4 to 5,9 per 100.000 people a year. High signal to noise ratio and better contrast to noise ratio is 3D CISS MR benefits. Trigeminal pain evaluated with pain assessment scale because simple, less expensive and widely available. So it can be considered as an assessment instrument to estimates neurovascular compressiondistance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone.
Methods : This is a retrospective study on 32 subjects trigeminal neuralgia who had 3D CISS MR examination within January 2013 to January 2016. Evaluation 3D CISS MR found 35 vascular origin causes compression. This methods using correlative study with cross sectional between PAS value with neurovascular compression distance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone.
Results : From 35 subject compression with Spearman test there is moderate correlation between PAS value with neurovascular compression distance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone (Mean 2.10 mm ± 2,10, r = -0,39 and p = 0,021) and result Regretion formulation 3,15 ? 0,47 x Pain scale.
Conclusion : There is moderate correlation between PRS value with neurovascular compression distance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Humala Prika Aditama
"Latar belakang: Osteosarkoma adalah tumor tulang ganas yang paling banyak terjadi pada anak dan remaja. Kemoterapi neoadjuvan dapat meningkatkan kesintasan 5 tahun hingga 60 – 80% pada pasien osteosarkoma. Baku emas evaluasi respon kemoterapi neoadjuvan adalah histological mapping untuk menilai persentase nekrosis tumor. Volumetri-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) menggunakan 3D Slicer dapat menilai nekrosis tumor, tumor viabel, dan volume tumor total secara kuantitatif. Tujuan: Menganalisa korelasi volume dan persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI dengan nilai persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan pemeriksaan histopatologi pada pasien osteosarkoma pasca kemoterapi neoadjuvan. Metode: Melakukan volumetri tumor pada MRI pasca kemoterapi neoadjuvan dengan menggunakan teknik segmentasi manual dan semiotomatis pada 3D Slicer untuk mendapatkan volume total tumor, area nekrosis, serta tumor viabel. Hasil pengukuran volumetri tumor viabel dan persentase tumor viabel pasca kemoterapi dikorelasikan dengan persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan histopatologi. Analisis dilakukan dengan uji Spearman. Hasil: Pada 31 subyek penelitian, nilai median persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI yaitu 65,9% (range 19,7 – 99,5%), sedangkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan histopatologi didapatkan nilai median 53% (range 8 – 100%). Persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI tidak berkorelasi signifikan (p>0,05) dengan persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan histopatologi dengan nilai R: 0,333. Kesimpulan: Terdapat kecenderungan berbanding lurus antara persentase tumor viabel berdasarkan volumetri-MRI dan pemeriksaan histopatologi, walaupun tidak terdapat korelasi yang signifikan.

Background: Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor in children and adolescents. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can improve 5-year survival up to 60 - 80% in osteosarcoma patients. The gold standard of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response evaluation is histological mapping to determine the percentage value of tumor necrosis. 3D Slicer volumetry based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can quantitatively assess tumor necrosis, viable tumor, and total tumor volume. Objective: Analyze the correlation between volume and percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry and histopathological in osteosarcoma patients post neoadjuvant-chemotherapy. Methods: Perform tumor volumetry on MRI post neoadjuvant-chemotherapy using manual and semiautomatic segmentation techniques on 3D Slicer to obtain total tumor volume, necrosis area, and viable tumor. The results of volumetric measurement of viable tumor and the percentage of viable tumor post chemotherapy were correlated with the percentage of viable tumor from histopathological examination. Analysis was performed with Spearman's test. Results: Based on 31 study subjects, the median percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry was 65.9% (range: 19.7 - 99.5%), while based on histopathology, the median value was 53% (range: 8 - 100%). The percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry was not significantly correlated (p>0.05) with the percentage of viable tumors based on histopathology with an R value: 0.333. Conclusion: There is a directly proportional trend between the percentage of viable tumors based on MRI-volumetry and histopathological examination, although there was no significant correlation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The idea of using the enormous potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) not only for diagnostic but also for interventional purposes may seem obvious, but it took major efforts by engineers, physicists, and clinicians to come up with dedicated interventional techniques and scanners, and improvements are still ongoing. Since the inception of interventional MRI in the mid-1990s, the numbers of settings, techniques, and clinical applications have increased dramatically. This state of the art book covers all aspects of interventional MRI. The more technical contributions offer an overview of the fundamental ideas and concepts and present the available instrumentation. The richly illustrated clinical contributions, ranging from MRI-guided biopsies to completely MRI-controlled therapies in various body regions, provide detailed information on established and emerging applications and identify future trends and challenges."
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang dan tujuan: Infark miokardium merupakan salah satu penyumbang kematian terbesar di Dunia. Evaluasi ukuran akhir infark merupakan prediktor kuat untuk menentukan prognosis pada pasien dengan infark miokardium. Saat ini belum ada penelitian infarct model pada hewan coba (babi) yang membandingkan pengukuran area infark miokardium dengan menggunakan metode MRI di Indonesia. Metode : Eksperimental 13 sampel dengan pembuatan infarct model. Pengukuran massa dan ukuran infark miokardium dilakukan setelah 6-8 minggu perlakuan dengan menggunakan metode LGE MRI dan hitung massa dengan timbangan secara manual dissection. Data dianalisis dengan uji Wilcoxon, kemudian ketepatan data dipertajam dengan analisis berulang secara intraclass correlation (ICC). Hasil: Massa area infark menurut MRI 4,62 gr (2,58 gr-14,08 gr) vs massa area infark menurut manual dissection 7,68 gr (2,31 gr -17,99 gr), dengan p = 0,093, dengan nilai korelasi yang rendah pada uji ICC (r value 0,084). Ukuran area infark menurut MRI 3,20 % (1,68 %-12,01%) vs ukuran area infark menurut manual dissection 4,48 % (1,23 % - 9,19 %), dengan p = 0,721, dengan nilai korelasi yang rendah pada uji ICC (r value 0,17), tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada pengukuran MRI dibandingkan dengan manual dissection pada timbangan, akan tetapi memiliki korelasi yang rendah. Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini perhitungan massa infark maupun ukuran infark antara metode MRI dan hitung massa (timbangan) secara manual dissection tidak setara. Metode manual dissection yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini tidak ideal dalam perhitungan massa maupun ukuran infark miokardium.

Background: Myocardial infarct is one of the most prevalent causes of death worldwide. Evaluation of the resulting infarction area is a strong predictor for the prognosis of patients post myocardial infarction (MI). At the moment, there has not been a study in Indonesia that compares magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and direct mass weighing in a porcine model. Methods: 13 samples were made using an infarct porcine model. Measurements of MI weight and infarct size were conducted 6 to 8 weeks after coronary artery ligation using both LGE MRI and direct mass weighing following manual dissections. Data were tested using Wilcoxon test, and further analyzed using intraclass correlation (ICC). Results: Infarct area weight calculation using MRI averaged 4,62 gr (2,58 gr -14,08 gr) while infarct area weight calculation using mass weighing averaged 7,68 gr (2,31 gr-17,99 gr), with p = 0,093, with a very low correlation score from ICC test (r value 0,084). Infarct size area calculation using MRI averaged 3,20 % (1,68 %-12,01%) while infarct size calculation using mass weighing averaged 4,48 % (1,23 % - 9,19 %), with p = 0,721, with a very low correlation score from ICC test (r value 0,17) Conclusion: The results between infarct area weight and infarct size using MRI with mass weighing after manual dissection was not comparable. Manual dissection method that has been used in this study was not ideal to calculate myocardial infarct area weight and myocardial infarct size."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Puspita Dewi

Latar Belakang : Osteoartritis lutut merupakan artritis tersering menyebabkan disabilitas. MagneticResonance Imaging (MRI) adalah modalitas pilihan untuk evaluasi struktur intraartikular terutama kartilago. Pengukuran nilai waktu relaksasi T2 pada sekuen T2 mapmendeteksi penurunan proteoglikan dan perubahan awal biokimia kartilago pada osteoartritis, namun pemeriksaan ini membutuhkan perangkat lunak. Sistem semi kuantitatif MagneticResonance Imaging Osteoartritis Knee Score (MOAKS) dapat mengevaluasi tujuh aspek lutut pada osteoartritis dengan menggunakan protokol rutin MRI. Terapi sel punca mesenkimal asal tali pusat meregenerasi kartilago dan menghambat proses inflamasi pada osteoartritis lutut.  Tujuan :  Mengetahui korelasi nilai waktu relaksasi T2 dan nilai skor MOAKS pada osteoartritis pra dan pasca terapi implantasi sel punca Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan data sekunder pada osteoartritis lutut derajat Kellgren Lawrence satu hingga empat. Sampel penelitian adalah 63 lutut pra dan 47 lutut pasca implantasi sel punca. Menganalisis nilai MOAKS dengan sekuens proton density (PD), T2 fat saturated, T1W dan T1 fat saturated pada 14 subregio lutut Pengukuran nilai relaksasi T2 dengan sekuens T2 map pada 12 subregio lutut.  Hasil : Korelasi sedang antara nilai waktu relaksasi T2 dan nilai MOAKS pra sel punca (Ï? : 0,4, p: 0,001) dan korelasi lemah (Ï?: 0,22, p: 0,142) `pasca terapi sel punca. Korelasi kuat pada derajat osteoartritis Kellgren Lawrence dan nilai MOAKS pada pra (Ï?: 0,68, p: 0,000)  dan pasca terapi sel punca (Ï?: 0,71, p: 0,000).Simpulan: Sistem semi kuantitatifMOAKS dapat digunakan untuk diagnosis osteoartritis tapi tidak untuk evaluasi pasca terapi. Kellgren Lawrence berpotensi memprediksi lesi intraartikular.

Background : Knee osteoarthritis is the leading cause of dysability.  MRI is the modality of choice for evaluating intra- articular structure, specifically cartilage in osteoarthritis. T2 Relaxation time of T2 maps sequence can detect decrease of proteoglycan and early biochemical changes in osteoarthritic cartilage, but it needs special software. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Osteoartritis Knee Score (MOAKS), a semiquantitative system can evaluate seven aspects of osteoarthritic knee with routine protocol sequence. Mesenchymal stem cell from umbilical cord can  regenerate cartilage and inhibit inflammation process. Objective : ToDetermine the correlation between MOAKS and T2 relaxation time of knee osteoarthritis before and  after implantation of stem cell . Methods : This study used cross sectional design with secondary data on knee osteoartrthritis classified as Kellgren Lawrence grade one to four.  The study included 63 knees before and 47 knees after implantation of stem cell. MOAKS was analized  with proton density (PD), T2 fat saturated, T1W dan T1 fat saturated sequence on 14 sub-region and T2 relaxation time was calculated with T2 map sequens on 12 sub-region. Result : We foundModerate correlation between MOAKS and T2 relaxation time of knee osteoarthritis before implantation (Ï? :0,4, p :0,001). and weak corellation after implantation of stem cell (Ï?: 0,22, p: 0,142). We also found strong corellation between  Kellgren Lawrence grading of osteoarthritis and MOAKS before (Ï?: 0,68, p: 0,000)  and after implantation of stem cell (Ï?: 0,71, p: 0,000). Conclusion :MOAKS, asemiquantitative system can be used  to diaognose osteoarthritis but not reliable for post treatment evalution. Kellgren Lawrence grading has potential to predict intra articular lesion. 

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marvin Yonatan
"Dunia medis saat ini membutuhkan kualitas pencitraan dari tubuh pasien yang semakin baik, karena image hasil pencitraan yang baik akan memudahkan para dokter untuk mengamati kondisi bagian dalam tubuh. MRI menawarkan konsep pencitraan noninvasive yang berarti tidak sedikitpun merusak jaringan tubuh. Konsep seperti ini akan menimbulkan rasa nyaman bagi pasien. Hal ini menjadi nilai plus bagi MRI namun, hal ini juga yang menjadi pertimbangan bagi para disainer alatnya karena terjadi fenomena tarik-menarik antara keamanan pasien dengan kemampuan alat.
Ada batas tertentu pada alat agar dapat tetap menghasilkan kualitas image yang bagus namun tetap aman bagi pasien. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas image MRI, salah satunya yaitu fenomena spin pada proton. Spin pada proton merupakan bagian dari Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) yang merupakan prinsip dasar dari MRI. Ada tiga fenomena spin yang dibahas pada skripsi ini yaitu waktu relaksasi (T1,T2,T2*), kepadatan proton dan flip angle. Masing - masing fenomena tersebut mempunyai efeknya tersendiri bagi hasil image pada MRI. Pada skripsi ini dilakukan visualisasi dan analisa ketiga fenomena tersebut. Banyak metode untuk memvisualisasikannya, namun pada skripsi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan software JEMRIS dan MATLAB.
Hasil riset menunjukkan, pada analisa simulasi percobaan waktu relaksasi, didapatkan nilai Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) sebesar 25,1888 dB ketika nilai relaksasi longitudinal (T1) = 700 ms, relaksasi transversal (T2) = 70 ms dan relaksasi transversal efektif (T2*) = 70 ms, sedangkan ketika nilai T1 = 30 ms, T2 = 3 ms dan T2* = 3 ms, nilai SNR yang didapatkan sebesar 12,4804 dB. Ini membuktikan bahwa semakin besar perbedaan nilai dari waktu relaksasi jaringan dengan default hardware-nya (T1 = 1000 ms, T2 = 1000 ms dan T2* = 100 ms) maka kualitas dari sinyal dan image akan menjadi semakin buruk.

Nowadays the medical world requires better imaging quality of patient's body, because the image resulted from a good imaging will allow doctors to observe the inner condition of the body. MRI offers a non-invasive imaging concept which cause no damage at all to the body tissues. Concepts such as this will cause a sense of comfort for the patients. This becomes a plus for MRI but it has always been a consideration for the designer(s) of MRI equipments due to the problem between patient safety and the ability of the equipments itself.
There are certain limits on the equipments so it can produce good image quality while it still safe for the patient.There are many factors affect the image quality of MRI, one of which is the spin phenomenon of the proton. Spin of the proton is part of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), which is the basic principle of MRI. Three spin phenomena are discussed in this undergraduate thesis, the relaxation time (T1, T2, T2*), proton density, and flip angle. Each phenomenon has its own effect to the resulting image of MRI. This paper aims to visualize analyze all three phenomena. There are many methods to do it, but in this paper they are visualized using JEMRIS and MATLAB softwares.
In relaxation time simulation, the results showed the value of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is equal to 25.1888 dB when the longitudinal relaxation (T1) = 700 ms, transverse relaxation (T2) = 70 ms, and the effective transverse relaxation (T2*) = 70 ms. But when the value of T1 = 30 ms, T2 = 3 ms, and T2* = 3 ms, the SNR value drop to 12.4804 dB. These prove that the greater the difference between the value of relaxation time and the default hardware value (T1 = 1000 ms, T2 = 1000 ms, and T2* = 100 ms) then the quality of the image and the signal will become worse.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ernia Susana
"Magnetic resonance imaging selanjutnya disebut MRI merupakan peralatan radiologi diagnostik yang tidak mengandung radiasi pengion. Hal tersebut tidak berarti menjadikan alat ini bebas dari potensi bahaya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendapatkan deskripsi, menganalisa dan menilai penerapan keselamatan lingkungan pada fasilitas MRI 1.5T di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Penelitian didesain dengan metode campuran dengan tehnik purposive sampling. Dilaksanakan pada 4 fasilitas MRI 1.5T di wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 25 (dua puluh lima) orang radiografer yang bertugas di pelayanan MRI. Data kuantitatif diuji dengan menggunakan uji statistik nonparametrik yaitu Cochran’s Q dan Kruskalwalis. Nilai Cochran’s Q hitung>Chi square tabel (66.495>36.415) sehingga H0 ditolak atau terdapat perbedaan pemahaman radiografer. Uji statistik kruskalwalis menunjukkan nilai mean rank antar rumah sakit sumber data bervariasi. Data kualitatif terkait ketersediaan perangkat keselamatan menunjukkan standar American Collage of Radiology (ACR) lebih aplikatif dibandingkan standar Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 tentang standar pelayanan radiologi diagnostik di sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Keempat rumah sakit sumber data telah memenuhi standar ACR sedangkan standar KMK 410/2010 hanya dapat dipenuhi oleh sebagian. Kepatuhan petugas dalam praktek aman penanganan pasien mandiri di empat rumah sakit sumber data telah memenuhi standar ACR dengan nilai bervariasi.

Magnetic resonance imaging is hereinafter referred to MRI as diagnostic radiology equipment that contains no ionizing radiation. That does not mean to make this tool is free of potential hazards. This study aimed to get a description, analyze and assess the implementation of environmental safety at 1.5T MRI facility in Jakarta. The research is designed with a mix method with purposive sampling technique. Held on 4 (four) 1.5T MRI facilities in Jakarta. The number of respondents as many as 25 (twenty five) radiographers who served in MRI services. The quantitative data were tested using nonparametric statistical test that Cochran's Q and Kruskalwalis . Cochran's Q value count > Chi square table (66 495> 36 415) so that H0 is rejected or there is a difference of understanding radiographer. Kruskalwalis statistical test shows the mean rank among hospitals varied data sources. The qualitative data related to the availability of safety devices demonstrate the American Collage Of Radiology (ACR) standards more applicable than Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 standard. The fourth hospital data sources meet the standard ACR while KMK 410/2010 standard can only be met by the majority. Compliance officers in the safe practice of self-management of patients in four hospitals have a data source meets ACR standards with varying grades.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pustika Amalia Wahidiyat
Background: routine blood transfusion in transfusion-dependent-thalassemia (TDT) causes iron accumulation in various organ. Serum markers of iron overload, serum ferritin and transferrin saturation, are sensitive but not specific. MRI T2-star (T2*) is valuable for detecting iron level in organs. This study aimed to explore the degree of iron overload in various organs, iron deposition difference between children and adults, also its correlation with serum marker of iron overload. Methods: this was a cross-sectional study of TDT patients who had been evaluated by MRI T2* examination in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from 2014 to 2018. Results: a total of 546 subjects was included in this study. The number of subjects between children and adults was almost equal. Most of subjects had normal cardiac iron deposition. The difference of cardiac iron overload between children and adults was significant (p=0.009). Liver evaluation showed that most of subjects had moderate to severe iron overload. This difference between children and adults was significant (p=0.017). Pancreas evaluation showed that either children or adults mostly had mild pancreatic iron overload. Analysis of T2* showed that pancreatic iron deposition progressed with increasing age. Serum ferritin had weak correlation with heart T2* MRI, moderate correlation with pancreas and liver T2* MRI. Relationship between transferrin saturation and T2* MRI was extremely weak. Conclusion: cardiac and hepatic iron deposition between children and adults differ significantly. Liver has the greatest iron overload, followed by pancreas and heart. Iron deposition in liver and pancreas has been started from earlier age. Pancreatic iron deposition rises with increasing age. Serum ferritin and transferrin saturation should not be used solely to predict iron overload in various organs. We suggest that MRI evaluation must be conducted at least once to assess iron deposition in organs."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2018
610 UI-IJIM 50:3 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ho Natalia
"Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui korelasi perubahan nilai ADC pada DWMRI dengan perubahan ukuran tumor pasca kemoterapi neoajuvan kanker payudara dalam menilai respons kemoterapi neoajuvan.
Metode: Penelitian studi deskriptif analitik dari data sekunder MRI pasien kanker payudara yang mendapat kemoterapi neoajuvan serta menjalankan pemeriksaan MRI. Pemeriksaan MRI dilakukan sebelum pasien mendapat kemoterapi neoajuvan, setelah pasien mendapat kemoterapi neoajuvan siklus pertama dan siklus ketiga. Pengukuran ukuran tumor dilakukan sesuai standar RECIST, sedangkan nilai ADC diperoleh pada nilai b800s/mm2.
Hasil dan diskusi: Dilakukan analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan korelasi Pearson untuk melihat korelasi perubahan nilai ADC kedua terhadap nilai ADC pertama dengan perubahan ukuran tumor pada pemeriksaan MRI ketiga terhadap pemeriksaan MRI pertama. Sebanyak 17 pasien penelitian dengan usia antara 40 tahun sampai 65 tahun dan ukuran tumor antara 5,41 cm sampai 13,41 cm. Terdapat 16 pasien yang mengalami peningkatan nilai ADC dan 1 pasien yang mengalami penurunan nilai ADC setelah pemberian kemoterapi neoajuvan siklus pertama. Sebanyak 17 pasien mengalami pengurangan ukuran tumor setelah kemoterapi neoajuvan siklus ketiga. Berdasarkan standar RECIST diperoleh sebanyak 7 pasien dengan pengurangan ukuran tumor lebih dari 30% (antara 31,55% sampai 56,25%) dan sebanyak 10 pasien dengan pengurangan ukuran tumor kurang dari 30% (antara 7,47% sampai 29,22%). Nilai korelasi yang diperoleh sebesar -0,499.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara perubahan nilai ADC pada DWMRI dengan perubahan ukuran tumor sebagai respons kemoterapi neoajuvan kanker payudara dengan kekuatan korelasi yang sedang dan arah negatif.

Objectives: To determine the correlation of changes in ADC values in DWMRI with changes in tumor size after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer to assess neoadjuvant chemotherapy response.
Methods: Analytical descriptive study using secondary data from MRI of breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy as well as running an MRI. MRI examination performed before neoadjuvant chemotherapy, after received first cycle neoadjuvant chemotherapy and third cycle. Tumor size measurements carried out according to standard RECIST, whereas the ADC values obtained in the b800s/mm2. Bivariate analysis using Pearson correlation was conducted to determine the correlation of changes in the value of the second ADC to first ADC and changes of the tumor size on the third MRI to the first MRI examination.
Result and discussion: A total of 17 study patients, 40 years to 65 years old, tumor size between 5.41 cm to 13.41 cm. 16 patients experienced an increase in ADC values while 1 patient had decreased ADC values after the first cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Tumor size in all patients decreased after three cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Based on RECIST standards, 7 patients showed tumor size reduction of more than 30% (between 31.55% to 56.25%) and tumor size in 10 patients was reduced less than 30% (between 7.47% to 29.22% ). Correlation value of -0.499 obtained.
Conclusions: There is a significant moderate and negative correlation between in ADC value changes in DWMRI with tumor size changes in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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