ABSTRAKBekisting merupakan bagian yang menjadi unsur penting dalam suatu proyek konstruksi gedung bertingkat karena menghabiskan biaya terbesar dalam pekerjaan struktur bertingkat yang tipikal. Metode Block Out merupakan inovasi yang dimiliki PT. PP yang menjadi pilihan dalam pekerjaan bekisting. Pada penelitian ini akan dianalisa bagaimanakah perbandingan antara Metode Block Out yang dimiliki PT. PP dengan Metode Bekisting Konvensional ditinjau dari segi biaya dan waktu pada pekerjaan kolom. Data yang akan dianalisis didapatkan dari
narasumber yang menjadi praktisi di bidang konstruksi. Hasil dari penelitian ini
adalah metode out lebih murah dibandingkan metode konvensional dengan penghematan Rp 567.721.928,19 atau Rp 113.544.385,64 / lantai sehingga efisiensi biaya yang dapat dilakukan sebesar 20,6%. Metode block out lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional dengan durasi 12 hari.
ABSTRACTFormwork is one part of high rise building construction that becomes an important element of a project because it consumes the largest cost in a typical multi-storey structural job. Block Out is a method innovated by PT. PP that can be used as an option in doing formwork. This research will analyze the comparison between Block Out Method and Conventional Formwork Method in cost and time’s prespective when working on column installation. The data that will be analyzed are obtained from sources who are practitioners in construction project. The hypothesis of this study is that Block Out Method, compared to Conventional Formwork Method, is cheaper in its construction cost and faster in its execution time. The goal of this report is Block Out Method is cheaper than Conventional Metode with thrift IDR 576.721.928,19 or IDR 113.544.385,64 / floor. So,
efficiently cost that could to apply is 20,6%. And, Block Out Method is faster than
Conventional Method that have 12 days duration.;Formwork is one part of high rise building construction that becomes an
important element of a project because it consumes the largest cost in a typical
multi-storey structural job. Block Out is a method innovated by PT. PP that can be
used as an option in doing formwork. This research will analyze the comparison
between Block Out Method and Conventional Formwork Method in cost and time’s
prespective when working on column installation. The data that will be analyzed
are obtained from sources who are practitioners in construction project. The
hypothesis of this study is that Block Out Method, compared to Conventional
Formwork Method, is cheaper in its construction cost and faster in its execution
time. The goal of this report is Block Out Method is cheaper than Conventional
Metode with thrift IDR 576.721.928,19 or IDR 113.544.385,64 / floor. So,
efficiently cost that could to apply is 20,6%. And, Block Out Method is faster than
Conventional Method that have 12 days duration, Formwork is one part of high rise building construction that becomes an
important element of a project because it consumes the largest cost in a typical
multi-storey structural job. Block Out is a method innovated by PT. PP that can be
used as an option in doing formwork. This research will analyze the comparison
between Block Out Method and Conventional Formwork Method in cost and time’s
prespective when working on column installation. The data that will be analyzed
are obtained from sources who are practitioners in construction project. The
hypothesis of this study is that Block Out Method, compared to Conventional
Formwork Method, is cheaper in its construction cost and faster in its execution
time. The goal of this report is Block Out Method is cheaper than Conventional
Metode with thrift IDR 576.721.928,19 or IDR 113.544.385,64 / floor. So,
efficiently cost that could to apply is 20,6%. And, Block Out Method is faster than
Conventional Method that have 12 days duration]"