ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara makna hidup dengan well-being subyektif melalui peran mediasi pemaafan dan harapan pada 257 pekerja on call. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran variabel dilakukan menggunakan Meaning in Life Questionnaire MLQ, Satisfaction with Life Scale SWLS, The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience SPANE, Adult Dispositional Hope Scale ADHS, The State Hope Scale SHS, dan The Heartland Forgiveness Scale SHS. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan model mediasi ganda yang dikemukakan oleh Hayes 2013. Temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemaafan dan harapan secara signifikan memediasi hubungan antara makna hidup dan well-being subyektif dengan besaran efek total sebesar 0.2169 c = 0.2169, t 257 = 24.64.
ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to examine the relationship between meaning in life with subjective wellbeing through the mediation role of forgiveness and hope towards 257 on call workers. In this study, the measurement of variables was conducted using the Meaning in Life Questionnaire MLQ, the Satisfaction with Life Scale SWLS , the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience SPANE, the Adult Dispositional Hope Scale ADHS, the State Hope Scale SHS, and the Heartland Forgiveness Scale SHS. The data analysis was conducted using a double mediation method that was proposed by Hayes 2013. The findings of this study showed that forgiveness and hope significantly mediated the relationship between meaning in life with subjective wellbeing with the total magnitude of effect of 0.2169 c 0.2169, t 257 24.64."