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"Latief AS, Syarief R, Pramudya B, Muhadiono. 2010. Productivity of sugarcane plants of ratooning with various fertilizing treatments. Nusantara Bioscience 2: 43-47. This research aims to determine the sugarcane plants of ratooning productivity with low external input of fertilization treatment towards farmers can increase profits. The method used is the Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with four treatments and three repetitions (4x3). Sugarcane varieties R 579 planted in each patch experiment 5x5 m2. Dosage of fertilizer: P0 = 3.6 kg/year plot experiment was 100% dosage usage of chemical fertilizers used by farmers. Further dosages were P1 (75%) = 2.7 kg/plot, P2 (50%) = 1.8 kg/plot and P3 (0.25%) = 0.9 kg/plot, each supplemented with fertilizer 5 mL of liquid organic/patch a year. Sugarcane crops with a variety of treatment showed no significant difference. The highest productivity was achieved at dosages of P2 (50% chemical fertilizers plus organic fertilizer) is 21.67 kg per square meter. Chemical fertilizers can be saved 7 quintals per hectare a year or Rp 997,500 per year. Additional costs of liquid organic fertilizer Rp.100,000 per hectare year and labor Rp 100,000 per hectare, so the additional advantage of saving farmers fertilizer Rp. 797,500 per year. "
570 NBS 2:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dijan Supramono
"Torrefaction, which is used to improve the properties of sugarcane bagasse as fuel in pulverised fuel combustion and as carbon feed in gasification, is a low heating rate pyrolysis of biomass carried out at a temperature of 200–300oC, at an atmospheric pressure, and in an inert environment. In the present work, sugarcane bagasse was torrefied at heating rates of 3, 6, and 10oC/minute, respectively, to achieve a final temperature of 275oC and after the final temperature was reached, hold times of 0 and 15 minutes, respectively occurred at a constant temperature of 275oC for a heating rate of 6oC/minute. The physical characteristics of torrefied sugarcane bagasse samples to be determined were a particle size distribution accomplished by grinding, hydrophobicity by allowing the samples to absorb moisture from the ambient air, and pellet hardness of the sample pellets. The torrefaction results show that increasing heating rate and hold time reduced the cellulose content of the sugarcane bagasse to as low as between 5.35% to 10.61% by weight composition, respectively. As the lignin content increased, the sample pellets resulted in better hardness in comparison to that measured on raw sugarcane bagasse. As the hemicellulose content increased, the samples, after grinding and stronger hydrophobicity, produced a higher fraction of smaller particle sizes. The maximum weight fraction of particles in these samples with sizes smaller than 105 µm achieved was 83.43% weight in contrast to 0.62% weight in raw sugarcane bagasse. The maximum water absorption by the samples in 3 hours was 1.28% weight in contrast to 8.02% weight by raw sugarcane bagasse. The results indicate that torrefaction is able to improve sugarcane bagasse physical characteristics, which are favourable for biomass pelletization, storage and transportation."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:7 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adam Rayhan Adi
"Produksi gula adalah industri besar di Australia, yang menghasilkan pendapatan hingga 2,0 miliar Dollar Australia. Namun, terdapat kerugian pendapatan sebesar 7% untuk setiap panen, disebabkan oleh tebu yang rusak oleh pemanen mekanis. Kerusakan tersebut - terutama yang merupakan fraktur - berasal mesih pemanen yang menekuk dan memotong tebu tersebut dapat dipanen. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk menemukan bagaimana proses panen dapat merusak tebu selama proses panen; dengan cara menemukan sifat-sifat batang tebu, hubungannya dengan pemotong, dan berapa banyak kekuatan yang ditimbulkan sehingga menyebabkan patah. Namun, tidak ada yang menemukan bagaimana data ini pada akhirnya dapat mengurangi kerusakan pada tongkat, sehingga kerugian dapat diminimalkan. Makalah ini akan mencoba menjawab pertanyaan tersebut: bagaimana cara mengurangi kerugian tebu saat dipanen. Dengan mengejar pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang batang tebu, serta interaksinya dengan mesin pemanen.

Sugar production is a major industry in Australia, generating up to $2.0 billion of income. However, 7% of revenue is lost for each harvest, caused by cane being damage by the harvester. The damage—mainly fracture—come from bending and cutting the cane for it to be harvested. Several studies have been conducted to discover how the harvesting process may damage the cane during the harvesting process; by finding the properties of the cane, the relation with the base cutter, and how much force needed to break it. However, nobody has found how these data can eventually reduce the damage on the cane, so the loss can be minimised. This paper will try to answer that question: how to reduce cane loss due to harvesting. By pursuing a deeper understanding of the sugarcane stalk, as well as its interaction with the harvester."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Adi Suhendra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengeliminasi berbagai pemborosan yang ada pada proses produksi gula di Pabrik Gula Meritjan Kediri, yang merupakan unit bisnis dari PT Perkebunan Nusantara X, dengan menggunakan value stream mapping (VSM) yang diintegrasikan dengan activity based costing (ABC) untuk mencapai lean manufacturing. Observasi dan wawancara menggunakan pertanyaan terbuka dilakukan untuk mengerti proses produksi gula. Berbagai anggota pabrik yang terlibat dalam proses produksi diwawancara melalui kunjungan dan diskusi di pabrik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan VSM untuk memahami produksi gula, mengidentifikasi berbagai pemborosan, dan merancang solusi untuk mengeliminasi berbagai pemborosan tersebut. Sedangkan pendekatan ABC diintegrasikan dengan current state map dan future state map untuk menghitung biaya aktivitas yang ada pada value stream, termasuk value added cost dan non-value added cost. Hasil utama dari penelitian ini adalah telah diidentifikasi lima pemborosan penting diantaranya menunggu, persediaan yang tidak perlu, transportasi yang tidak efisien, proses yang tidak tepat, dan produksi berlebih. Prioritas solusi yang dihasilkan adalah menjaga kontinuitas supplai bahan baku tebu dengan penjadwalan penebangan malam hari, penghapusan persediaan yang tidak perlu pada penerimaan tebu, dan menerapkan teknologi sugar bag handling system dan sistem paletisasi pada persediaan akhir gula. Pada future state map, berbagai solusi tersebut ditargetkan untuk mengurangi total lead time dari 6,92 hari menjadi 5,35 hari dan penghematan pada total biaya hingga 13% yang terdiri dari 30,4% penghematan non-value added cost dan 0,4% penghematan value added cost. Penelitian ini juga memberikan saran praktis implementasi berbagai improvement yang tertuang dalam value stream plan tahunan dengan membaginya dalam tiga kelompok aktivitas: supplier loop, processing loop, dan pacemaker loop.

This study is purposed to identify and eliminate various wastes in the sugarcane production of Meritjan Kediri Sugarcane Factory of PT Perkebunan Nusantara X by using a value stream mapping (VSM) integrated with activity based costing (ABC) to achieve lean manufacturing. Critical interview techniques and observations were used with open-ended questions to understand the process involved in the sugarcane production. Different chain members were investigated through personal visits and discussions. This study using VSM approach is to understand the value stream of sugarcane production, identify wastes, and purpose solution to eliminate wastes. ABC approach is integrated with the current state map and the future state map to calculate cost of activity involved in the value stream both value added cost and non-value added cost. Major findings obtained from the study are five wastes being identified which are waiting, unnecessary inventory, inefficient transportation, inappropriate process, and overproduction. The prioritized improvements purposed are maintaining continuity of cane supply by night harvest scheduling, removing unnecessary inventory in the cane loading area, and installing sugar bag handling system and palletization system in the finished good warehouse. In the future state map, those improvements are targeted to achieve reduction on total lead time from 6,92 days to 5,35 days and reduction on total cost by 13% consisting 30,4% reduction on non-value added cost and 0,4% reduction on value added cost. This study also suggests practical implementation showed in yearly value stream plan by dividing entire improvement plan into three loop of activities: supplier loop, processing loop, and pacemaker loop."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This volume looks at sugarcane, which plays a substantial role in world economy. Molecular marker strategies will be of help in understanding some aspects of sucrose metabolism and its regulation in this crop, thus complementing the ongoing crop improvement programmes."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 1992
R 658.5 PRO t
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zainul Azmi
"Thesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah Total Factor Productivity (TFP) beras di Indonesia telah meningkat atau menurun selama periode 2003-2012, dan bagaimana pengaruh infrastruktur publik terhadapnya. Dengan menggunakan Tornqvist-Thiel index untuk mengukur TFP, didapatkan bahwa pada level nasional, penurunan TFP hanya terjadi pada tahun 2006 dan selama periode penelitian 2003-2012, TFP beras nasional tumbuh sebesar 2.61 persen per tahun. Pengaruh infrastruktur publik terhadap TFP beras dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis panel data (30 provinsi dan 10 tahun). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jalan raya dan irigasi memeliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perubahan TFP dengan elastisitas 0,17 dan 0,12.

This paper aims to analyze whether the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of rice production has increased or decreased in Indonesia during 2003-2012, and how public infrastructure affects the changes of TFP. By utilizing the Tornqvist-Thiel index to measure the TFP, it is shown that at the national level, the only decreasing TFP was in 2006 and for the period of analysis, the national rice TFP grew by around 2.61 per cent per year. It is also found that roads and irrigation have a positive and significant effect to the changes in rice TFP with the elasticity coefficients 0.17, 0.12 respectively, along with rainfall as a control variable with the elasticity coefficient 0.04."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azka Haninta Adhiya Ghaniy
"Di poin-poin bisnis, generasi sering menjadi fokus hidup yakni objek bagi peneliti-peneliti di dunia ini. Generasi produktif menjadi indikasi hidup bagi pemimpin-pemimpin di dunia ini. Oleh itu, negara-negara sering menjalin bentuk kompromi untuk menyusun dan menekuni prinsip masing-masing. Lalu, pemimpin-pemimpin ini menyuruh organisasi-organisasi legislatif bukan eksekutif dan yudikatif untuk memperbaiki fokus tujuan hidup negara masing-masing. Melalui poin-poin bisnis, pemimpin-pemimpin di bumi ini mampu mengiringi prinsip. Dengan dibentuknya prinsip, pemimpin–pemimpin di negara ini mampu menekuni indikasi berhasil dengan tinggi. Bukti di penelitian ini yakni generasi paling kecil di bumi ini memilih untuk menentukan nasib di hidup ini. Peneliti ingin menunjukan mengenai prinsip hidup generasi produktif di bumi ini. Dengan diresmikan poin-poin bisnis ini, generasi muda ini mampu meniti posisi di hobi masing-masing. Peneliti menggunakan teori histori milik G. Collingwood di 1996. Teori lain yakni dimiliki oleh Norman Fairclough di 2001.Hasil penelitian ini yakni generasi produktif menghasil produksi umur produktif. Untuk produksi umurnon-produktif, peneliti ingin menunjukan generasi murni mampu menjadi belum berhasil. Oleh itu, produksi umur non-produktif harus memilih untuk menyusun, menekuni, dan menentukan jalur hidup masing-masing melalui poin – poin bisnis ini.

In living, in one generation in oftenly is one object for one doctor. One generation is long-needed for one productivity in how in becoming one indication. This indication thus is one will of countries. In it, this generation in it’s productivity is one symbol of successful. In this result, this country leads one to many in pointing how in productivity this generation couldn’t bringing the updo instead of the inside-down. In pointing this, only this legislative proper could point in this country to clinging in one production. In order of surviving, this earth couldn’t handle more problem than the in-beings. In order to do it, one country must go on for one indication, principle, and integrity. Integrity goes hand-inhand in how it isn’t only enough for it. In this case, this author is willing to give one proof. This author gain more in theory belong to G. Collingwood in 1996. Other theory in good deed is Norman Fairclough in 2001. In only result, living in-being is in good hand for good reason. One generation in productive did lead to one good productivity. One generation must give in."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosephine Merry Devina
Deposit ampas tebu di Indonesia yang mencapai 8,5 juta ton per tahun menjadikan biomassa ini potensial untuk dikembangkan sebagai pensubstitusi bahan bakar minyak berbasis crude oil. Gelombang mikro merupakan salah satu metode pemanasan yang lebih efisien untuk mempirolisis biomassa, karena metode ini memanfaatkan prinsip konversi energi dan partikel biomassa mengalami pemanasan volumetrik. Ampas tebu dipirolisis dengan variasi daya gelombang mikro sebesar 380, 620, dan 850 Watt dan variasi bio-char dalam umpan sebanyak 0, 10, dan 20%. Karakterisasi yang dilakukan meliputi profil suhu pirolisis, yield produk pirolisis, dan kandungan senyawa di bio-oil dengan metode GC/MS. Peningkatan daya gelombang mikro akan meningkatkan laju pemanasan dan suhu pirolisis ampas tebu, walaupun efeknya tidak terlalu signifikan jika umpannya tidak ditambahkan bio-char. Penambahan bio-char sebagai absorber gelombang mikro secara signifikan meningkatkan laju pemanasan dan suhu pirolisis ampas tebu. Yield bio-oil maksimum, yaitu 42,75 dan 42,40%, diperoleh pada laju pemanasan 805oC/menit dan suhu pirolisis 515oC serta laju pemanasan 59oC/menit dan suhu pirolisis 398oC. Kondisi operasi untuk memperoleh kedua parameter laju pemanasan dan suhu pirolisis tersebut adalah daya gelombang mikro sebesar 380 Watt dengan 20% kandungan bio-char di umpan serta daya gelombang mikro sebesar 850 Watt tanpa kandungan bio-char di umpan. Bio-oil yang diperoleh dari pirolisis ampas tebu yang umpannya mengandung bio-char ternyata mengandung lebih banyak senyawa non-oksigenat dan tidak mengandung PAH. Namun, senyawa non-oksigenat tersebut juga memiliki kandungan rantai karbon panjang (C22+) yang cukup tinggi.

Sugarcane bagasse waste in Indonesia reaching 8.5 million tons per year is potential to be developed as a substituent for petroleum-based fuel oil. Microwave is an efficient heating method for biomass pyrolysis, since this method utilizes the principle of energy conversion and biomass undergoes volumetric heating. Sugarcane bagasse was pyrolyzed at the microwave power variation of 380, 620, and 850 Watt and bio-char loading variation of 0, 10, and 20%. Characterizations were conducted on the pyrolysis temperature profile, pyrolysis products yield, and bio-oil content by GC/MS method. The microwave pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse gave results that increasing microwave power would increase the heating rate and pyrolysis temperature, however this phenomenon was insignificant if the feed contained no bio-char. The addition of bio-char as microwave absorber in the feed significantly increased the heating rate and temperature pyrolysis. The highest bio-oil yields, i.e. 42.75 and 42.40%, were obtained at the heating rate of 805oC/min and pyrolysis temperature of 515oC and heating rate of 59oC/min and pyrolysis temperature of 398oC. Those pyrolysis heating rates and temperatures were achieved at the microwave power of 380 Watt with bio-char loading of 20% and the microwave power of 850 Watt with no bio-char loading. Bio-oil derived from the microwave pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse which had no bio-char loading in fact contained more non-oxygenated compounds and less PAHs. However, those non-oxygenated compounds have a quite high content of long carbon chains (C22+).;Sugarcane bagasse waste in Indonesia reaching 8.5 million tons per year is potential to be developed as a substituent for petroleum-based fuel oil. Microwave is an efficient heating method for biomass pyrolysis, since this method utilizes the principle of energy conversion and biomass undergoes volumetric heating. Sugarcane bagasse was pyrolyzed at the microwave power variation of 380, 620, and 850 Watt and bio-char loading variation of 0, 10, and 20%. Characterizations were conducted on the pyrolysis temperature profile, pyrolysis products yield, and bio-oil content by GC/MS method. The microwave pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse gave results that increasing microwave power would increase the heating rate and pyrolysis temperature, however this phenomenon was insignificant if the feed contained no bio-char. The addition of bio-char as microwave absorber in the feed significantly increased the heating rate and temperature pyrolysis. The highest bio-oil yields, i.e. 42.75 and 42.40%, were obtained at the heating rate of 805oC/min and pyrolysis temperature of 515oC and heating rate of 59oC/min and pyrolysis temperature of 398oC. Those pyrolysis heating rates and temperatures were achieved at the microwave power of 380 Watt with bio-char loading of 20% and the microwave power of 850 Watt with no bio-char loading. Bio-oil derived from the microwave pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse which had no bio-char loading in fact contained more non-oxygenated compounds and less PAHs. However, those non-oxygenated compounds have a quite high content of long carbon chains (C22+)., Sugarcane bagasse waste in Indonesia reaching 8.5 million tons per year is potential to be developed as a substituent for petroleum-based fuel oil. Microwave is an efficient heating method for biomass pyrolysis, since this method utilizes the principle of energy conversion and biomass undergoes volumetric heating. Sugarcane bagasse was pyrolyzed at the microwave power variation of 380, 620, and 850 Watt and bio-char loading variation of 0, 10, and 20%. Characterizations were conducted on the pyrolysis temperature profile, pyrolysis products yield, and bio-oil content by GC/MS method. The microwave pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse gave results that increasing microwave power would increase the heating rate and pyrolysis temperature, however this phenomenon was insignificant if the feed contained no bio-char. The addition of bio-char as microwave absorber in the feed significantly increased the heating rate and temperature pyrolysis. The highest bio-oil yields, i.e. 42.75 and 42.40%, were obtained at the heating rate of 805oC/min and pyrolysis temperature of 515oC and heating rate of 59oC/min and pyrolysis temperature of 398oC. Those pyrolysis heating rates and temperatures were achieved at the microwave power of 380 Watt with bio-char loading of 20% and the microwave power of 850 Watt with no bio-char loading. Bio-oil derived from the microwave pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse which had no bio-char loading in fact contained more non-oxygenated compounds and less PAHs. However, those non-oxygenated compounds have a quite high content of long carbon chains (C22+).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lana Prestina Hallatu
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menngetahui pengaruh motivasi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik terhadap produktivitas kerja perawat tetap ruang rawat inap di Rumah Sakit X. Motivasi adalah keinginan yang terdapat pada diri seseorang individu yang merangsangnya untuk melakukan tindakan-tindakan (Edwin B. Flippo). Teori motivasi dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 145 perawat tetap ruang rawat inap di Rumah Sakit X. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap produktivitas kerja.

The research aims to find the influence of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation to work productivity of permanent nurse at inpatient unit Hospital X. Motivation is a desire contained in individual that stimulated to take actions (Edwin B. Flippo). Theory of motivation divides into two, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. This study discusses the effect of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation to work productivity of permanent nurse at inpatient unit Hospital X. This study uses a quantitative approach to distributing questionnaires to 145 permanent nurses at inpatient unit Hospital X. The results of this study showed that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation has a positive influence on labor productivity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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