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Riupassa, Pieter Agusthinus
"Diversitas Molekuler Berbasis ISSR pada Durio tanjungpurensis Asal Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. Durian Tengkurak (Durio tanjungpurensis Navia) adalah salah satu spesies langka yang eksotis dari suku Malvaceae. Durian tersebut bernilai penting untuk konservasi plasma nutfah dan berpotensi sebagai sumber daya genetik untuk pengembangan durian di masa depan. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui keragaman molekuler D. tanjungpurensis asal Kalimantan Barat berdasarkan penanda Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR). Sepuluh primer ISSR digunakan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik 60 individu Durian Tengkurak dari enam populasi endemik alami D. tanjungpurensis. Parameter keragaman genetik didasarkan pada data biner pita DNA produk PCR, yaitu ada atau tidak- ada pita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata jumlah alel, rata-rata jumlah efektif alel, diversitas genetik, indeks informasi Shannon, jumlah polimorfik lokus, dan persentase polimorfik lokus berturut-turut adalah 1,53, 1,29, 0,17, 0,26, 77,83 dan 52,59. Analisis ragam molekuler (AMOVA) menunjukkan keragaman genetik yang lebih tinggi di dalam populasi (65%) dibandingkan antar populasi (35%). Analisis gugus menggunakan metode UPGMA berdasarkan matriks keserupaan Dice dan analisis koordinat utama digunakan untuk mengelompokkan semua individu populasi ke dalam tiga kelompok, yaitu grup 1 (Hutan Rejunak dan Tembaga), grup 2 (Bukit Merindang), dan grup 3 (Hutan Rawak, Bukit Sagu 1 dan Bukit Sagu 2). Analisis lebih lanjut terhadap struktur populasi menggunakan program STRUCTURE menyatukan grup 2 dan 3 ke dalam satu grup utama. Penelitian ini berhasil mengungkap keragaman genetik Durian Tengkurak menggunakan penanda ISSR.

The Durian Tengkurak (Durio tanjungpurensis Navia) is one of the endangered exotic species in the Malvaceae family. The species is important for conservation of the germplasm and is considered a potential genetic resource for the development of durian in the future. The objective of this research project was to assess the molecular diversity of D. tanjungpurensis in West Kalimantan, based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. We applied ten ISSR primers to reveal the genetic diversity of 60 individuals from six natural endemic D. tanjungpurensis populations. The genetic diversity parameters were estimated based on binary data about PCR products (present or absent bands). The results showed that the mean number of observed alleles, the mean number of effective alleles, the genetic diversity, the Shannon?s Information Index score, the number of polymorphic loci, and the percentage of polymorphic loci were 1.53, 1.29, 0.17, 0.26, 77.83, and 52.59, respectively. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the genetic diversity within a population (65%) was higher than that found between the populations (35%). UPGMA clustering and principal coordinate analysis, based on the DICE similarity matrix, were used to classify the populations into three groups: 1) Hutan Rejunak and Tembaga, 2) Bukit Merindang, and 3) Hutan Rawak, Bukit Sagu 1, and Bukit Sagu 2. Further analysis of the population structure using STRUCTURE software was used to classify all the individuals into two major categories, thus uniting Groups 2 and 3 as one major category. In conclusion, a high level of genetic diversity in the Durian Tengkurak was revealed utilizing the ISSR markers employed in the study."
Institut Pertanian Bogor. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Isolasi Pandangolide 1 dari Cladosporium oxysporum, suatu Endofit dari Tanaman Terestrial Alyxia reindwartii. Pandangolide 1 berhasil diisolasi dari ekstrak etil asetat jamur endofit C. oxysporum yang hidup dalam tanaman inang A. reinwardtii. Struktur pandangolide 1 dijelaskan berdasarkan data spektroskopi masa dan NMRnya. Pandangolide 1 pertama kali dilaporkan diisolasi dari cendawan endofit C. oxysporum yang hidup dalam tanaman inang di darat.

Pandangolide 1 was isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Cladosporium oxysporum cultures. The fungus was originally obtained from Alyxia reinwardtii. The structure of pandangolide 1 was elucidated on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and accurate mass spectrometric data. This is the first report of the isolation of pandangolide 1 from endophytic C. oxysporum derived from a terrestrial host plant."
Universitas Airlangga. Faculty of Pharmacy, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lulut Dwi Sulistyaningsih
"Dua Catatan Baru Pisang Liar (Musa balbisiana dan Musa itinerans) dari Sulawesi. Studi keanekaragaman pisang- pisang liar di Sulawesi telah dilakukan menggunakan karakter morfologi spesimen herbarium yang dikoleksi dari Sulawesi dan disimpan di Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor Indonesia (BO). Spesimen baru yang dikoleksi dari Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, dan Sulawesi Tenggara dan gambar digital spesimen tipe juga digunakan dalam studi ini. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui keanekaragaman pisang liar di Sulawesi, mengingat sebagian besar spesimen Musaceae yang tersimpan di BO belum teridentifikasi. Berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap 110 lembar spesimen herbarium, dapat diketahui lima jenis dari marga Musa termasuk didalamnya dua taksa intraspesifik dari M. acuminata yang tumbuh di Sulawesi . Musa acuminata, M. celebica, dan M. textilis telah dilaporkan sebelumnya tumbuh secara liar di Sulawesi. Sementara itu, Musa balbisiana dan M. itinerans merupakan dua catatan baru pisang liar di Sulawesi. Pada artikel ini kami menyediakan kunci identifikasi, deskripsi, peta distribusi, dan gambar ilustrasi dari kedua jenis tersebut.

The diversity of wild banana species in Sulawesi was investigated based on the morphological characteristics of herbarium specimens collected in Sulawesi and deposited in the Herbarium Bogoriense, Bogor, Indonesia (BO). New specimens were collected from Central, North, South, and Southeast Sulawesi, and digital type specimens were also used in this study. The aim of this study was to describe the diversity of wild banana species in Sulawesi as most Musaceae specimens stored at BO have not been identified. By examinating 110 sheets of herbarium specimens, five species of Musa, including two infraspecific taxa of M. acuminata housed in Sulawesi, were identified. Musa acuminata, M. celebica, and M. textilis were previously reported from Sulawesi. However, M. balbisiana and M. itinerans are two new records of wild banana species in Sulawesi. Identification keys, descriptions, distribution maps, and line-drawing illustrations of these two species are provided."
Institut Pertanian Bogor. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Benzimidazole (BZ) resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants (sheep and goat) has become a significant problem worldwide. Evidences of anthelmintic resistance to albendazole in Indonesia has been reported from some government owned farms in West Java, Central Java, and Yogyakarta. Previous study on the sheep parasite H. contortus had shown that the BZ resistance was related to selection for individuals in a population possesing a spesific β-tubulin isotype 1 gene. The study is aimed to determine mutation on coding region of central part of β-tubulin isotype 1 gene of H. contortus resistant strain from Indonesia. Seven H. contortus worms were isolated from four BZ resistant sheep from two government farms (SPTD Trijaya, Kuningan, West Java, and UPTD Pelayanan Kesehatan Hewan, Bantul, Yogyakarta), and from a BZ susceptible sheep from Cicurug, Sukabumi, West Java. DNA was extracted individually from female H. contortus worms. A fragment of 520 bp β-tubulin isotype 1 gene exon 3, 4, 5 was amplified using the PCR technique and then sequenced. The results showed that a single mutation occurred in codon 200 (from phenilalanine to tyrosine) had caused benzimidazole resistance in H. contortus from SPTD Trijaya, Kuningan, West Java. Mutation in β-tubulin isotype 1 gene of H. contortus from UPTD Pelayanan Kesehatan Hewan, Yogyakarta, occurred in codon 198 (from glutamate to glycine), codon 201 (from cystein to stop codon), and codon 202 (from isoleucyne to stop codon).
JURAGBIO 4 (2) 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firdha Meidi Irshanty
"Analisis Morfologi dan Molekular Padi Transgenik cv. Nipponbare yang Membawa Gen CONSTANS (CO) Terkait Umur Pembungaan. Pembungaan merupakan proses penting yang mengawali produktivitas pada tanaman. Metode rekayasa genetika dengan mengintroduksi gen CONSTANS dari tanaman Arabidopsis thaliana (AtCO) ke dalam tanaman padi kultivar Nipponbare digunakan sebagai upaya peningkatan produksi padi. Gen CO diketahui mampu menginduksi terjadinya pembungaan yang lebih awal pada tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui integrasi gen AtCO pada genom padi, pengaruh gen tersebut terhadap waktu pembungaan, dan karakter agronomi pada tanaman padi Nipponbare transgenik generasi T2. Hasil pengamatan morfologi menunjukkan bahwa tanaman padi transgenik cenderung memiliki karakter agronomi lebih baik dibandingkan tanaman padi kontrol, namun tidak menunjukkan waktu pembungaan lebih cepat. Analisis Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) menunjukkan 169 dari 227 tanaman padi transgenik memiliki gen hpt dan CO yang terintegrasi ke dalam genom padi.

Flowering is an important process that initiates plant productivity. Rice (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare) was genetically engineered by introducing a CONSTANS (CO) gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtCO) to improve rice productivity. The CO gene is a gene responsible for inducing early flowering. The aims of the experiment were to use morphological and molecular analysis to study the integration of the AtCO gene and its influence on agronomic traits in the T2 generation of Nipponbare transgenic AtCO rice. Morphological observations showed that agronomic traits tended to be better in the transgenic plants than in the wild type (controls), although the transgenic plants flowered later than the wild type. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analysis showed that 169 out of 227 transgenic rice plants showed hpt and CO gene integration."
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A microfungal survey was carried out on the living leaves and litters of Licuala bidentata in Kubah National Park in Sarawak, Malaysia. A total of 400 leaf segments (200 segments for each leaf type) were plated on two isolation media (water agar and malt extract agar) for endophytic and saprophytic fungal isolation. Forty-three microfungal species were obtained from both leaf types, 31 species identified from living leaves and 18 species from litters. Only six species were common to both leaf types, with 25 and 12 species exclusively identified from living leaves and litters, respectively. New records of fungi from this host plant and for the genus Licuala include Isthmotricladia laeensis, Chloridium sp., Mucor sp., Oidiodendron sp., Kinochaeta sp., Cryptophiale sp., Chrysosporium merdarium and Circinotrichum fertile. This study constitutes the first report on microfungal community on L. bidentata. Implications of this new report in comparison with the microfungal species on other plant species in the genus Licuala are discussed."
[Department of Plant Science and Environmental Ecology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Department of Plant Science and Environmental Ecology], 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wanda Ediviani
"Efektivitas Produksi Bioetanol dari Hirolisat Jerami Padi Menggunakan Ragi Bubuk dan Ragi Padat. Jerami padi merupakan salah satu limbah pertanian yang sangat melimpah di Indonesia. Jerami padi mengandung polisakarida dalam bentuk selulosa dan hemiselulosa, yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku dalam produksi bioetanol. Penelitian bertujuan melihat efektivitas produksi bioetanol dari sampel hidrolisat jerami padi dengan menggunakan ragi roti (ragi bubuk ? F) dan ragi tapai (ragi padat ? S). Penelitian dilakukan dengan memfermentasikan sampel menggunakan kedua jenis ragi tersebut, dan isolat murni khamir Saccharomyces cerevisiae sebagai kontrol. Kadar glukosa diukur menggunakan glucometer dan kadar bioetanol dianalisis menggunakan high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Penelitian menggunakan split plot design dengan dua faktor perlakuan; pemberian ragi (R) dan waktu fermentasi (T). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua jenis ragi pada produksi kadar bioetanol dari sampel memberikan pengaruh yang tidak berbeda nyata. Namun perlakuan S menghasilkan kadar bioetanol yang lebih tinggi (5.1 g/L) dibandingkan dengan perlakuan F (4.8 g/L); laju produksi bioetanol pada perlakuan S juga lebih tinggi (1.3 g/L.j) dibandingkan dengan laju produksi bioetanol pada perlakuan F (1.2 g/L.j). Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah penggunaan ragi Tapai lebih efektif dalam memproduksi bioetanol dari hidrolisat jerami padi.

Rice straw is one of the most abundant forms of agricultural wastes in Indonesia. Rice straw contains polysaccharide in the form of cellulose and hemicellulose, which can be used as raw materials in the production of bioethanol. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of bioethanol production from rice straw?s hydrolyzate. Research was carried out by fermenting the sample using two types of starters (Baker's yeast, known as powder starter (F); and Tapai?s starter, known as solid starter (S) with a control of pure yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Glucose levels were measured using a glucometer, and bioethanol levels were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In this study, split plot design was used as a data analyzer with two treatment factors: starter?s inoculum (R) and time of fermentation (T). This study shows that there is no significant difference between the starters? levels of bioethanol production. However, S?s treatment produced higher levels (5,1 g/L) of bioethanol compared to F?s (4,8 g/L); the rate of bioethanol production in S?s treatment is also higher (1,3 g/L.h) than that in F?s (1,2 g/L.h). This study concludes that Tapai?s starter is more effective in producing bioethanol from rice straw?s hydrolyzate."
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mehmet Koyuturk, editor
"This book will provide a detailed review of existing knowledge on the functional characterization of biological networks. In 15 chapters authored by an international group of prolific systems biology and bioinformatics researchers, it will organize, conceptualize, and summarize the existing core of research results and computational methods on understanding biological function from a network perspective."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, D.C: Distributed by ERIC Clearinghouse,, 1984
372.350 SCI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The rice transformation technology is not only provides. valuable methods for the introduction of useful genes into rice plant to improve important agronomic traits, but also helps in studying gene function and regulation based on rice genome sequence information. Knockout of genes by insertional mutagenesis is a straight forward method to identify gene functions .. "
JURAGBIO 5 (2) 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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