ABSTRAKPraktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di apotek bertempat di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 345
Tebet. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama empat minggu dari tanggal 1 sampai
dengan tanggal 31 Oktober 2015. PKP di apotek bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker
mengerti peranan Apoteker Pengelola Apotek (APA), memiliki wawasan tentang
pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian, dan memiliki gambaran nyata akan
permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian yang terjadi di apotek. Berdasarkan kegiatan
PKP yang dilakukan, APA di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 345 Tebet secara umum
telah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan apotek yaitu
sebagai pemimpin, manager yang dapat mengelola Apotek, mengelola SDM dalam
hal ini karyawan dan berhubungan baik dengan pasien dan/atau pelanggan. Selain
itu, dapat melakukan pelayanan kefarmasian dengan baik melalui penyediaan obat
yang diperlukan oleh pasien dan/atau pelanggan. Mahasiswa apoteker telah berhasil
memperoleh wawasan mengenai kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan di apotek
khususnya dapat memahami strategi dan kegiatan-kegiatan seperti DC yang
memiliki keunggulan dan juga startegi menarik pasien menjadi pelanggan tetap
dalam rangka mengembangkan praktek kefarmasian dan bisnis di Apotek. Masalah
yang terjadi di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 345 terkait dengan praktek kefarmasian
yaitu pengelolaan perbekalan farmasi khususnya sistem DC yang diterapkan di
Apotek Kimia Farma 345, namun kadang-kadang jumlah stok yang ada dalam
sistem DC tidak sesuai dengan jumlah stok fisik yang ada.
ABSTRACTProfession Internship at pharmacy was held at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 345Tebet. This activity was held for four weeks from October 1th until October 31th2015. Profession Internship at pharmacy was intended to make apothecary studentunderstand the role of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation ofpharmaceutical practice, and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice inpharmacy. Based on the activities, pharmacist as Pharmacy Manager have beencarrying out the duties and responsibilities in pharmacy management. Apothecarystudent have obtained insight into routine activities in pharmacy especially canunderstand the strategies and activities such as DC that have benefit and strategy toattract patients become regular costumers in order to develop the practice ofpharmacy and pharmacy?s business. Issue at Kimia Farma No. 345 associated withthe practice of pharmacy that is pharmaceutical supply management specificallyDC systems applied in Kimia Farma 345, but sometimes the number of existingstock in the DC system does not correspond to the amount of physical stock.;Profession Internship at pharmacy was held at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 345
Tebet. This activity was held for four weeks from October 1
until October 31
2015. Profession Internship at pharmacy was intended to make apothecary student
understand the role of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation of
pharmaceutical practice, and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice in
pharmacy. Based on the activities, pharmacist as Pharmacy Manager have been
carrying out the duties and responsibilities in pharmacy management. Apothecary
student have obtained insight into routine activities in pharmacy especially can
understand the strategies and activities such as DC that have benefit and strategy to
attract patients become regular costumers in order to develop the practice of
pharmacy and pharmacy?s business. Issue at Kimia Farma No. 345 associated with
the practice of pharmacy that is pharmaceutical supply management specifically
DC systems applied in Kimia Farma 345, but sometimes the number of existing
stock in the DC system does not correspond to the amount of physical stock.