ABSTRAK Praktek Kerja Profesi di PT Actavis Indonesia bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan
memahami peran, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi serta
memahami penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB). Selain itu,
kegiatan ini juga bertujuan agar calon apoteker memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan,
keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian
serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di
industri farmasi. Tugas khusus yang diberikan berjudul Pembuatan Periodic
Product Review (PPR) Hydrocortisone 1.0% Cream Periode 6 Oktober 2013 ? 5
Oktober 2014. Tugas khusus bertujuan untuk memahami cara pembuatan laporan
pengkajian mutu produk, khususnya di PT Actavis Indonesia yang ditinjau secara
sistematis dan dapat menggambarkan produk yang diproduksi telah memenuhi
syarat kualitas dan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan, dan mengidentifikasi tindakan
pencegahan dan perbaikan / corrective and preventive action (CAPA) terhadap
produk dan proses jika dibutuhkan.
ABSTRACT Profession Internship at PT Actavis Indonesia aims to learn and understand theduties and responsibilities of apothecary in the pharmaceutical industry as well asunderstanding the application of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).Additionally, this activity also aims to have the insight, knowledge, skills, andpractical experience to do the work of pharmacy and have vivid description aboutthe problems of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceutical industry. Specificassignment entitled Recipe Periodic Product Review (PPR) 1.0% HydrocortisoneCream Period October 6, 2013 - October 5, 2014 that aims to understand how tomake the Periodic Product Review (PPR), especially in PT Actavis Indonesia,systematically and it can describe that the product fulfilled the requirements ofquality and specification; and identifying corrective and preventive action(CAPA) for the product and process if needed. ;Profession Internship at PT Actavis Indonesia aims to learn and understand theduties and responsibilities of apothecary in the pharmaceutical industry as well asunderstanding the application of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).Additionally, this activity also aims to have the insight, knowledge, skills, andpractical experience to do the work of pharmacy and have vivid description aboutthe problems of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceutical industry. Specificassignment entitled Recipe Periodic Product Review (PPR) 1.0% HydrocortisoneCream Period October 6, 2013 - October 5, 2014 that aims to understand how tomake the Periodic Product Review (PPR), especially in PT Actavis Indonesia,systematically and it can describe that the product fulfilled the requirements ofquality and specification; and identifying corrective and preventive action(CAPA) for the product and process if needed. "