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Paramita Nurhuda
Praktek Kerja Profesi di PT Actavis Indonesia bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan
memahami peran, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di industri farmasi serta
memahami penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB). Selain itu,
kegiatan ini juga bertujuan agar calon apoteker memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan,
keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian
serta memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di
industri farmasi. Tugas khusus yang diberikan berjudul Pembuatan Periodic
Product Review (PPR) Hydrocortisone 1.0% Cream Periode 6 Oktober 2013 ? 5
Oktober 2014. Tugas khusus bertujuan untuk memahami cara pembuatan laporan
pengkajian mutu produk, khususnya di PT Actavis Indonesia yang ditinjau secara
sistematis dan dapat menggambarkan produk yang diproduksi telah memenuhi
syarat kualitas dan spesifikasi yang ditetapkan, dan mengidentifikasi tindakan
pencegahan dan perbaikan / corrective and preventive action (CAPA) terhadap
produk dan proses jika dibutuhkan. ABSTRACT Profession Internship at PT Actavis Indonesia aims to learn and understand the
duties and responsibilities of apothecary in the pharmaceutical industry as well as
understanding the application of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
Additionally, this activity also aims to have the insight, knowledge, skills, and
practical experience to do the work of pharmacy and have vivid description about
the problems of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceutical industry. Specific
assignment entitled Recipe Periodic Product Review (PPR) 1.0% Hydrocortisone
Cream Period October 6, 2013 - October 5, 2014 that aims to understand how to
make the Periodic Product Review (PPR), especially in PT Actavis Indonesia,
systematically and it can describe that the product fulfilled the requirements of
quality and specification; and identifying corrective and preventive action
(CAPA) for the product and process if needed. ;Profession Internship at PT Actavis Indonesia aims to learn and understand the
duties and responsibilities of apothecary in the pharmaceutical industry as well as
understanding the application of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
Additionally, this activity also aims to have the insight, knowledge, skills, and
practical experience to do the work of pharmacy and have vivid description about
the problems of pharmaceutical jobs in the pharmaceutical industry. Specific
assignment entitled Recipe Periodic Product Review (PPR) 1.0% Hydrocortisone
Cream Period October 6, 2013 - October 5, 2014 that aims to understand how to
make the Periodic Product Review (PPR), especially in PT Actavis Indonesia,
systematically and it can describe that the product fulfilled the requirements of
quality and specification; and identifying corrective and preventive action
(CAPA) for the product and process if needed. "
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nur Azizah
Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT Actavis Indonesia bertujuan untuk membekali calon apoteker agar mampu mengerti peran, tugas dan tanggung jawab seorang apoteker di Industri Farmasi, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, leterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi, memahami penerapan CPOB di Industri Farmasi, dan memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi. Tugas khusus yang diberikan berjudul Membuat Protokol Stabilitas Beberapa Produk Tablet dan Mengkaji Hasil Uji Stabilitas. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini yaitu membuat protokol stabilitas beberapa produk obat dan menganalisis hasil uji stabilitas terhadap parameter produk.

Internship Pharmacist Profession in PT Actavis Indonesia aims to equip candidates for pharmacists to be able to understand the role, duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist in the Pharmaceutical Industry, has the insight, knowledge, leterampilan, and practical experience to do the work of pharmacy in the Pharmaceutical Industry, understanding the application of GMP in Pharmaceutical industry, and have a real picture of the problems of pharmaceutical jobs in the Pharmaceutical industry. Special assignment given titled Creating Stability Protocol and Assessing Multiple Product Tablet Stability Test Results. The purpose of this special task is to make some stability protocol medicinal products and analyze the results of stability tests on the product specification.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Nur Dzikrina
Praktik kerja profesi di Industri Farmasi dilaksanakan di PT. Bintang Toedjoe Plant
Pulogadung pada tanggal 1 Juli ? 28 Agustus 2015. Pelaksanaan praktik kerja
profesi ini memiliki tujuan umum agar mahasiswa program studi apoteker mengerti
peranan, tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di Industri Farmasi; memiliki
wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan
pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi; memahami penerapan CPOB di Industri
Farmasi; memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di
Industri Farmasi. Tugas khusus yang diberikan mengenai usulan dokumentasi hasil
uji stabilitas on-going. Selain dsimpan dalam bentuk hard file, hasil uji stabilitas
on-going diusulkan disimpan dalam bentuk soft file agar lebih mudah untuk
pembuatan laporan Annual Product Review (APR) atau perpanjangan izin edar.ABSTRACT Profession internship in Pharmaceutical Industry is held at PT. Bintang Toedjoe
Plant Pulogadung on July 1st ? August 28th 2015. The goals of this
internship program are to make students understand roles, jobs and duties of
pharmacist in Pharmaceutical Industry; to make them have insights, knowledge,
skills and practical experiences to do pharmaceutical practice in Pharmaceutical
Industry; to make them know real condition of pharmaceutical practice problems in
Pharmaceutical Industry. Special assignment given on the proposed documentation
of the results of on-going stability studies. Besides dsimpan in hard file, the results
of on-going stability test proposed is stored in the form of soft files to make it easier
for making reports Annual Product Review (APR) or an extension of the marketing
authorization. "
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Ariena Mekhanindya
"Dalam Peraturan Kepala BPOM No. HK tahun 2011 menyebutkan bahwa sediaan farmasi termasuk obat yang beredar harus memenuhi persyaratan khasiat, keamanan dan mutu yang harus dipenuhi oleh industri farmasi. Pedoman bagi suatu industri farmasi dalam proses produksi dan segala aspek yang terkait di dalamnya diatur dalam Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB). Hal ini merupakan salah satu tanggung jawab apoteker karena sesuai dengan PP RI No. 51 tahun 2009, salah satu fasilitas kefarmasian tempat pengabdian apoteker adalah fasilitas produksi sediaan farmasi atau Industri farmasi. Praktek Kerja Profesi dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2016 di PT Actavis Indonesia. Praktek kerja profesi ini bertujuan untuk memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di PT Actavis Indonesia dan untuk memahami penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB) di Industri Farmasi.

According regulation from Chief of BPOM No. HK pharmaceutical preparations including drug should meet the requirements of efficacy, safety and quality that must be met by the pharmaceutical industry. Guidelines for a pharmaceutical industry in the production process and all aspects related to it set in Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). This is one of responsibility of a pharmacist because base on PP 51 ON 2009 one of the pharmaceutical facility where pharmacists should dedicated their pharmaceutical services is the pharmaceutical industry. Internship was held in April-May 2016 at PT Actavis Indonesia. This Internship was aimed to understand the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists in PT Actavis Indonesia and to understand the application of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masuko Tri Sutandio
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atvinda Prilya Afista
Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di industri farmasi dilaksanakan di Departemen
Quality Control (QC) PT Medifarma Laboratories. Kegiatan ini berlangsung
selama 2 bulan dari tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan tanggal 31 Agustus 2015. PKP di
industri bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker mengerti peranan, tugas, dan tanggung
jawab Apoteker di Industri Farmasi; memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan,
keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di
Industri Farmasi; memahami penerapan CPOB di Industri Farmasi; memiliki
gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi.
Berdasarkan kegiatan PKP yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran
apoteker penting untuk menghasilkan obat-obatan yang aman, bermutu, dan
berkhasiat. Apoteker di Departemen QC bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan
pengawasan mutu terhadap produk yang diproduski dan memastikan bahwa
pengujian yang diperlukan dan relevan telah dilakukan dan bahwa bahan yang
belum diluluskan tidak digunakan serta produk yang belum diluluskan tidak dijual
atau dipasok sebelum mutunya dinilai dan dinyatakan memenuhi syarat. Mahasiswa
apoteker telah berhasil memperoleh gambaran umum dari pelaksanaan pekerjaan
kefarmasian di PT Medifarma., khususnya di bidang QC yaitu melakukan analisis
terhadap bahan awal, produk jadi, inspeksi bahan awal. Dalam melakukan tugasnya
di QC juga mahasiswa apoteker membuat Spreadsheet dan cara memvalidasinya
untuk mendukung analisis dan inspeksi bahan awal. Adanya PKP di PT Medifarma
Laboratories yang telah melaksanakan CPOB dengan baik di semua aspek, peserta
PKP lebih banyak mengetahui dan memahami seperti apa pelaksanaan CPOB
secara real dalam sebuah Industri. Seperti Industri yang lainnya PT Medifarma
Laboratories juga memiliki masalah seperti berpikir bagaimana mengatasi waste
time pada proses maupun para pekerja sehingga suatu proses berlangsung lebih
cepat tetapi tetap menghasilkan hasil yang baik dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan,
Oleh karena itu, Apoteker harus memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan dan kreatifitas
sehingga dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut.

Profession Internship at pharmaceutical industry was held at Quality Control (QC)
Department of PT Medifarma Laboratories. This activity was held for two month
from July 1
until August 31
2015. Profession internship at pharmaceutical
industry was intended to make apothecary student understand the role of
pharmacist, have insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice,
understand the implementation of Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB), and
know the issues in pharmaceutical practice in pharmaceutical industry. Based on
the activities, Apothecary at QC Department is responsible for supervising the
quality of the product diproduski and ensure that the necessary and relevant tests
have been conducted and that the materials have not been approved are not used as
well as products that have not been approved are not sold or supplied before the
quality was assessed and found eligible. Apothecary student have obtained insight
into general routine activities in QC Department, those were an analysis of the
starting materials, finished products, inspection of the starting material. In
performing the task in QC department, apothecary student make a spreadsheet and
validate them to support the analysis and inspection of the starting material. PT
Medifarma Laboratories that has implemented the GMP well in all aspects, give
apothecary student more aware and understand what the real implementation of
GMP in an industry. Such as Industrial others, PT Medifarma Laboratories also has
a problem such as find solution how to solve waste time in the process or the
workers, so that a process was faster but still produce good results. Therefore,
pharmacists should have the insight, knowledge and creativity so that can overcome
the problems.
;Profession Internship at pharmaceutical industry was held at Quality Control (QC)
Department of PT Medifarma Laboratories. This activity was held for two month
from July 1
until August 31
2015. Profession internship at pharmaceutical
industry was intended to make apothecary student understand the role of
pharmacist, have insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice,
understand the implementation of Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB), and
know the issues in pharmaceutical practice in pharmaceutical industry. Based on
the activities, Apothecary at QC Department is responsible for supervising the
quality of the product diproduski and ensure that the necessary and relevant tests
have been conducted and that the materials have not been approved are not used as
well as products that have not been approved are not sold or supplied before the
quality was assessed and found eligible. Apothecary student have obtained insight
into general routine activities in QC Department, those were an analysis of the
starting materials, finished products, inspection of the starting material. In
performing the task in QC department, apothecary student make a spreadsheet and
validate them to support the analysis and inspection of the starting material. PT
Medifarma Laboratories that has implemented the GMP well in all aspects, give
apothecary student more aware and understand what the real implementation of
GMP in an industry. Such as Industrial others, PT Medifarma Laboratories also has
a problem such as find solution how to solve waste time in the process or the
workers, so that a process was faster but still produce good results. Therefore,
pharmacists should have the insight, knowledge and creativity so that can overcome
the problems."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Indrawati
"Praktek Kerja Profesi dilaksanakan di PT. Bintang Toedjoe Plant Pulogadung bertujuan agar mahasiswa dapat mengetahui dan memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di dalam sebuah industri farmasi; mengetahui dan memahami pelaksanaan penerapan CPOB di PT. Bintang Toedjoe; memiliki wawasan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan farmasi industri serta gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan dan cara pengatasinya. Tugas khusus yang diberikan berjudul Diversifikasi Bahan Baku Ananas comosus Extract pada ?Promag Gazero? dan Parasetamol pada "Laila". Tugas khusus ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil formulasi sediaan cair "Promag Gazero" dan sediaan serbuk "Laila", serta untuk membandingkan hasil uji fisik dan kimia "Promag Gazero" dan "Laila" hasil diversifikasi dengan produk existing. Analisis fisika dan kimia sediaan "Promag Gazero" dengan modifikasi bahan baku Ananas comosus extract dan sediaan serbuk "Laila" dengan modifikasi bahan baku parasetamol menghasilkan produk yang berada dalam rentang spesifikasi yang ditentukan.

Professional Internship was held at PT. Bintang Toedjoe on Pulogadung Plant, intended to allow student to comprehending and understanding the role, duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist in the pharmaceutical industry; to comprehending and understanding the implementation of GMP in PT. Bintang Toedjoe; having knowledge, skills, and practical experience to do the job in the pharmaceutical industry and knowing of the problems faced, also solutions to solve these problems. Special assignment given titled Ananas comosus Extract Diversification on ?Promag Gazero? and Paracetamol on "Laila". The purpose of special assigment are to understand formulation result liquid dosage form "Promag Gazero" and powder dosage form "Laila", and to compare the physical and chemical test results of "Promag Gazero" and "Laila" product diversification with existing product. Physic and chemical analysis of "Promag Gazero" with Ananas comosus extract modified and powder "Laila" with paracetamol modified showed product in a given spesification."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernita Yanuaritamala
Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di PT Actavis Indonesia bertujuan agar calon apoteker mengerti peranan, tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di Industri Farmasi dan memahami penerapan CPOB di Industri Farmasi. Sebagaimana yang diketahui bahwa tenaga kesehatan dalam industri farmasi yang turut berperan dalam menghasilkan obat yang bermutu, aman, dan berkhasiat adalah apoteker. Kedudukan apoteker juga diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, yaitu sebagai penanggung jawab produksi, pengawasan mutu dan pemastian mutu. Selain sebagai personil kunci, apoteker juga dibutuhkan di bidang-bidang lain yang memerlukan keahlian dan pengetahuan dalam bidang kefarmasian seperti PPIC, pengembangan produk dan regulasi. Selain itu, tugas khusus yang diberikan adalah mengenai pembuatan user requirement spesification, yang mana merupakan dokumen berisi spesifikasi dari peralatan yang akan diadakan

Internship at PT Actavis Indonesia aims to understand the role, duties, and responsibilities of the prospective apothecary in pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the aim is to understand the application of GMP in Pharmaceutical Industry, though. Health profession in the pharmaceutical industry, also plays a role in producing the drug quality, safe, and nutritious food, is an apothecary. The role of apothecary as a key personel, which is as the responsible production, quality control and quality assurance. Not only plays as key personel, apithecary is also needed in other fields that require expertise and knowledge in the field of pharmaceuticals as PPIC, product development and regulation. Furthermore, given the specific task is about making the user requirement specification, which is a document about the specifications of the equipment will be held."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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