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Batubara, Frisca Ronauli
"Latar belakang: Latihan fisik aerobik adalah latihan fisik yang dilakukan secara teratur dan berkesinambungan sedangkan latihan fisik yang dilakukan dengan peningkatan durasi dan kecepatan secara bertahap termasuk dalam aerobik Overtraining. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hipertrofi pada otot ventrikel jantung kiri tikus pasca latihan fisik aerobik serta pasca latihan fisik aerobik overtraining.
Metode: Identifikasi morphologi kardiomiosit ventrikel kiri jantung tikus menggunakan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin, sedangkan untuk jaringan fibrosis dengan pewarnaan Masson?s Trichrome. Identifikasi tersebut dilakukan pada kelompok kontrol, dan kelompok perlakuan aerobik dan overtraining yang dilakukan selama 11 minggu.
Hasil: Analisis data menunjukkan terjadi hipertrofi yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan panjang (p=0,017), lebar (p=0,037) pada kelompok aerobik dibandingkan dengan kelompok overtraining. Peningkatan jaringan fibrosis pada kelompok overtraining dengan p= 0,00.

Introduction : Aerobic exercise is physical exercise done regularly and continuously while physical exercise done by increasing the duration and speed gradually included in the aerobic Overtraining. This study aims to analyze hypertrophy in the left ventricle of the heart muscle of mice after aerobic exercise and aerobic exercise post overtraining.
Methods : Left ventricular cardiomyocyte morphology rat heart is identified by hematoxylin eosin staining, whereas for fibrotic tissue with Masson's Trichrome staining. Such identification is performed in the control group and the treatment group performed aerobic and overtraining for 11 weeks.
Conclucion: Analysis of the data showed that hypertrophy is characterized by an increase in length (p = 0.017), width (p = 0.037) in the aerobic group compared with the group of overtraining. Increased tissue fibrosis in the overtraining group with p = 0,00.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang: Hipertrofi jantung dapat timbul akibat stres patologis misal hipoksia yang merupakan respon jantung sebagai mekanisme homeostatis yang diperlukan untuk menormalkan stres dinding ventrikel kiri dan mempertahankan curah jantung. Hipoksia sistemik kronik merupakan stres lingkungan yang berat. Respon spesifik jantung terhadap stres jantung terlihat pada peningkatan kadar peptida di dalam plasma, yang membantu jantung dalam menghadapi beban yang meningkat. Menurut sejumlah peneliti, kadar Apelin berhubungan erat dengan disfungsi ventrikel. Apelin merupakan preproprotein dengan 77 asam amino yang disekresikan dari keluarga adipokine, berperan dalam mempertahankan performa jantung pada beban tekanan kronik. Pada tingkat molekular, respons adaptasi diperantarai oleh perubahan ekspresi gen. Tujuan penelitian: Menganalisis pola ekspresi gen Apelin dan gen BNP pada hipertrofi ventrikel akibat induksi hipoksia sistemik kronik dengan mengukur konsentrasi Apelin-13 dan konsentrasi BNP-45. Penelitian bersifat eksperimental menggunakan 28 ekor tikus Sprague-Dawley jantan, umur 8-12 minggu yang dibagi dalam 7 kelompok n=4 ekor/kelompok , terdiri dari kelompok kontrol normoksia, O2 atmosfir dan kelompok perlakuan hipoksia dalam sungkuphipoksia, 8 O2, masing-masing selama 6 jam, 1, 3, 5, 7 dan 14 hari . Parameter stres oksidatif akibat hipoksia jantung, dilakukan dengan pengukuran kadar malondialdehid MDA dan histopatologi dengan pewarnaan HE. Selain itu juga dilakukan pengukuran protein Apelin-13 dan BNP-45 menggunakan metoda ELISA dan pengukuran ekspresi relatif mRNA Apelin dan BNP-45 jantung, menggunakan real time RT-PCR kuantitatif dengan rumus Livak. Hasil penelitian: ekspresi relatif Apelin-13 di jantung menurun pada awal hipoksia dan kemudian meningkat mulai hari ke-3 sampai hari ke-14. Peningkatan kadar MDA yang signifikan terjadi sejak hipoksia 7 hari. Korelasi MDA terhadap peningkatan ekspresi relatif Apelin adalah kuat r=0.750 dan signifikan p=0.000 . Korelasi BNP-45 terhadap Apelin-13 adalah sangat kuat r=0.943 dan signifikan p=0.000 . Dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya peningkatan MDA, peningkatan ekspresi relatif dan protein Apelin-13 dan peningkatan ekspresi relatif dan protein BNP-45 pada jaringan jantung mempunyai korelasi yang signifikan dan kuat, sesuai dengan peningkatan lamanya perlakuan hipoksia.

Background: Cardiac hypertrophy can result from pathological stress eg hypoxia as a response to ventricular wall stress and to maintain cardiac output. Chronic systemic hypoxia is a severe environmental stress. During cardiac stress certain peptides are release by the heart into the plasma, which help the heart to compensate the increased myocardial load. According to several authors, apelin levels are increased during cardiac dysfunction. Apelin is a preproprotein with 77 amino acids from adipokine, which contributes to maintaining cardiac performance at chronic stress loads. At the molecular level, the adaptation response is mediated by changes in gene expression. Objective: To analyze the expression pattern of Apelin-13 and BNP-45 on ventricular hypertrophy due to induction of chronic systemic hypoxia by measuring Apelin-13 and BNP-45 concentrations. The experimental study used 28 male Sprague-Dawley rats, 8-12 weeks old divided into 7 groups 4 per group , consisting of control group normoxia, atmospheric O2 and 4 hypoxia treatment groups, which underwent systemic hypoxia in hypoxic chamber containing 8 oxygen, respectively for 6 hours, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14 days . The presence of oxidative stress due to cardiac hypoxia was determined by malondialdehyde MDA and cardiac structural alteration was examined by HE staining. Apelin-13 and BNP-45 proteins were determined using the ELISA method and the relative expression of cardiac Apelin and BNP-45 mRNA were determined using quantitative RT-PCR real time with Livak formula. Results: Relative expression of Apelin-13 in the heart decreased early in hypoxia and then increased from day 3 to day 14. Significant increases in MDA levels occurred after 7 days hypoxia. There was a strong and significant correlation between MDA levels and Apelin relative expression r = 0.750, p = 0.001 . Similar results were obtained for of BNP-45 and Apelin-13 r = 0.943, p = 0.001 . From the results, it can be concluded that during chronic systemic hypoxia there was an increase in oxidative stress, relative expression and Apelin-13 proteins and relative expression and BNP-45 protein of the rat cardiac tissue."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulfa Tri Wahyuni
"Latar Belakang: Salah satu penyebab kematian pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis adalah gangguan kardiovaskular. Adanya hipertrofi pada ventrikel kiri dijadikan surrogate marker kondisi kardiomiopatik dan progresivitas penyakit ginjal kronis. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan adanya peran FGF23 dalam menstimulasi terjadinya hipertrofi jantung dan meningkatkan aktivitas sistem renin-angiotensin-aldosteron serta berfungsi sebagai faktor parakrin dengan peran dalam remodelling jantung.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan tikus model nefrektomi 5/6 yang diberikan terapi irbesartan, simvastatin dan kombinasi keduanya selama satu bulan. Tekanan darah diukur pada saat sebelum dan sesudah pemberian obat. Tikus kemudian ditempatkan pada kandang metabolik selama 24 jam untuk pengambilan urin. Nekropsi dilakukan untuk mengambil darah dan jantung. Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan antara lain pemeriksaan indeks massa ventrikel kiri jantung, volume dan kadar protein dalam urin, kadar urea dan kreatinin dalam serum, serta kadar FGF23 dan hormon PTH dalam serum.
Hasil: Hasil dari pemeriksaan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan irbesartan dapat menurunkan tekanan darah dan indeks massa ventrikel kiri secara signifikan. Penggunaan irbesartan, simvastatin dan kombinasi keduanya tidak menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan terhadap hasil pemeriksaan fungsi ginjal, kadar hemoglobin, indeks massa ventrikel kiri, FGF23 dan hormon paratiroid.
Kesimpulan: Dari hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa baik penggunaan irbesartan, simvastatin, maupun keduanya memiliki kecenderungan untuk mengurangi kejadian kardiomiopatik uremik pada tikus model nefrektomi 5/6

Introduction: Cardiovascular events is one of the causes of chronic renal disease’s mortality. Left ventricular hypertrophy was a surrogate marker for cardiomyopathy and progressivity of chronic renal disease. Latest study mentioned about the role of FGF23 on stimulating cardiac hypertrophy and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone activity and also a paracrine factor of cardiac remodeling.
Methods: This study was done using 5/6 nephrectomy rats getting irbesartan, simvastatin and combination of both treatments for 30 days. Blood pressure was measured before and after the treatment. Urine sample was collected for 24 hours for protein assay. Sacrificing the animals was done at the end of study to harvest the heart and blood sample. Heart sample was weighed and measured for left ventricle mass index. Blood sample was used for hemoglobin assay. Serum sample was used for urea, creatinine, FGF23 and PTH assay.
Result: Irbesartan significantly lowered the blood pressure and cardiac mass index, but not significantly improved renal function, hemoglobin level, left ventricular mass index, FGF23 and PTH hormone. Simvastatin and combination of both treatments did not significantly improve renal function, hemoglobin level, left ventricular mass index, FGF23 and PTH hormone.
Conclusion: The use of irbesartan, simvastatin and both combinations tend to improve uremic cardiomyopathy condition on 5/6 nephrectomy rats’ heart.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Elisabeth H.
"Kerusakan target organ tersering pada hipertensi adalah left ventricular hypertrophy LVH dan mikroalbuminuria Radiografi toraks merupakan pemeriksaan non invasif untuk mengevaluasi LVH terutama proyeksi lateral dengan Hoffman Rigler sign. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara LVH berdasarkan modalitas radiografi toraks dengan mikroalbuminuria pada pasien hipertensi. Sampel merupakan pasien hipertensi yang telah diberikan terapi dan dilakukan radiografi toraks PA dan lateral. Dari 66 pasien hipertensi 19 28 8 dengan mikroalbuminuria positif. Dari 35 pasien hipertensi dengan LVH 12 34 3 dengan mikroalbuminuria positif. Pada penelitian ini radiografi toraks PA dan lateral dapat digunakan untuk menilai tanda LVH.

Common target organ damage in hypertension is left ventricular hypertrophy LVH and microalbuminuria Chest x ray is a non invasive examination to evaluate LVH especially lateral projection with Hoffman Rigler sign methode. The research aims to investigate the relationship between LVH based modalities PA and lateral chest x ray with microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients. Samples taken were hypertensive patients who have been given therapy and do PA and lateral chest x ray Of 66 hypertensive patients 19 28 8 with positive microalbuminuria Of 35 hypertensive patients with LVH 12 34 3 with positive microalbuminuria In this study PA and lateral chest x ray can be used to assess the sign of LVH."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manullang, Indra Sihar M.
"Hipertrofi ventrikel kiri atau Left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH) adalah faktor risiko independen terjadinya gagal jantung pada pasien hipertensi. Diagnosis dini LVH diperlukan untuk mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut pada otot jantung. Cardiotropin-1 (CT-1) diproduksi oleh kardiomiosit dan fibroblas, yang kadarnya dilaporkan meningkat pada pasien hipertensi primer.
Tujuan : Membuktikan manfaat CT-1 serum untuk mendeteksi LVH pada pasien hipertensi primer.
Metode : Penelitian uji diagnostik dilaksanakan di RSCM Jakarta periode Februari s/d Maret 2013. Subyek penelitian adalah 75 pasien hipertensi primer dengan atau tanpa LVH. Diagnosis LVH dilakukan dengan ekokardiografi sebagai baku emas dan elektrokardiografi/EKG (kriteria Sokolow Lyon voltage, Cornell voltage dan Cornell product). Kadar CT-1 serum diperiksa dari sampel darah vena dengan metode ELISA.
Hasil : Berdasarkan ekokardiografi 46 orang (61,3%) LVH dan 29 orang (38,7%) tidak LVH. Kadar CT-1 subyek LVH adalah 82,96 ± 351,843 pg/mL dan subyek tanpa LVH 4,55 ± 1,281 pg/mL (p=0,01). Korelasi CT-1 dengan LVMI adalah tidak bermakna (p=0,1). Luas area dibawah kurva ROC CT-1 untuk diagnosis LVH adalah 0,67 (p=0,01). Nilai cut-off CT-1 adalah 4,45 pg/mL. Uji diagnostik CT-1: Sensitifitas 54,4%, spesifisitas 75,9, NDP 78,1%, NDN 51,2 dan akurasi 61,3%. Uji diagnostik kombinasi CT-1 dan EKG (salah satu kriteria positif LVH): sensitifitas 67,4%, spesifisitas 72,4% , NDP 79,5%, NDN 58,3% dan akurasi 69,3%.
Simpulan. CT-1 kurang sensitif namun cukup spesifik untuk diagnosis hipertrofi ventrikel kiri (LVH). Kombinasi CT-1 dengan EKG meningkatkan nilai diagnostik pemeriksaan untuk deteksi LVH pada pasien hipertensi primer.

Left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH) is independent risk factor of heart failure on hypertension patients. Early detection of LVH is necessary to prevent extensive damage of heart muscle. Cardiotropin-1 (CT-1) is produce by cardiomyosite and fibroblast, that the level of CT-1 has been reported increase on primary hypertension patients.
Aim : To prove the benefit of CT-1 serum to detect LVH on primary hypertension patients.
Methods : A diagnostic study has been conducted on RSCM Jakarta on the periode of February to March 2013. Research subjects were 75 primary hypertension patients with and without LVH. LVH diagnosis was performed by echocardiography examination as gold standard and electrocardiography/ECG (Sokolow Lyon voltage, Cornell Voltage and Cornell product criterias). CT-1 level was measured by ELISA method from vein blood sample.
Results : Based on echocardiography examination 46 patients (61.3%) were diagnosed as LVH and 29 patients (38.7%) without LVH. The level of CT-1 of patients with LVH was 82.96 ± 351.843 pg/mL and 4.55 ± 1.,281 pg/mL on patients without LVH (p=0.01). Correlation between CT-1 and Left Ventricular Mass Index was not significant (p=0.1). Area under the ROC curve was 0.67 (p=0.01). The cut-off of CT-1 level for diagnosis of LVH was 4.45 pg/mL. Diagnostic test yield the sensitivity of CT-1 for diagnosis of LVH was 54.4%, specificity 75.9%, PPV 78.1%, NPV 51.2% and accuracy was 61.3%. Diagnostic test of combination CT-1 and ECG (positive LVH by one or more ECG’s criteria) yield sensitivity 67.4%, specificity 72.4% , PPV 79,5%, NPV 58.3% and accuracy 69.3%.
Conclusion. CT-1 examination was not sensitive but specific for LVH diagnosis. Combination of CT-1 and ECG examination was improve diagnostic value of CT-1 for detection of LVH on primary hypertension patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Juvenile hypertrophy of the breast (JHB) merupakan gigantomastia unilateral atau bilateral pada wanita peripubertal dan merupakan kasus jarang. Kelainan ini terbatas pada payudara berupa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang tidak normal. Pembesaran payudara bilateral atau unilateral tidak hanya mengakibatkan gangguan fisik tetapi juga psikis. Etiologinya sulit ditentukan, tetapi kelainan ini menggambarkan adanya hipersensitifitas organ akibat gangguan regulasi endokrin. Terapi terbaik berupa pembedahan yaitu mastektomi atau mammaplasti reduksi. Laporan ini menyajikan kasus seorang wanita berusia 30 tahun dengan JHB. Pertumbuhan payudara kirinya dimulai saat pubertas dan terus membesar selama setahun. Operasi dilaksanakan berupa reduksi mammaplasti dengan wise pattern based design. Setelah dua tahun pasien tidak memiliki tanda-tanda rekurensi dan kedua payudaranya tampak simetris dengan parut yang memuaskan.

Juvenile hypertrophy of the breast (JHB) is a rare condition leading to gigantomastia unilaterally or bilaterally in peripubertal females. The pathology is limited usually to the breast, with otherwise normal growth and development and without any other deformities. The rapid bilateral or unilateral growth of the breast in adolescent girls leads to severe physical and psychological problems. The etiology remains elusive, but it is believed to represent an end-organ hypersensitivity during a period of intense endocrine regulatory stress. The best treatment is surgical whereas the younger patients better treated with mastectomy to anticipate the high recurrency rate, while older women is best treated with reduction mammaplasty. We report one case of a woman who had a unilateral JHB. The growth of the left breast started in her pubertal age and kept growing for one year. She was treated surgically with Wise pattern based design. After two years, she had no recurrent enlargement and aesthetically, the symmetry of both breasts is achieved with a satisfying scar. "
[Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pada overtraining, adaptasi fisiologis menjadi tertunda atau bahkan menghasilkan suatu adaptasi yang patologis, salah satunya efek pada sistem kardiovaskuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai pengaruh overtraining dan efek pemberian H. Sabdariffa L HSL) pada kondisi overtraining terhadap indeks hipertrofi, kadar BNP dan PGC-1α jantung tikus. Penelitian ini menggunakan 25 ekor tikus jantan dewasa strain Wistar (Rattus-norvegicus) yang dibagi secara acak menjadi lima kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol yang diberi perlakuan placebo (K), kelompok kontrol yang diberi HSL 500mg/kgBB/hari (K-Hib), kelompok tikus dengan latihan aerobik (A), kelompok tikus dengan latihan fisik dengan kondisi overtraining(OT), serta kelompok tikus dengan latihan fisik dengan kondisi overtraining dan HSL 500mg/kgBB/hari (OT-Hib). Perlakuan dilakukan lima kali seminggu, selama 11 minggu. Indeks hipertrofi ditentukan dengan menghitung rasio berat jantung/berat badan, berat ventrikel/berat badan, dan berat ventrikel kiri/berat badan. Kadar BNP dan PGC-1α diukur menggunakan metode ELISA. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kelompok overtraining memiliki indeks hipertrofi dan kadar BNP jantung yang lebih tinggi, serta kadar PGC-1α jantung yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dan aerobik. Pemberian HSL pada kondisi overtraining cenderung mencegah penurunan indeks hipertrofi dan kadar BNP jantung tikus, meskipun tidak meningkatkan kadar PGC-1α jantung. Kondisi overtraining mengarahkan adaptasi jantung ke arah patologis dan tidak tertutup kemungkinan bahwa HSL memiliki potensi untuk mencegah terjadinya hipertrofi patologis.

Overtraining causes physiological adaptation becomes delayed or even produces a pathological adaptation, one of which is the effect on the cardiovascular system. The aims of this study are to elucidate the effect of overtraining and administration of H. Sabdariffa L (HSL) in overtraining condition on the hypertrophy index, levels of BNP and PGC-1α in the rats' hearts. This study used 25 Wistar Rattus norvegicus adult male rats, which were divided randomly into five groups, namely the control group given placebo treatment (K), the control group given HSL 500mg/kgBW/day (K-Hib), groups of rats with aerobic exercise (A), groups of rats with overtraining physical exercise (OT), and groups of rats with physical exercise overtraining and HSL 500mg/kgBB/day (OT-Hib). Treatment is done five times a week, for 11 weeks. Hypertrophy index is determined by calculated the ratio of heart weight/body-weight, ventricular weigh/body-weight, left ventricular weight/body-weight). BNP and PGC-1α levels were measured using the ELISA method. The results of this study showed that overtraining increased the hypertrophy index and heart BNP levels while reducing the levels of PGC-1α of rats compared to the control and aerobic groups. HSL administration tended to decrease the hypertrophy index and BNP levels although not increase the levels of PGC-1α in overtraining condition. Overtraining condition tend to the heart adaptation to the pathological direction and it is possible that HSL has potency to prevent pathological hypertrophy."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Lousiana
"Latar belakang: Latihan fisik anaerobik adalah latihan fisik yang dilakukan dalam waktu singkat dengan intensitas tinggi dan dapat merangsang apoptosis pada kardiomiosit ventrikel kiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ekspresi apoptosis kardiomiosit pasca latihan serta pasca henti latih latihan fisik anaerobik.
Metode : Identifikasi Caspase-3 dilakukan dengan cara pulasan imunohistokimia dan analisis kuantitatif persentase Caspase-3 yang dilakukan pada kelompok kontrol 4,8,12 dan 16 minggu, kelompok perlakuan latihan fisik anaerobik 4 dan 12 minggu serta henti latih 4 minggu pasca latihan (minggu ke 8 dan 16).
Hasil: Analisis data menunjukkan peningkatan persentase caspase-3 pada kelompok latihan fisik anaerobik 4 dan 12 minggu dengan p=0,027. Penurunan persentase capase-3 pasca henti latih yang bermakna juga ditemukan antara kelompok latihan fisik anaerobik 4 minggu dengan kelompok henti latih 4 minggu (p=0,0001) dan antara kelompok latihan anaerobik 12 minggu dengan kelompok henti latih 16 minggu (p=0,0001).

Introduction : Anaerobic physical exercise is a high intensity physical exercise performed in a short time. This exercise can stimulate apoptosis in left ventricular cardiomyocytes. The aims of this study is to analyze the expression of cardiomyocyte apoptosis after anaerobic exercise and detraining.
Methods : Caspase-3 expression is identified by immunohistochemistry labeling and quantitative analysis of the percentage of Caspase-3 in the control group 4,8,12 and 16 weeks, groups with 4 and 12 weeks of anaerobic physical exercise, and groups after 4 weeks of detraining ( week 8 and 16).
Conclucion: Data analyses showed a significant increase in the percentage of caspase-3 in the 4 and 12 weeks anaerobic physical exercise groups with p = 0.027. The percentage of Capase-3 after detraining showed a significant decline between the groups of 4 weeks of anaerobic physical exercise and detraining with p = 0.0001 and between groups of 12 weeks of anaerobic exercise and detraining with p = 0, 0001.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Ridla Nilasanti Parwata
"Overtraining syndrome adalah menurunnya kapasitas fisik, emosi dan imunitas akibat pelatihan yang terlalu sering tanpa periode istrahat yang cukup. Overtraining berdampak pada penurunan kadar BDNF dan memori pada atlet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik overtraining terhadap kadar brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) dan memori pada tikus. Metode penelitian eksperimental dengan subjek penelitian tikus (Rattus norvegicus) galur Wistar jantan dewasa, 8-10 minggu, berat badan 200-250 gr. Terbagi atas kelompok kontrol, aerobik dan overtraining. Hasil pengukuran ditemukan kadar BDNF pada kelompok overtraining lebih rendah daripada kelompok aerobik dan kontrol. Terdapat perbedaan kadar BDNF pada kelompok Aerobik dan overtraining (p = 0,002). Hasil uji memori dengan water-E maze menunjukkan peningkatan durasi waktu dan jumlah kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok overtraining (p = 0.03). Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan latihan fisik aerobik overtraining dapat menurunkan kadar BDNF dan memori pada tikus.

Overtraining syndrome is the reduced capacity of the aspects of the physical work, emotions and immunity as a result of the type, intensity, duration and frequency of training too often without sufficient resting period. Overtraining impact on BDNF levels and memory decline in athletes. This study aimed to examine the effect of aerobic physical exercise overtraining on BDNF levels and memory in the rat brain. Experimental research methods to study. Subjects were rats (Rattus norvegicus) adult male Wistar strain, aged 8-10 weeks, initial body weight between 200-250g. Divided into 3 groups: control, aerobic and overtraining. The test results mean BDNF levels are the lowest seen in the group of overtraining. The results of statistical tests are the most significant differences in the mean levels of BDNF Aerobic and overtraining group with p = 0.002. The results of the memory test with a water-maze E showed increased duration and the number of errors made by the overtraining group (p = 0:03). This study suggests that overtraining can affect the decrease in BDNF levels and memory in mice.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Safendra
"OBJECTIVE: To determine if Intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP), total prostate volume, transition zone volume and transition zone index is correlated with the severity of clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January to May 2005, 56 patients with symptom of BPH were enrolled in this study. All patients were requested to undergo urofiowmetry, postvoid residual urine measurement and international Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). TRUS was used to calculate the total prostate volume, transition zone (ZT) volume and the transition zone index (TZ index = TZ volume/total prostate volume). And IPP was measured by transabdominal ultrasonography.
RESULT: There were a significant correlation between IPSS and post void residual with total prostate volume, transition zone, transition zone index and intravesical prostatic protrusion. Only transition zone and transition zone index were significant correlation with Q max. Strongest correlation in IPSS and postvoid residual was transition zone (ZT) volume (r = 0.480 and r = 0.621 ) in Q max was transition zone index (r = 0.508).
CONCLUSION : From this study there were correlation between intravesical prostatic protrusion, prostate volume, transition zone volume and transition zone index however the correlation is weak.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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