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Rahmi Umaira Arlym
Kanker merupakan faktor penting dalam beban penyakit global saat ini.
Kasus baru setiap tahun terus meningkat. Angka kasus kanker payudara di Rumah
Sakit Kanker Dharmais masih menempati urutan pertama dari jenis kanker lain.
Informasi mengenai kualitas hidup perempuan dengan kanker payudara menjadi
sangat penting mengingat masih tingginya angka kasus kanker payudara serta
untuk memberikan dukungan kepada pasien kanker payudara dalam
keberlangsungan hidup jangka panjang. Kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara
tak luput dari faktor karakteristik individu, faktor karakteristik klinis dan faktor
lingkungan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain case series dengan 90
sampel diambil secara consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa usia, terapi yang sedang dijalani, paparan informasi serta dukungan
keluarga berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara. Saran untuk
Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais agar lebih meningkatkan penyebaran informasi
tentang kanker payudara, bagi masyarakat meningkatkan dukungan keluarga
terhadap pasien kanker payudara.

Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients.;Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients.;Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients.;Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients., Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weny Amelia
"Karya Ilmiah akhir KIA merupakan laporan praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah yang terdiri dari pengelolaan kasus kanker dengan pendekatan teori peaceful end of life, penerapan evidence based nursing self-management untuk mengurangi konstipasi pada pasien kanker payudara akibat kemoterapi yang mendapatkan antiemetik 5-hydroxytryptamine serotonin; 5HT3 yaitu ondansentron dan melakukan proyek inovasi kelompok tentang manajemen edukasi multimedia pada pasien kanker tiroid yang akan menjalani terapi radioaktive iodine RAI 131. Konsep peaceful end of life memberikan gambaran pada perawat untuk memberikan asuhan keperawatan paliatif pada pasien kanker. Self-management dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu terapi non farmakologi untuk mengurangi konstipasi, bersifat mudah dilakukan, aman dan secara teknis praktis untuk mengurangi konstipasi pada pasien kanker payudara karena tidak dibutuhkan keterampilan atau pelatihan khusus untuk melakukannya. Manajemen edukasi multimedia dapat memfasilitasi media edukasi pada pasien yang menjalani perawatan isolasi RAI 131, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan perawat dalam manajemen edukasi pada pasien yang menjalani perawatan isolasi RAI 131.

The final paper is a report of residency medical surgical nursing practice consisting of the management of the cancer cases with the approach of the peaceful end of life theory, application of evidence based nursing self management to reduce constipation in breast cancer patients due to chemotherapy who received antiemetic 5 hydroxytryptamine Serotonin 5HT3 in this case ondansentron and undertaking a group innovation project on multimedia education management in patients with thyroid cancer undergoing radioodine iodine RAI therapy 131. The concept of peaceful end of life provide an overview for nurses to provide palliative nursing care in cancer patients. Self management can be used as one of the non pharmacological therapies to reduce constipation, it is easy to do, safe and technically practical to reduce constipation in breast cancer patients since it does not require special skills or training to do so. Multimedia education management is able facilitate educational media in patients undergoing RAI 131 isolation treatments, improving nurse knowledge and skills in educational management in patients undergoing RAI 131 isolation treatments.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triana Arisdiani
"Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu tumor ganas pada jaringan payudara yang paling sering menyerang wanita dan menjadi salah satu penyakit serius di dunia yang mengancam jiwa. Insiden kanker payudara dilaporkan meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Karya Ilmiah Akhir (KIA) ini adalah sebagai laporan praktik residensi keperawatan medikal bedah peminatan onkologi di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta yang berisi tentang: (1) penerapan teori Peaceful End of Life (PEOL) pada pasien kanker payudara, (2) intervensi menghirup aromaterapi jahe sebagai evidence based nursing untuk mengurangi mual muntah akibat kemoterapi pasien kanker payudara (3) proyek inovasi penggunaan Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) sebagai alat deteksi awal terhadap perburukan kondisi pasien. Kesimpulan: bahwa teori Peaceful End Of Life tepat digunakan dalam perawatan paliatif pasien kanker. Intervensi menghirup aromaterapi jahe dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif pilihan manajemen mual muntah nonfarmakologi. Instrumen MEWS dapat diterapkan pada unit emergensi dan dapat membantu mengidentifikasi pasien dengan risiko perburukan kondisi yang membutuhkan peningkatan level perawatan seperti rawat inap atau masuk ICU.

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor of the breast tissue that most often affects women and become one of serious diseases in the world and life-threatening. The incidence of breast cancer was reported increase year to year. This final paper clinical practice is a clinical report Medical Surgical nursing specialization in oncology at the Cancer Hospital Dharmais Jakarta which consist of : (1) the application of the theory of Peaceful End of Life (PEOL) in breast cancer patients, (2) intervention inhaling aromatherapy ginger as evidence based nursing to reduce nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy in breast cancer patients (3) innovation projects implement the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) as a tools for early detection of the deterioration of the patient's condition. Conclusion: The theory of Peaceful End of Life is appropriate to use in the palliative care of cancer patients. Ginger aromatherapy can be used as an alternative nonpharmacological management of nausea and vomiting. MEWS instruments can be applied to the emergency unit and may help identify patients at risk to worsening condition require increased levels of care such as hospitalization or ICU.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmorang, L. Rumiris
"Kanker payudara merupakan salah sam jenis kanker yang teroapat pada wanita dan masih merupakan masalah kesehatan pada wanita, karena selain merupakan salah satu penyakit keganasan kedua terbanyak juga sering menyebabkan kematian. Di Indonesia kanker payudara adalah kanker nomor dua tersering. dan di Rurmah Sakit Kanker Dharmais merupakan angka kunjungan tertinggi setiap tahunnya. Salah satu faktor protektif yang berperan menurunkan risiko kanker payudara pada wenita adalah menyusui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk rnengeta.hui hubungan antara menyusui dengan kanker payudara pada pasien Rumnh Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta yang berkunjung pada periode bulan Mei - Juli 2007.
Penelitian ini menggunakan disain kasus kontrol dengan sampel peneiitian wanita melahirkan semua kelompok umur yang menderita kanker dan berkunjung ke poliklinik onkologi Rumah Sakit Kanker Dhannais Jakarta periode bulan Mei - Juli 2007. lumlah sampe1266 orang terdiri dari 127 orang kasus penderita kanker payudara dan 139 orang kontrol penderita kanker lainnya. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara o1eh perawat yang telah diberikan penjelasan mengenai daftar pertanyaa-pertanyaan da1am kuesioner. Data diuji dengan unconditional logistic regressiQu dengan program Stata versi 7,0.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh : proporsi responden yang menyusui selama >6 bulan sebesar 75,19 0/0, sisanya 24,81% menyusui selama 0 - 6 bulan; karakteristik responden rata-rata berumur 46,5 tahun, usia m£l1larche 13,5 tahun dan usia saat paritas pertama 25 tahun. Rata-rata jUn1Iah paritas adalah 2,5 kali dan rata~rata jumlah anak yang disusui adalah 2/6 anak. Rata~rata lama menyusui tiap anak adalah 12.04 bulan dan rata~rata lama menyusui sepanjang hidup adalah 32,62 bulan.
Disimpulkan terdapat hubungan dosis respon antara lama menyusui dengan risiko kanker payudara yaitu sema"kin lama menyusui sernakin kecil risiko untuk menderita kanker payudara. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan efek protektif lama menyusui tiap anak selaroa>6 bulan terhadap penurunan risiko kanker payudara setelah dikontrol dengan variabel umur, riwayat kanker payudara pada keluarga, usia saat menarche, jumlah paritas dan usia saat paritas pertama dengan (OR Adjusted 0,43; 95% CI : O.24~OJ80;). Efek protektif ini lebih kuat pada wanita postmenopause dibandingkan wanita premenopausal pada responden yang menyusui tiap anaknya selama >6 bulan (OR Adjusted ~ 0,14; 95% CI ; 0,03 ... 0,62) setelah dikendalikan dengan variabel umur, usia saat menopause. jumlah paritas dan usia saat paritas pertama. Disarankan pada wanita yang pemah melahirkan untuk menyusui tiap anaknya >6 bulan untuk menurunkan risiko terkena kanker payudara.

Breast cancer is cancer found in women and poses serious health problem. it rank second as the most frequent cancer and usually fatal. In Indonesia, among other cancers. breast cancer ranks second in frequency and Dharmais Cancer Hospital has highest visit each year. One known protective factor of breast cancer is breastfeeding. The aim of this study is to understand the association between breastfeeding and breast cancer among Dharmais Cancer Hospital patients in May - July 2007 period.
The study employs case-control design with sampJes of delivered mothers at all age groups who visit oncology polyclinic Dhannais Cancer Hospital during May - July 2001 period. Total sample was 266 consisted of 127 breast cancer patients and 139 other cancer controls. Primary data were coHected through interview conducted by nurse who had been explained about the questionnaire. Data were tested using unconditional logistic regression using Stata version 1.0.
The results shows that proportion of respondents who breastfed between 0--6 months was 75.190/0, 24.81% for breasfed for >6 months; average age of respondent 'WaS 46.5 years. average menarche was 13.5 years. and average first parity age of 25 years. Average parity was 2.5 times and average number of breastfed children was 2.6 children. The average duration of breasfeeding was 12.04 months and average longlife duration of breastfeeding was 32.62 months.
It is concluded that there is a significant relationship between breastfeeding and breast cancer among those who has average breastfeeding of >6 months after controlled by age, famity cancer history. menarche age, parity, and first parity age with adjusted OR of 0.43 (95% CI : 0.24-0.80). The study also concludes that breasfeeding has stronger protective effect among postmenopausal women with adjusted OR of 0.14 (95% CI : 0,03 - 0,62) after controlled by age, menopause age, parity. and first parity age. It is suggested that every mothers should breastfeed their children at least 7 months to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Huda
"Kanker merupakan salah satu penyakit yang menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Jenis kanker yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah kanker payudara dan menjadi salah satu penyebab utama kematian di Indonesia. Pada umumnya pasien yang datang dalam keadaan stadium lanjut. Terkait hal tersebut maka perawat, khususnya perawat spesialis mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam penatalaksanaan asuhan keperawatan pasien kanker payudara. Praktek residensi keperawatan medikal bedah menerapkan asuhan keperawatan dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori Peacefull End of Life yang berfokus pada lima konsep utama yaitu bebas dari rasa nyeri, rasa nyaman, harga diri, tenang dan kedekatan dengan orang yang bermakna. Edukasi dengan menggunakan audiotape dan booklet merupakan bukti mutakhir dalam menurunkan kecemasan dan peningkatan kemampuan dalam menangani efek samping kemoterapi pada pasien kanker payudara. Berkontribusi dalam pengembangan pengkajian cachexia merupakan suatu inovasi yang dilakukan. Hasil analisis pratek menunjukkan bahwa teori Peacefull End of Life cocok diterapkan pada asuhan keperawatan kanker. Edukasi dengan menggunakan audiotape dan booklet efektif menurunkan kecemasan dan meningkatan kemampuan pasien dalam menghadapi efek samping kemoterapi, format pengkajian cachexia yang dikembangkan cukup sensitif dan komunikatif dalam menilai status nutrisi pasien sehingga berdampak kepada peningkatan kualitas asuhan keperawatan yang bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien pada area keperawatan onkologi.

Cancer is a common health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. Breast cancer is the most common cancer and become a leading cause of death among Indonesian women. Most of them come to hospital at advanced stage. Therefore, the role of specialist nurse are very important in breast cancer treatment. Medical surgical nursing practice residency has aimed to provide comprehensive nursing care by using Peaceful end of life Theory approach. This theory has five major concept constituted not being pain, comfort, dignity and respect, being peace and closeness to significant other. Education using booklet and audiotapes is a recent evidence to decrease anxiety and increase on the number of self care behaviour used by breast cancer women to minimize side effect of chemotherapy. Actively contributed in developing cachexia assessment scale tool is a kind of innovative idea . As a result, Residence practice analysis showed that nursing care in oncology area can use Peaceful End of Life theory approach as a guideline, Education using booklet and audiotape is a kind of effective way for managing side effect in breast cancer women who receiving chemotherapy, cachexia assessment scale tool is is an effective and communicative tool in assessing nutrition problem for cancer patient which has effect for high quality nursing care in oncology area. So, the final aimed to increase patient quality of life will be achieved."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jons Peri
"Praktik residensi spesialis Keperawatan Medikal Bedah peminatan Onkologi berfokus pengaplikasian perawat dalam pemberi asuhan keperawatan, pendidik, dan peneliti. Peran sebagai pemberian asuhan keperawatan dilaksanakan dengan melakukan pengelolaan 30 pasien keganasan kanker dan satu kasus yang dijadikan kasus kelolaan pasien yang terdiagnosa kanker payudara metastase paru, hati dan tulang menggunakan pendekatan teori Peacefull End Of Life (PEOL). Pelaksanaan penerapan intervensi keparawatan berbasis bukti ilmiah merupakan perawat sebagai peneliti dalam bentuk ponerapan Progresif Muscle Relaxation (PMR) terhadap penurunan kecemasan dan nyeri pasca pembedahan abdomen. peran perawat sebagai pendidik dilaksanakan dalam bentuk implementasi penggunaan aplikasi J-Hati (jalan sehat berenergi) dengan memberikan latihan fisik walking exercise berbasis android kepada pasien kanker dengan masalah fatigue. Seluuruh rangkaian kegiatan praktek residensi ini mempunyai tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan profesionalitas keperawatan secara komprehensif.

Medical Surgical Nursing specialist residency practice with a specialization in Oncology focuses on the application of nurses in nursing care providers, educators, and researchers. The role as the provision of nursing care is carried out by managing 30 patients with cancer malignancy and one case which is used as a managed case for a patient diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer of the lung, liver and bone using the theoretical approach by Peaceful End Of Life (PEOL). The implementation of the application of scientific evidence-based nursing interventions is a nurse as a researcher in the form of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) application to reduce anxiety and pain after abdominal surgery. The role of nurses as educators is carried out in the form of implementing the use of the J-Hati application (healthy energy walking) by providing physical training of Android-based walking exercise to cancer patients with fatigue problems. The entire series of residency practice activities has the goal of comprehensively improving the quality and professionalism of nursing.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsyadanie Saifi Adli
Praktek kerja profesi Apoteker dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta Barat. Kegiatan PKPA ini bertujuan untuk memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggungjawab apoteker di Rumah Sakit, serta menambah wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit. Fungsi kefarmasian yang dijalankan di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais telah sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Kegiatan yang ada di Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais meliputi manajemen farmasi, produksi, dan pelayanan farmasi klinik dimana Apoteker memiliki peran fungsional pada setiap aspek kegiatan tersebut. Tugas khusus yang diberikan yaitu tentang Analisis Drug Related Problem Pada Kasus Penyakit Karsinoma Nasofaring Pasien Rawat Inap di Ruang Anak. Tugas ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mengidentifikasi, dan menganalisa adanya Drug Related Problem serta memberi rekomendasi terapi terhadap salah satu pasien dengan diagnosa utama Karsinoma Nasofaring.ABSTRACT Pharmacists profession internship implemented at Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, West Jakarta. PKPA activity aims to understand the role, duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in hospital and to add the insight, knowledge, skills, and practical experience to perform pharmacy practice at the Hospital. Pharmacy functions that run in Pharmacy Installation at Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais has been in accordance with the standard of pharmacy services at the hospital established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. Activity of Pharmacy Installation at Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais include pharmaceutical management, production, and service of clinical pharmacy where pharmacists have a functional role in every aspect of the activity. Special task given that about Drug Related Problem Analysis In the case of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Disease Patient at the Nursery. This task aims to find, identify, and analyze the Drug Related Problem and provide therapy recommendations for one patient with a primary diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lita Kusmalasari
Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker terbanyak di antara wanita di dunia maupun Indonesia. Di Indonesia, khususnya di Rumah Sakit Kanker “Dharmais” (RSKD) Jakarta angka kasus meningkat ditiap periode waktu dari angka 21,46% di tahun 1993-1997 meningkat hingga 40,58% di tahun 2003-2007. Dalam menangani penyakit ini, terdapat modalitas terapi kanker di antaranya adalah operasi, radiasi, kemoterapi ataupun kombinasi dari ketiganya. Namun, modalitas terapi tersebut menimbulkan efek samping yang tidak sedikit pada pasien, khususnya kemoterapi. Kondisi ini dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien. Akibat dari kondisi tersebut, banyak pasien kanker yang menggunakan terapi komplementer-alternatif (CAM) untuk mengurangi gejala efek samping yang dialaminya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manfaat CAM terhadap kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi sebagai terapi pendukung di RSKD. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap 152 pasien kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi dan verifikasi data rekam medis. Metode penelitian menggunakan disain studi analitik potong lintang. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa penggunaan CAM tidak berhubungan bermakna secara statistik (p value >0,05) terhadap kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara setelah dikontrol variabel lain. Berdasarkan analisis stratifikasi didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan (p value <0,05), di mana pada kelompok responden yang menggunakan CAM non-herbal selama 1-6 bulan memiliki peluang 6,75 kali (95% CI:1,12-40,56) untuk memiliki kualitas hidup baik dibandingkan dengan responden yang menggunakan jenis CAM herbal selama 1-6 bulan. Perlunya penelitian lebih lanjut dengan desain prospektif dan sampel yang lebih besar.

Breast Cancer is the most type of cancer among women in the world and in Indonesia. In Indonesia, especially in “Dharmais” Cancer Hospital (RSKD) Jakarta increased number of cases in each periode of time from 21,46% in 1993-1997 to 40,58% in 2003-2007. In dealing with this disease, there is a cancer therapeutic modalities which are surgery, radiation, chemoterapy or a combination of all three. However, the reality these therapies have side effects that are not small in patients, particularly chemoterapy. This condition can affect the patient’s quality of life. The result of these conditions, many cancer patients use Complementar-Alternative Medicine (CAM) to alleviate the symptoms of the side effects they experienced. The porpose of this study was to determine the benefits of CAM to the quality of life of breast cancer patients who are undergoing chemoterapy as supportive therapy in RSKD. This study is a cross sectional analytic that conducted through interviews of 152 breast cancer patients who are chemoterapy and then verifying medical records. The result found that CAM use was not statistically significantly related to the quality of life of breast cancer patients after controlling for other variables. Based on stratification analysis found a significant relationship in which the respondents who use non-herbal types for 1-6 months had 6,75 times (95% CI: 1,12-40-56) the chance to have a good quality of life compared with respondents who used herbal types for 1-6 months. Need to do further research with a larger sample and prospective design."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jade Nugrahaningtyas Liswono
"Kejadian infeksi pasca pembedahan dan pasca kemoterapi pada pasien kanker payudara dapat memperpanjang lama rawat inap sehingga meningkatkan biaya kesehatan. Meningkatnya biaya pengeluaran kesehatan mendorong adanya evaluasi ekonomi. Analisis efektivitas-biaya (AEB) sebagai salah metode farmakoekonomi penting dilakukan untuk membandingkan antibiotik yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan total biaya penggunaan, efektivitas seftriakson generik A dan B, dan menentukan seftriakson yang lebih cost-effective untuk pasien kanker payudara di RS Kanker Dharmais tahun 2012.
Desain penelitian ini adalah non eksperimental dengan studi perbandingan dan pengambilan data secara retrospektif menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis dan Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit RS Kanker Dharmais. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara total sampling. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 16 pasien untuk seftriakson generik A dan 8 pasien untuk generik B.Efektivitas seftriakson pada indikasi pasca pembedahan untuk generik A sebesar 2,5 hari dan untuk generik B sebesar 1,0 hari, sedangkan pada indikasi pasca kemoterapi untuk generik sebesar 4,0 hari dan untuk generik B sebesar 9,5 hari.
Total biaya penggunaan seftriakson pada indikasi pasca pembedahan untuk generik A sebesar Rp 4.384.448,00 dan untuk generik B sebesar Rp 3.397.952,00,sedangkan pada indikasi pasca kemoterapi untuk generik A sebesar Rp2.284.655,00 dan untuk generik B sebesar Rp 11.195.270,00. Berdasarkan AEB,pada indikasi pasca pembedahan diperoleh hasil seftriakson generik B lebih costeffective daripada generik A, sedangkan pada indikasi pasca kemoterapi diperoleh hasil seftriakson generik A lebih cost-effective daripada generik B.

The incidence of post-surgery and post-chemotherapy infections in breast cancer patients prolonged the hospitalization days leading to the increase of health costs.The increasing health expenditure demanded the use of economic evaluation.Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) as one of pharmacoeconomics methods was important to compare the usage of antibiotics. The purposes of this research were to compare total cost and effectiveness of using generic ceftriaxone A and B, and to decide which ceftriaxone that was more cost-effective in breast cancer patients in Dharmais Cancer Hospital during 2012. Effectiveness was measured as ceftriaxone-using days, meanwhile cost was measured as total direct medical cost.
The research design was non experimental with comparative study and retrospective data were collected from medical records and hospital information systems of Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Samples were taken by using total sampling method. There were 6 patients using generic ceftriaxone A and 8 generic ceftriaxone B. Effectiveness of ceftriaxone for post-surgery indication in generic ceftriaxone A was 2,5 days and in generic B was 1,0 days, meanwhile for postchemotherapy indication in generic A was used 4,0 days and in generic B was 9,5 days.
Total direct medical cost of ceftriaxone for post-surgery indication in generic A and B, respectively Rp 4.384.448,00 and Rp 3.397.952,00, meanwhile for post-chemotherapy indication in generic A and B, respectively Rp 2.284.655,00 and Rp 11.195.270,00. According to CEA result, it could be concluded that generic ceftriaxone B was more cost-effective than A for postsurgery indication, meanwhile generic ceftriaxone A was more cost-effective than B for post-chemotherapy indication.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Jeany Rahayu Pertiwi
"Infeksi pada pasien kanker payudara yang menerima kemoterapi mielosupresif mengakibatkan kebutuhan akan hospitalisasi sehingga meningkatkan biaya kesehatan. Pemberian seftazidim dapat mempersingkat durasi neutropenia dan lama hari rawat inap. Analisis efetivitas-biaya (AEB) merupakan salah satu metode farmakoekonomi yang penting untuk menentukan obat efektif dengan biaya yang lebih rendah. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membandingkan total biaya medis langsung dan efektivitas yang dilihat dari lama hari rawat penggunaan seftazidim generik A dan B, serta menentukan seftazidim yang lebih cost-effective pada pasien kanker payudara stadium awal dan lanjut di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta tahun 2012.
Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah non eksperimental dengan studi perbandingan. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara retrospektif terhadap data sekunder berupa catatan rekam medik serta data administrasi tahun 2012. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara total sampling. Jumlah pasien yang dilibatkan dalam analisis sebanyak 9 pasien, yaitu 7 pasien menggunakan seftazidim generik A dan 2 pasien menggunakan seftazidim generik B.
Median total biaya medis langsung kelompok generik A pada pasien kanker stadium awal maupun lanjut berturut-turut sebesar Rp Rp 15.930.407,45 dan Rp Rp 15.962.519,25, lebih tinggi dibanding generik B, berturut-turut sebesar Rp 6.716.225,21 dan Rp 7.147.956,92. Median lama hari rawat kelompok generik A pada pasien kanker stadium awal maupun lanjut berturut-turut 7 hari dan 10 hari, lebih panjang dibanding generik B, berturut-turut 3 hari dan 4 hari. Berdasarkan AEB diketahui seftazidim generik B lebih cost-effective dibanding generik A.

Infections among breast cancer patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy led to hospitalization thus increased the health cost. Early administration of ceftazidime shortened duration of neutropenia and hospitalization days. Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) as one of pharmacoeconomic methods was important to determine treatment attaining effect for lower cost. This study was conducted to compare the total direct medical cost and effectiveness, which was measured from length-of-stay (LOS), of ceftazidime generic A and B usage, and to decide which ceftazidime that was more costeffective in early-stage and late-stage breast cancer patients at National Cancer Center Dharmais Hospital Jakarta year 2012.
The study design was nonexperimental with comparative study. Data were collected retrospectively on secondary data from medical records and administrative data in 2012. Samples were taken by using total sampling method. The number of samples were 9 patients, which included 7 patients with ceftazidime generic A and 2 patients with ceftazidime generic B.
The total direct medical cost of ceftazidime generic A in early-stage and late-stage breast cancer patients, respectively Rp 15.930.407,45 and Rp 15.962.519,25, were higher than generic B, respectively Rp 6.716.225,21 and Rp 7.147.956,92. Median LOS of ceftazidime generic A in early-stage and late-stage breast cancer patients, respectively 7 days and 10 days, were longer than generic B, respectively 3 days and 4 days. According to CEA result, ceftazidime generic B was more cost-effective than generic A.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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