Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari struktur pasar
perbankan terhadap profitabilitas dan stabilitas bank terkait rencana integrasi
sektor perbankan ASEAN yang merupakan salah satu cetak biru dari Masyarakat
Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Dalam mengukur struktur pasar perbankan digunakan
pangsa pasar bank {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis} dan konsentrasi
pasar perbankan {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypothesis}. Penelitian
ini menggunakan data bank komersial yang terdaftar di pasar bursa saham negara
ASEAN 4, yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, dan Filipina pada periode 2009-
2014. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan RMP Hypothesis berlaku di perbankan
ASEAN dalam mempengaruhi profitabilitas bank, namun tidak berlaku di
Thailand dan Filipina. Di Indonesia SCP Hypothesis berlaku dominan dalam
menentukan profitabilitas bank. Lain halnya dengan Malaysia, Efficiency
Hypothesis mengonfirmasi hubungan pangsa pasar, konsentrasi pasar, dan
profitabilitas bank. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa konsentrasi pasar
perbankan berpengaruh negatif terhadap stabilitas bank pada perbankan ASEAN,
Thailand dan Filipina. Hal tersebut mendukung konsep Concentration Fragility.
Lain halnya dengan Indonesia dan Malaysia, konsetrasi pasar perbankan membuat
bank lebih tidak stabil. Sehingga hal tersebut mendukung Concentration Stability.
Penemuan penting dalam penelitian ini adalah bank dengan pangsa pasar
besar/ukuran besar dan permodalan kuat membuat bank dapat bersaing terkait
rencana integrasi sektor perbankan ASEAN. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan
marger dan akuisisi, khususnya untuk Indonesia.;This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 ? 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks.;This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 ? 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks., This study is aimed for analyzing the influence of banking market structure on
bank profitability and stability related to ASEAN banking sector integration
plan which is in line with blue print of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
In measuring banking market structure, the research utilized reference of bank
market share {Relative Market Power (RMP) Hypotesis}and banking market
concentration {Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) Hypotesis}. This research
also utilized other references of commercial banks in which listed in stock
exchange of ASEAN 4 countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Filiphine
for 2009 – 2014 period. One of the research findings has shown that RMP
Hypotesis takes part in influencing bank profitability in ASEAN banks, but it
does not work in Thailand and Filiphine. In case of Indonesia, SCP Hypothesis
dominantly takes part in creating bank profitability. In case of Malaysia, on the
other hand, Efficiency Hypothesis confirms market share, market concentration,
and bank profitability. The research has also found out that banking market
concentration contributes negative impact on bank stability in ASEAN banks,
Thailand and Filiphine. This matter supports Concentration Fragility. On the
contrary, in case of Indonesia and Malaysia: banking market concentration
leads to more instability within the banks. The condition, therefore, supports
Concentration Stability. The important finding of this research is that high
market share/bigger bank and strong capital leads to banks in order to win the
competition in regard with ASEAN banking integration sector plan. This
achievement can be reached by policy of merge and acquisition, especially for
Indonesia banks.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015