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Ilham Fakhri Baihaqi
Identitas pada media sosial menjadi sebuah studi pokok dalam melihat interaksi dan komunikasi pada masyarakat saat ini. Tulisan ini menjabarkan pembentukan identitas pada media sosial Ask.Fm sebagai media sosial berbasis tanya jawab melalui foto profil, penggunaan bahasa, konten jawaban, kelompok pertemanan, dan minat-minat pengguna. Identitas-identitas yang dibentuk pada media sosial Ask.Fm juga menghadirkan identitas SelebAsk sebagai sosok pengguna yang mempunyai pengaruh yang besar pada media sosial Ask.Fm. Pengaruh ini dijabarkan dalam kekuasaan dan agency yang direfleksikan dengan berbagai bentuk.

Identity on social media is becoming one of the main interests on studying communication and interaction on today?s society. The aim of this study is to explain the identity construction on Ask.Fm as a question-and-answer based social media through an analysis of profile picture, language, content of anwers, friendship circle, and interests. Identities constructed on Ask.Fm is also bring out an identity called SelebAsk (Ask.Fm Celebrity), as an user with huge influence throughout the social media. The influence is explained in terms of power relation and the concept of agency in various of ways
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audrey Annissa
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai tren berfoto OOTD di media sosial instagram yang banyak dilakukan oleh anak-anak muda dewasa ini. Dalam tulisan ini kemudian dijabarkan mengenai pembentukan identitas yang dilakukan anak muda melalui cara mereka menampilkan diri melalui foto OOTD dan hal-hal lain seperti penggunaan bahasa dalam judul dan komentar foto. Popularitas menjadi salah satu faktor yang menjadi alasan anak-anak muda saat ini ingin terlihat selalu sempurna di foto-foto instagram yang mereka tampilkan. Bentuk identitas modern di media sosial instagram kemudian juga memiliki perbedaan dengan identitas keseharian mereka yang masih berkaitan dengan kebudayaan Minang.

This research discussed about OOTD photography in social media, specifically instagram which been doing by most of youth nowadays. Construction of identity through OOTD photography along with other factors such as the use of language in title of photograph and comment of the photograph elaborated in this writing. Popularity became one of the reasons why these youths always want to look perfect in their instagram rsquo's photograph. Form of modern identity in instagramis different from their identity in real life which contains the element of Minang ethnicity."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggia Putri Soraya
Skripsi ini membahas tentang kelayakan Facebook sebagai penyedia identitas media sosial online digital untuk otentikasi ke dalam aplikasi elektronik permainan ketangkasan PUBG Mobile. Di Indonesia, identitas digital sudah diakui dalam bentuk tanda tangan sertifikat elektronik dan sertifikat elektronik diatur dalam UU No. berumur 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE), dan e-KTP yang diatur dalam di bawah UU no. 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan dengan amandemen UU no. 24 Tahun 2013. Namun, di Indonesia belum ada pengaturan dasar dan pedoman mengenai tingkat kepercayaan (assurance level) dari sebuah identitas digital. Itu hanya dapat ditemukan di pengaturan dan pedoman internasional, seperti yang berasal dari Uni Eropa dan Amerika. Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu dengan menelaah norma-norma hukum yang terkandung dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, serta meneliti bahan pustaka. Dalam skrip ini juga akan dibahas mengenai regulasi dan pedoman identitas digital yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis kelayakan Facebook sebagai penyedia identitas digital. Penulis menemukan bahwa Facebook sebagai media sosial online memiliki kemampuan untuk menjadi penyedia identitas digital dengan tingkat kepercayaan terendah (level 1) dan hanya cocok untuk layanan yang tidak sensitif seperti otentikasi login login untuk bermain ke dalam permainan ketangkasan. Namun, Facebook tidak memiliki tingkat kepercayaan yang cukup untuk digunakan sebagai identitas digital dalam transaksi elektronik.
This thesis discusses the feasibility of Facebook as a provider of digital online social media identity for authentication into the PUBG Mobile agility game electronic application. In Indonesia, digital identity has been recognized in the form of electronic certificate signatures and electronic certificates are regulated in Law no. age 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE), and e-KTP which is regulated under Law no. 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration with amendments to Law no. 24 of 2013. However, in Indonesia there are no basic regulations and guidelines regarding the assurance level of a digital identity. It can only be found in international regulations and guidelines, such as those from the European Union and America. This research uses normative juridical research method, namely by examining the legal norms contained in the legislation, as well as researching library materials. This script will also discuss digital identity regulations and guidelines that can be used to analyze the feasibility of Facebook as a digital identity provider. The authors found that Facebook as an online social media has the ability to become a digital identity provider with the lowest level of trust (level 1) and is only suitable for non-sensitive services such as login authentication to play into agility games. However, Facebook does not have a sufficient level of trust to be used as a digital identity in electronic transactions."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Santoso
Pesatnya pertumbuhan media sosial membawa banyak perubahan. Dengan
karakternya yang berbeda dengan media lama, media sosial membuka banyak
kemungkinan, termasuk bagi representasi identitas lokal. Seperti komunitas
Banyumas, mereka menjadikan media sosial sebagai ruang baru untuk
menunjukkan identitasnya. Sebuah pertanyaan mengemuka, apakah kehadiran
media sosial yang berkarakter global akan melemahkan identitas lokal, atau
sebaliknya justru memperkuatnya.Penelitian ini mencoba melihat transformasi
identitas komunitas Banyumas dari ranah offline ke online, dengan melihat
bagaimana realitas kontemporer praktik kebahasaan orang Banyumas dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari dan di media sosial. Pengamatan praktik kebahasaan di
media sosial dikhususkan pada pesan-pesan terpilih di blog, Twitter, dan
Facebook. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori Pierre Bourdieu yang
melihat identitas sebagai sebuah kontestasi dalam sebuah ranah dinamis. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter dasar orang Banyumas seperti cablaka,
penjorangan, dan dopokan, tergambar kuat dalam berbagai pesan di media sosial.
Uniknya, pesan-pesan ini banyak yang ditampilkan secara kreatif, sebagai bentuk
adaptasi karakter media sosial. Sebagai sebuah kontestasi, representasi identitas
lokal dipengaruhi oleh relasi antara ranah, habitus, dan modal. Ranah
menunjukkan setting media sosial itu sendiri. Sedangkan habitus ditunjukkan oleh
kecenderungan yang berbeda di antara para pengguna Banyumas dengan latar
belakang yang beragam. Sementara modal, ditandai kepemilikan modal yang
berbeda, baik yang berupa modal sosial, budaya, simbolik, maupun modal
ekonomi. Secara teoritis, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan nilai dan
kekuatan modal, antara realitas offline dan online. Jika di ranah online, modal
ekonomi menjadi dominan perannya, maka di ranah online, modal simbolik lebih
berperan. Secara praktis, hasil penelitan ini menumbuhkan optimisme bahwa
identitas lokal akan terus bertahan, bahkan menguat, di era media sosial.;

The rapid growth of social media brings many changes. Distinguishing characters
with the old one, social media opens many possibilities, including the
representation of local identity. For instance, Banyumas community uses social
media as a new space to show their identity. A question arose whether the
presence of social media which has global character may weaken or strengthen
their local identities instead. This study tries to figure out the transformation of
identity of Banyumas community from offline to online field, by paying more
attention on how the contemporary reality of Banyumas people‟s linguistic
practices in their daily life and in social media is. The Observation on linguistic
practices in social media particularly focuses on the selected messages available in
blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. The analyses were conducted using Pierre Bourdieu
theories that viewed identity as a contestation within a dynamic field. The results
showed that the basic characters of the Banyumas people, such as cablaka,
penjorangan, and dopokan, were strongly reflected in various messages available
in social media. These messages were uniquely displayed in creative ways, as
forms of character adaptation in social media. As contestation, the representation
of local identity was influenced by the relationship between field, habitus, and
capitals. Field showed the setting of social media itself. Habitus were shown by
the different tendencies among users of Banyumas with different backgrounds.
Capitals were marked by the possession of different capitals, either in the form of
social, cultural, symbolic, or economic capital. Theoretically, the results of this
study showed differences in values and capital powers, between offline and online
reality. If in online field, the economic capital had the dominant roles, the
symbolic capital had more roles. Practically, the results of this study grow
optimism that local identity will surely survive and even be stronger in the era of
social media.;The rapid growth of social media brings many changes. Distinguishing characters
with the old one, social media opens many possibilities, including the
representation of local identity. For instance, Banyumas community uses social
media as a new space to show their identity. A question arose whether the
presence of social media which has global character may weaken or strengthen
their local identities instead. This study tries to figure out the transformation of
identity of Banyumas community from offline to online field, by paying more
attention on how the contemporary reality of Banyumas people‟s linguistic
practices in their daily life and in social media is. The Observation on linguistic
practices in social media particularly focuses on the selected messages available in
blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. The analyses were conducted using Pierre Bourdieu
theories that viewed identity as a contestation within a dynamic field. The results
showed that the basic characters of the Banyumas people, such as cablaka,
penjorangan, and dopokan, were strongly reflected in various messages available
in social media. These messages were uniquely displayed in creative ways, as
forms of character adaptation in social media. As contestation, the representation
of local identity was influenced by the relationship between field, habitus, and
capitals. Field showed the setting of social media itself. Habitus were shown by
the different tendencies among users of Banyumas with different backgrounds.
Capitals were marked by the possession of different capitals, either in the form of
social, cultural, symbolic, or economic capital. Theoretically, the results of this
study showed differences in values and capital powers, between offline and online
reality. If in online field, the economic capital had the dominant roles, the
symbolic capital had more roles. Practically, the results of this study grow
optimism that local identity will surely survive and even be stronger in the era of
social media., The rapid growth of social media brings many changes. Distinguishing characters
with the old one, social media opens many possibilities, including the
representation of local identity. For instance, Banyumas community uses social
media as a new space to show their identity. A question arose whether the
presence of social media which has global character may weaken or strengthen
their local identities instead. This study tries to figure out the transformation of
identity of Banyumas community from offline to online field, by paying more
attention on how the contemporary reality of Banyumas people‟s linguistic
practices in their daily life and in social media is. The Observation on linguistic
practices in social media particularly focuses on the selected messages available in
blogs, Twitter, and Facebook. The analyses were conducted using Pierre Bourdieu
theories that viewed identity as a contestation within a dynamic field. The results
showed that the basic characters of the Banyumas people, such as cablaka,
penjorangan, and dopokan, were strongly reflected in various messages available
in social media. These messages were uniquely displayed in creative ways, as
forms of character adaptation in social media. As contestation, the representation
of local identity was influenced by the relationship between field, habitus, and
capitals. Field showed the setting of social media itself. Habitus were shown by
the different tendencies among users of Banyumas with different backgrounds.
Capitals were marked by the possession of different capitals, either in the form of
social, cultural, symbolic, or economic capital. Theoretically, the results of this
study showed differences in values and capital powers, between offline and online
reality. If in online field, the economic capital had the dominant roles, the
symbolic capital had more roles. Practically, the results of this study grow
optimism that local identity will surely survive and even be stronger in the era of
social media.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R Ferdian Andi R
Tesis ini membahas tentang media sosial berupa Twitter sebagai saluran baru dalam partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembentukkan peraturan perundang-undangan. Dari penelitian terungkap media sosial mampu membentuk opini publik yang mampu memengaruhi politik hukum pembuat undang-undang. Ini terbukti saat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) menghentikan pembahasan perubahan UU No 30 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Pada akhirnya, media sosial membentuk produk hukum populis.

This thesis discusses social media such as Twitter as a new channel in the public participation in the formation of legislation. From the research revealed social media is able to shape public opinion can influence legal political legislators. This is evident when the House of Representatives (DPR) suspended a change in the law No. 30 of 2002 on Corruption. In the end, social media form a populist legislation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Taufiq Yogaprasetyo
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dinamika dramaturgi dalam penggunaan media sosial Path pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Media sosial merupakan bagian dari perkembangan teknologi yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-sehari pada masa ini. Salah satu perkembangan media sosial adalah munculnya media sosial Path. Saat ini, Path merupakan media sosial yang populer dan digunakan oleh berbagai kalangan, terutama kaum muda atau mahasiswa. Telah terjadi perubahan interaksi pada masyarakat di era media sosial. Perubahan interaksi langsung menjadi interaksi virtual yang dilakukan melalui media sosial turut menjadikan perubahan proses dramaturgi di era media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam informan, observasi di dunia nyata, observasi di media sosial Path, dan survei ringkas. Berdasarkan hasil survei, mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia secara umum merupakan tipe pengguna media sosial Path ?Socializers?. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terjadi proses dramatugi yaitu berubahnya batasan antara front stage dan backstage, yang secara spesifik disebut sebagai the forefront of the backstage, melalui interaksi virtual di media sosial Path.

This research discusses the dynamics of dramaturgy in the usage of Path, a platform of social media, among students of Universitas Indonesia. Social media is a product of the technological advancement that nowadays cannot be separated from everyday life. The emergence of Path marks a phase of evolution of social media. Now, Path is one of the more popular social media, and it reaches all kinds of social groups, especially to those who are in young age or are in college. There has been a change in interaction among people in this era of social medias. The change from direct interactions through social media has also brought a change in the process of dramaturgy. This research used qualitative methods with in-depth interviews; observations on real world and virtual world of social media Path; and quick survey. According to the survey, the students of Universitas Indonesia in general are ?Socializers? type of Path user. This research also found that there is a process of dramaturgy, that is a shift of borders between the front stage and the backstage, specifically called as the forefront of the backstage, following the virtual interaction on Path."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andes Masyri Hidayat
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena pemakaian media sosial Twitter dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Pemakaian twitter dengan akses yang tidak terbatas membuat aliran komunikasi semakin mudah.Peningkatan penggunaan Twitter semakin mempermudah individu untuk mengekspresikan diri. Twitter juga dapat turut mendorong tumbuhnya gerakan sosial politik. Salah satu gerakan sosial yang tumbuh melalui media sosial twitter adalah Gerakan Sosial #saveKPK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui fungsi media sosial dalam mendukung suatu gerakan sosial dan menganalisa suatu topik di dalam twitter dalam membangkitkan gerakan sosial di dunia nyata. Terdapat beberapa teori yang mendukung penelitian ini yaitu, media baru, media massa di Internet, computer mediated communication (CMC), masyarakat jaringan, Word of Mouth, sosiologi, dan civil society.
Proses komunikasi di dalam media sosial Twitter ini meneguhkan asumsi dari sebuah konsep teori Word of Mouth (WOM), bagaimana media sosial Twitter ini berperan menyebarkan informasi secara cepat dan berdampak secara luas. Secara informal muncul para pemilik akun yang berperan sebagai pemimpin opini. Para pemimpin opini ini mempunyai dua peranan utama, yaitu menggerakkan proses penguatan pemikiran melalui pesan-pesan berbentuk fakta dan opini, serta memobilisasi para pengikut opini melalui pesan-pesan berbentuk pengumuman dan ajakan untuk turut berperan aktif dalam aksi di dunia nyata. Dengan adanya para pemimpin opini yang menjalankan peran-peran tersebut, individu-individu yang terlibat dalam gerakan sosial #saveKPK di dunia maya dapat dimobilisasi untuk turut berperan aktif dalam aksi gerakan sosial #saveKPK di dunia nyata, yaitu melalui kegiatan yang disebut "Semut Rangrang".

The study was based on the phenomenon of the use of social media Twitter in the public life. The use of internet with no limit for its access has made communication flow easier and more freely-open knowledge and information. The rise in use of Twitter has made personal expression of opinion by individuals easier. Twitter has also induced the rise of various socio-political movements. One of these social movements using Twitter was #saveKPK movement. The objective of the study was to investigate the functions of social media in supporting a social movement and to analyse a topic in Twitter which enhance the rise of social movement in the actual world. There were a number of theories supporting the study such as new media, mass media in the internet, computer mediated communication (CMC), network society, Word of Mouth, sociology, civil socitety, and social movement.
Communication process in the media has verified the assumption taken from the word mouth theory demonstrating the role of Twitter in fast dissemination of information with widespread impact. Although formally the social movement through Twitter has no leader, informally a few accounts rose as the opinion leaders. These opinion leaders had two main functions: to induce the process of strengthening the ideas by providing messages in the forms of facts and opinions, as well as to mobilize the opinion followers by providing messages in the forms announcements and invitations to participate in the actual actions in the real life. The presence of these opinion leaders with such functions, have enabled individuals involved in the social movement #saveKPK in the cyber world to be mobilised to participate actively in the real world actions, such as through "Semut Rangrang" activities.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anissa Rizki Astanti
Kaum muda Jakarta kini memiliki berbagai pilihan dalam menghabiskan waktu luang mereka, salah satunya adalah dengan kegiatan makan-makan cantik dan ngopi-ngopi lucu. Kegiatan makan-makan cantik dan ngopi-ngopi lucu merupakan salah satu cara bagi kaum muda Jakarta, yang dalam skripsi ini direfleksikan pada komunitas foodies Instagram #EatEveryDay, dalam membangun identitas mereka. Jejaring sosial Instagram dan Path menjadi panggung dalam mempertontonkan identitas bagi kaum muda Jakarta. Skripsi ini akan menjelaskan fenomena makanmakan cantik dan ngopi-ngopi lucu sebagai sebuah sarana dalam membentuk identitas melalui jejaring sosial.
Jakarta's youth society have the options to spend their free time, including Makan-Makan Cantik and Ngopi-Ngopi Lucu. Makan-Makan Cantik and Ngopi-Ngopi Lucu are one of traditions, that in thesis is reflected by foodies Instagram community #EatEveryDay, in constructing their identity. Social network like Instagram and Path become a stage in order to exposing the identity for Jakarta's youth society. This thesis will explain phenomenon makan-makan cantik dan ngopi-ngopi lucu as a means of identity formation by social network."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosepine Novia Ayu Yustika
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kriteria kriteria altruisme digital kreatif yang dalam akun Twitter @drhaltekehalte. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis dan strategi studi kasus dan desain kasus tunggal. Secara khusus, penelitian ini hanya melihat data yang ada pada Twitter dibandingkan dengan kanal lain yang dimiliki Dari Halte Ke Halte. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara terstruktur melalui panggilan video dan telepon, wawancara tertulis, analisis jaringan dan studi literatur. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa akun Twitter @drhaltekehalte dimaknai sebagai sebuah media kreatif dengan obligasi moral, membuka peluang bagi pihak lain untuk melakukan tindakan altruistik, serta memiliki indikasi kerja sama.

This study aims to identify the criteria of digital altruism in @drhaltekehalte Twitter account and network based on Klisanins 2011 thoughts about digital altruism. This research is qualitative with a constructivism paradigm and case study strategies. Specifically, this study only looked at the data available on Twitter compared to other channels owned by Dari Halte Ke Halte. Data were collected using structured interviews via video and telephone calls, written interviews, network analysis and literature studies. This study found that the Twitter account @drhaltekehalte was interpreted as a creative medium with moral obligations, opened opportunihubungan for other parhubungan to take altruistic actions, and had indications of cooperation in their network. However, the analysis for the patterns of creative digital altruism in the account is not being presented in this study, thus it requires further research."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putuhena, Agatha Gita
"Media sosial hari ini selalui diramaikan dengan komentar netizen, bahkan sampai dijadikan sebuah topik pemberitaan di media massa. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana interaksi yang terjadi melalui komentar di media sosial dapat membentuk online self, serta bagaimana negosiasi online self yang terjadi secara online juga terefleksikan dalam offline self. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Interaksionisme Simbolik dari Herbert Mead sebagai dasar untuk menganalisis temuan yang ada. Melalui wawancara dan observasi, diketahui bahwa komentar berupa kritik positif maupun negatif yang jumlahnya masif cenderung lebih memodifikasi online self. Selain itu, isi komentar yang tidak dapat diprediksi menyebabkan online self cenderung mengkomunikasikan diri sesuai dengan kehendak digital other. Proses modifikasi online self dan offline self terjadi secara beriringan, sehingga konsep online self yang terbentuk akan terefleksikan pada offline self dan juga mempengaruhi interaksinya dengan society. Implikasinya yaitu komentar di media sosial dapat diproyeksi terhadap self di dunia nyata.

Nowadays social media is always livened up by netizens comments, and even becomes a news topic in the mass media. Started out from this, the study aims to determine how interactions through comments on social media can build online self, as well as how online self negotiations conducted online are also reflected in offline self. This research uses the theory of Symbolic Interactionism from Herbert Mead as a basis for analyzing existing findings. Through interviews and observations, it was recognized that comments in the form of positive and negative criticisms whose numbers were massive tended to more modify online self. In addition, the unpredictable content of comments causes online self to tend to communicate themselves according to the digital others will. The online and offline self modification process is occur hand in hand, so the online self concept that is formed will be reflected in the offline self and affects its interaction with the society. The implication is that comments on social media can be projected to self in the real world."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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