"[Dalam perjalanan di perkuliahan, mahasiswa akan menemukan masalah salah satunya masalah karir, yaitu merasa salah pada jurusan yang telah dipilihnya dan menyebabkan ketidakyakinan pada jurusan yang telah dipilihnya. Keyakinan mahasiswa untuk tetap persisten pada jurusan yang telah dipilih erat kaitannya dengan career decision self-efficacy. Salah satu faktor yang dapat membantu mahasiswa untuk dapat mencapai career decision self-efficacy adalah self-directed learning pada individu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan self-directed learning terhadap career decision self-efficacy pada mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia (UI). Responden penelitian ini terdiri dari 516 orang mahasiswa S1 UI tahun kedua atau semester 4. Self-directed learning diukur menggunakan Student Self-Directed Learning Questionnaire dari De Bruin (2008, dalam De Bruin dan Cornelius, 2011) dan career decision self-efficacy diukur dengan Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short-Form dari Betz dan Taylor (1983, dalam Betz & Taylor, 2006) yang telah diadaptasi dan dimodifikasi oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara self-directed learning dan career decision self-efficacy (r = 0.576; p < 0.05). Selain itu, hasil juga menunjukkan ada hubungan antara dimensi self-directed learning (perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi) dan career decision self-efficacy. Implikasi dari penelitian ini untuk perguruan tinggi diharapkan agar diadakan pelatihan terkait self-directed learning bagi mahasiswa agar memiliki pengarahan diri dalam pembelajarannya, agar mahasiswa lebih mandiri dalam belajar, menekuni dan mendalami pengetahuan dari jurusan yang dipilihnya sehingga dapat lebih yakin dengan keputusan karirnya.
;During their University years, students may encounter problems such as career problem, defined as feeling of mistakenly being in their own chosen study program which then causing hesitation for being in the program. Students? assuredness to be persistent in doing the chosen program is highly related with career decision self-efficacy. One factor that can help students to achieve career decision self-efficacy is by applying self-directed learning for each student. The main purpose of this research is to see the relationship between self-directed learning and career decision self-efficacy among undergraduates students in Universitas Indonesia (UI). A total of 516 students who are currently enrolled in the second or fourth semester participated in the research. Self-directed learning was measured using Student Self-Directed Learning Questionnaire proposed by De Bruin (2008; in De Bruin & Cornelius, 2011) and career decision self-efficacy was measured using Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short-Form designed by Betz and Taylor (1983; in Betz & Taylor, 2006). The two measures were adapted and modified by the researcher. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between self-directed learning and career decision self-efficacy (r = 0.576; p < 0.05). Furthermore, the results also show that there is a relationship between the dimensions of self-directed learning (planning, implementing, and evaluating) and career decision self-efficacy. The implication of this research is that University is expected to organize training about self-directed learning for the students to have better direction in their studies, so that students more independent in learning, occupy, and steep the knowledge of the major that has been chosen as well as inducing their career decision self-efficacy.
, During their University years, students may encounter problems such as career problem, defined as feeling of mistakenly being in their own chosen study program which then causing hesitation for being in the program. Students’ assuredness to be persistent in doing the chosen program is highly related with career decision self-efficacy. One factor that can help students to achieve career decision self-efficacy is by applying self-directed learning for each student. The main purpose of this research is to see the relationship between self-directed learning and career decision self-efficacy among undergraduates students in Universitas Indonesia (UI). A total of 516 students who are currently enrolled in the second or fourth semester participated in the research. Self-directed learning was measured using Student Self-Directed Learning Questionnaire proposed by De Bruin (2008; in De Bruin & Cornelius, 2011) and career decision self-efficacy was measured using Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short-Form designed by Betz and Taylor (1983; in Betz & Taylor, 2006). The two measures were adapted and modified by the researcher. The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between self-directed learning and career decision self-efficacy (r = 0.576; p < 0.05). Furthermore, the results also show that there is a relationship between the dimensions of self-directed learning (planning, implementing, and evaluating) and career decision self-efficacy. The implication of this research is that University is expected to organize training about self-directed learning for the students to have better direction in their studies, so that students more independent in learning, occupy, and steep the knowledge of the major that has been chosen as well as inducing their career decision self-efficacy.