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"The research explain the interaction of religion and politics during the legislative election of April 9 and the Presidential Election of July 9, 2014 in considering the status of women. Feminist approaches are often suspricious or cannot believe how the alliance of these two terms (religion and politics) can truly server the mandate for gender justice and social justice. Explanation of the General Election data affirms the vulnerable status of women and the other groups, both within the structure of polital parties, proportion of MP's and in the executive development paradigm of the incoming President. The entire women's movement, paradigmatically and practically, needs to work together, shoulder to shoulder, in order to analyse, criticise and nurture these narratives of justice for an equal society in the coming 2014-2019 cabinet period."
IFJ 3:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Oktaviani
"Skripsi ini membahas pembingkaian Republika online mengenai strategi kuota 30 pencalonan perempuan untuk meningkatkan keterwakilan perempuan di legislatif, pada pemilu legislatif di tahun 2009 dan 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis framing dan pendekatan kualitatif dalam menganalisa mengenai bagaimana strategi kuota 30 keterwakilan perempuan pada pemilu legislatif tahun 2009 dan 2014 diberitakan oleh Republika. Hasil analisis framing terhadap berita di Republika online menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan keterwakilan perempuan sangat penting, namun masih terdapat beberapa hambatan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi untuk mewujudkan keberhasilan strategi kuota 30 pencalonan perempuan tersebut adalah sistem pemilu, kebijakan partai politik, dan pandangan mengenai kualitas calon anggota legislatif perempuan.

This undergraduate thesis analyzes the framing of Republika online about 30 quota strategy of women candidacy to increase women representation in Parliament during legislative elections in 2009 and 2014. This research used framing analysis method and qualitative approach to analyzed how the 30 quota strategy of women representation reported by Republika online. The frame of Republika online shows that increasing women representation is very important, but there are still some problems may occur. The obstacles to achieve the goals of 30 quota strategy are the electoral system, political parties policy, and the perspective about the quality of women candidates."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemilihan presiden dipertimbangkan sebagai informasi yang relevan bagi investor pasar saham untuk membuat keputusan investasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji perbedaan average abnormal return dan trading volume activity pada indeks saham sektoral sebelum dan sesudah pemilihan presiden 2004, 2009, dan 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode event study. Data dikumpulkan dari Bursa Efek Indonesia. Harga penutupan indeks saham sektoral harian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 120 hari sebelum dan 30 hari setelah pemilihan presiden. Terdapat bukti perbedaan yang kuat pada average abnormal return indeks saham sektoral sebelum dan sesudah pemilihan presiden terutama pada sektor pertambangan. Akan tetapi, untuk trading volume activity indeks saham sektoral sebelum dan sesudah pemilihan presiden secara statistik sama. Adanya gugatan terhadap hasil pemilihan presiden terakhir tidak memberikan pengaruh pada hampir semua indeks saham sektoral, kecuali pada sektor keuangan dan sektor industri dasar dan kimia. Analisis ini menyimpulkan bahwa sektor perdagangan, jasa dan investasi merupakan sektor yang paling stabil, sedangkan sektor pertambangan merupakan sektor yang paling tidak stabil.

Presidential election is considered as relevant information for stock market?s investors to make investment decision. The objective of this study is to examine differences in average abnormal return and trading volume activity on sectoral indices? stocks before and after the presidential elections in 2004, 2009, and 2014. The research uses the event study method. The data are collected from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The daily closing prices on sectoral indices used in this study consist of 120 days preceding and 30 days succeeding the elections. There is a strong evidence of differences in average abnormal return on Indonesian?s sectoral stock market before and after the presidential elections especially for the mining sector. However, the trading volume activities of the Indonesian?s sectoral stock market before and after the elections were statistically the same. The litigation from the last election results had no impact on most Indonesian?s sectoral stock, except for the financial as well basic industry and chemical sectors. The analysis concludes that the trade, services, and investment are the most stable sectors, while mining is the opposite one."
Bogor: Graduate Program in Management and Business Bogor Agricultural University, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lu`Lu Firaudhatil Jannah
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh isu pragmatisme yang diperbincangkan oleh media massa menjelang Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu) 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan manifestasi ajaran pragmatisme yang tampil melalui cara perilaku pragmatis ? dalam pesan politik calon legislator pada pemilu 2014.
Subjek penelitian ini adalah para calon anggota legislatif DPRD DKI Jakarta 2014 dari gender, partai dan dapil yang berbeda dan media yang digunakan oleh caleg untuk mengirim pesan politik tersebut kepada masyarakat. Subjek penelitian ini diteliti menggunakan konsep komunikasi politik untuk melihat bagaimana komunikator politik mengirimkan pesan politiknya. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan konsep pragmatisme dan komunikator politik pragmatis untuk melihat apakah para informan merupakan seorang komunikator politik yang pragmatis. Selanjutnya pesan politik yang dikirim caleg sebagai komunikator politik diteliti untuk melihat apakah pesan tersebut merupakan pesan politik pragmatis.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dimana data diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara dan studi dokumentasi yang diteliti menggunakan Analisis semiotika Barthes. Hasil analisis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komunikator politik pragmatis menghasilkan pesan politik pragmatis dalam perpolitikan yang liberal.

This research is motivated by pragmatism issues are discussed by the media ahead of the General Election 2014. This study aims to explain the manifestation of the doctrine of pragmatism that appear through pragmatic behavior ? in the political message legislative candidates in the legislative election 2014.
The subjects of this research are legislative candidates city council 2014 from different gender, political party and different constituencies and media used by candidates to send a political message to the public. The subjects studied using the concept of political communication to see how the political communicator to send political messages. This study also uses the concept of pragmatism and pragmatist political communicators.
This research is qualitative research. Research data was obtained through interviews and documentation studies that examined use Barthes semiotic analysis. The results of this analysis indicate that pragmatic political communicator produce pragmatic political messages in liberal politics.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Polsby, Nelson W.
New York: Charles Scribner`s Sons, 1964
324.73 POL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Taufiq Rais
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati reaksi saham-saham yang tergabung dalam indeks LQ45 dengan peristiwa politik nasional. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada peristiwa politik khususnya pemilihan umum yang terjadi dalam rentang waktu 11 tahun antara tahun 2009 hingga 2019. Metode studi peristiwa digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan panjang sebelas hari untuk periode event window, lima hari sebelum dan lima hari sesudah tanggal kejadian. Reaksi didekati dengan abnormal return yang signifikan selama periode event window. Hasil penelitian menunjukan berbagai signifikansi abnormal dari setiap peristwa politik.

This study aims to observe the reaction of stocks incorporated in the LQ45 index with national political events. This research focuses on political events, especially general elections that occur in the span of 11 years between 2009 and 2019. The event study method was used in this study, using eleven days for the event window period, five days before and five days after the date of the event. The reaction is approached with a significant abnormal return during the event window period. The results showed a variety of abnormal significance of each political event."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rhevi Geraldi
Skripsi ini membahas tentang kekalahan partai Ennahda dan Koalisi Troika pada pemilu legislatif di Tunisia tahun 2014. Pemilu tahun 2014 merupakan pemilu legislatif yang dilaksanakan pada masa transisi demokrasi di Tunisia. Pada fase transisi demokrasi negara mengalami keadaan yang tidak stabil akibat banyaknya masalah-masalah transisi yang terjadi. Penelitian ini melihat dinamika transisi demokrasi yang ada di Tunisia memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kekalahan Partai Ennahda dan dan Koalisi Troika dalam pemilu legislatif tahun 2014. Di fase transisi demokrasi banyak ditemukan masalah-masalah transisional yang harus dihadapi oleh pemerintahan rezim demokratis. Masalah-masalah tersebut antara lain masalah kontekstual dan sistemik yang hadir sebagai masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh Tunisia pada tahun 2011-2014. Sebagai pemerintah dalam periode tersebut partai Ennahda dan Koalisi Troika harus mengatasi masalah-masalah yang terjadi. Masalah kontekstual yang terjadi antara lain masalah dalam bidang ekonomi dan keamanan sebagai masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh Tunisia. Sedangkan Masalah sistemik yang terjadi terlihat dari tidak solidnya koalisi pemerintahan dalam masa Transisi demokrasi. Ennahda dan Koalisi Troika dianggap gagal untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut, pada akhirnya kegagalan tersebut menyebabkan kekalahan bagi Partai Ennahda dan koalisi Troika pada pemilu legislatif tahun 2014.

This thesis discusses about the defeat of The Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance in 2014 legislative elections in Tunisia.The Tunisias 2014 elections is the legislative elections that were held during the democracy transition period. At the moment, democracy transition phase had put the country in the condition where Tunisia was forced to experience unstable circumstances due to large number of transitional problems that occur. This research pay attention to the dynamics of the democracy transition period in Tunisia that has a major influence upon the defeat of The Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance in the 2014 legislative elections. In democracy transition phase, there were many of transitional issues that government of democratic regime must face.Those issues consists contextual and systemic problems as the main issues Tunisia has faced in 2011-2014. As the government in that period, The Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance should be able to resolve problems that occur. The main contextual issues that occur in Tunisia consists economy and security issues, While systemic problems that occur could be seen  that the coalition government was unsolid in the period of democracy transition. Ennahda and Troika Alliance were failed to overcome such issues. In the end, that kind of failure had brought Ennahda Party and The Troika Alliance to their defeat in 2014 legislative elections.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kesuksesan pemilu tidak hanya ditentukan dari terlaksananya pemungutan suara saja, tetapi juga penyelesaian sengketa yang terjadi. Legal standing merupakan sesuatu yang penting dalam mengajukan permohonan gugatan ke MK karena salah satu syarat berbicara di MK adalah memiliki legal standing atau kedudukan hukum. Putusan dapat diterima atau tidak dapat diterima pun tergantung dari legal standing pemohon. Khusus pada sengketa pemilu legislatif 2014, MK melakukan perkembangan legal standing. Ketentuan Pasal 2 ayat (1) PMK No. 1 Tahun 2014 telah memperluas legal standing pemohon yakni, tidak hanya partai politik dan perseorangan calon DPD, tetapi juga perseorangan Caleg DPR dan DPRD baik provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota. Kebijakan MK inilah yang menimbulkan banyak pro dan kontra di kalangan masyarakat, khususnya para pemerhati konstitusi dan peserta pemilu. Mengingat implikasi yang ditimbulkan dari kebijakan ini, memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap penanganan sengketa hasil pemilu.

The success of general elections is not only determined by the voting execution, but also the settlement of the existing disputes. Legal standing is an important factor in filing the lawsuit to the Constitutional Court since having a legal standing is one of the requirements to speak out in The Constitutional Court. The acceptance of decision is based on the applicant’s legal standing. Especially in the 2014 legislative election dispute, the Court did the development of legal standing. The provisions of Article 2 paragraph (1) PMK No. 1 Year 2014 has expanded the legal standing of the applicant, not only political parties and individual candidates for the DPD, but also individual candidates DPR and DPRD both provincial and district / city. This Constitutional Court policy is what raises a lot of pro and contra among the society, especially the observer of the constitution and election participants. Given the implications of this policy, have a major influence in the handling of elections result disputes.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wening Widyastari
"[Tahun 2014 merupakan tahun politik yang cukup panas. Rivalitas tidak hanya pada tokoh-tokoh politik yang terlibat, namun juga media pemberitaan. Namun, Persaingan ini meruncing pada suatu kontestasi, di mana kata kontestasi dipilih bukan karena kata dasar “kontes”, merujuk pada Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia ( 2004 ), kontestasi berasal dari kata “contestation” dengan kata dasar “to contest” atau bersinonim dengan “to dispute”: saling serang. Bukan tanpa alasan kata itu dipilih, karena realitas yang ada menunjukkan bahwa paket berita yang ditayangkan pada program-program pemberitaan. Pada tanggal 7 Juni dan 23 Juni Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia melayangkan surat teguran kepada dua stasiun televisi tersebut. Surat teguran yang dikirimkan menyangkut netralitas isi pemberitaan dan proporsi frekuensi penayangan siaran pers Pemilihan Presiden 2014. METRO TV dianggap terlalu memberikan suatu framing kepada pemirsa, mengenai kelebihan calon presiden Joko Widodo dan calon wakil presiden Jusuf Kalla. Sebaliknya, METRO TV memberi beban negatif pada pemberitaan calon presiden Prabowo Subianto dan calon wakil presiden Hatta Rajasa. Bersamaan dengan METRO TV, TV ONE juga mendapatkan teguran sebanyak dua kali berkaitan dengan netralitas isi siaran. TV ONE dianggap berpihak pada calon presiden Prabowo Subianto dan calon wakil presiden Hatta Rajasa dan menyerang calon presiden Joko Widodo dan calon wakil presiden Jusuf Kalla. Bagaimana kedua stasiun televisi pemberitaan ini membingkai realitas politik yang terjadi menjelang Peilihan Presiden sehingga dianggap tidak netral? Piming seperti apa yang berusaha dibentuk oleh redaksi? Jika memang tidak netral, apa yang menjadi agenda-setting redaksi pada pemberitaan tersebut?
Dari hasil penelitian, METRO TV membingkai pemberitaan terhadap calon presiden Joko Widodo dan calon wakil presiden Jusuf Kalla dengan framing positif sementara sebaliknya, dengan menggunakan instrumen framing negatif terhadap calon presiden Prabowo Subianto dan calon wakil presiden Hatta Rajasa. Sementara TV ONE memberikan dukungan terhadap calon presiden Prabowo Subianto dan calon wakil presiden Hatta Rajasa, dan memberikan framing negatif pada calon presiden Joko Widodo dan calon wakil presiden Jusuf Kalla. Agenda-setting kedua televisi pemberitaan ini menurut penelitian ada dua tujuan. Pertama, membentuk citra positif calon yang didukungnya dan membentuk citra negatif pada lawan politik calon tersebut. Kedua, melakukan counter-strike atau serangan balik terhadap kampanye negatif yang menyerang calon yang didukungnya.;2014 was a year of considerable political heat. Rivalry was not only the political figures involved, but also the news media. However, competition was tapered to a contestation, in which said contestation was chosen not because the basic word "contest", referring to the Indonesian Dictionary (2004), contestation is derived from the word "contestation" basic words "to contest" or synonymous with " to dispute ": to attack each other. The word contestation was chosen because it shows that the package of news programs aired on the news. On June 7th 2014 and June 23rd 2014, Indonesian Broadcasting Commission sent a letter of reprimand to two television stations. Warning letter sent concerning neutrality, frequency, content, and the proportion of impressions press release Presidential Election 2014. METRO TV was considered too provide a framing to the viewers, about the vantage point of presidential candidates Joko Widodo and running mate Jusuf Kalla. Instead, METRO TV news gave a negative charge on the presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa. Along with METRO TV, TV ONE also got a warning associated with the broadcast content. TV ONE is considered in favor of the presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa and attacked the presidential candidates Joko Widodo and running mate Jusuf Kalla. How did both television stations conduct the news framing political reality that occurred prior to Presidential Election that was considered aligned? What kind of that was likely to be formed by the editors? If it was aligned, what was the agenda-setting of the editors on the news? From the research, METRO TV news framing of the Joko Widodo presidential candidate and running mate Jusuf Kalla with positive framing while on the contrary, by using the instruments of negative framing against presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa. While TV ONE provides support for the presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa, and give negative framing the presidential candidates Joko Widodo and running mate Jusuf Kalla. Agenda-settingof these televisions, according to the study, had two objectives. First, form a positive image of the candidate they support and forming a negative image on the candidate's political opponents. Second, conduct counter-strike or counterattack against the negative campaign that attacks the candidate they support., 2014 was a year of considerable political heat. Rivalry was not only the political figures involved, but also the news media. However, competition was tapered to a contestation, in which said contestation was chosen not because the basic word "contest", referring to the Indonesian Dictionary (2004), contestation is derived from the word "contestation" basic words "to contest" or synonymous with " to dispute ": to attack each other. The word contestation was chosen because it shows that the package of news programs aired on the news. On June 7th 2014 and June 23rd 2014, Indonesian Broadcasting Commission sent a letter of reprimand to two television stations. Warning letter sent concerning neutrality, frequency, content, and the proportion of impressions press release Presidential Election 2014. METRO TV was considered too provide a framing to the viewers, about the vantage point of presidential candidates Joko Widodo and running mate Jusuf Kalla. Instead, METRO TV news gave a negative charge on the presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa. Along with METRO TV, TV ONE also got a warning associated with the broadcast content. TV ONE is considered in favor of the presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa and attacked the presidential candidates Joko Widodo and running mate Jusuf Kalla. How did both television stations conduct the news framing political reality that occurred prior to Presidential Election that was considered aligned? What kind of that was likely to be formed by the editors? If it was aligned, what was the agenda-setting of the editors on the news? From the research, METRO TV news framing of the Joko Widodo presidential candidate and running mate Jusuf Kalla with positive framing while on the contrary, by using the instruments of negative framing against presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa. While TV ONE provides support for the presidential candidate Prabowo and vice president Hatta Rajasa, and give negative framing the presidential candidates Joko Widodo and running mate Jusuf Kalla. Agenda-settingof these televisions, according to the study, had two objectives. First, form a positive image of the candidate they support and forming a negative image on the candidate's political opponents. Second, conduct counter-strike or counterattack against the negative campaign that attacks the candidate they support.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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