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"Latar Belakang: Kabupaten Manggarai Barat periode Januari sampai dengan Juli 2012 jumlah kematian bayi 34 kasus, Bayi lahir mati 33 kasus Kebij dan kematian ibu 9 kasus. Tujuan tulisan ini yaitu Akse Kunju penyebab kematian ibu, bayi, di Pus ingin menggambarkan balita dan gizi buruk. Metode: Penelitian merupakan studi kualitatif di kabupaten Manggarai Barat pada tahun 2012. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Puskesmas dan Labuan Bajo. Pengumpulan data secara Focus Group Discussion dengan Kepala Puskesmas, bidan desa, pengelola program gizi dan seksi KIA pada dinas kesehatan. Hasil: Penyebab kematian ibu dan bayi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Labuan Bajo disebabkan oleh karena ibu mengalami lok kekurangan gizi, penyakit infeksi seperti malaria dan tipus. Perhatian ibu terhadap bayi kurang ter unt kesehatan sulit dan akses terhadap pelayanan dal Permasalahan tersebut harus diatasi dengan cara kel kesehatan secara rutin, ibu hamil memeriksakan pemakaian kelambu, perlu penyediaan perahu motor Cro dengan operasional lebih murah. Penyebab gizi buruk dan gizi kurang adalah pengetahuan, pola asuh dan kemiskinan serta penyakit infeksi seperti ins diare dan malaria, diatasi oleh bidan dengan cara konseling kepada keluarga ter proaktif memberikan yang mempunyai balita gizi buruk."
BULHSR 17:3 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Akibat Pembuangan Limbah Cair
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) Ulumbu ke Sungai (Pada Lapangan
Panas Bumi Ulumbu, Kabupaten Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur)
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) merupakan salah satu sumber
energi yang ramah lingkungan karena menghasilkan volume limbah yang rendah,
salah satunya adalah limbah cair. Limbah cair panas bumi mengandung unsur
kimia, salah satunya adalah Arsen. Limbah cair PLTP akan menimbulkan dampak
apabila dibuang secara langsung ke sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengidentifikasi besarnya konsentrasi Arsen pada limbah PLTP dan air sungai di
lokasi penelitian dan dampaknya terhadap konsentrasi Arsen di sungai serta dampak
terhadap kesehatan lingkungan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil konsentrasi
Arsen pada limbah PLTP sebesar 0,0365 mg/l. Kandungan Arsen dalam limbah
yang dibuang masih berada di bawah baku mutu, yaitu sebesar 0,5 mg/l.
Pembuangan limbah cair PLTP ini juga tidak meningkatkan konsentrasi Arsen di
sungai. Konsentrasi Arsen pada air yang dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah 0,008 mg/l.
Perhitungan risiko kesehatan masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi air sungai
menunjukkan tidak menimbulkan risiko kesehatan RQ < 1 (RQ = 0,6522).

Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522)., Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eugenius Rada Masri
Kondisi geografis dan akses yang sulit masih menjadi kendala dalam efektifitas pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan anak di NTT yang menyebabkan munculnya masalah 3T dan tingginya AKI dan AKB. Jalan keluar yang ditempuh antara lain adalah Revolusi KIA NTT dengan penyediaan rumah tunggu kelahiran (RTK). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas pemanfaatan RTK oleh ibu hamil di Manggarai Barat NTT tahun 2016. Pemanfaatan rumah tunggu berhubungan faktor predisposisi (predisposing factors), faktor pemungkin (enabling factors) dan faktor penguat (reinforcing factors). Metode penelitian ini adalah Mixed Method Research dengan desain eksplanatoris. Penelitian ini mengambil jumlah sampel survey sebanyak 100 responden dengan metode multistage random sampling jumlah responden wawancara mendalam 29 responden. Analisis data menggunakan program Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) program Nvivo 11 Plus. Analisis kuantittatif menggunakan metode Chi Square Test. Hasil penelitian terdapat 19% ibu hamil menggunakan RTK di Manggarai Barat tahun 2016. Wawancara mendalam menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan RTK berdampak positif bagi banyak ibu hamil dari geografis sulit dan ibu hamil yang beresiko tinggi. Hasil analisis kuantitaf dari faktor predisposisi (predisposing factors) menunjukkan bahwa umur (p=0.38), pendidikan (p=0.301), pengetahuan (p=0.201), pekerjaan (p=0.68), kondisi ekonomi (p=0.592), sikap (p=0.452) dan faktor sosial budaya tidak mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan pemanfaatan RTK di Manggarai Barat. Faktor ketersediaan sarana dan tenaga kesehatan mempunyai hubungan bermakna (p=0.038) serta ketersediaan sarana transportasi juga bermakna (P=0.04). Faktor ketersediaan kendaraaan dijelaskan oleh faktor jarak dan faktor geografis. Faktor-faktor penguat (reinforcing factors) seperti keluarga (p=0.201), masyarakat (p=1), tenaga kesehatan (p=0.26) dan pemerintah (p=0.345) tidak bermakna terhadap pemanfaatan RTK di Manggarai Barat tahun 2016.

Bad goegraphic condition and bad access to health facility still remain to be the big problem in effectivity of maternity care in NTT Province, Indonesia. The bad access to the facility causes the problems of 3 Lates (Tiga Terlambat) and still high of MMR and IMR. One of the wayouts of the problems is the revoluiton of Mother dan Infant Health care in NTT since 2009 with providing maternity waiting houses (MWH) near facility of health care. The aim of the study is to determine the effectivity of using maternity waiting houses in district of Manggarai Barat, Province of NTT, in 2016. The use of MWH link to the factors of: predisposing factors, enabling factors and reinforcing factors. This research uses Mixed Method Research with explanatory design. Total survey samples are 100 respondents using multistage random sampling method and total indepth interview samples are 29 respondents. The analisys of data using the soft ware program of Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) and Nvivo 11 Plus. The result of the survey is 19% pregnant women used MWH in Manggarai Barat in 2016. Indepth Interview shows the fact that the use of MWH have a positive impact for many pregnant women from the villages with bad geographic conditions and the pregnant women with high risk maternity. The quantitative analysis showing the result that the predisposing factors: age (p=0.38), education (p=0.301), knowledge (p=0.201), work (p=0.68), socio-economic condition (p=0.592), attitude (p=0.452) and socio-cultural factors had no significant relation with the use of MWH in Manggarai Barat in 2016. The factors of heath facility and healt care provider (p=0.038) and the presence of transportation facility (car or vehicles) (p=0.04) have significat relation with the use of MWH. The reinforcing factors: family (p=0.201), public figures (p=1), health care provider (p=0.26) and government (p=0.345) had no significant relationship with the use of MWH in Manggarai Barat, 2016."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lintang Gyaning Kawuryan Azzahra
"Tugas pokok petugas cleaning service yaitu menjaga kebersihan, kerapian, keindahan dan kenyamanan seluruh area baik yang ada di dalam gedung maupun yang ada di luar gedung. Pekerja cleaning service dapat terpajan bahaya kimia, biologi, fisik dan ergonomi sehingga dapat mengakibatkan dampak kesehatan penyakit dermatitis, hepatitis A, dan gangguan muskuloskelatal. Salah satu kegiatan cleaning service yaitu membersihkan toilet dengan menggunakan produk pembersih dan cleaning service dapat terpajan bahaya kimia. Sehingga cleaning service perlu untuk memiliki pengetahuan mengenai potensi bahaya dan dampak kesehatan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan pekerja cleaning service FKM UI mengenai potensi bahaya dan dampak kesehatan pada pekerjaannya dan faktor determinannya. Desain studi yang digunakan adalah cross sectional menggunakan data primer yang didapat dari pekerja cleaning service FKM UI pada tahun 2016.
Hasil penelitan ini menujukkan bahwa sebagian besar pekerja cleaning service FKM UI memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang mengenai potensi bahaya dan dampak kesehatan. Selain itu tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor tingkat pendidikan, lama kerja, pelatihan dan pengalaman kerja dengan tingkat pengetahuan mengenai potensi bahya dan dampak kesehatan.

The key task of cleaning service is to maintain cleanliness, neatness, beauty and comfort of the entire area both inside the building and which were outside the building. Cleaning service can be exposed to the dangers of chemical, biological, physical and ergonomics that can lead to health impacts dermatitis, hepatitis A, and musculosceletal disorders. One of the activities is to clean toilet cleaning service using cleaning products and cleaning service can be exposed to chemical hazards. So that the cleaning service is necessary to have knowledge about potential hazards and health effects.
This study aims to determine the level of knowledge FKM UI cleaning service about potential hazards and health effects on his work and its determinant factors. The study design used is cross sectional using primary data obtained from a cleaning service FKM UI in 2016.
This research showed that the majority of FKM UI cleaning service have less knowledge about potential hazards and health effects. Moreover there is no significant relationship between education level factors, length of employment, training and work experience with the level of knowledge about the potential hazard and health impacts.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yana Irawati
"Uji petik udara lingkungan kerja di Bengkel Sepatu 'X' menunjukkan konsentrasi xylene melampaui dosis referensi menurut IRIS (0,1 mg/m3). Pekerja bengkel menjadi kelompok rentan yang beresiko mendapatkan efek merugikan akibat pajanan xylene dari udara lingkungan kerja. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko pajanan xylene pada pekerja Bengkel Sepatu 'X' di Kawasan PIK Pulogadung Jakarta Timur 2010. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis risiko kesehatan yang meliputi 4 langkah penting: identifikasi bahaya, analisis dosis-respon, analisis pajanan dan karakterisasi risiko. Jumlah sampel sama dengan jumlah populasi yaitu 26 orang. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara dan pengukuran langsung, tingkat risiko dihitung dengan cara membagi asupan dengan dosis referensi xylene. Rata-rata konsentrasi xylene di udara lingkungan kerja 0,05 mg/m3 dengan konsentrasi tertinggi di bagian upper/mukaan (0,18 mg/m3).
Data antropometri menunjukkan rata-rata berat badan pekerja 57 kg. Pola aktivitas pekerja meliputi ratarata 14,58 jam/hari waktu pajanan, 301,08 hari/tahun frekuensi pajanan dan rata-rata lama tinggal di lokasi studi 3,48 tahun. Tingkat risiko pekerja, baik individu maupun populasi berada di bawah dosis referensi IRIS. Proyeksi pajanan 20 tahun ke depan menunjukkan risiko individu pekerja terpajan xylene sebesar 19% yang meningkat 35% pada lima tahun berikutnya. Peningkatan risiko pada pekerja bagian upper/mukaan ditandai dengan nilai RQ hampir mendekati 1 pada proyeksi pajanan 30 tahun. Masukan batas aman konsentrasi xylene untuk 8 jam kerja adalah 0,36 mg/m3. NAB xylene sebesar 434 mg/m3 menurut SNI perlu dikoreksi karena hasil simulasi menggunakan konsentrasi tersebut mendapatkan nilai RQ di atas satu. Konsentrasi xylene di udara lingkungan kerja Bengkel Sepatu 'X' belum menimbulkan risiko efek kesehatan akibat pajanan xylene.

Pre-eliminary study of xylene exposure in the occupational air of Workshop 'X' had found the exceed xylene's concentration compared to the International Risk Information System reference dose (0,1 mg/m3). The footware workers had a risk to exposed by xylene. The aim of this study is to determine the risk quotient (RQ) of xylene exposure on footware's workers using health risk assessment approach with its four important steps: hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment and risk characterization. Sample is 26 equal to number of population. Data is collected by interview and direct measurement. Risk assessment calculated by deviding intake with the reference dose of xylene. The mean concentration of xylene in the occupational air of Workshop 'X' is 0,05 mg/m3 with the higest concentration in the upper section (0,18 mg/m3).
Anthropometric data showed 57 kilogram as the weight average of footware's workers. Activity pattern including the average of 14,58 hours a day as time exposure, 301,08 days a year as a frequency of exposure and 3,48 years as time living in the workshop. Risk Quotient for both individual and the population is still below the reference dose of IRIS. Prediction of individual risk quotient for 20 years ahead showed that 19 % workers will be exposed to xylene and became increased to 35% in the next five years. The workers who work at upper section supposed to get adverse effect of xylene exposure with the indicator value of risk quotient almost close to 1 based on 30 years prediction. Suggestion for safe concentration of xylene during 8 hours exposure is 0,36 mg/m3. Using xylene concentration which establlished in SNI give RQ>1. Xylene concentration in the occupational air of Workshop 'X' is still below the IRIS reference dose.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diva Muthia Rahma
"Kabupaten/Kota Sehat merupakan salah satu upaya meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang telah terselenggara selama 18 tahun. Ditemukan bahwa terdapat ketidakselarasan antara pelaksanaan KKS dengan aspek kesehatan. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak kesehatan dari penyelenggaraan KKS dengan melihat perbandingan aspek kesehatan (IPKM, UHH, prevalensi TB paru, dan prevalensi diare) antara kabupaten/kota yang menyelenggarakan dan tidak menyelenggarakan KKS, serta kabupaten/kota yang mendapat dan tidak mendapatkan penghargaan Swasti Saba. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif yang menggunakan data sekunder terkait pada tahun 2018 yang kemudian dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji T-Test. Berdasarkan analisis ditemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan mean secara statistik dengan rincian kabupaten/kota yang menyelenggarakan KKS maupun mendapat penghargaan Swasti Saba memiliki rata rata IPKM dan UHH yang lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak menyelenggarakan atau tidak mendapat penghargaan. Untuk variabel prevalensi TB paru dan prevalensi diare, disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan mean yang bermakna secara statistik. Dari penelitian ini disarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya dapat meneliti lebih lanjut terkait dampak kesehatan yang lain maupun melakukan pendalaman dari penelitian ini. Pemerintah dapat mengevaluasi kembali terkait dampak pada aspek kesehatan dari penyelenggaraan KKS.

Kabupaten/Kota Sehat is one of the efforts to improve public health status which has been held for 18 years. It was found that there was a mismatch between the implementation of the KKS and the health aspects. Therefore, this study aims to describe the health impact of KKS implementation by looking at comparisons of health aspects (IPKM, UHH, pulmonary TB prevalence, and diarrhea prevalence) between districts/cities that organize and do not organize KKS, and districts/cities that get and did not get the Swasti Saba award. This research is a descriptive study using related secondary data in 2018 which then analyzed univariately and bivariately using the T-Test. Based on the analysis, it was found that there was a difference in the mean statistically where the districts/cities that organized KKS or received the Swasti Saba award had a higher average IPKM and UHH than those that did not organize or did not receive an award. For the variable prevalence of pulmonary TB and prevalence of diarrhea, it was concluded that there was no statistically significant mean difference. From this study, it is suggested that future researchers can explore further related to other health impacts as well as deepen the results of this research. The government can re-evaluate the impact on the health aspect of the KKS implementation."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izzah Aisyah Ridlani
"Benzena merupakan bahan kimia yang terbukti karsinogenik serta bersifat genotoksik pada manusia. Salah satu penggunaan benzena adalah lem yang digunakan di industri mebel atau furniture. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengestimasi tingkat risiko kesehatan pajanan benzena pada pekerja industri mebel. Yang menjadi tempat penelitian adalah workshop kayu yang berada Kawasan Gotong Royong, Klender, Jakarta Timur. Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan November hingga Maret 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan (ARKL). Nilai estimasi risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik dinyatakan dengan Risk Quetient dan estimasi risiko kesehatan karsinogenik dinyatakan dengan Excess Cancer Risk.
Konsentrasi benzena di udara lingkungan kerja diukur dan karakteristik pola pemajanan responden didapatkan dari hasil wawancara langsung. Didapatkan bahwa nilai median konsentrasi benzena di udara lingkungan kerja di Kawasan Gotong Royong sebesar 0,508 mg/m3 atau 0,159 ppm. Nilai median dari intake non karsinogenik untuk durasi life span adalah 0,016 mg/kg/hari, sedangkan nilai median dari intake non karsinogenik real time sebesar 0,00073 mg/kg/hari. Nilai median dari intake karsinogenik sebesar 0,00026 mg/kg/hari.
Dari nilai intake, didapat besar tingkat risiko non karsinogenik (RQ) untuk durasi life span sebesar 1,90 dan RQ real time sebesar 0,085. Sedangkan tingkat risiko karsinogenik (ECR) dengan CSF minimal sebesar 0,4E-4 dan ECR dengan CSF maksimal sebesar 1,5E-4. Nilai RQ life span dan nilai ECR maksimal sudah melewati batas aman sehingga udara di lingkungan kerja Kawasan Gotong Royong sudah tidak aman dari risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik dan risiko kesehatan karsinogenik pajanan benzena dengan intake sesuai masing-masing responden. Diperlukan manajemen risiko untuk meminimalisir risiko kesehatan pajanan benzena.

Benzene is a chemical that proven carcinogenic and genotoxic in humans. One of the uses of benzene is the glue used in the furniture industry. This study was conducted to estimate the health risks of exposure to benzene in the furniture industry workers which used the glue contains benzene. The research took place in some furniture production workshops in Kawasan Gotong Royong, Klender, East Jakarta. The study was conducted during the months of November to March, 2016. The method used is the method of Environmental Health Risk Analysis (HRA). The estimated value of non-carcinogenic health risk is expressed as Risk Quetient (RQ) and carcinogenic health risk estimates is expressed as Excess Cancer Risk (ECR).
The concentration of benzene in the air working environment is measured and the characteristic of exposure of respondents obtained from direct interviews. It was found that the median value of the concentration of benzene in the air working environment of the Kawasan Gotong Royong was 0,508 mg/m3 or 0,159 ppm. The median value of non-carcinogenic intake for the life span duration was 0,016 mg/kg/day, while the median value of intake of non carcinogenic for the real time duration was 0,00073 mg/kg/day. The median value of the carcinogenic intake was 0,00026 mg/kg/day.
By the value of the intake, it was calculated the level of risk of non carcinogenic (RQ) for the life span duration was 1.90 and RQ for the real time duration was 0,085. While the level of carcinogenic risk (ECR) with a minimum of CSF was 0,4E-4 and ECR with CSF maximum was 1,5E-4. RQ value for the life span duration was >1 and the maximum value of ECR was >1E-4 suggested the air in the working environment of the Kawasan Gotong Royong was not safe from the health risks of non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risks of exposure to benzene based on the appropriate intake of each respondent. Risk management is required to minimize the health risks of exposure to benzene.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan semakin meningkatnya jumlah pekerja informal yang bekerja di sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), akan tetapi minimnya kegiatan penilaian risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang dilakukan di sektor tersebut padahal pekerja infomal jarang yang diikutsertakan progam asuransi kesehatan/kecelakaan kerja.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja pada proses produksi pembuatan alas kaki di UMKM X, UMKM Y, UMKM Z dan menentukan risiko tertingginya serta memberikan rekomendasi tindakan pengendalian terhadap risiko yang teridentifikasi.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah semi kuantitatif dan deskriptif berdasarkan standar AS/NZS 4360:2004 dengan menggunakan metode Job Safety Analysis untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya dan risiko dan metode Fine untuk mengukur tingkat risiko dengan mengalikan antara kemungkinan, paparan dan konsekuensi dari setiap risiko yang ada. Studi deskriptif dilakukan untuk menjelaskan tindakan pengendalian yang sudah dilakukan oleh masing-masing UMKM. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan metode Purposive Sampling, yakni semua pekerja yang berada di proses produksi pembuatan alas kaki di UMKM X, UMKM Y, UMKM Z.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pada tahap proses produksi di UMKM X, UMKM Y, UMKM Z terdapat risiko yang termasuk ke dalam semua kategori metode Fine, yaitu: Very High, Priority 1, Substansial, Priority 3, Acceptable. Risiko tertinggi (Very High) didapatkan dari penggunaan bahan kimia dan kabel listik yang tidak sesuai standar.

Research carried out because the increment number of informal workers who work in the sector of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), but there is lack of activity for health and safety risk assessment done in that sector and workers rarely covered by health or accident insurance program. The research aims to determine the level of occupational safety and health risks in the production process of making footwear in SMEs X, SMEs Y, SMEs Z and determine the highest risk and provide recommendations control measures against the identified risks.
The method used in this research is semi-quantitative and descriptive based on the standard AS/NZS 4360:2004 using the Job Safety Analysis method to identify hazards and risks and Fine method for measuring the level of risk by multiplying the probability, exposure and consequences of any risks. Descriptive study was conducted to elucidate the control measures already carried out by each SME. Sample was conducted by purposive sampling method, ie all workers who are in the process of production of the footwear in SMEs X, Y SMEs, SMEs Z.
The results showed that at this stage of the production process in SMEs X, Y SMEs, SME Z risks are included in all categories at Fine methods, namely: Very High, Priority 1, Substantial, Priority 3, Acceptable. The highest risk (Very High) obtained from the use of chemicals and electric cables that do not meet standards.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Refi Fitri H. NST
"Pada era globalisasi saat ini terdapat kecenderungan meningkatnya tuntutan dan dugaan kejadian kesalahan medik yang berbias ke malpraktik. Hampir setiap tindakan medik menyimpan risiko. Kesalahan medik dengan konsckuensi serius paling sering terjadi Salah satunya di Unit Gawat Darurat. Masalah asuhan klinis di Unit Gawat Darurat apabila tidak dikenali dan dipahami dengan baik dapat merugikan pasien, bahkan rumah sakit itu sendiri.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan terhadap kesalahan medik yang nantinya diharapkan dapat meminimalisasikan texjadinya kesalahan medik. Penelitian dilakukan di unit gawat darurat RS ”X” dengan 10 informan yang terdiri dari manager, kepala seksi, kepala ruangan, ketua kelompok perawat, dokter dan perawat pelaksana yang bertugas di unit tersebut.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif yaitu wawancara mendaiam, obsen/asi, dan tclaah dokumen. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi (content anabzsis) yaitu membandingkan hasil penelitian dengan teori dalam kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan sudah mengetahui tentang pengertian kesalahan medik, sumber-sumber kesalahan medik, dampak kesalahan medik, dan upaya kesalahan medik, namun untuk tipe-tipe kesalahan medik informan belum mengetahuinya. Sikap informan terhadap kesalahan medik, informan menilai bahwa kesalahancadalah hal yang wajar. Kewlahan tidak texjadi apabila mengikuti prosedur dengan benar. SDM terampil dan fasilitas cukup memadai, hanya ruangan yang belum memadai dinilai sebagai sumber kesalahan medik. Kesalahan medik dapat bcrdampak positif dan negatiti Informan menilai sikap pimpinan dalam mengantispasi kesalahan medik kurang sesuai. Persepsi infomian tentang kesalahan medik menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan medik texjadi dikarenakan kasus sulit, pasien banyak, dan harus melakukan tindakan dengan cepat. Faktor manusia, komunikasi, pasien, merupakan sumbcij terjadinya kesalahan medik.
Kesalahan medik bukan hanya bcrdampak pada pasicn, namun berdampak juga pada pemberi pelayanan. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk meminimalisasikan kesalahan medik dapat dilakulcan dengan pelatihan, refreshing keilmuan, kolaborasi sesama tim, memperbaiki komunikasi, dan melaksanakan tindakan sesuai SOP.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan, sikap, dan persepsi tenaga kesehatan di unit tersebut cukup baik namun tidak dibarengi dengan tindakan, sarana dan prasarana yang rnemadai, pengawasan yang memadai dari tim manajemen risiko, dan sistem rujukan pasien yang kurang baik sehingga menyulitl-can keluarga pasien. Mengingat bahwa salah satu usaha untuk meminimalisasikan kesalahan medik adalah dcngan rnembuat Iaporan insiden, maka disarankan tim manajemen risiko untuk secara intensif mensosialisasikan pelaporan insidcn dan menyediakan buku panduan mengenai bentuk~bentuk kesalahan yang harus dilaporkan dan pihak rumah sakit membuat kebijakan yang isinya adalah mernberikan jaminan tidak akan memberikan sanksi kepada yang melakukan kesalahan dan melaporkan kesalahan medik yang terjadi.

In current globalization era there is tendency of increasing demand and medical error cases estimation that biased to malpractice. Almost all of medical action has risk. Medical error with serious consequence is the most frequent cases in Emergency Unit. If clinical upbringing cases in Emergency Unit not recognized and comprehended well would harm patient, stahl even the hospital. This research aim to gather information toward knowledge, attitude and health force assessment toward medical error that later would minimize medical error.
Research conducted in emergency unit of RS “X” with 10 informant that consist of manager, chief section, chief executive, nurse group leader, doctor and muse administrator that undertake the unit. Research method used is qualitative method that is circumstantial interview, observation, and document study. Data analysis conducted with content analysis method that is research result with bibliography theory.
Research result shows that informant has recognize about medical error interpretation, medical error sources, medical error impact, and medical error efforts, however for medic types informer not yet know it. Informant behavior toward medical error, informant assess that mistake is spontaneous. Mistake would not occur if following the right procedure, skilled SDM and adequate facility, only room that not yet adequate assessed as medical error source.
Medical error could affect positively and negatively. Informant assessed leader behavior in anticipating medical error less suitable. Informant assessment toward medical error shows that medical error occurs because of complicated cases, excessive patient, and act quickly. Human factor, communication, patient, is source of medical error. Medical error was not only affecting patient, but also affecting service giver. Efforts conducted to minimizing medical error could do by training, knowledge refreshing, team collaboration, fixing communication, and conduct act that appropriate with SOP.
Conclusion Hom this research is knowledge, attitude, and health force assessment in those unit is quite well but not along with action, adequate medium and infrastructure, adequate monitoring from risk management team, and patient reference system that less good so that complicate patient family. Considering that one of the efforts to minimize medical error is making incidental report, so that suggested risk management team intensively socialize incident report and providing guidance book toward fallacies that had to be reported and hospital that make policy, which has content of guaranteed would not give sanction to the one who do mistake and reporting medical error occurred.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Kusumawardhani
"Bahan kimia meliputi bermacam – macam bahan organik dan non organik yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan dalam waktu pendek maupun panjang. Salah satu bidang pekerjaan yang industri yang menggunakan bahan kimia dalam operasionalnya adalah laboratorium. Semakin meningkatnya jumlah sampel uji akan meningkatkan pajanan pajanan bahan kimia yang akan berdampak pada kesehatan pekerja. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah melakukan penilaian risiko kesehatan bahan kimia pada pajanan inhalasi dan dermal di Laboratorium Petroleum X Jakarta Timur tahun 2023. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April hingga Juni 2023 dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif mengacu pada Manual of Recommended Practice on the Assessment of The Health Risks Arising from the Use of Chemicals Hazardous to Health at the Workplace 3rd Edition dari Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia. Hasil penilaian risiko kesehatan rute pajanan inhalasi untuk bahan kimia dari seluruh tahap pengujian bervariasi dari rendah, sedang dan tinggi. Namun di dominasi oleh risiko sedang. Sementara, hasil penilaian risiko kesehatan rute pajanan dermal untuk seluruh bahan kimia dari seluruh tahap pengujian didominasi dengan risiko tinggi. Perlu dilakukannya pemantauan terhadap pengendalian yangs udah ada dan pengendalian tambahan berdasarkan hierarki pengendalian untuk bahan kimia dengan risiko tinggi dan kecukupan pengendalian yang belum memadai

Chemicals are a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds that might have a short or long term impact on health. The laboratory is an industrial work sector that utilises chemicals in its activities. The increased quantity of test samples will increase workers' exposure to chemical compounds, which will have an effect on their health. The goal of this research was to assess the health hazards of chemicals through inhalation and skin exposure at the X Petroleum Laboratory East Jakarta in 2023. This study was carried out from April to June 2023 utilizing a qualitative method using the Manual of Recommended Practice on the Assessment of Health Risks Arising from the Use of Hazardous to Health Chemicals in the Workplace, 3rdEdition from Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia. The health risk assessment scores for compounds via the inhalation route ranged from low to high across all levels of testing. However, Mod risk dominates. Meanwhile, high hazards dominated the results of the dermal exposure route health risk assessment for all compounds from all phases of testing. For high-risk chemicals and insufficient control adequacy, it is required to monitor current controls and implement new controls based on the control hierarchy."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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