"Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan data per 20 September 2021 di 46.500 sekolah, ada 2,8 persen atau 1.296 sekolah yang melaporkan klaster COVID-19. Klaster COVID-19 paling banyak terjadi di SD/MI yaitu 2,78 persen. Per tanggal 18 Maret 2021 Angka kematian di Provinsi Lampung mencapai 5,32 persen atau berada di atas rata-rata nasional, yakni 2,71 persen. Berdasarkan SE Kepala Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Bandar Lampung Nomor : 420/1254/IV.40/2022 tentang pembelajaran tatap muka pada masa pandemi COVID-19 dilaksanakan pada hari senin tanggal 14 Maret 2022. MIN 8 Bandar Lampung adalah MIN percontohan yang terletak sangat dekat dengan pemukiman padat penduduk, luas bangunan sekolah yang tidak terlalu besar memiliki jumlah siswa paling banyak serta memiliki interaksi dengan masyarakat luar yang sangat aktif. Berdasarkan dari studi pedahuluan yang sudah peneliti lakukan ternyata didapatkan hasil bahwa perilaku 3M siswa MIN 8 Bandar Lampung masih kurang disiplin.Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penerapan perilaku 3M pencegahan COVID-19 pada siswa MIN 8 Bandar Lampung Tahun 2022. Metode: Menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional survey, subjek diukur dan diamati hanya satu kali dalam penelitian ini. Hasil: Siswa kelas 5 (62,9%) MIN 8 Bandar Lampung tahun 2022 menerapkan perilaku 3M. Variabel pengetahuan (56,7%), sikap (62,9%), pola asuh (58,8%), dukungan guru (70,1%), dukungan teman sebaya (62,9%), peraturan sekolah (50,5%) dan sarana prasarana (56,7). Variabel terpenting yang terkait dengan penggunaan perilaku 3M adalah kebiasaan orang tua, dengan OR 3.095 (95% CI: 1.315-7.284). Kesimpulan: Kebiasaan orang tua dan peraturan sekolah secara signifikan berhubungan dengan perilaku 3M. Variabel yang paling dominan terkait dengan perilaku 3M adalah kebiasaan orang tua dan peraturan sekolah setelah mengontrol dukungan teman sebaya
Background: Based on data as of September 20, 2021 in 46,500 schools, there were 2.8 percent or 1,296 schools that reported COVID-19 clusters. Most of the COVID-19 clusters occurred in SD/MI, namely 2.78 percent. As of March 18, 2021, the death rate in Lampung Province reached 5.32 percent or was above the national average, which was 2.71 percent. Based on the SE Head of the Education and Culture Office of Bandar Lampung Number: 420/1254/IV.40/2022 regarding face-to-face learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was held on Monday, March 14, 2022. MIN 8 Bandar Lampung is a pilot MIN located very close to with densely populated settlements, the school building area is not too large and has the largest number of students and has very active interactions with the outside community. Based on the preliminary study that has been carried out by the researchers, it turns out that the 3M students of MIN 8 Bandar Lampung still lack discipline. Objective: To determine the factors related to the application of 3M behavior as a prevention of COVID-19 in students of MIN 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022. Methods: using a cross sectional study design where in this study the subject was only measured and observed once. Result: 5th grade students of MIN 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022 (62.9%) apply 3M behavior. Variables of knowledge (56.7%), attitudes (62.9%), parenting (58.8%), teacher support (70.1%), peer support (62.9%) school regulations (50.5%) and infrastructure (56.7). The most dominant variable related to the application of 3M behavior is the habituation of parents with OR 3,095 (95% CI: 1.315-7,284). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between parental habits and school rules with 3M behavior. The most dominant variables related to 3M behavior are parental habits after controlling for peer support, and school rules."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022