ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan proses framing terhadap dua
kandidat presiden Indonesia pada Pemilu 2014, yaitu Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dan
Prabowo Subianto. Proses framing ditinjau dari wacana berita Koran Tempo,
khususnya pada berita debat calon presiden. Analisis framing ini memanfaatkan
teori framing Zhongdang Pan dan Gerald M Kosicki (1993). Teori framing
diperkuat dengan analisis makrosintaksis dari van Dijk (1988). Pada praktiknya,
analisis framing ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan dan
keseimbangan berita terhadap pihak-pihak tertentu. Dalam penelitian ini, teori
Entman (2007) mengenai kecenderungan berita diadopsi sekaligus menjadi
jembatan yang menghubungkan antara framing dan kecenderungan atau
keseimbangan antara dua pihak yang terdapat di dalam berita. Hasil sintesis
beragam teori ini memperlihatkan sikap Koran Tempo cenderung positif kepada
Jokowi (capres nomor urut dua) daripada Prabowo (capres nomor urut satu).
Kecenderungan tersebut dibuktikan oleh analisis framing Pan dan Kosicki yang
meliputi analisis struktural, leksikal, headline, dan pendukung berupa insert yang
semuanya dimuat di dalam teks berita.
The objective of this study is to reveal the framing process on two Indonesian
presidential candidates in general election 2014, they are Joko Widodo (Jokowi)
and Prabowo Subianto. The framing process is reviewed from news discourse of
Koran Tempo, particularly on the news of presidential candidate debates. This
framing analysis applies the framing theory approach of Zhongdang Pan and
Gerald M Kosicki (1993). The theory is strengthened by macro syntactic analysis
proposed by van Dijk (1988). Practically, this analysis is conducted to find out the
news tendency and balance on certain sides. In this study, Entman theory (2007)
of news tendency is adopted and connects the framing with the tendency or
balance between two sides in news. The synthesis result of the theories indicates
that Koran Tempo shows its more positive posture to Jokowi (presidential
candidate number two) compared to Prabowo (presidential candidate number
one). That tendency is proved by the framing analysis of Pan and Kosicki which is
including structural, lexical, headline, and inserts analysis that are all covered in
news text.;The objective of this study is to reveal the framing process on two Indonesian
presidential candidates in general election 2014, they are Joko Widodo (Jokowi)
and Prabowo Subianto. The framing process is reviewed from news discourse of
Koran Tempo, particularly on the news of presidential candidate debates. This
framing analysis applies the framing theory approach of Zhongdang Pan and
Gerald M Kosicki (1993). The theory is strengthened by macro syntactic analysis
proposed by van Dijk (1988). Practically, this analysis is conducted to find out the
news tendency and balance on certain sides. In this study, Entman theory (2007)
of news tendency is adopted and connects the framing with the tendency or
balance between two sides in news. The synthesis result of the theories indicates
that Koran Tempo shows its more positive posture to Jokowi (presidential
candidate number two) compared to Prabowo (presidential candidate number
one). That tendency is proved by the framing analysis of Pan and Kosicki which is
including structural, lexical, headline, and inserts analysis that are all covered in
news text., The objective of this study is to reveal the framing process on two Indonesian
presidential candidates in general election 2014, they are Joko Widodo (Jokowi)
and Prabowo Subianto. The framing process is reviewed from news discourse of
Koran Tempo, particularly on the news of presidential candidate debates. This
framing analysis applies the framing theory approach of Zhongdang Pan and
Gerald M Kosicki (1993). The theory is strengthened by macro syntactic analysis
proposed by van Dijk (1988). Practically, this analysis is conducted to find out the
news tendency and balance on certain sides. In this study, Entman theory (2007)
of news tendency is adopted and connects the framing with the tendency or
balance between two sides in news. The synthesis result of the theories indicates
that Koran Tempo shows its more positive posture to Jokowi (presidential
candidate number two) compared to Prabowo (presidential candidate number
one). That tendency is proved by the framing analysis of Pan and Kosicki which is
including structural, lexical, headline, and inserts analysis that are all covered in
news text.]"