"Kesehatan adalah hak fundamental setiap warga sehingga negara bertanggung jawab untuk mengaturnya. Pemerintah dengan program Jamkesmas menjamin pembiayaan masyarakat miskin dengan perhitungan biaya berdasar sistem pembiayaan INA-CBG. Kraniotomi termasuk 3 terbanyak tindakan medik operatif pasien Jamkesmas tahun 2011 di RSUP dr. Kariadi. Terdapat perbedaan pengelompokan dan perbedaan biaya kraniotomi berdasar INA - CBG dan RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Clinical pathway kraniotomi belum ada di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyusun clinical pathway dan menganalisa biaya kraniotomi berdasar tarif paket INA CBG di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang tahun 2012. Data primer yang didapatkan meliputi : jumlah dan identitas pasien Jamkesmas yang menjalani tindakan kraniotomi pada tahun 2012, hasil wawancara dan wawancara mendalam, hasil wawancara dalam fokus grup diskusi, hasil pengamatan langsung pada saat kraniotomi dilakukan. Data sekunder didapatkan dari dokumen rekam medis pasien Jamkesmas yang menjalani tindakan kraniotom pada tahun 2012. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu formulir penelitian, pedoman wawancara, data biling tagihan keuangan pasien Jamkesmas yang menjalani kraniotomi, dan pedoman diskusi grup.
Berdasar diagnosis utama, diagnosis penyerta dan penyulit, tingkat kesadaran, lokasi dan besar neplasma / perdarahan, tersusun 6 clinical pathway kraniotomi yaitu : kranitomi ringan trauma, kraniotomi ringan non trauma, kraniotomi sedang trauma, kraniotomi sedang non trauma, kraniotomi berat trauma, dan kraniotomi berat non trauma. Cost of treatment tindakan kraniotomi di RSUP Dr. Kariadi untuk kelompok kraniotomi ringan Rp. 22.627.449,00, kraniotomi sedang Rp. 27.589.090,00, dan kraniotomi berat Rp. 46.372.634,00. Terdapat selisih antara cost of treatment tindakan kraniotomi berdasar tarip INA CBG dan RSUP DR. Kariadi Semarang. Selisih biaya untuk kraniotomi ringan Rp. 18.715.922,80, kraniotomi sedang Rp. 22.066.987,50, dan untuk kraniotomi berat Rp. 39.827.762,99.
Right to health is a one of basic human rights, and it’s an obligation for the government that every citizens have it equally.The Indonesian government with its social program guarantee the cost of health expenditure for the poor named INA CBG payment scheme. One of the top 3 most performed medical surgery with the Jamkesmas social insurance payment at Kariadi hospital in 2011 was craniotomi. There’s differences in grouping and cost in craniotomi procedure if we compare between INA CBG medical expenditure plan with Kariadi hospital. Kariadi hospital don’t have clinical pathway on craniotomi. The goal of this research is to make a clinical pathway on craniotomi and to analyze the craniotomi expenditure plan based on INA CBG for Kariadi hospital in 2012. The primary data will be patients with Jamkesmas social insurance that had craniiotomi procdure in 2012, deep and structured interviewed on focus group discussion, direct observation when craniotomi’s were performed. Secondary data was medical records on patients with jamkesmas social insurance that had craniotomi in 2012. The research instruments are research form, deep and structured interview guidance and discussion group protocol. Based on primary diagnosis, complimentary diagnosis, the difficulty level, the degree of conciuosness, location and the degree of bleeding/ the size of the neoplasma, we managed to make 6 clinical pathway on craniotomi procedures which are mild trauma craniotomi, mild non trauma craniotomi, intermediate trauma craniotomi, intermediate non trauma craniotomi, severe trauma craniotomy, and severe non trauma craniotomy. The cost of treatment of mild craniotomi in Kariadi hospital was Rp. 22.627.449,00, intermediate craniotomi was Rp. 27.589.090,00, while severe craniotomy was Rp. 46.372.634,00. There were differences cost of treatments on craniotomy procedure between INA CBG and Kariadi hospital which were : for mild craniotomy Rp. 18.715.922,80, intermediate craniotomy Rp. 22.066.987,50, and severe craniotomi Rp. 39.827.762,99."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014