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Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufiqur Rohman
"Dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak bersubsidi ini ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia kegiatan Penyediaan merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting. Penyediaan adalah kegiatan menyediakan BBM, baik dari kilang dalam negeri maupun impor, dan menyalurkannya sampai ketangki-tangki penyimpanan bahan bakar minyak di Terminal Transit/Terminal/Depot menggunakan sarana transportasi seperti jalur pipa, tanker, dan tongkang.
Dalam penelitian ini dirancang sebuah simulasi rantai suplai BBM bersubsidi untuk jenis bensin Premium, minyak tanah dan solar. Simulasi rantai suplai ini melibatkan seluruh aspek yang terkait serta mengintegrasikannya mulai dari sumber pasokan dari kilang, alat angkut, dan depot BBM serta jalur penyediaan BBM dari Kilang Plaju ke Depot Tanjung Pandan dan Depot Pangkal Balam di Bangka Belitung.
Berdasarkan hasil simulasi yang dilakukan didapatkan faktor dominan terlambatnya pasokan BBM bersubsidi dari sumber ke Depot di Bangka Belitung disebabkan kondisi dimana kedalaman air laut yang hanya 6 meter pada kondisi air laut pasang tertinggi, sehingga alat angkut BBM berupa tangker atau tongkang BBM hanya bisa membawa BBM dengan maksimum kapasitas 1500KL di depot Pangkal Balam dan 500KL di Depot Tanjung Pandan.
Berdasarkan coverage day hasil simulasi terlihat bahwa kondisi di Bangka Belitung rata-rata masih di bawah coverage day ideal, yaitu di bawah 21 hari. Dimana 14 hari digunakan sebagai cadangan operasional dan 7 hari digunakan sebagai cadangan BBM Nasional.
Untuk menanggulangi tidak terganggunya pasokan BBM di daerah Bangka Belitung dapat dilakukan usaha seperti menambah frekwensi pemesanan BBM dari sumber, atau menambah fasilitas penyimpanan BBM di Bangka Belitung agar tercapai coverage day minimum 21 hari. Dengan total waktu pendistribusian melalui jalur sungai (muara) dan jalur laut untuk masing-masing Depot Tanjung Pandan dan Depot Pangkal Balam selama 27 jam dan 13 jam, dapat dijadwalkan pengiriman bahan bakar minyak dilakukan sebelum terjadinya air surut."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Charlis Djamaluddin Hartono
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi situasi ekonomi terakhir, di mana biaya operasional meningkat, daya beli masyarakat menurun, tarif perawatan kelas III yang ditetapkan melalui Perda, menyebabkan kelas III di rumah sakit memerlukan subsidi, karena tarif yang ditentukan di bawah biaya satuan. Subsidi diharapkan didapat dari pelayanan pasien kelas II ke atas, yang dikenal sebagai subsidi silang. Dengan subsidi silang diharapkan rumah sakit dapat mencapai titik impas dalam pembiayaannya.
Rumah Sakit Atma Jaya didirikan dengan tujuan melayani masyarakat kurang mampu dan menunjang pendidikan bagi Fakultas Kedokteran Unika Atma Jaya. Jiwa subsidi silang sesuai dengan misi rumah sakit, option for the poor.
Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisa subsidi silang di unit produksi Rumah Sakit Atma Jaya (yang terdiri dari unit rawat jalan, unit rawat inap kelas III, unit rawat inap gedung E untuk kelas II ke atas dan unit penunjang medik), termasuk mendapatkan gambaran biaya dan pendapatan masing - masing unit produksi.
Penelitian bersifat deskriptif, berdasar data sekunder, yaitu laporan pertanggungjawaban direksi rumah sakit Atma Jaya, tahun 2000. Dalam perhitungan pembebanan biaya overhead, digunakan metode relative value.
Berdasar hasil penelitian di Rumah Sakit Atma Jaya, Jakarta, dapat disimpulkan bahwa :
1. Subsidi silang seperti yang dimaksud oleh Yayasan tidak terjadi seperti yang diharapkan, bahkan pasien gedung E yang merupakan pasien kelas menengah ke atas masih disubsidi oleh Yayasan.
2. Subsidi silang terjadi walau tidak seperti yang dimaksud Yayasan, yaitu dari unit penunjang medik, ke unit perawatan pasien.
3. Subsidi untuk pasien, makin besar jika pasien dirawat dikelas lebih tinggi
4. Biaya satuan setiap kelas perawatan berada di atas tarif yang ditetapkan.
5. Tingkat hunian tempat tidur masih rendah, terutama untuk kelas yang diharapkan dapat memberikan subsidi silang.
Sebagai saran untuk kelanjutan operasional rumah sakit, perlu dicari penyebab rendahnya tingkat pengisian tempat tidurnya, terutama untuk kelas II ke atas.

A Crosswise Subsidy Analysis at the Revenue Center of Atma Jaya Hospital in JakartaWith recent economic situation as a background, where operational expenditures are increasing and purchasing power of the community is declining, this research is conducted to estimate total subsidy required by the hospital due to low tariff determined by the Regional Regulation. This subsidy is supported to generate from the second class of inpatient care and up, known as cross-subsidy. By crosswise subsidy, it is expected that the hospital can reach a break-even point in its expenditures.
The Atma Jaya Hospital is established with the aim to serve the needy community, and to facilitate educational program for Unika Atma Jaya's Faculty of Medicine. The principle of crosswise subsidy is in accordance with the hospital's mission, namely option for the poor.
The purpose of this research is to analyse the crosswise subsidy at the revenue center of Atma Jaya Hospital (consisting of out-patients unit, third-class hospitalization unit, the E building hospitalization unit for the second class and above, and the unit for medical support), as well as to get a picture of costs and revenues of each revenue unit.
This quantitative research is based on secondary data, the responsibility report of the board of the Atma Jaya Hospital, year 2000. In calculating the overhead costs the relative-value method is used.
Base on the research outcome at the Atma Jaya Hospital in Jakarta, it may be concluded that :
1. The crosswise subsidy as meant by the Foundation is not occuring as expected; the E building patients who are of the intermediate class and above, are still even subsidized by the Foundation.
2. Crosswise subsidy does occur. Eventhough not expected by the Foundation,namely from the medical support unit to the hospitalized patient unit.
3. Subsidy for the patients increases if they are hospitalized in a higher class.
4. The unit cost for each class of hospitalized exceed the established rates.
5. The level of bed occupancy is still low, mainly for classes which are expected to provide crosswise subsidy.
As a recommendation to the hospital, further research should be conducted to explore causes of low bed occupancy rate (BOR), especially of the second and above.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maengkom, Wiana R.
Pelayanan Rawat Inap di rumah sakit tersedia dalam berbagai kelas perawatan, sehingga tarif yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan kelas-kelas tersebut. Tarif kelas yang lebih tinggi diharapkan memberi subsidi pada kelas perawatan yang lebih rendah (subsidi silang). Di Rumah Sakit Santo Yusup perbedaan tarif pada kelas-kelas yang disebut diatas belum terlihat, dengan demikian tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi apakah subsidi silang dari kelas I ke kelas III terjadi di Unit Rawat Inap Theresia pada triwulan IV 1994 dan triwulan I tahun 1995.
Metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode evaluatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder atau data biaya dari Unit Rawat Inap Theresia Rumah Sakit Santo Yusup periode triwulan IV 1994 dan triwulan 1 1995.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terjadi subsidi silang dari kelas I ke kelas III (antar kelas perawatan), tetapi subsidi diperoleh dari unit pelayanan lainnya ke rawat inap (farmasi dan laboratorium). Hal ini menunjukkan adanya subsidi silang antar jenis pelayanan.
Hasil penelitian ini merupakan masukan untuk manajemen rumah sakit dalam memperbaiki dan meningkatkan utilisasi kelas 1 di Unit Rawat Inap Theresia, sehingga terjadi subsidi silang yang diharapkan.

Inpatient services in hospital is usually divided into various classes of room which consequently will have differences on its price. Price of the upper class which is usually higher, is expected to subsidize the lower one (cross subsidy).
Yet, in Santo Yusup Hospital difference of the room price on those classes, do not reflect the above intention therefore, the objective in of this study is to identify whether a cross subsidy from first class to third class exists in the Theresia Ward in fourth quarter of 1994 and first quarter of 1995.
The method of this study is evaluative method by using secondary data (cost information) taken from the Theresia Ward Santo Yusup Hospital during fourth quarter period in 1994 and first quarter period in 1995.
The result shows do not yield any evidence that cross subsidy exist from first class to third class ( among inpatient units ). However it is obvious that subsidy for inpatient service flows from another service units such as Pharmacy and Laboratory (cross subsidy among various kinds of service units).
This study can be an input to the management of Santo Yusuf Hospital improving the utility of first class of Theresia Ward so that cross subsidy can exist as expected.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Mekanisme hubungan keuangan pusat dan daerah berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 1956 tidak seluruhnya dapat dilaksanakan, selanjutnya untuk mengisi kekosongan peraturan, muncul kebijaksanaan dalam pemberian Subsidi kepada Daerah yang dikenal dengan nama Subsidi Daerah Otonom (SDO).
Dalam perkembangannya keadaan tersebut mengakibatkan hubungan keuangan pusat dan daerah yang terbentuk, di mana Subsidi Daerah Otonom termasuk di dalamnya, menjadi bersifat terpecah-pecah; tidak memiliki dasar hukum yang kuat; dan sangat fleksibel.
Tujuan pemberian Subsidi Daerah Otonom sebenarnya adalah untuk memperkuat keuangan daerah sebagai pelaksanaan prmsip otonomi daerah. Namun pada saat ini alokasi Subsidi Daerah Otonom justru berakibat ada ketergantungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi alokasi Subsidi Daerah Otonom dan atas dasar keadaan tersebut diupayakan untuk mendesain sistem alokasi yang diharapkan.
Berdasarkan teori perilaku organisasi, diketahui bahwa alokasi Subsidi Daerah Otonom merupakan bentuk dari kebijaksanaan sebagai hasil pengambilan keputusan organisasi. Sehingga faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya adalah faktor internal organisasi yang meliputi perilaku, struktur, dan proses organisasi, serta faktor eksternal organisasi yang meliputi politik dan ekonomi. (Gibson, Ivanicevich dan Donnelley, 1994).
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menitikberatkan cara penelitian pada studi sebab-akibat dan perbandingan, serta studi korelasi.
Masing-masing variabel faktor internal dan eksternal organisasi memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat. Variabel faktor internal (struktur, dan proses) semuanya berpengaruh kuat, sedangkan variabel faktor eksternal organisasi berupa faktor ekonomi pengaruhnya lemah, namun ternyata faktor politik pengaruhnya justru kuat terhadap alokasi Subsidi Daerah Otonom. Pengaruh dari masing-masing variabel tersebut tidak selalu searah, sebagian bersifat memperburuk dan sebagian sangat kondusif terhadap alokasi Subsidi Daerah Otonom.
Selanjutnya disarankan agar dilakukan reformulasi dan redesain terhadap sistem alokasi Subsidi Daerah Otonom dengan memperhatikan pelaksanaan otonomi serta upaya untuk memperkokoh keuangan daerah."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of fuel price subsidy on economic performance in Indonesia. The analysis using econometric approach with simultaneous equations model and solved by 2SLS method. The results of this study shows that the abolishment of fuel price subsidy will create, increasing unemployment, appreciation of domestic exchange rate, increasing riil interest rate, decreasing general prices or deflation, and lowering economic growth."
PPEM 15 (1) 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper investigates how the health care demand among the elderly is affected by the health card subsidy issued by the government after the financial crisis in 1997. The health card subsidy provides free access to health services for the poor; and was accepted at any available health center, or 'puskesmas'. Using the Indonesia socio-economic survey data for 2003, results show that the health card has positive effect on puskesmas utilization, particularly the demand on health care facilities among the 55 year-old population. Unfortunately, due to mistargeting resulting from difficulties in locating poor households, the health card also benefited wealthier individuals in their access of health centers."
PPEM 15 (1) 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mevyenna Agizta
"Skripsi ini membahas faktor-faktor perilaku konsumen apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian dan keputusan pembelian BBM Non Subsidi SPBU Lokal dan Asing (Produk: Pertamax, Pertamax Plus, Pertamina Dex, Shell Super, Shell Super Extra, Shell Diesel, Total Performance 92, Total Performance 95, Total Diesel) untuk konsumen di wilayah Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi). Penelitian ini adalah Exploratory Research yang dilanjutkan dengan Conclusive Research. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan temuan bahwa faktor sosial (kelompok acuan, peran dan status), faktor pribadi (aspek personal dan pekerjaan), juga faktor psikologi (motivasi, persepsi dan pembelajaran) secara bersama-sama berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pembelian konsumen untuk produk BBM Non Subsidi di Jabodetabek. Selain itu, penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwa faktor psikologi berupa Motivasi Aktualisasi Diri dan proses Persepsi dan Pembelajaran konsumen memiliki kontribusi yang penting juga memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan, berbanding terbalik dengan Kelompok Acuan dan Keluarga yang memberikan pengaruh yang negatif dan signifikan terhadap pembelian BBM Non Subsidi di Jabodetabek.

The focus of this study is knowing Factors that influence Consumer Behavior and its influence to Buying Behavior and Purchase Decision on Non Subsidized Fuels (Products: Pertamax, Pertamax Plus, Pertamina Dex, Shell Super, Shell Super Extra, Shell Diesel, Total Performance 92, Total Performance 95, Total Diesel) among Customers on Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi). This research is an Exploratory Research that followed by Conclusive Research. The study revealed that Social Factors (Reference Group, social roles and status), Personal factors (lifestyle, economic conditions, occupations), and pschylogical factors (motivation, perseptions, learning) together have a significant impact on Purchasing behavior of Non Subsidized Fuel Consumer on Jabodetabek. The study also revealed that psychological factor; Self Actualization Motive, Persepsion and Learning process, have an important contribution alos a significantly positive impact to Purchasing behavior and decision, inversely with Reference Group and Family which gives a significantly negative impact to Non Subsidized Fuel Purchasing behavior and decision."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Susilih
"The Implementation of Rice Subsidy PolicyThe economic crisis, which has debilitated Indonesia in 1997 that was followed by rice crisis has brought the impact of more descend of public purchasing power in fulfilling the basic food need. This problem threatened the food security of the people or caused the food insecurity.
In relation with this Act Number 7/1996 about Food in article 1 clause 17, mentioned that food security is the condition of food fulfillment for household that is reflected by availability of food that is sufficient both in quantity and in quality, secure, spread evenly and affordably by the people.
Next in the Rice Policy that was regulated in the President Instruction Number 9/2002, in article 5 is mandated that government had to guaranty the supply, implementation of the distribution of rice for the poor and food vulnerability. Based on that regulation then Bulog as food authority which has wide experience on supply and rice distribution, is given assignment to increase food security for all inhabitants in Republic of Indonesia region. For this purpose, the policy of subsidized rice which manifest by OPK/Raskin program was released, so rice as the basic need food can be reached by poor families.
Although, there are some deviances in the implementation of OPK/Raskin (Special Market Operation/Rice for the Poor), especially in the targeting. There are also some cases of moral hazard in the implementation of the policy. But, it has been acknowledged that the implementation of the program supposed to be the most successful programs within any Social Safety Net Programs.
From this success, this study revealed the true description of the OPK/Raskin that had been going on since 1998. The analysis of the content and the context of the policy was done to the implementation of the program. The content of the policy was the factor that influenced the outcomes of the policy when it was implemented. The context of the policy was also the factor that influenced certain social, political, and economic environment, so the implementation of the policy needed to consider the context of policy; that is the environment where the policy was to be implemented. Outcome was the final result of the policy expected to achieve. The analysis of the outcomes of the policy was done simply by comparing the output realized with the goals to be achieved from the policy.
Based on the content of the policy, the rice subsidy policy was quite easy to implement But in the context of policy, the program did not yield impact that were expected in the objective of the program. The problem come from the authority of Bulog in the determining the allocation ceiling of rice nationally which was based on the data of four families from BKKBN (National Family Planning Board).
Then, the study recommended that Bulog had to try optimally in exacerbating the targeted household, so the beneficiaries would be the true targeted individuals or groups that need the cheap rice. Moreover, the upgrading of purchasing power of the poor society would be more prioritized through some working and opportunity enhancement programs; so that in the long run, the charity-based subsidy would be less significant.
Bibliography: 31 books (1983-2003); 34 newspapers/magazines/journals (1998-2004); 4 working papers/module (1988-200X); 5 research reports (1999-2004); 3 website articles ; 5 documentations (2001-2004) ; 2 guidelines (2003&2004); 2 regulations (1996&2002)"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josephine Vivian
Tesis ini menganalisa mengenai proses investigasi Amerika Serikat (AS) atas
kasus Frozen Warmwater Shrimp Subsidies yang menyangkut Indonesia yang
dinilai telah melakukan subsidi dan merugikan industri domestik AS. Konsistensi
antara proses tindakan anti-subsidi (CVD) yang dilakukan otoritas investigasi AS
dan ketentuan WTO khususnya Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing
Measures (ASCM) akan dilihat dalam tesis ini. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan
metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan hasil preskriptif. Hasil penelitian
menyarankan agar memastikan proses penyelidikan yang dilakukan AS terhadap
Indonesia dan tindakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam membuktikan dirinya tidak
bersalah sesuai dengan hukum WTO, sehingga penyimpangan terhadap
pemakaian tindakan anti-subsidi dapat dihindari demi kepentingan perdagangan
internasional bagi seluruh anggota WTO. Selain itu, WTO perlu memberikan
perhatian lebih terhadap isu dominansi negara-negara maju dalam menerapkan
tindakan anti-subsidi terhadap negara-negara berkembang yang dapat dijadikan
alasan untuk sikap proteksi atas industri domestik negara-negara maju tersebut
atau kepentingan-kepentingan lainnya.

This thesis analyzes the process of investigation of the United States (US) on
Frozen Warmwater Shrimp Subsidies case against Indonesia who had committed
subsidies and cause injury to the US domestic industry. The consistency between
process of anti-subsidy measures (CVD) who conducted by US investigation
authorities and the provisions of WTO especially the Agreement on Subsidies and
Countervailing Measures (ASCM) will be viewed in this thesis. This thesis uses
the method of normative legal research as to result in a prescriptive advice. The
results of the study suggest that ensures the investigation process conducted by
AS against Indonesia and the Indonesian Government measures to prove his
innocence in accordance with the WTO law, so that deviations from the use of
anti-subsidy measures can be avoided in the interest of international trade for all
WTO members. Moreover, the WTO needs to pay more attention to the issue of
dominance of developed countries in implementing anti-subsidy measures against
developing countries that can be used as an excuse for protectionism on the
domestic industry of the developed countries or other interests."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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