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Muhammad Hanif
"Tugas Karya Akhir (TKA) ini merupakan kajian literatur yang meninjau pandangan pakar dalam ekonomi politik internasional tentang gagasan proteksionisme dan penerapan kebijakannya di tengah liberalisasi perdagangan dunia. Secara teoritis terdapat perdebatan yang mengkritisi pandangan ekonomi neo-klasik sebagai landasan dari perkembangan liberalisasi perdagangan dunia saat ini. Pandangan teoritis ekonomi neo-klasik yang bersifat statis dalam memandang nilai-nilai perdagangan yang liberal, multilateral, bebas hambatan, dan non-diskriminatif sulit berhadapan dengan perubahan ekonomi politik dunia yang sangat dinamis. Temuan secara teoritis konsiten dengan tinjauan empiris dari penerapan kebijakan perdagangan di negara maju dan negara berkembang. Dinamisnya faktor ekonomi politik, membuat negara tidak bisa menerapkan konsep perdagangan bebas secara utuh untuk memenangkan persaingan dalam perdagangan dunia. Proteksionisme akan selalu hadir dengan berbagai instrumen kebijakannya ditengah liberalisasi perdagangan dunia.

This thesis is a literature review that looked at the views of experts in international political economy about the idea of protectionism and its policy implementation in world trade liberalization. Theoretically there is a debate in criticizing the classical economics liberal thought as the basic idea of the development of today's world trade liberalization. Theoretical view of neo-classical economics which are static in looking at the liberal, multilateral, barrier-free, and nondiscriminatory values of world trade having some difficulty in dealing with dynamic changes in the world political economy. Consistently, theoretical findings have been approved by empirical review of the implementation of trade policies in the developed and developing countries. The dynamic of political economy factors makes the country can not apply the concept of free trade as a whole to win the competition in world trade. Protectionism will always be present, with its variety of policy instruments, in the liberalization of world trade.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessi Vadila
"Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui hubungan antara liberalisasi perdagangan dan kemiskinan di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data panel 26 propinsi wilayah kota-desa selama kurun waktu 1996-2005, Setelah melakukan pengujian dan analisa hubungan antara hDeralisasi perdagangan dan kemiskinan di Indonesia dapat disimpulkan bahwa liberalisasi perdagangan memberikan pengaruh negatif secara langsung terhadap kemiskinan, dimana liberalisasi perdagangan dapat menurunkan tingkat kemiskinan. Sementara secara tidak langsung, liberalisasi perdagangan tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkat kemiskinan. Meskipun liberalisasi perdagangan terbukti marnpu meningkatkan pertumbuhan pendapatan perkapita, namun pendapatan perkapita sendiri tidak signifikan mempengaruhi tingkat kemiskinan. Demikian pula dengan ketidakmerataan, liberalisasi perdagangan tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan dengan ketidaktuerataan di Indonesia, meskipun ketidaktmerataan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemiskinan.

This study aims to investigate the relationship between trade liberalization and poverty in Indonesia This study focuses an 26 provincial level data over the period 1996-2005. Simultaneous equation estimation is applied to investigate the trade poverty helps to reduce poverty directly. Meanwhile, it's indirectly impact is not clear. Trade liberalization shows no significant impact on poverty indirectly neither through trade--growth-poverty linkage, nor trough trade-inequality-poverty linkage. Although thatrade liberalization helps to promote income growth in Indonesia, but the poverty equation estimation has confirmed the insignificant role of growth in reducing urban poverty. The estimation for the inequality equation shows that although a positive impact of inequality on poverty is found in the regression, there is no apparent interaction effect exist between trade and inequality in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afriansyah Darwin
"Analisis kami mencoba untuk menggambarkan posisi Indonesia dalam berbagai persetujuan kerjasama/integrasi ekonomi, baik secara bilateral maupun regional, yaitu ASEAN Free Trade Area (ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement), ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, ASEAN-India
Free Trade Area, ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Area, Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area, dan Indonesia-Pakistan Preferential Trade Agreement, pengaturan tentang perdagangan barang pada masing-masing
persetujuan FTA, dan lebih lanjut membuat analisis atas pemberian tarif preferensial berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi literatur. Analisis kami menyimpulkan, pertama, Indonesia telah melaksanakan penurunan dan penghapusan tarif sesuai dengan modalitas yang disepakati di dalam setiap kesepakatan integrasi. Perlu dikaji lebih lanjut apakah komitmen yang sama juga diberikan oleh negara mitra. Kedua, terkait prosedur operasional sertifikasi barang, kajian merekomendasikan pengaturannya secara mandiri dalam suatu Peraturan Menteri Keuangan, untuk memperkuat dasar hukum penelitian Surat Keterangan Asaloleh Pejabat Bea dan Cukai."
Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia, 2015
336 JBPPK 8:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imada, Pearl
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1991
382.71 IMA f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1992
382.71 AFT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Diana. author
In the Treaty of Rome 1957, agriculture sector has been recognized as an important feature regarding its strategic values, such as the natural factor with its major role, food endurance and its susceptibility toward competitive pressures although its contributions on economics declined.
On 30 July 1962, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was introduced after three years of negotiations in line with the mechanism settlement and its organizations as a whole. Various agricultural problems in member states were the causes of the difficulties in achieving agreements on CAP mechanism.
Protectionism through market mechanism (price intervention and subsidies) which tried improving the welfare of farmers was the central focus of CAP. But as time goes, this mechanism burdens the European Union's budget. The EU's budget allocation to CAP in 1990 was almost 60% which lead to debates between France and United Kingdom on Budgeting 2007-2013. The EU's enlargement in 2004 was also a cause that burdens the budget. Other factors are the demand from the international trade regulations in GATT, then WTO which tried to establish international trade liberalization through reducing protectionism such as reducing tariffs and subsidies. Various requests on environment conservations, rural development and biotechnology improvement were backgrounds of Mac Sharry Reformations, Agenda 2000 and Reformation 2003.
Pros and Cons on CAP within the European Unions didn't affect the EU's integration because of the common perspectives on uniting Europe as a whole. Less debates within the CAP would shift the focus on external issues therefore strengthen the international positions of EU. But even though EU is powerful enough, deadlock against United States would still remain.
These days international trade is already relative free where barriers in trade are declined. Therefore CAP is no longer a relevant issue. It can block the international trade liberalization because the protectionism still exists. It will be a difficult task for the European Union to completely remove CAP because of its importance for the member states. Currently the European Union is only able to reduce its protection value in phase."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widhi Hartono
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi seberapa besar elastisitas Produk Domestik Bruto terhadap penerimaan bea masuk dan bagaimana pengaruh iiberalisasi perdagangan terhadap penerimaan bca masuk di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel Produk Domestik Bruto berpengaruh terhadap variabel penerimaan bea masuk dan mempunyai elastisitas yang positili. Penerimaan bea masuk (persentase dari PDB) dipengaruhi oleh variabel nilai impor {persentase dan PDB), nilai tukar, dan variabel tazif bea masuk rata-rata, serta variabel dumng; liberalisasi perdagangan. Variabel dummy liberalisasi perdagangan berkoeiisien positif yang berarti liberalisasi perdagangan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap penerirnaan bea masuk. Jika kebiiakan pemerintah terhadap penerimaan bea masuk masih diandalkan untuk penerimaan nasional, maka kebijakan liberalisasi perdagangan dengan memfokuskan langkah-langkah kcbijakan harmonisasi tarit.

This research is intended to access the elasticity of Gross Domestic Products towards customs revenue in regards with to analyze the impacts of trade liberalization to customs revenue in Indonesia. The results show that the variable of Gross Domestic Products influences the variable of customs revenue with positive elasticity. Customs revenue (percentage of GDP) is sensitive to the variable of import value (percentage of GDP), exchange rate and average customs tariff; as well as dummy variable of trade liberalization The last variable bears positive coeHieient, that is means trade liberalization positively influences customs revenue. In condition where the government is dependent on customs revenue, the policy of trade liberalization must focus on measures related to tariif harmonization."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwana Firdaous
"Perdagangan regional (RTA) menjadi fenomena umum yang menyebar luas ke seluruh dunia. Gelombang besar inisiatif perdagangan regional terus berlajut sejak awal tahun 1990-an. Banyak negara memilih membuat komitmen di tingkat regional karena lebih mudah dilakukan daripada komitmen bidang yang sama di tingkat multilateral. RTA merupakan bagian dari sistem perdagangan global (multilateral trading sistem), namun dalam kenyataanya persyaratan Pasal XXIV GATT 1994 sering kali diabaikan. Beberapa kelompok regional memiliki persetujuan perdagangan barang, persetujuan perdagangan jasa, persetujuan investasi, dan kerjasama ekonomi, diantaranya adalah ACFTA. Liberalisasi ACFTA akan meningkatkan kinerja perdagangan antara negara anggota, namun karena China jauh lebih siap dengan daya saing lebih tinggi, menyebabkan pertumbuhan kinerja ekspor China akan jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara ASEAN. Kementerian Perindustrian pada tahun 2010 mengungkapkan bahwa liberalisasi ACFTA berdampak buruk terhadap kinerja beberapa industri nasional. Sektor elektronik merupakan salah satu sektor yang mengalami defisit neraca perdagangan paling buruk semenjak liberalisasi ACFTA. Penelitian ini mempergunakan kajian hukum normatif untuk memahami penerapan norma-norma hukum pengaturan RTA dalam kerangka WTO, sedangkan dalam kegiatan menggali dan mengkualifikasi fakta-fakta sebagai dipergunakan kajian empiris. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa Pasal XXIV GATT 1994 memperbolehkan anggota WTO untuk perdagangan bebas dengan lebih cepat diantara anggota-anggota tertentu yang membentuk suatu kelompok. ACFTA bukan merupakan sistem terpisah, namun merupakan bagian dari sistem perdagangan global WTO, keduanya mengejar tujuan yang sama yaitu liberalisasi perdagangan secara substansial yang tunduk pada ketentuan-ketentuan dalam perjanjian-perjanjian WTO. Ketidakberhasilan Indonesia memanfaatkan liberalisasi ACFTA untuk meningkatkan kinerja perdagangan, khususnya sektor elektronik, mengakibatkan China akan memperoleh manfaat lebih besar dari liberalisasi ACFTA sebagai akibat daya saing industri mereka yang lebih tinggi. Dengan demikian, industri elektonik di Indonesia harus melakukan serangkaian perbaikan berupa investasi tenaga kerja, fisik dan teknologi untuk meningkatkan daya saing mereka dalam menghadapi produk dari China.

Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) to be a common phenomenon that widespread throughout the world. A surge of regional trade initiatives has continued since the early 1990s. Many countries have chosen to make a commitment at the regional level because it is easier to do than the same field commitments at the multilateral level. RTA is part of the multilateral trading system, but in fact the requirements of Article XXIV of GATT 1994 is often times overlooked. Some regional groups have consent of trade in goods, trade in services agreements, investment agreements, and economic cooperation, including the ACFTA. ACFTA liberalization will improve the performance of trade between member states, but because China is much better prepared with higher competitiveness, led to the growth of China's export performance will be much higher than the ASEAN countries. Ministry of Industry in 2010 revealed that the liberalization ACFTA adversely affect the performance of some of the national industry. The electronics sector is one sector that suffered the worst trade deficit since the liberalization of the ACFTA. The study used a normative legal studies to understand the application of legal norms within the framework of the WTO RTA arrangements, whereas in digging activities and qualify the facts as used empirical study. The result of this is that Article XXIV of GATT 1994 allows WTO members to trade freely with faster among certain members that form a group. ACFTA is not a separate system, but is part of the multilateral trading system the WTO, both pursuing the same goal of trade liberalization substantially subject to the provisions of the WTO agreements. The failure to take advantage of the liberalization of Indonesia in ACFTA to improve trading performance, particularly the electronics sector, China will result in a greater benefit from the liberalization of the ACFTA as a result of their industrial competitiveness higher. Thus, the electronic industry in Indonesia must make a series of improvements in the form of investment of manpower, physical and technology to improve their competitiveness in the face of the product from China.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulana Muhammad
"Ekonomi APEC belum menerapkan penurunan tarif secara progresif dalam pola perdagangannya. Hal ini dapat menghambat potensi perdagangan yang ada diantara ekonomi APEC. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat dampak penurunan tarif terhadap ekspor Indonesia ke ekonomi APEC menggunakan 2 metode yang berbeda. Metode Pertama menggunakan model gravitasi untuk melihat dampak penurunan tarif secara aggregat. Metode kedua menggunakan model SMART untuk melihat dampak penurunan tarif secara sektoral. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tarif secara signifikan menghambat ekspor Indonesia secara aggregat dan sektoral, sehingga mengurangi potensi perdagangan yang terjadi antara Indonesia dengan ekonomi APEC.

APEC economies have not had implemented progressive tariff reductions in trade patterns. This can hamper the existing trade potential among APEC economies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of tariff reductions on Indonesian exports to the APEC economies using 2 different methods. The first method uses a gravity model to see the impact of tariff reductions in the aggregate level. The second method uses the SMART model to see the impact of sectoral tariff reduction in textile, electronic, and automotif sector. The results of this study showed tariff significantly inhibited Indonesian exports both on sectoral and aggregate level, thus reducing the potential for trade between Indonesia and APEC economies."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riko Nugraha
"Tesis ini membahas tentang analisis hukum terhadap kebijakan terhadap Moda 4 (Movement of Natural Person) General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) dan kepentingan Indonesia dalam rangka liberalisasi jasa di indonesia serta kesesuaian dengan komitmen dalam (GATS-WTO) khususnya di bidang jasa. Pengaturan liberalisasi jasa di Indonesia (Peraturan nasional-National Regulation) serta komitmen Indonesia dalam Moda 4 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) yang berkaitan dengan liberalisasi di bidang jasa. Kesesuaian dan konsistensi pengaturan jasa di Indonesia terhadap komitmen Indonesia dalam Moda 4 General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) di bidang jasa.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, karena penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematis hukum, dan sikronisasi hukum dengan jalan menganalisis dan kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah terhadap Moda 4 GATS. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode preskiptif kualitatif.
Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa saat ini Indonesia telah membuka jasa Moda 4 untuk asing. Peraturan Nasional Indonesia di bidang jasa khususnya Moda 4 merupakan landasan dalam penentuan komitmen Indonesia dalam GATS-WTO.

The Focus of this thesis is about Analysis Regulaion of Indonesia toward policy of mode 4 (Movement of Natural Person) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the interests of Indonesia in the context of liberalization in services in Indonesia and in suitability with the commitments in GATS-WTO, especially in services sector. Setting the liberalization of services in Indonesia (National Regulation) and Indonesia's commitment on Mode 4 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) relating to the liberalization in services. Suitability and consistency of regulation in services in Indonesia towards Indonesia's commitment on Mode 4 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in the service sector.
This research is juridical normative research, because this research focuses on observational studies literature that examines the general principles of law, the law systematically, and synchronization by analyzing the law and government policy on GATS Mode 4. The data obtained were analyzed using prescriptive qualitative methods.
From the results of this study indicate that Indonesia has opened up to foreign services. National regulations of Indonesia in telecommunication services, especially Mode 4 is a cornerstone in the determination of Indonesia's commitment on GATS-WTO.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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