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"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon pegawai negeri sipil di Kementerian Sekretariat Negara selama masa moratorium Tahun 2012 dan menganalisis kendala-kendala yang dihadapi sehingga Kementerian Sekretariat Negara belum sepenuhnya melakukan 4 (empat) hal yang diwajibkan selama masa moratorium. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan pospositivis. Analisis evaluasi pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi calon pegawai negeri sipil dilakukan menggunakan model Context Evaluation, Input Evaluation, Process Evaluation, dan Product Evaluation. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi terhadap konteks dan proses menunjukkan hasil baik dan memadai. Namun, evaluasi terhadap input dan produk menunjukkan hasil kurang baik.

This thesis is aimed to analyze the recruitment and the selection of new civil servants by the Ministry of State Secretariat in the period of the 2012 moratorium and to analyze the obstacles which hinder the Ministry of State Secretariat from performing the four actions completely as required in the moratorium period. This research is a descriptive one using post-positivism approach. The analysis of the evaluation of the recruitment and the selection of new civil servants is conducted using models named Context Evaluation, Input Evaluation, Process Evaluation, and Product Evaluation. The results of those evaluations show that context and process evaluations yield good and sufficient results, while input and product evaluations yield unsatisfactory results."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Halim
Dua puluh tahun pasca reformasi menyisakan pekerjaan rumah yang berat yakni pengelolaan pemerintahan daerah dalam hal ini penataan daerah. Penataan daerah salah satunya mencakup pengembangan DOB yang perlu dilakukan dalam rangka pendidikan politik masyarakat dan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini merupakan amanat dari tujuan negara dalam konstitusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan banyaknya inisiatif dan usulan pembentukan DOB dianggap membebani keuangan negara namun pembentukan DOB provinsi merupakan jalan untuk mempersingkat rentang kendali span of control untuk mengoptimalkan pelayanan publik. Sampai dengan tahun 2014 terdapat 542 daerah otonom yang terdiri dari 34 provinsi, 415 kabupaten dan 93 kota. Dengan komposisi ini belum ideal mengingat provinsi sebagai daerah yang berperan melalukan pengawasan atas daerah kabupaten dan kota tidak memiliki jumlah yang ideal. Terdapat provinsi yang membawahi lebih dari 20 kabupaten/kota namun terdapat provinsi yang membawahi 5 daerah kabupaten/kota. Selain daerah provinsi berperan sebagai daerah yang menjalankan asas dekonsentrasi dan wakil pemerintah pusat juga terdapat pelayanan publik yang hanya terdapat pada daerah provinsi. Oleh karena itu, dalam penataan daerah sebagaimana amanat UU Pemda bahwa pemerintah harus menyusun grand strategy dan grand design penataan daerah. Salah satunya adalah dengan pengembangan atau pembentukan DOB provinsi. Namun, dengan alasan besarnya biaya ekonomi, polarisasi masyarakat dalam etnis dan pertimbangan banyak DOB tidak mampu mengoptimalkan pelayanan publik atau meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyatnya sehingga pemerintah mengambil kebijakan penundaan pembentukan DOB. Pemerintah sejak tahun 2014 mengambil kebijakan moratorium DOB akan tetapi tidak memiliki bentuk peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai landasan sehingga bertentangan asas kepastian hukum. Dilain pihak, amanat UU No. 23 Tahun 2014, agar pemerintah membuat "desain besar penataan daerah" belum juga dikeluarkan. Padahal melalui desain itu, pemerintah bisa memberikan solusi atas banyaknya usulan pengembangan DOB yang tertunggak di DPR, DPD dan Mendagri.

Twenty years of post reform leaves a heavy homework i.e. management of local governance in this regional arrangement. The regional setup, one of which includes the development of DOB the new autonomous region that needs to be done in the framework of political education of the community and improving the quality of public services which in turn improves the welfare of society. This is a mandate of the destination country in the Constitution. The results showed the large number of initiatives and proposals for the establishment of the financial burden of the State considered the DOB but formation of DOB province is the way to shorten the control range span of control to optimize the public service. Up to the year 2014 there are 542 autonomies composed of 34 provincial, County and City 93 415. With this composition has not been ideal considering the province as areas that play a role placing oversight of County and city don 39 t have the ideal amount. There a province that includes more than 20 counties cities but there a province that includes 5 areas of counties cities. In addition to the provinces acted as areas that run basic deconcentration and the representative of the Central Government, there is also a public service which is only found in areas of the province. Therefore, in the area as local government act mandate that the Government should devise a grand strategy and grand design Setup area. One of them is with the development or establishment of the DOB of the province. However, by reason of the magnitude of the economic costs, the polarization of society in ethnic and consideration of many DOB is not capable of optimizing public services or improving the welfare of its people so that the Government took the policy of procrastination the formation of the DOB. The Government beginning in 2014 taking policy moratorium DOB but does not have the form of legislation as a foundation so that it goes against the principle of legal certainty. On the other hand, the mandate of law No. 23 of the year 2014, to allow the Government to make the "great design" Setup has not yet issued. Whereas through the design of it, the Government can provide solutions to the large number of proposals for the development of the DOB in DPR, DPD and Minister of the Interior.Keywords Formation of the Plan, the new autonomous region, provinces, moratorium DOB, the development of the regions."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Oditra
"Skripsi ini membahas kebijakan moratorium yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia namun menjadi permasalahan yaitu mengenai pertimbangan pemerintah Indonesia memberlakukan kebijakan moratorium Pengiriman Pekerja Migran Indonesia Sektor Domestik ke Negara Arab Saudi, dan memberikan penjelasan bagaimana upaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan pengawasan dan perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia Sektor Domestik melalui kebijakan moratorium ke Negara Arab Saudi sehingga tidak ada lagi kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM yang dialami Pekerja Migran Indonesia kelak. keduanya ditinjau berdasakan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2017 Tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, Penulis melakukan studi literatur dan wawancara ke pihak Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia.
Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pertimbangan pemerintah dalam memberlakukan moratorium pengiriman Pekerja Migran Indonesia ke Arab Saudi disebabkan oleh banyaknya kasus-kasus terutaman pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia yang dialami oleh para Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Arab Saudi. Moratorium ini mendorong pemerintah Indonesia untuk dapat membenahi sistem perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Arab Saudi salah satunya dengan menyepakati Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antara pemerintah Indonesia dan Arab Saudi.

This thesis provides a comprehensive explanation of the Indonesian government can implement a moratorium on the Sending of Indonesian Domestic Migrant Workers to Saudi Arabia. through a moratorium on policy to the State of Saudi Arabia. both are reviewed based on Undang 18 of 2017 concerning the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers. In this study, the literature study and interview with the National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers.
The results of this study reveal that the government's consideration in imposing a moratorium on the sending of Indonesian Migrant Workers to Saudi Arabia is due to the many cases of human rights violations experienced by Indonesian Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia. This moratorium encourages the Indonesian government to improve the protection system of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Saudi Arabia, one of them by agreeing to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the governments of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthvi Febryka Nola
Pemerintah telah melakukan moratorium penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) ke sejumlah negara termasuk 19 negara Timur Tengah, dengan alasan perlindungan. Namun, kebijakan tersebut belum efektif karena sampai saat ini masih terdapat banyak pelanggaran akibat lemahnya aturan moratorium dalam UU No. 39 Tahun 2004 tentang Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu aturan moratorium perlu diperkuat sebagaimana diatur dalam draf RUU tentang Perlindungan Pekerja Indonesia di Luar Negeri yang diajukan DPR. Dalam RUU diatur secara tegas bahwa moratorium merupakan kewenangan presiden yang ditetapkan melalui Peraturan Presiden. Selain itu RUU juga mempertahankan fungsi BNP2TKI dalam memberikan saran dan pertimbangan terkait moratorium. Hanya saja ketentuan sanksi bagi pihak yang melanggar aturan tentang moratorium perlu diatur dan dipertegas."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI, 2017
340 ISH 9:8 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Wayan Gede Mandyasa
"Deforestasi merupakan isu yang sangat serius bagi kawasan hutan yang berada di negara tropis, khususnya Indonesia. Untuk merespon hal tersebut, beberapa upaya telah dilakukan untuk mengurangi laju deforestasi. Upaya yang terakhir adalah dengan menetapkan Kebijakan Moratorium Hutan pada tahun 2011 sebagai bagian dari skema REDD. Studi ini mengamati beberapa faktor penyebab deforestasi dan selanjutnya menguji apakah Kebijakan Moratorium Hutan berdampak pada deforestasi di level nasional dan regional. Studi ini menggunakan beberapa faktor yang diduga sebagai penyebab tidak langsung (underlying causes) dari deforestasi. Data merupakan data panel yang berasal dari 33 Provinsi di Indonesia mulai tahun 2003 - 2016, yang dibagi lebih lanjut ke dalam delapan periode. Data di analisa dengan menggunakan metode estimasi Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa faktor - faktor yang mempengaruhi deforestasi, termasuk konsesi hutan, FDI sektor primer, pertumbuhan populasi, dan kebakaran hutan, secara statistik signifikan mempengaruhi laju deforestasi di level nasional dan regional. Selanjutnya, hasil estimasi tersebut secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan moratorium hutan tidak menurunkan deforestasi secara signifikan. Selain itu, studi - studi sebelumnya juga menunjukkan bahwa koordinasi diantara para pihak baik di pusat dan daerah harus diperbaiki untuk meningkatkan implementasi kebijakan tersebut, khususnya di tingkat regional. Lebih lanjut, para pemangku kebijakan yang bertanggung jawab dalam implementasi kebijakan ini harus dapat memberikan alternatif kebijakan yang dapat memberikan manfaat bagi komunitas yang tinggal di sekitar Kawasan hutan.

Deforestation is a very serious issue for forest areas in tropical countries. In response to this, efforts have been made to reduce the deforestation rates. The latest effort was the establishment of the Forest Moratorium Policy in 2011, as a part of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) scheme. This study examines several determinants of deforestation in Indonesia and tests whether the forest moratorium policy has had an effect on the deforestation rate at national and regional levels. Several possible underlying causes of deforestation are considered. The study uses panel provincial data covering the period 2003-2016. To standardize the data, it has been divided into eight periods. The cross-section consists of 33 provinces in Indonesia. Estimation was conducted using ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple regression methods. The estimated results show that deforestation drivers, including forest concessions, primary sector foreign direct investment, population growth, and forest fire incidents, are statistically significant at the national and regional levels, as predicted. Furthermore, the results partly suggest that implementing the forest moratorium policy did not produce any statistically significant effect in reducing deforestation, either at the national or regional levels. Coordination between central and regional stakeholders should be improved to further empower the policy implementation, especially at the regional level. Furthermore, actors responsible for implementing the Forest Moratorium Policy propose a policy that provides economic benefits to communities surrounding the primary natural forests, in order to prevent primary forest encroachment."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robith Hasbi Saviar
"Skripsi ini membahas implementasi merit system pada proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 di Kementerian Keuangan dan Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 masih diwarnai dengan kepentingan politik, dugaan KKN dan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip knowledge of results dan equal oportunity pada merit system. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara Post Positivis dengan desain deskriptif melalui pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi merit system pada proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 di Kementerian Keuangan telah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan prinsip equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, serta pengambilan keputusan yang diterima berdasarkan passing grade. Di sisi lain, implementasi merit system pada proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti belum berjalan dengan baik karena kurang memenuhi dengan prinsip equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, serta pengambilan keputusan yang diterima berdasarkan passing grade. Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi CPNS tahun 2013 masih dipengaruhi oleh faktor administratif, politik dan budaya, serta teknis.

This thesis discussed about the implementation of the merit system in recruitment and selection process of civil servants candidates in 2013 in the Ministry of Finance and the Meranti Islands Regency, and the factors that influence it. The implementation of process of recruitment and selection CPNS 2013 still affected by political interests, allegations of corruption and not in accordance with the principle of knowledge of results and equal oportunity of the merit system. Research is done in Post Positivist with a descriptive design through primary and secondary data collection.
The results showed that the implementation of the merit system in recruitment and selection process of civil servants candidates in 2013 in the Ministry of Finance has gone well in accordance with the principle of equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, and the decision is received by passing grade. On the other hand, implementation of the merit system in recruitment and selection process of civil servants candidates in 2013 in Meranti Islands District has not gone well because of lack of accordance with the principle of equal opportunity, open competition and fairness, as well as the decision is received by passing grade. The recruitment and selection process of candidates for civil servants in 2013 still influenced by the following factors, they are administrative, political and cultural, and technical.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sovia Nurroifah
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan dan evaluasi rekrutmen dan seleksi penerimaan CPNS Jalur Khusus di Kementerian Luar Negeri tahun 2014 Rekrutmen dan seleksi ini ditujukan untuk memperoleh para Diplomat yang berasal dari Universitas Negeri di luar Pulau Jawa sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan kebhinekaan dalam diplomasi Indonesia Penelitian ini dilakukan secara Post Positivis dengan desain deskriptif Evaluasi dilakukan menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP context input process dan output Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program ini sudah sesuai dengan konteks Kemudian dari aspek input sudah sesuai dengan aturan dan kompetensi hanya saja pada prosesnya terdapat beberapa kendala seperti pemunduran jadwal pelaksanaan sehingga berakibat pada jumlah CPNS yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan target Program ini sudah mengarah pada pencapaian tujuan jangka panjang Kementerian Luar Negeri Sehingga perlu untuk dilanjutkan dengan berbagai perbaikan dan modifikasi dari berbagai aspek yang dibutuhkan

This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ;This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed , This thesis explains the process and evaluation of Civil Servants CPNS rsquo Recruitment and Selection through Special Recruitment in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Year 2004 The recruitment and selection focuses on diplomats who graduated from universities outside Java Island as one of the efforts to enforce the unity above diversity in Indonesia diplomacy This research uses Post Positivist with descriptive design The evaluation is done using CIPP Evaluation The result of this research shows that recruitment and selection program is suitable to the context Then input aspect is suitable to the rules and competence but there are some problems such as the delay of the selection schedule and it makes the quota for civil servants accepted cannot fulfil the target number This program aims for achieving the long term purposes of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Thus this program need to be continued with improvements and modifications in all aspects needed ]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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