ABSTRAKPerbandingan antara data wajib pajak pelaku usaha terdaftar di Direktorat
Jenderal Pajak (DJP) dengan jumlah pelaku usaha kriteria UMKM terdapat
ketidaksesuaian. Hal ini merupakan indikasi bahwa tingkat ketaatan UMKM
dalam memenuhi kewajiban perpajakan masih sangat rendah. Pemerintah telah
menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 46 Tahun 2013 ( PP 46 Th 2013 )
dengan tujuan memberikan kemudahan kepada wajib pajak dengan peredaran
bruto tidak melebihi Rp 4,8 Miliar dimana UMKM termasuk ke dalam kriteria
wajib pajak pajak ini. Sejak diterbitkan tanggal 1 Juli 2013 terdapat pro dan
kontra dalam masyarakat atas peraturan pemerintah ini. Tujuan penelitian untuk
meninjau kebijakan presumptive tax dalam PP 46 th 2013 dari konsepsi
presumptive taxation, mengevaluasi dari prinsip kebijakan dan menggambarkan
implikasinya dari sisi peningkatan jumlah wajib pajak terdaftar, jumlah
penerimaan pajak dan administrative cost serta enforcement cost dari sisi
fiscus. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran (mixed methods
research) dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dengan studi
dokumentasi, wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 121 Account
Representative di lingkungan Kanwil DJP Jakarta Pusat. Hasil penelitian
adalah kebijakan presumptive tax dalam PP 46 th 2013 terdapat
ketidaksesuaian dari konsepsi presumptive taxation demikian pula dari prinsip
kebijakan pajak. Terdapat peningkatan jumlah wajib pajak terdaftar dan
jumlah penerimaan pajak jenis PPh Final atas penghasilan dari wajib pajak
dengan peredaran bruto tidak melebihi Rp 4.8 Miliar. Administrative Cost
pada masa transisi tinggi namun nantinya administrative cost dan enforcement
cost akan rendah. Penetapan ambang batas (threshold) sangat penting,
penetapan dasar pengenaan pajak seharusnya adalah penghasilan dan perlu
adanya penurunan tarif karena tarif 1% memberatkan wajib pajak.
ABSTRAKFact/finding shows that there is a discrepancy in the comparison between t
he number of businessmen registered as taxpayers in the Directorate General of T
axation (DGT) data with that of businessmen who belong in SME?s criteria. This i
ndicates that the compliance level of the SMEs in fulfilling the tax obligations is s
till very low. Therefore the government has published Government Regulation No
. 46 year 2013 (PP 46, Year 2013) in order to facilitate the taxpayer, with maximu
m gross turnover of IDR 4.8 million, to be categorized in SMEs criteria. Since its i
ssuance date on July 1, 2013, there have been pros and contras among people rega
rding this government regulation. The purpose of the study is to analyze the presu
mptive tax policy in PP 46 th 2013 based on the presumptive taxation concept, to
evaluate it in terms of policy principles, and to illustrate the implications from the
side of the increasing numbers of registered taxpayers, the amount of tax revenue,
and administrative costs, as well as the enforcement costs from the fiscus side. Th
e applied method is mixed-method research with a descriptive approach. The data
is collected by documentation studies, interviews, and questionnaires given to 121
(one hundred twenty one) Account Representatives at Kanwil DJP, Central Jakart
a. The result of the study suggests that the presumptive tax policy in PP 46 Th 201
3 is incompatible with the presumptive taxation concept as well as tax policy princ
iples. There is an increasing number of registered taxpayers and an improving am
ount of tax revenue of final income tax from the taxpayers whose gross turnover d
oes not exceed IDR 4.8 Billion. The initial Administrative Cost during the transiti
on time is high but afterwards these administrative and enforcement costs will be l
ow. The stipulation on the threshold is very important; the tax should be determin
ed based on income level and a reduction should be applied on 1% fare, as it has
burdened the taxpayers."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014