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Naila Karima
Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam mewujudkan PNS yang memiliki
kualitas kerja yang baik adalah dengan program reformasi birokrasi yaitu
melalui penggunaan sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik (egovernement).
Penggunaan e-government di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota
Surabaya salah satunya adalah melalui pengembangan sistem teknologi
informasi manajemen kinerja yang disebut dengan e-performance.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan sistem informasi
manajemen kinerja (e-performance) sebagai sistem penilaian kinerja
pegawai negeri sipil di Kota Surabaya. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah
kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara mendalam dan studi
dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan sistem
penilaian prestasi kerja e-performance telah berjalan dengan baik sesuai
dengan tujuan yaitu membangun sistem penilaian yang lebih objektif,
terukur, akuntabel, partisipatif dan transparan sekaligus sebagai
pertimbangan pemberian tambahan uang kinerja. Keberhasilan Pemerintah
Kota Surabaya dalam menerapkan e-performance didorong oleh komitmen
dan konsistensi yang tinggi dari pimpinan daerah, dukungan sumberdaya
manusia yang berkualitas, dasar hukum yang kuat, dan ketersediaan sarana
dan prasarana.

One of the Government's efforts in realizing the civil servants who
have a good quality work is with the bureaucratic reform program through
the use of electronic-based systems of governance (e-governement). The
use of e government in the city of Surabaya, one of them is the
development of information technology performance management system
called e-performance. The purpose of this research is to analyze the
implementation of the performance management information system (eperformance)
as a performance appraisal system of civil servants in
Surabaya. This research is a qualitative approach. Data collection
techniques, namely depth interviews and document research. The results
showed that the implementation of the performance appraisal system of eperformance
has been going well in accordance with the goal of improve a
more objective scoring system, measurable, accountable, participatory and
transparent as well as the provision of additional cash consideration of
performance. The success of the Surabaya Government in implementing
the e-performance system driven by the commitment and high consistency
of regional leaders, support quality human resources, legal basis, and the
availability of facilities and infrastructure."
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nizar Yamani
"Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivis. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan sistem tunjangan kinerja di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan belum efektif dalam mendukung peningkatan kinerja pegawai. Hal ini disebabkan oleh: 1 tidak tersedianya reward bagi pegawai yang berhasil mencapai target kinerjanya sehingga pemberian tunjangan kinerja sampai dengan saat ini belum mampu meningkatkan motivasi pegawai untuk berprestasi, 2 belum efektifnya penerapan SKP dan PKP dalam memotret kinerja pegawai yang sesungguhnya, 3 belum diterapkannya prinsip merit pay, dan 4 tidak adanya kajian tentang evaluasi penerapan sistem tunjangan kinerja yang sudah berjalan sampai dengan saat ini sehingga upaya-upaya yang sudah dilakukan untuk merevisi belum mampu memperbaiki sistem yang ada secara komprehensif. Selanjutnya, terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan sistem tunjangan kinerja di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan yang meliputi: komitmen pegawai, evaluasi jabatan, komitmen pemimpin, evaluasi kinerja, dan sistem pendanaan.
This study uses a post positivist paradigm. Data collected through in depth interview and documentation. Informants in this study is civil service at the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry.The results of this study showed that the application of performance pay system in the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry has not been effective in supporting the improvement of employee performance. It caused of 1 lack of reward for employee who successfully achieve performance targets so that the provision of performance pay up to now has not been able to increase the motivation for achievement, 2 lack of effectiveness in the application of SKP and PKP capturing employee performance indeed 3 not applying the principle of merit pay, and 4 absence study on the evaluation of the application of the performance pay system has been running up to this time so that efforts have been made to revise not been able to improve the existing system in a comprehensive manner. Furthermore, there are several factors that affect the application of the performance pay system in the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry which include employee commitment, job evaluation, leadership commitment, performance evaluation, and the budget system."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati
"Sistem informasi keperawatan adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Sistem informasi keperawatan di Indonesia saat ini masih belum optimal dan umumnya masih bersifat manual. Riset dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi dan dilanjutkan pengembangan model sistem informasi manajemen keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO") yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi rumah sakit. Model "SIMPRO" yang telah dicustomization diujicobakan di dua rumah sakit dengan karakteristik yang berbeda yaitu rumah sakit swasta dan rumah sakit pemerintah. Setelah implementasi, dilaksanakan evaluasi dengan desain pre- post test without control group. Jumlah sampel dokumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja "SIMPRO" adalah 219 dokumentasi dari setiap kelompok rumah sakit. Hasil riset menyampaikan ada perbedaan kinerja sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan "SIMPRO" yang diidentifikasikan dari perbedaan kualitas, kelengkapan, kesinambungan, bukti aspek legal dan fungsi membantu membuat keputusan (p=0.001). Ada perbedaan efisiensi waktu: baik di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta dan RS. Fatmawati (p= 0.01). Setelah menggunakan "SIMPRO" waktu yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan dokumentasi di RS Fatmawati adalah 40.29 menit atau 25.27% dari total waktu dalam satu shift, sedangkan di RS Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta membutuhkan waktu 24.62 menit atau 9.60% dari total waktu dalam satu shift. "SIMPRO" juga mempengaruhi efisiensi biaya, dimana dengan "SIMPRO" dokumentasi tidak setiap waktu harus dicetak. "SIMPRO" menjamin continuity of care dari asuhan keperawatan, sebagai bukti aspek legal, membantu mengambil keputusan dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. "SIMPRO" mengefisiensikan waktu dokumentasi sehingga waktu perawatan langsung ke pasien lebih optimal. "SIMPRO" juga meningkatkan edukasi kesehatan kepada pasien dan keluarga."Pada riset ini "SIMPRO" juga dapat meningkatkan peran manajer keperawatan dalam melaksanakan fungsi manajemen terutama pada peran pemberiaan motivasi, pengarahan, evaluasi dan monitoring terhadap pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Dukungan aspek perawat, aspek manajemen dan teknik dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja "SIMPRO" sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Berdasarkan manfaat dari "SIMPRO", maka sistem ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan di setiap Rumah Sakit serta dapat mendukung peningkatan kualitas mutu pelayanan keperawatan dan kesehatan.

Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firdaus Herliansyah
"Badan Kepegawaian Daerah BKD Provinsi Riau merupakan Organisasi Pemerintahan Daerah OPD yang memiliki tugas dan fungsi dalam pelayanan dan manajemen Aparatur Sipil Negara ASN di Provinsi Riau, seperti pelayanan administrasi kenaikan pangkat, pindah instansi, cuti dan pensiun. Dari Laporan Kinerja Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Riau tahun 2016 diketahui bahwa pencapaian peningkatan pelayanan manajemen ASN pada tahun 2015 realisasi yang tercapai 52.21 dari target 82, sedangkan di tahun 2016 target diturunkan menjadi 60 dari sebelumnya 84 dengan mempertimbangkan rendahnya pencapaian di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Permasalahan yang saat ini dihadapi adalah masih ditemukannya data pegawai yang tidak konsisten, proses layanan yang lambat, dan banyaknya berkas yang menumpuk. Hal ini dikarenakan Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian yang ada saat ini hanya berfungsi menyajikan data kepegawaian secara elektronik, akan tetapi belum menyediakan fitur-fitur untuk mendukung proses pelayanan sehingga layanan kepegawaian masih berjalan secara manual. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan sebuah solusi berupa perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen ASN Provinsi Riau yang menyediakan fitur bagi ASN untuk mengajukan permohonan layanan ke BKD. Perancangan Sistem Informasi pada penelitian ini mengadaptasi metode pengembangan sistem SDLC yang dimodifikasi dan mengambil tahapan analisis dan desain. Pengumpulandata yang dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen yang menghasilkan system request yaitu kebutuhan untuk membuat data lebih akurat dan konsisten, mempercepat proses layanan, dan dapat diakses secara online. Dari kebutuhan tersebut maka diturunkan menjadi fungsi-fungsi di dalam sistem yangkemudian dimodelkan menggunakan UML sehingga dihasilkan fitur pengajuan layanan secara online, verifikasi melalui sistem, mengelola permohonan, dan pengaduan layanan. Sedangkan tahapan desain dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan human computer intercation design, data management design dan physical architecture layer design yang dirancang sesuai requirement yang didapatkan. Hasil perancangan Sistem Informasi yang dibuat juga memiliki manfaat Business Process Automation BPA seperti form input data yang konsisten, serta penghitungan SKP dan angka kredit fungsional secara otomatis. Sistem juga akan memberikan Business Process Improvement BPI dengan fitur permohonan online sehingga tidak lagi melalui pencatatan di Petugas Administrasi, dan juga adanya notifikasi apabila dokumen persyaratan tidak lengkap diunggah maka tidak bisa melanjutkan permohonan sehingga tidak perlu mengantarkan berkas ulang. Sistem juga akan memberikan Business Process Reengineering BPR dimana ASN dapat mengajukan layanan secara online tanpa harus datang ke kantor BKD dan membawa banyak berkas. Selain itu juga sistem memberikan Business Process Oppurtunity BPO berupa tersedianya layanan pengelolaan permohonan oleh ASN pengguna layanan sehingga bisa memantau perkembangan permohonannya, dan juga fitur helpdesk yang memungkinkan ASN mendapatkan kemudahan pengaduan dan informasi yang lebih baik mengenai layanan kepegawaian.

The Regional Civil Service Agency BKD of Riau Province is a Regional Government Organization OPD that has duties and responsibilities in the service and management of Civil Servant ASN in Riau Province, such as administrative services promotion, relocation agency, leave and retirement. From the Riau Civil Service Agency Performance Report of 2016, it is known that the achievement of Civil Servant management service improvement in 2015 reached the percentage 52.21 from the target 82 , while in 2016 the target was reduced to the percentage of 60 from 84 previously, considering the low achievement in the previous year. The problems currently encountered are the inconsistency of employee data discovery, the slow of service process, and the number of files that accumulate in the office space. This is because the existing Human Resources Information System only serves to present employee data electronically, but has not provided features to support the service process so that the personnel service is still running manually. To overcome these problems required a solution in the form of Management Information System Civil Servant of Riau Province that provides features for Civil Servant to apply for service to BKD. Information System that Designed in this research adapted method of development of modified SDLC system and take step analysis and design. Data collection is done through interviews, observations and document studies that result in system requests ie the need to make data more accurate and consistent, speed up the service process, and can be accessed online. From these requirements, it is derived into functions in the system which are then modeled using UML resulting in online service submission features, system verification, application management, and service complaints. While the design stage in this study produces human computer intercation design, data management design and physical architecture layer design designed according to the requirements obtained. The results of the design of Information Systems created also have the benefits of Business Process Automation BPA such as consistent data input form, and calculation of SKP and functional credit numbers automatically. The system will also provide Business Process Improvement BPI with online application feature so that it is no longer through registration in the Administration Officer, and also notification if the incomplete requirements document is uploaded then can not continue the application so there is no need to deliver the file again. The system will also provide Business Process Reengineering BPR where ASN can apply online without having to come to BKD office and carry multiple files. In addition, the system provides Business Process Oppurtunity BPO in the form of availability of application management services by Civil Servant service users so that it can monitor the progress of the request, as well as helpdesk feature that allows ASN to get complaints ease and better information about the service personnel."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadhil
"Deviasi anggaran atau perbedaan dokumen pada perencanaan dengan dokumen penganggaran merupakan sebuah masalah dalam proses perencanaan dan penganggaran di Indonesia. Untuk mencegah terjadinya deviasi anggaran pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 17 Tahun 2017 Tentang Sinkronisasi Proses Perencanaan dan Penganggaran Pembangunan Nasional yang mengakibatkan munculnya sebuah sistem informasi Kolaborasi Perencanaan dan Informasi Kinerja Anggaran (KRISNA). Kemunculan sebuah sistem baru tentu saja menimbulkan adanya suatu proses perubahan. Kondisi tersebut mendorong dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses manajemen perubahan sistem informasi KRISNA dengan pendekatan penelitian post-positivist dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder melalui survei pemanfaatan sistem informasi KRISNA yang dilakukan pengembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori manajemen perubahan efektif yang dikemukakan oleh Conger, Spreitzer, dan Lawler dalam Cummings & Worley (2009). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa manajemen perubahan sistem informasi KRISNA sudah berjalan dengan baik karena adanya motivasi untuk berubah dari para aktor yang terlibat, visi perubahan KRISNA sudah jelas, dukungan dari pengguna karena adanya penerimaan terhadap teknologi serta pengelolaan transisi yang sudah baik. Meskipun demikian perubahan pada sistem informasi KRISNA masih belum mencapai bagaimana mepertahankan momentum yang sudah dibangun karena kurangnya sumber daya manusia pada tim pengembang serta belum adanya agen perubahan, dan kegiatan pengembangan kompetensi dan keterampilan baru

Deviation of the budget or the difference between planning and budgeting documents is a problem in the planning and budgeting process in Indonesia. To prevent budget deviations, the government issued Government Regulation Number 17 of 2017 Concerning the Synchronization of the National Development Planning and Budgeting Process which resulted in the emergence of a Budget Collaborative Planning and Information Performance Information System (KRISNA). The emergence of a new system certainly causes a process of change. These conditions encourage the conduct of this research to find out how the KRISNA information system change management process with a post-positivist research approach with descriptive research types and primary data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and secondary data through surveys of the use of KRISNA information systems by developers. This study uses the theory of effective change management proposed by Conger, Spreitzer, and Lawler in Cummings & Worley (2009). The results showed that the management of KRISNA's information system changes was going well because of the motivation to change from the actors involved, the vision of KRISNA's change was clear, the support of the users due to the acceptance of technology and management of the transition was already good. However, changes to the KRISNA information system have not yet reached how to maintain the momentum that has been built due to the lack of human resources on the development team and the absence of change agents, and new competency and skills development activities"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ria Ardiyanti
"Skripsi ini membahas Gambaran Pelaksanaan Sistem Manajemen Logistik Barang Umum RSUD Kota Depok Bulan April - Juni 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan sistem. Input yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah prosedur, struktur organisasi, SDM dan sarana dan prasarana, sedangkan prosesnya menggunakan siklus manajemen logistik yaitu perencanaan, penganggaran, pengadaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian, pemeliharaan dan pengendalian.
Hasil dari penelitian ini unsur-unsur dari input yang memiliki permasalahan paling dominan adalah prosedur, SDM dan fasilitas penyimpanan. Sedangkan, unsur-unsur dari proses yang memiliki permasalahan paling dominan adalah perencanaan, penyimpanan dan pengendalian. Hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya permasalahan pada output yaitu berupa kekosongan dan penumpukan barang di gudang umum. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu perbaikan hingga perubahan pada setiap unsur dari masingmasing level.

The focus of this study is Description about Implementation of General Goods Logistics Management System at RSUD Kota Depok in April-June 2014. This research is qualitative research and use system aproach. The input in this research are prosedure, structure of organitation, human resources and fasilities, and for process are planning, budgeting, procurement, storage, distribution, maintenance and controlling.
The result of this research shows elements of input that have the most dominant issue are from prosedure, human resources and storage facilities. Meanwhile, elements of process that have the most dominant issues are from planning, storage of goods, and controlling. This causes problems of stockout and overstock in general warehouse. Therefore, they need an improvement to the change at each element from each level in logistic system at RSUD Kota Depok.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marsellinus Bachtiar
LBH- Jakarta sebagai sebuah firma hukum adalah sebuah industri jasa yang produknya adalah pelayanan hukum dalam berbagai bentuknya.
Dengan semakin tingginya jumlah klien yang masuk sebagai akibat semakin tingginya kesadaran hukum masyarakat, LBH-Jakarta dimntut untuk meningkatkan penerapan manajemen modem dalam penanganan kasus.
Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operasionalnya (penanganan kasus) , LBH-
Jakarta masih menggunakan metode manual dalam pengelolaan sistem informasi.
Walaupun Cara demikian masih dirasakan memadai, namun divisi Informasi dan Dokumentasi LBH-Jakarta mempunyai keinginan untuk menerapkan komputerisasi dalam sistem penanganan kasus. Adanya kelnginan untuk merancang sistem komputerisasi timbul karena kesulitan pengelolaan dan pengendalian aliran informasi dalam penanganan kasus.
Dalam skripsi ini dibahas perancangan sistem infonnasi kepegawaian sebagai bagian dari sistem penanganan kasus di LBH-Jakarta. Dengan adanya sistem informasi kepegawaian yang berbasis komputer akan memudahkan manajemen dalam pendistribusian kasus pada pengacara dan perencanaan sumberdaya manusia (pengacara) agar proses penanganan kasus optimal.
Perancangan sistem informasi kepegawaian yang berbasis komputer dilakukan dengan perancangan sistem dan prosedur dan kemudian perancangan basis data kepegawaian Basis data kepegawaian yang clirancang akan mendukung sistem inforrnasi kepegawaian untuk mencapai tujuan optimalisasi sistem penanganan kasus di LBH-Jakarta.
Perancangan sistem informasi kepegawaian pada skripsi ini juga merupakan awal perancangan sistem informasi untuk model firma hukum.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yurim Hatamaiya Setyorini
Menerapkan sistem pemantauan dan evaluasi terpadu dalam Sistem Manajemen Terpadu (IMS) adalah cara yang efektif untuk memantau kinerja dan mengevaluasi dalam pengelolaan perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sistem monitoring dan evaluasi terintegrasi dalam Sistem Manajemen Terintegrasi (Sistem Manajemen Mutu, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dan lingkungan) dan bagaimana mengembangkan IMS dalam sistem monitoring dan evaluasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan konstruksi. Study kasus perusahaan serta survei kepada ahli manajemen proyek dari perusahaan konstruksi di Indonesia dilakukan untuk memferifikasi pengembangan indikator kinerja dan faktor berpengaruh dalam peningkatan kinerja dalam sistem manajemen mutu, keselamatan, kesehatan dan lingkungan yang terintegrasi. Dari data tersebut kemudian dilakukan analisis kualitatif berdasarkan faktor berpengaruh dengan sistem manajemen terintegrasi yang ada sebelumnya untuk mengembangkan sistem manajemen terintegrasi pada sistem monitoring dan evaluasi untuk peningkatan kinerja perusahaan.

Implementing an integrated monitoring and evaluation system in an Integrated Management System (IMS) is an effective way to monitor performance and evaluate in corporate management. The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that influence the integrated monitoring and evaluation system in the Integrated Management System (Quality Management System, Occupational Safety and Health and Environment) and how to develop IMS in monitoring and evaluation system to improve the performance of construction company. Company case studies and surveys to project management experts from construction companies in Indonesia are conducted to verify the development of performance indicators and influential factors in performance improvement in integrated quality, safety, health and environmental management systems. From the data then conducted qualitative analysis based on influential factors with the existing integrated management system to develop integrated management system on monitoring and evaluation system for improvement of company performance."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susilo Widiyanto
"Tesis ini membahas tentang Proses Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Biro Kepegawaian Badan Kepegawaian Negara yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan postpositivist dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses penilaian kinerja yang dijalankan pada Biro Kepegawaian Badan Kepegawaian Negara terdiri dari 4 empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian dan peninjauan kembali. Pemanfaatan hasil penilaian kinerja sudah digunakan sebagai salah satu persyaratan administratif dalam proses kenaikan pangkat, pemberian penghargaan dan seleksi promosi jabatan.
Permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum adanya standar kinerja yang jelas sebagai pedoman dalam mengukur kinerja pegawai. Pejabat penilai belum melakukan pencatatan terhadap hasil pengamatan perilaku kerja pegawai dan tidak seluruh pegawai mengumpulkan laporan hasil kerja sehingga hasil penilaian masih terlihat subyektif karena kurangnya bukti-bukti pendukung. Hasil penilaian kinerja belum dimanfaatkan sebagai dasar pembayaran tunjangan kinerja dan pengembangan kompetensi pegawai.

This thesis discusses the process of Performance Assessment of Civil Servants in the Civil Service Bureau of National Civil Service Agency conducted in 2015. This study used a postpositivist approach and qualitative method. The results showed that the performance appraisal process that runs on the Civil Service Bureau of the State Personnel Board consists of four 4 phases planning, implementing, assessing and reviewing. Utilization of performance appraisal results has been used as one of the administrative requirements in the process of promotion, awards, and selection for job promotion.
Problems were found in this study is there is no clear performance standards as a guide in measuring employee performance. Assessor officials have not done recording the observations of the behavior of employee and not all employees gather reports on the work result, so that it still looks a subjective assessment results due to lack of supporting evidence. The results of performance appraisal has not been used as the basis for the payment of benefits employee performance and competencies development.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Suratini
Salah satu perubahan yang akan dilakukan Kementerian Sosial pada tahun
2014 yaitu penerapan sistem penilaian prestasi kerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Sistem
penilaian yang baru tersebut menggunakan penilaian Sasaran Kerja Pegawai.
Kegagalan untuk menilai kesiapan organisasi dan individu dapat mengakibatkan
manajer menghabiskan waktu dan energi untuk menghadapi resistensi. Oleh
karena itu diperlukan adanya kesiapan dari para pegawai sendiri. Kesiapan
individu untuk berubah menurut beberapa penelitian dipengaruhi oleh komitmen
organisasi para pegawainya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
komitmen organisasi terhadap kesiapan individu untuk berubah pada pegawai di
kantor pusat Kementerian Sosial. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 257
orang yang merupakan Pegawai Negeri Sipil di kantor pusat Kementerian Sosial.
Instrumen pengukuran komitmen organisasi yang digunakan merupakan adaptasi
dari Meyer & Allen (1991), sedangkan untuk instrumen kesiapan individu untuk
berubah menggunakan pengukuran yang dikembangkan oleh Hanpachern (1997).
Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa komitmen organisasi tidak berpengaruh
terhadap kesiapan individu untuk berubah pada pegawai di kantor pusat
Kementerian Sosial. Namun bila dilihat berdasarkan dimensi komitmen organisasi
menunjukkan bahwa dimensi komitmen afektif dan komitmen berkelanjutan
memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesiapan individu untuk berubah.

One of the changes that will be made by the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2014 is
the implementation of performance appraisal system of civil servants. The new
scoring system using Employee Job Objective assessment. Failure to assess the
readiness of organizations and individuals can lead managers to spend time and
energy to deal with resistance. Therefore we need the readiness of the employees
themselves. Individual readiness to change, according to some studies influenced
by employees' organizational commitment. This study was conducted to determine
the effect of organizational commitment on the readiness of individuals to change
the employee at the Ministry of Social Affairs headquarters. Respondents in this
study amounted to 257 people who are civil servants in the Ministry of Social
Affairs headquarters. Organizational commitment measurement instrument used
in this study is an adaptation of Meyer & Allen (1991). While individual readiness
to change instrument used is an adaptation of Readiness for Change (RFC) which
is developed by Hanpachern (1997). This research proves that organizational
commitment does not affect the individual's readiness for change in personnel at
the headquarters of the Ministry of Social. However, when viewed by the
dimensions of organizational commitment suggests that the affective commitment
and continuance commitment have a significant effect on an individual's readiness
to change."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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