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Erisca Saraswati
"Perilaku fans yang mengantre saat membeli tiket konser idol group menunjukkan bahwa selebriti yang dipapar oleh media dapat mempengaruhi berbagai aspek emosional dan psikologis jutaan audiens. Proses audiens terlibat secara emosional dan psikologis dengan selebritis disebut audience involvement. Ada dua tipe audience involvement, yaitu interaksi parasosial dan identifikasi. Interaksi parasosial merupakan sebuah proses dimana audiens membangun pseudofriendship dengan persona, sedangkan identifikasi merupakan proses dimana audiens mengadopsi sikap, keyakinan, dan tingkah laku persona. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan audience involvement pada remaja yang menjadi anggota fanclub dan nonfanclub. Sampel penelitian ini ialah remaja berumur 11-24 tahun yang belum pernah menikah dan memiliki idola band/boyband/girlband. 165 partisipan diminta mengisi kuesioner yaitu Celebrity-Persona Parasocial Interaction dan Celebrity-Persona Identification yang dikembangkan oleh Bocarnea dan Brown (2007). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan interaksi parasosial yang signifikan pada remaja anggota fanclub dan non-fanclub (t(163)=3,774, p < 0,01, two-tailed), dan terdapat perbedaan identifikasi yang signifikan pada remaja anggota fanclub dan nonfanclub (t(163)=3,389, p < 0,01, two-tailed).

The behavior of fans who lined up when buying concert tickets of idol group showed that celebrities which exposed by the media could influence the emotional and psychological aspects of millions of audience. The process of engaging the audience emotionally and psychologically with celebrities is called audience involvement. There were two types of audience involvement, parasosial interaction and identification. Parasosial interaction was a process which the audience built pseudofriendship with persona, while identification was the process in which the audience adopted the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of persona. This study aimed to determine the differences in audience involvement in adolescents who became fanclub and non-fanclub members. The sample of this study was adolescents aged 11-24 years who had never been married and had an idol of band/boyband/girlband. 165 participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire of Celebrity-Persona Parasocial Interaction and Celebrity-Persona Identification developed by Bocarnea and Brown (2007). The results indicated that there were significant differences in parasocial interaction in adolescents of fanclub and non-fanclub members (t (163) = 3.774, p <0.01, two-tailed), and also there were significant differences in identification in adolescents of fanclub and non-fanclub members (t (163) = 3.389, p <0.01, twotailed).
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audrey Tantiara Kusumawardhani
"Eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mereplikasi efek audiens (audience effect) dengan perspektif pemahaman evaluasi (evaluation apprehension). Empat puluh mahasiswa tingkat sarjana dari The University of Queensland terlibat sebagai partisipan dalam eksperimen ini. Studi ini menggunakan desain eksperimen independent group untuk mengukur kehadiran orang lain dalam dua kondisi: tanpa audiens dan dengan audiens. Pertama, kinerja tugas partisipan diukur dari kemampuan partisipan menyelesaikan 15 persamaan matematika sulit. Kedua, evaluation apprehension diukur dengan menggunakan survei pasca-eksperimen untuk melihat apakah partisipan merasa dievaluasi saat melakukan tugas. Hasil eksperimen ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipan dalam kondisi dengan audiens memiliki performa yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kondisi tanpa audiens. Namun, tidak ada perbedaan signifikan pada evaluation apprehension antara dua kondisi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hambatan sosial atau social inhibition (tugas sulit yang berkinerja lebih buruk dengan kehadiran penonton) terjadi dalam eksperimen ini; namun, apakah hal ini terjadi karena evaluation apprehension tidak dapat ditentukan.

The study conducted a replication of audience effects from the evaluation apprehension perspective. Forty undergraduate students from the University of Queensland participated in the study. This study used an independent group experiment to investigate the presence of an audience in two conditions: audience and no audience condition. Participants’ performance assessed by involving fifteen mathematical equations. Evaluation apprehension level was measured by asking whether the participants feel evaluated while performing the task. The result of this study showed that the presence of an audience could lower performance compared to no audience. Furthermore, the study found no difference between levels of evaluation apprehension from both conditions. This implied the study found the social inhibition mechanism, in which a difficult task elicits an incorrect dominant response that could result in worse performance. However, the evaluation apprehension aspect in the study found to be undetermined."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Dinanti
"Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada khalayak perempuan terhadap iklan televisi Pond?s Age Miracle versi ?Donna-Darius?. Fokus penelitian ini ialah khalayak perempuan berusia diatas 30 tahun dan sudah menikah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui posisi pemaknaan nilai ?awet muda? pada pesan iklan yang menggunakan pendekatan emotional oleh khalayak dengan melihat posisi pemaknaan pada daya tarik iklan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif konstruktivis. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan tehnik wawancara mendalam. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan pendekatan emotional dalam iklan belum mampu membuat khalayak mengadopsi nilai ?awet muda? dalam iklan secara dominan, karena faktor frameworks of knowledge, relations of production, dan technical infrastructure  yang dimiliki khalayak. Implikasi dari penelitian ini memperlihatkan adanya posisi decoding yang dominan dalam daya tarik iklan tidak mengindikasikan diterimanya konsep keseluruhan dalam iklan.

This research is conducted among female audience of Pond?s Age Miracle television commercial ?Donna-Darius? version. This research focuses on married women over 30 years of age. The purpose of this research is to understand the decode position of the ageless? value by audiences over emotional approach ads through the examination of ads appeals decode position. This research uses qualitative descriptive constructivist approach. The information was gathered using indepth interview. The research findings show that the use of emotional approach in ads is unable to make the audience to adopt a dominant position of the ageless? value over TV commercial, which is caused by frameworks of knowledge, relations of production, and technical infrastructure factor from the audience. The implication of this research shows that dominant decoding position in ads appeal doesn?t indicate the acceptance of the overall ads concept among the audience."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berto Mulia Wibawa
Dampak globalisasi mendorong banyak pengusaha ritel dari luar negeri dengan kemampuan kapital yang besar melakukan aktivitas bisnis di Indonesia. Hal ini didukung oleh fenomena industri fashion yang saat ini semakin berkembang di Indonesia. Pembelian tak terencana (impulse buying) merupakan tindakan pembelian yang dilakukan konsumen dimana sebelumnya belum ada rencana untuk membeli produk tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan fashion involvement, positive emotion, hedonic consumption tendency, dan fashion-oriented impulse buying pada ritel fashion di Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif konklusif dengan tipe multiple cross-sectional dan judgmental sampling. Penyebaran kuesioner telah dilakukan dengan cara survei langsung ke 188 pelanggan Zara, Pull&Bear, dan Stradivarius yang berusia 15-21 yang pernah melakukan aktivitas pembelian di salah satu dari ketiga ritel tersebut dalam 1 bulan terakhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fashion involvement memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap positive emotion, hedonic consumption tendency, dan fashion-oriented impluse buying. kemudian hedonic consumption tendency memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap positif emotion dan fashion-oriented impulse buying, Temuan lainnya menunjukkan positive emotion tidak berpengaruh terhadap fashion-oriented impulse buying. Hasil penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan strategi retail mix dapat diterapkan oleh Zara, Pull&Bear, dan Stradivarius untuk memaksimalkan pendapatan ritel dari calon pelanggan dengan memanfaatkan perilaku impulse buying.
Karawaci Tangerang: Buiness School Universitas Pelita Harapan, 2018
338 DEREMA 13:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emir Zakiar
"Konsumen merupakan inti dari penjualan perusahaan Perilaku pembelian konsumen telah diteliti oleh banyak peneliti di dunia, penelitian membagi pembelian oleh konsumen menjadi dua yaitu planned buying dan unplanned buying. Unplanned buying dapat disebabkan karena munculnya sisi impulsif dari konsumen di saat terjadinya proses pembelian yang dapat menyebabkan munculnya impulsive buying behavior. Perusahaan dapat meningkatkan faktorfaktor pendorong konsumen melakukan pembelian secara impulsif. Dengan meningkatkan faktor-faktor pendorong pembelian secara impulsif, perusahaan dapat meningkatkan penjualan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fashion involvement dan positive emotion dapat mempengaruhi fashion-oriented impulsive buying behavior konsumen Indonesia sedangkan hedonic consumption tendency tidak mempengaruhi fashion-oriented impulsive buying.

Consumers are the core of company?s sales. Consumer buying behavior has been studied by many researchers; its can be divided into two categories. First is planned buying and second is unplanned buying. Unplanned buying can be caused due to emergence of impulsive side of the consumer when the purchase process happened. This also leads to impulsive buying behavior, by increasing the driving factors of an impulsive purchase, sales could increase. Result showed that fashion involvement and positive emotion can influence the fashion-oriented impulsive buying behavior in Indonesia, while hedonic consumption tendency don?t affect the fashion-oriented impulsive buying."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Betty Maria Christina
"Studi ini merupakan studi pemasaran yang melibatkan sisi psikologi konsumen dalam mengetahui loyalitasnya terhadap suatu produk dimana menguji peran perbedaan dan kombinasi dari involvement dan ambivalence dalam hubungan kepuasan-loyalitas pembelian berulang. Studi ini menganalisa data survei dari 177 pemilik mobil penumpang Toyota di Indonesia. Studi menggunakan structural equation modeling untuk menguji efek moderasi dan mediasi. Hasil mengindikasikan bahwa kepuasan mempunyai efek positif pada loyalitas pembelian berulang melalui involvement. Ambivalence mempunyai efek negatif pada kepuasan dan involvement namun tidak mempengaruhi secara langsung loyalitas pembelian berulang. Bukti empiris juga memperlihatkan bahwa involvement memoderasi hubungan kepuasan-loyalitas pembelian berulang namun tidak pada ambivalence. Hasil studi ini mengindikasikan bahwa ambivalence dan involvement adalah penting untuk mengerti dan menjelaskan hubungan antara kepuasan dan loyalitas pembelian berulang.

This study is a marketing study which involves consumer psychological side for knowing their loyalty in a product that tests the different and combined roles of involvement and ambivalence in the satisfaction-repurchase loyalty relationship. The study analyses survey data from 177 Toyota passenger car owners in Indonesia. The study uses structural equation modeling for testing moderator and mediator effects. The results indicate that satisfaction has positive effects on repurchase loyalty through involvement. Ambivalence has negative effects on both satisfaction and involvement but does not directly influence repurchase loyalty. Empirical evidence also reveals that involvement is a moderator in the satisfaction-repurchase loyalty relationship but not for ambivalence. The results of this study indicate that ambivalence and involvement are important to understanding and explaining the relationship between satisfaction and repurchase loyalty.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Qoriyanti
"Penelitian ini merupakan adaptasi dari penelitian yang sebelumnya pernah dilakukan di Pakistan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi konsumen terhadap konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan. Data dikumpulkan melalui self-administrated questionnaire kepada responden yang berdomisili di DKI Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, dan Makassar yang pernah berbelanja di fashion store di pusat perbelanjaan modern (mall).
Peneliti menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari nilai belanja hedonis dan utilitarian, fashion involvement, pro-environmental attitude, dan religuisitas terhadap konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan.
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah hanya nilai belanja utilitarian, pro-environmental attitude, dan religiusitas intrapersonal yang memengaruhi konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan. Sedangkan, religiusitas hanya meningkatkan pengaruh positif dari fashion involvement dan pro-environmental attitude terhadap konsumsi fashion yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi untuk pelaku bisnis fashion agar dapat memprioritaskan aspek keberlanjutan dalam proses produksinya.

This study is adopted from previous study was conducted in Pakistan. This study aims to determine factors those affect consumer to sustainable fashion consumption. Data was collected from self-administrated questionnaire within DKI Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, and Makassar who had bought at a fashion store in a modern shopping center (mall).
This research using a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to analyze the effect of hedonic and utilitarian shopping value, fashion involvement, pro-environmental attitude and religiosity on sustainable fashion consumption.
The results of this study that only the utilitarian shopping value, pro-environmental attitude, and religiosity that affect sustainable fashion consumption. However, religiosity is only a positive increase from the fashion involvement and a pro-environmental attitude towards sustainable fashion consumption. The results of this study can be used as a reference for business clothing in order to prioritize sustainability aspects in the production process.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yanthi Andhita
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami area penelitian khususnya bidang leisure dan tourism. Dikatakan dalam studi ini bahwa suatu fandom selebriti merupakan bentuk baru dari kegiatan leisure. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling dengan program LISREL 8.8. Hasil menguatkan hubungan beberapa hipotesis dalam model yang diajukan. Tingkat keterlibatan selebriti positif berpengaruh pada keakraban dengan destinasi dan keinginan untuk mengunjungi destinasi. Citra dan keakraban dari destinasi juga positif terkait dengan keinginan untuk berkunjung. Hubungan positif antara citra afektif dan kognitif secara empiris mendukung. Namun, bertentangan dengan harapan, hubungan antara keterlibatan selebriti dan citra dari destinasi tidak didukung secara empiris.

This research was conducted to help understand this under-researched area particularly in the field of leisure and tourism. It is argued in this study that the celebrity fandom is a novel form of leisure/tourism activity, which should be understood in relation to other leisure and tourism constructs. Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL 8.8 program has been used to process the data. The results corroborated several hypothesized relationships within the proposed model. The level of celebrity involvement positively affected destination familiarity and visitation intention. Destination images and familiarity were also positively related to visitation intentions. The positive association between affective images and cognitive images was empirically supported as well. However, contrary to the expectation, the posited relationship between celebrity involvement and destination images was not empirically supported."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwininta Widyastuti
Saat ini popularitas program acara televisi sedang meningkat. Program hiburan ini menarik perhatian pemirsa karena didominasi oleh permainan dan biasanya
melibatkan aktivitas fisik peserta kompetisi game show. Lokasi acara syuting juga bervariasi, termasuk destinasi wisata bertema petualangan yang melibatkan keindahan alam. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi eksperimen untuk mengukur intensi perilaku pemirsa game show terhadap wisata petualangan yang tayang dalam program tersebut. Penelitian ini membuktikan jika hubungan keterlibatan pemirsa dan intensi perilaku untuk melakukan perjalanan ke destinasi wisata dimediasi oleh citra kogntif dan citra afektif. Secara khusus, citra kogntif dapat secara signifikan berkorelasi dengan citra
afektif, dan keduanya menyebabkan dengan intensi perilaku. Media televisi berkaitan dengan keberjalanan proses psikologis, sehingga ditemukan bahwa keterlibatan penonton menyebabkan intensi perilaku pemirsa. Sementara itu, gambar destinasi wisata memediasi hubungan ini, yaitu gambar yang memberikan persepsi citra kogntif dan citra afektif, sehingga kedua variabel ini ditemukan menjadi mediator penting. Oleh karenanya, pengelolaan program televisi sebagai media penyampai pesan perlu fokus pada penciptaan lebih banyak lagi gambaran peristiwa yang positif, yang nantinya menyebabkan pada pembentukan citra afektif yang positif pula terhadap lokasi destinasi wisata. Semakin tinggi citra destinasi wisata untuk pemirsa maka akan menyebabkan
intensi perjalanan yang lebih tinggi pula di masa mendatang.

Currently the popularity of the show television programs is on the rise. This
entertainment program attracts viewers' attention because it is dominated by games and usually involves the physical activity of the participants of the game show competition. The location of the shooting event also varied, including adventure-themed tourism destinations involving natural beauty. This study uses an experimental study to measure the behavior intentions of game show viewers of adventure tours that aired in the program. This study proves that the relationship of audience involvement and behavioral intentions to travel to tourist destinations is mediated by cognitive and affective imagery. In particular, cognitive imagery can be significantly effects affective imagery, and both cause with behavioral intentions. Television media deals with psychological process travel, so it is found that audience involvement leads to audience behavior intentions. Meanwhile, the image of a tourist destination mediates this relationship, the image that gives the perception of the cognitive image and the affective image, so that these two variables are found to be important mediators. Therefore, the management of television programs as media messengers need to focus on creating more positive picture of adventure-themed tourism destinations, which will lead to the formation of positive affective image also to the location. The higher the image of the
tourist destination for the viewers will lead to higher travel intentions in the future."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Nurrohman Haryadi
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh overall advertising involvement yang merupakan
second order latent construct yang dibentuk oleh message involvement, media
involvement, dan creative involvement terhadap brand attitude serta dampaknya
terhadap consumer behavior. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat dua studi, yakni studi
terhadap iklan pada majalah elektronik, dan studi terhadap iklan pada tayangan
televisi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian
preexperimental one-shot case study dengan metode survei. Hasil penelitian
secara umum menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara overall advertising
involvement terhadap brand attitude serta consumer behavior. Disarankan untuk
melaksanakan penelitian lanjutan untuk meneliti dengan iklan video yang
durasinya tidak terlalu lama sehingga perhatian responden dapat lebih terfokus
dari sejak awal sampai akhir penayangan iklan.

This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement ? which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement ? on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement.;This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement ? which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement ? on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement.;This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement – which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement – on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement., This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement – which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement – on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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