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Catherine Then
"Kegiatan menyimpan benda dalam hunian sudah dilakukan sejak dahulu hingga saat ini, dan dalam melakukannya diperlukan kemampuan tersendiri agar hunian dapat dihuni dengan nyaman. Ketika penghuni berpindah ke hunian vertikal, penghuni akan menata ulang benda miliknya agar sesuai dengan bentuk hunian tersebut. Ada kemungkinan ketidakcocokan antara benda dengan ruangan sehingga penghuni perlu melakukan beberapa perubahan, baik pada rupa benda, atau pada kebiasaan keseharian penghuni, ataupun pada cara penghuni memanfaatkan suatu ruang. Tulisan ini membahas mengenai klasifikasi benda, cara dan lokasi penyimpanan benda, serta perubahan kebiasaan menyimpan benda hasil beradaptasi dalam hunian vertikal.

Human has been storing items in their house for a long time, and this activity involve human`s ability in arranging items so they can dwell in the house. When human moving to vertical housing, they will rearrange their item so it can fit to the new house. While arranging in the room, there are some possibilities the item will not fit to the room, so the dwellers need to do some changing, either in the item`s shape, dweller`s daily activity, or in the way they use spaces in the house. This paper talking about item classification, how to store item, location for storing, and the changing of human habit in storing items as a result from adapting in vertical housing."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qonitah Puspita Halimah
"Hunian merupakan elemen sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi yang menunjang berlansungnya perkembangan sebuah kota atau kawasan. Secara langsung taraf hidup manusia berkembang seiring dengan terjaganya kondisi hunian dan perkembangan kota. Perkembangan kota yang terjadi juga beriringan dengan munculnya berbagai masalah. Salah satunya, akibat pertumbuhan penduduk diluar rencana maka kebutuhan akan rumah tinggal bertambah. Sedangkan lahan atau bumi ini tidak pernah bertambah luas dari sisi ukurannya. Maka lahan yang tadinya dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia berupa tempat tinggal semakin menipis. Jika lahan yang tersedia terbangun hanya untuk kebutuhan tempat tinggal akan banyak aspek lain yang tergusur untuk kebutuhan papan manusia, salah satunya ruang publik dan ruang terbuka hijau.
Dalam buku Revealing Architectural Design yang berjudul Framework, Methods, and Tools ( 2014 ) karya Philip D.Plowright, yang telah diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia, yang menyebutkan bahwa “masalah yang dibicarakan sebenarnya tidak dapat di selesaikan tapi hanya dapat di negosiasikan, karena dalam ranah sosial masalah tidak pernah terpecahkan; mereka lebih cenderung melibatkan konflik yang ingin diselesaikan”
Maka dalam hal ini permasalahan yang datang seiring dengan perkembangan kota dan keterbatasan lahan akan hunian tempat tinggal, tidak sepenuhnya terselesaikan dengan adanya solusi baru. Dengan keterbatasan lahan, akan memunculkan ide membangun hunian vertikal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia berupa tempat tinggal. Berdasarkan kondisi perumahan dan luas kawasan eksisting yang dirancang dalam Masterplan baru Kawasan Pasar Baru milik PPAr Universitas Indonesia tahun 2020, dilakukan pengelompokan tipe hunian menjadi 3 tipe. Pada proyek kali ini hunian termasuk dalam kategori Co-housing yang terletak pada distrik 3 yang mana merupakan area sentral sekaligus pusat rekreasi kawasan Pasar Baru

Occupancy is a social, cultural, and economic element that supports the ongoing development of a city or region. Directly, the standard of human life develops along with the maintenance of housing conditions and the development of the city. The development of the city that occurs also goes hand in hand with the emergence of various problems. One of them, due to population growth outside the plan, the need for housing increases. While this land or earth has never increased in size in terms of size. So the land that was needed to meet basic human needs in the form of a place to live is getting thinner. If the available land is built only for housing needs, many other aspects will be displaced for the needs of human boards, one of which is public space and green open space.
In the Revealing Architectural Design book entitled Framework, Methods, and Tools (2014) by Philip D. Plowright, which has been translated into Indonesian, which states that "the problems being discussed cannot actually be solved but can only be negotiated, because in the realm of social problems are never solved; they are more likely to involve conflicts that they wish to resolve”
So in this case the problems that come along with the development of the city and the limited land for residential housing, are not fully resolved with the new solution. With limited land, will bring up the idea of ​​building a vertical residence to meet basic human needs in the form of a place to live. Based on housing conditions and the size of the existing area designed in the new Masterplan of the New Market Area belonging to PPAr, University of Indonesia in 2020, residential types are grouped into 3 types. In this project, the residence is included in the Co-housing category which is located in district 3 which is a central area as well as a recreation center for the Pasar Baru area.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tandhika Excellentio Yochanan
"Third place adalah bagian penting dalam pembentukan suatu komunitas dan juga sebagai tempat untuk melepas penat dari kegiatan rutin. Third place memberikan kesejajaran dan keselarasan, dimana orang-orang yang di kenal dapat di temukan dan juga memberikan tempat yang netral dimana orang bisa datang dan pergi sesuka hati (Oldenburg, 1989). Bagian terpenting dari third place, adalah menuntun ke bahagiaan, dimana orang dapat merasakan kehadiran sesame, tempat untuk berinteraksi yang di penuhi kegembiraan.
Apartment Margonda Residence Satu dipilih sebagai contoh studi kasus karena dapat menunjukan keberagaman di dalam hunian vertikal. Kebanyakan dari penghuni adalah pelajar yang dimana mereka membutuhkan ruang publik untuk berkumpul dan beraktifitas. Ada juga unsur eksternal dan internal yang dapat mencegah terbentuknya third place.
Skripsi ini tertuju kepada kehadiran third place di Apartment Margonda Residence Satu. Tertuju kepada penghuni, fasilitas umum, unsur-unsur penunjang, kenyamanan, dan halangan yang mencegah terbentuknya third place. Unsur-unsur tersebut sangatlah penting untuk mencakup pengertian tentang keberadaanya third place di hunian bertingkat.

Third place become an important factor in the forming of community it also become a place of escape from the daily routines. Third place provide equality and leveler, where the regulars with familiar faces could be found and it provide neutral ground where people are able to come and go as they please (Oldenburg, 1989). The importance of third place it leads to happiness, where people are able to enjoy each other company, a place where the interaction is filled with playful mood.
The Apartment of Margonda Residence One is picked for the study case because it is able to represent the mix used vertical housing. Most of the residents are students where the need of public place to contain their activities is in high demand. There are some external and internal factors that prevent the third place from forming.
This thesis focuses on the existence of the third place in the Apartment of Margonda Residence One. Focusing on the residents, the public facility, supporting factor, comfort, and what obstacle that prevent the third place to form. These factors are important in order to acknowledge the existence of the third place in the vertical housing.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Nurwidyaningrum
Penghuni di hunian vertikal perkotaan lebih rentan mengalami Building Related Illness karena sistem tata udara Air Conditioning (AC) yang mengalami penyusutan mutu. Ini menyebabkan Kualitas Udara Dalam Ruang (KUDR) di unit hunian perkotaan cenderung lebih buruk daripada hunian horisontal di Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini menyusun model dimensi manusia penghuni dan pengelola dengan pengetahuan, persepsi, dan partisipasi untuk mencapai hunian vertikal perkotaan yang sehat dan berkelanjutan dengan KUDR. Metode riset yang digunakan ialah korelasional multivariat dengan analisis PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model) dan mengaplikasikan model dengan ANN-SOM (Artificial Neural Network-Self Organizing Map). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesatuan dimensi penghuni dan dimensi pengelola yang efektif untuk KUDR adalah dengan konstruk dimensi pengelola sebagai variabel penekan kepada dimensi penghuni yang mempengaruhi KUDR. Kompetensi pengelola sangat mempengaruhi penghuni untuk mengupayakan KUDR dan mendorong perubahan perilaku sehat di hunian vertikal perkotaan. Keselarasan dalam pengetahuan, persepsi, dan partisipasi. Pemenuhan kenyamanan fisik dan psikis penghuni oleh pengelola mempengaruhi perilaku partisipasi dalam kesehatan dan menggerakkan keberlanjutan hunian perkotaan.

Residents in urban vertical housing are more susceptible to Building Related Illness due to the depreciation of air conditioning (AC) systems, causing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in urban residential units is worse than in horizontal housing in Jakarta. The purpose of this study is to develop a model of the human dimensions of the residents and the managers with knowledge, perception, and participation to achieve the healthy and sustainable urban vertical housing with the IAQ. The research method is a multivariate correlation, analyze with Partial Least Square-Structural Equation model (PLS-SEM) and application to the model with Artificial Neural Network-Self Organizing Map(ANN-SOM). The result of the study shows the unity of the resident and manager dimensions is effective with the construct of the manager dimensions as the suppressing variable of the resident dimensions that influence IAQ. The manager competency significantly affects the residents to strive for IAQ and encourage healthy behavioral changes in urban vertical housing. The conformity of knowledge, perception, and participation then the fulfillment of the physical and psychological comfort for the residents by the managers influences the behavior of participants in health and drives the sustainability of urban housings.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achernar Mirfa Chaniago

Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Karawang yang semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya diiringi oleh pembangunan infrastruktur di wilayah Kabupaten Karawang. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tumbuh pesat dan pembangunan infrastruktur ini diikuti oleh urbanisasi. Dengan terjadinya pembengkakan populasi, Kabupaten Karawang dipaksa untuk tumbuh secara horisontal dan vertikal. Urbanisasi yang tidak terkendali dan tidak didukung oleh ketersediaan hunian dan lahan yang sesuai dapat menimbulkan ketidak layakan pada kondisi hidup penduduk di Kabupaten Karawang. Untuk mengatasi masalah keterbatasan lahan yang diakibatkan dari meningkatnya populasi, industrialisasi, dan pembangunan infrastruktur di Kabupaten Karawang, adalah pembangunan Hunian multifungsi (Mixed-Use) vertikal yang berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui infrastruktur apa saja yang diperlukan dalam pembangunan hunian Mixed-Use vertikal yang berkelanjutan di Karawang dan apakah prinsip pembangunan hunian Mixed-Use vertikal berkelanjutan dapat diimplementasian di Kabupaten Karawang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan secara kuantitatif dengan pengambilan data primer melalui observasi, dan survei dan data sekunder melalui desk study. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan menunjukan bahwa infrastruktur utama yang dibutuhkan dalam suatu hunian Mixed-Use vertikal adalah infrastruktur komersial, perkantoran dan rekreasi. Sedangkan, fasilitas penunjang yang dibutuhkan adalah fasilitas kebersihan, fasilitas parkir, fasilitas kesehatan, fasilitas untuk anak, fasilitas keamanan, fasilitas peribadatan, fasilitas pejalan kaki dan fasilitas ruang terbuka. Prinsip hunian mixed-use vertikal yang berkelanjutan dapat diimplementasikan dalam proses perancangan desain yang dilihat dari pengaruh lingkungan dan sosial.


The economic development of Kabupaten Karawang that has gone up each yar is tightly accompanied by the development of infrastructure in the area. Those developments have also been directly followed by urbanization. With the accelerated rise of population, Kabupaten Karawang is forced to grow both horizontally and vertically. However, urbanization that is not supported with a vast availability of housings and lands will result in inadaquate living conditions for the people of Kabupaten Karawang. One way to solve the problem of limited housings and lands is to build a sustainable vertical mixed-use housing. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the infrastructurs that are needed in the development of the sustainabl vertical mixed-use housings, and whether the principles of the sustainable mixed-use housing can be implemented in Kabupaten Karawang. The method that is used in this study is quantitative, the obtaining of primary data through observation and survey, as well as secondary data through desk study. The result of this study will be able to show that the primary infrastructures that are needed for one vertical mixed-use housing are the commercial, office complex, and recreational infrastructures. On the other side, the facilities that are needed for one vertical mixed-use housing are facilities for sanitation, parking, healthcare, childrens area, security, religious, pedestrian and public open spaces. The principles of the sustainable vertical mixed-use housings can be implemented in the process of design planning, which can be observed through the environment and social aspects.


Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pencahayaan alami dan visibilitas merupakan kebutuhan utama untuk kesehatan manusia di tempat tinggal. Namun, kedua hal tersebut belum tercapai pada hunian vertikal dengan massa bangunan yang berhadapan. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan optimasi pencahayaan alami dan privasi visual pada hunian vertikal dengan massa yang berhadapan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini akan melakukan survei kuesioner daring dan optimasi performa bangunan dengan simulasi. Populasi survei kuesioner adalah penghuni apartemen di Jakarta. Sampel yang diambil berjumlah 160 responden. Hasil analisis survei kuesioner akan digunakan sebagai acuan dasar standar privasi visual penghuni apartemen untuk optimasi pencahayaan alami dan privasi visual. Software simulasi performa bangunan menggunakan Rhinoceros Grasshopper dan plugin Octopus untuk optimasi. Luas jendela, dan jarak antar bangunan menjadi parameter dalam optimasi tersebut. Konfigurasi massa bangunan grid dan klaster menjadi perbandingan analisis, khususnya pada bangunan berbentuk T. Perhitungan optimasi menggunakan metode Elite yang akan menghasilkan beberapa opsi terbaik. Dari opsi tersebut akan didapat pertimbangan yang optimal untuk penentuan jarak bangunan dan luas bukaan (jendela). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk mengoptimalkan pencahayaan alami, privasi visual menjadi prioritas kedua

Natural lighting and visibility are major needs for human health in residential areas. However, these two things have not been achieved in vertical housing with opposite building masses. This study aims to optimize natural lighting and visual privacy in vertical housing with opposite masses. To achieve this goal, this research will conduct an online questionnaire survei and optimization of building performance by simulation. The population of the questionnaire survei is apartment residents in Jakarta. The sample taken is 160 respondents. The results of the questionnaire survei analysis will be used as a basic reference for visual privacy standards for apartment residents to optimize natural lighting and visual privacy. Building performance simulation software using Rhinoceros Grasshopper and Octopus plugin for optimization. The window area and distance between buildings, are parameters in the optimization. The mass configuration of grid and cluster buildings becomes a comparative analysis, especially for T-shaped buildings. The optimization calculation uses the Elitism method, which will produce the best options. From this option, more mature considerations will be obtained for determining the distance of the building and the area of ​​the opening (window). The results show that to optimize natural lighting, visual privacy is the second priority"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda Oktaviani
"Kebijakan rumah susun dianggap sebagai langkah efektif dalam mengatasi permasalahan perumahan di DKI Jakarta. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat masalah, antara lain bagaimana membuat warga untuk bersedia pindah dan menetap di rusun. Alasan penting warga bersedia pindah dan menetap di rusun adalah tercapainya perbaikan kehidupan, salah satunya mereka mampu melakukan mobilitas sosial. Proses mobilitas sosial tidak terlepas dari peran pemerintah, pelaku bisnis dan masyarakat. Ketiga aktor ini dibahas dalam konsep kelekatan kelembagaan.
Penelitian ini menjelaskan hubungan antara kelekatan kelembagaan dan mobilitas sosial vertikal penghuni bersubsidi di Rusunawa Marunda. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif.
Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif antara kelekatan kelembagaan dan mobilitas sosial vertikal. Artinya, semakin kuat tingkat kelekatan kelembagaan, semakin besar peluang mobilitas sosial vertikal atas dan sebaliknya. Namun, penghuni rusun Marunda bersubsidi mayoritas belum berhasil melakukan mobilitas sosial vertikal. Kelekatan kelembagaan yang ada masih belum kuat, di mana hanya pemerintah yang lebih berperan dibandingkan dengan penghuni dan pelaku bisnis.

Vertical housing policy reputed as an effective ways to solve the housing problems in DKI Jakarta. But, there are few problems in the implementation, such as how o make occupants want to be replaced and stayed in vertical housing. The important reason why occupants want to be replaced and stayed in vertical housing is to reach their life improvement. One of the important reason is they able to do social mobility. The role of government, business agent and society influence the process of social mobility. Their roles discussed in institutional embededdness concept.
This research explain the relationship between institutional embededdness and vertical social mobility among Marunda vertical housing?s subsidized occupant. This reasearch using quantitative approach.
The result show that there is a positive relation between institutional embededdness and vertical social mobility. That means, stronger institutional embededdness, bigger opportunity of climbing social mobility and vice versa. Unfortunatey, majority of Marunda vertical housing's subsidized occupant not successful yet to do the climbing social mobility. Institutional embededdness not really strong, only government who takes more roler that occupant and business agent.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Marlon Brando
"Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat membuat tingkat konsumsi peralatan elektronik meningkat. Sayangnya, konsumsi yang besar terhadap produk elektronik ini meninggalkan konsekuensi berupa limbah dari elektronik yang sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Konsumen sering menyimpan barang elektronik yang tidak digunakan di rumah. Perilaku konsumen untuk menyimpan limbah elektronik di rumah seperti bom waktu, cepat atau lambat harus segera dikeluarkan karena akan menjadi bahaya. Menganalisis perilaku konsumen terhadap penyimpanan elektronik yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi adalah langkah penting menuju pengembangan sistem manajemen limbah elektronik yang sukses. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam menyimpan dan membuang limbah elektronik serta menggambarkan hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang menjadi alasan tersebut dalam membentuk perilaku konsumen. Penelitian yang dilakukan didasarkan pada Teori Perilaku Berencana (TPB) dan pengolahan data dilakukan dengan analisis statistik dan metode Partial Least Square (PLS).
Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan survei secara online dan manual. Responden pada penelitian sebanyak 403 yang tersebar di 6 provinsi pulau Jawa. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui beberapa hal, diantaranya peralatan elektronik yang paling banyak disimpan, sudah berapa lama peralatan elektronik tersebut disimpan, alasan mengapa konsumen menyimpan peralatan elektronik bekas/rusak, alasan mengapa konsumen ingin membuang peralatan elektronik bekas/rusak yang disimpan, bagaimana cara konsumen membuang peralatan elektronikbekas/rusak saat ini, model hubungan faktor-faktor prediktor pembentuk perilaku menyimpan, dan model hubungan faktor-faktor prediktor pembentuk perilaku membuang peralatan elektronik bekas/rusak yang disimpan.

Rapid technological developments make the level of consumption of electronic equipment increase. Unfortunately, large consumption of these electronic products leaves the consequences of waste from electronics that are no longer used. Consumers often store electronic items that are not used at home. Consumer behavior to store electronic waste at home such as a time bomb, sooner or later must be immediately removed because it will be a danger. Analyzing consumer behavior towards electronic storage that is no longer used is an important step towards developing a successful electronic waste management system. This study aims to conduct an analysis of consumer behavior in storing and disposing of electronic waste and describing the relationship between the factors that are the reason for shaping consumer behavior. The research conducted was based on the Theory of Planning Behavior (TPB) and data processing was carried out by statistical analysis and the Partial Least Square (PLS) method.
The study was conducted using online and manual surveys. Respondents in the study were 403 in 6 provinces in Java. The results of the study revealed several things, including the most stored electronic equipment, how long the electronic equipment was stored, the reason why consumers store used/damaged electronic equipment, the reason why consumers want to dispose of used/damaged electronic equipment stored, how consumers dispose of used/damaged electronic equipment, the relationship model of the predictor factors forming the storing behavior, and the relationship model predictor factors forming the behavior of disposing used/damaged electronic equipment stored."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvianti Asmara Putri
Penelitian mengenai peran siput Terebralia dalam mengurai serasah mangrove dan menyimpan karbon telah dilakukan pada bulan November hingga Desember 2013. Hasil penelitian kepadatan, Terebralia palustris memiliki nilai kepadatan yang paling tinggi yaitu 25 individu/m2. Sedangkan Terebralia sulcata memiliki nilai kepadatan yang lebih rendah yaitu 15 individu/m2. Kandungan karbon yang tersimpan dalam tubuh T. palustris berkisar antara 16,27?18,89% dengan rata-rata sebesar 17,45%. Sedangkan karbon yang tersimpan dalam tubuh T. sulcata berkisar antara 15,98?17,62% dengan rata-rata 16,87%. Potensi penyimpanan karbon oleh T.palustris sebesar 4374 gr C/m2 dan T. sulcata, berpotensi menyimpan karbon sebesar 2609 gr C/m2. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, terdapat korelasi antara panjang maupun berat T. palustris terhadap total karbon dengan masing-masing P= 0,001 dan P= 0,002. Sebaliknya, pada T.sulcata tidak terdapat korelasi antara panjang maupun berat cangkangnya terhadap total karbon yang dikandungnya dengan masing-masing P= 0,071 dan P= 0,289. Penelitian mengenai penguraian seresah dilakukan hanya menggunakan Terebralia dewasa yaitu, Terebralia palustris lebih dari 5 cm dan Terebralia sulcata lebih dari 3 cm. Dalam pengambilan data selanjutnya, dibuat 30 titik kuadran dengan ukuran 0,25 x 0,25 m yang ditentukan secara acak. Rata-rata persentase penguraian serasah oleh T. palustris adalah sebesar 3,48% ± 0,18 /hari untuk R. apiculata dan 8,28% ± 0,13 /hari untuk R. stylosa. Sedangkan T. sulcata mengurai serasah rata-rata sebesar 4,07% ± 0,12 /hari untuk R. apiculata dan 4,93 % ± 0,15 /hari untuk R. stylosa. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan korelasi antara panjang dan berat T.palustris dengan persentase penguraiannya. Begitu pula dengan T.sulcata, tidak ditemukan korelasi antara berat dengan laju penguraiannya. Sebaliknya, terdapat korelasi antara panjang T. sulcata dengan persentase penguraiannya.

Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.;Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.;Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay., Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sirang, Bill Arthur
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai masalah unsur ldquo;memiliki, menyimpan atau menguasai rdquo; dalam Pasal 112 Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009. Pasal ini sering dikenakan kepada penyalahguna narkotika yang seharusnya dihukum dengan Pasal 127 Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika. Pembahasan dimulai dengan perkembangan unsur tersebut dalam aturan-aturan sebelumnya, pembentukan dan penerapan pasal tersebut dalam proses penegakan hukum. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi kepustakaan dan peraturan perundang-undangan serta wawancara kepada para penegak hukum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ketentuan Pasal 112 Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tersebut menimbulkan ketidakpastian hukum dan banyak disalahgunakan untuk menjerat penyalahguna narkotika. Sehingga, diperlukan perubahan terhadap ketentuan tersebut.

This thesis discusses the element of possessing, storing or controlling elements under Article 112 of 2009 Law Number 35. This study is inspired by the fact that this Article is often misused to impose punishment to narcotic abusers although Article 127 of 2009 Law Number 35 on Narcotics is more relevant to be applied for their cases. The study focuses on various aspects of these elements of crime including their creation, development, and implementation. It was conducted using the literature and legislation study approach backed up by interviews to various stakeholders including several law enforcement officers. Finally, it can be concluded that the Article 112 Paragraph 1 of 2009 Law Number 35 is problematic causing legal uncertainty to everyone. Therefore, it needs to be amended."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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