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Supit, Laureen
Pendahuluan. Studi ini dilaksanakan untuk membuat prototipe alat mirror stand
yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk standardisasi pengambilan foto wajah. Alat ini
dapat mewakili suasana studio dengan memadukan elemen-eleman dasar
Metode. Sebuah prototipe alat mirror stand dibangun untuk pengambilan foto
klinis wajah. Empat-puluh subjek diambil foto wajahnya dengan posisi standar
yang diharapkan. Ukuran antropometri wajah sebenarnya diukur pada tiap
subjek, dan pada foto yang dihasilkan dengan referensi ukuran yang ikut
terdokumentasi dalam foto. Kedua hasil pengukuran dibandingkan untuk
memperoleh perhitungan konversi antar pengukuran tersebut.
Hasil. Hasil pengukuran yang didapat dari wajah sebenarnya hampir sama
dengan yang didapat dari pengukuran pada foto yang dihasilkan dari mirror
stand. Didapatkan sebuah rumus konstanta yang dapat menterjemahkan ukuran
pada foto menjadi ikuran antropometrik sebenarnya.
Kesimpulan. Mirror stand dapat menghasilkan foto yang konsisten dengan
standar yang sama. Ukuran pada foto dapat dikonvernsi menjadi ukuran wajah
sebenarnya. Alat ini dapat digunakan dalam keseharian klinis sebagai
dokumentasi foto wajah yang terstandardisasi.

Introduction. Photodocumentation in plastic surgery is vital as a part of clinical,
communicational, educaitonal, legal, and research aid. To obtain an ideally
conditioned photographs it is necessary to set-up a studio or purchase a
designated three-dimensonal anatomic scanner, which may be costly. This study
propose a simplified photo standardization for use in random clinical settings
using a device called the mirror stand. This model device aims to mimic a studio
environment by incorporating the basic elements of producing consistent
Methods. A pilot mirror stand model is designed for facial photography. Facial
images of 40 random subjects were obtained using the device. Real
anthropometric measurements of each subject are collected, and then compared
to the photographic measurements. The photograpic versus real measurements
are calculated.
Results. The actual facial measurements are comparable to the photogrammetric
measurements obtained from photos taken on the mirror stand. A constant
formula is derived, which allows the conversion of photographic values into the
real anthropometric values.
Conclusion. The mirror stand produces consistent photographs in regards to
standards.. The pictures obtained can be reliably translated into their real-size
anthropometric measurements. The mirror stand can be applied in the daily
practice, providing an efficient and cost effective alternative for obtaining a
standard justifiable photographs."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grewal, D. S.
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, 2007
617.156 GRE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grewal, D. S.
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2012
617.156 GRE a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Makagiansar, Irinawati N.
"Objective : To measure sensitivity and specificity diagnostic finding of convensional radiography in midfacial fractur performed at the Emergency room of Cipto Hospital and to evaluate its quality.
Design and Main Outcome Measures: In this diagnostic testing 35 patients with clinical signs of midfacial fracture were investigated. All patient underwent radiography examination at the Emergency room (Anteroposterior, Lateral and reverse Waters view). X ray photo were expertised by a plastic surgeon and a radiologist, both of them without knowing the clinical conditions, and by the residen who received the patient at the ER. Then we compare radiographic and intraoperative findings as goal standard, The results were analyzed by statistical testing (for sensitivity, specificity, positive, negative predictive value).
Results: The result showed that sensitivity and specificity varied between plastic surgeon, radiologist and residen but still high, and we noted that clinical examinations revealed to be very helpful in the assessment of an inadequate imaging fracture.
Conclusion: Conventional radiography performe at the Emergency Room of Cipto hospital has high specificity although the quality is considered substandard. Clinical findings is still very important to distinguished uncertain fracture.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Tri Hartono
"Latar Belakang: Rekonstruksi pada defek tulang kritikal masih merupakan tantangan yang besar untuk seorang ahli bedah plastik rekonstruksi. Selama ini, baku emas untuk menangani kasus defek tulang tersebut adalah menggunakan autologous bone graft, namun terdapat beberapa kekurangannya seperti morbiditas pada lokasi donor, pemanjangan waktu operasi, donor yang terbatas, dan pemajangan waktu rawat. Mencoba mengatasi kekurangan tadi, muncullah rekayasa jaringan tulang yang memberikan hasil yang menjanjikan dalam regenerasi jaringan tulang biologis yang baru. Beberapa penelitian hewan sebelum, menunjukkan bahwa implantasi secara ortotopik dan ektopik dapat memberikan hasil yang cukup baik dalam regenerasi tulang
Metode: Telaah sistematis dilakukan pada Pubmed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, dan WHO ICTRP, termasuk semua studi dengan data primer untuk rekayasa jaringan tulang menggunakan kalsium fosfat sebagai bahan rangka, studi pada defek tulang kritikal, baik uji klinis acak terkontrol maupun tidak pada manusia dan hewan. Luaran yang dinilai adalah pembentukan tulang baru yang membandingkan implantasi secara ortotopik (intraperiosteum) dan ektopik (intramuskular). Studi ini menggunakan SYRCLE’s tools untuk menilai risiko bias studi pada hewan.
Hasil: Didapatkan lima studi hewan yang memenuhi kriteria eligibilitas dari total 80 studi yang diinklusi pada telaah ini. Dicantumkan karakteristik demografis dari masing-masing studi. Studi yang memiliki luaran klinis yang sama (% area tulang dan % kontak) dibandingan antara implantasi ortotopik dan ektopik. 2 studi menunjukkan bahwa implantasi secara intramuskular menggunakan kerangka yang sudah ditambahkan BMSC memberikan hasil yang baik pada pembentukan jaringan tulang baru. Kerangka kosong tidak menunjukkan adanya pembentukan tulang. Penambahan BMP-2 sebagai factor pertumbuhan dapat meningkatkan osteogenisitas baik pada implantasi ortotopik maupun ektopik.
Kesimpulan: Implantasi ortotopik dapat menginduksi pembentukan tulang baru lebih baik daripada implantasi ektopik. Menggunakan kerangka yang ditambahkan BMSC serta BMP-2 pada implantasi intramuskular memberikan hasil yang baik untuk pembentukan tulang baru. Rekayasa jaringan tulang memungkinkan untuk dilakukan dengan implantasi secara ortotopik maupun ektopik

Background: Critical bone defect reconstruction remains a major challenge in plastic reconstructive surgery. While autologous bone graft is still considered as the gold standard for treating critical bone defects, there are disadvantages like donor site morbidity long operative time, donor limitation, and extended hospital stay. In order to resolve them, bone tissue engineering has emerged in reconstruction medical studies, for they give promising result in regenerating new biological bone tissue. Previous animal studies have shown that implantating orthotopically and ectopically gave promising result in bone regeneration.
Methods: A systematic search was done on PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and WHO ICTRP, including all studies with primary data for bone tissue engineering using calcium phosphate as scaffold materials, studies in critical bone defects, RCT or non RCT in human studies or animal studies. Studies with outcome of new bone formation comparing orthotopic (intraperiosteum) implantation and ectopic (intramusculuar) implantation. We used SYRCLE’s tools for assessing risk of bias of animal studies.
Results: Five animal studies meet the eligibility criteria from a total of 80 studies are included for this review. Characteristics demography of each study are stated. Studies with the same outcome (bone area% and contact%) are compared in orthotopic and ectopic implantation. Two studies showed that intramuscular implantation using BMSC-seeded scaffold give promising result of new bone formation. However empty scaffold did not show any bone formation. Adding BMP-2 for growth factor can improved osteogenecity both in orthotopic implantation and ectopic implantation
Conclusion: Orthotopic implantation can induced new bone formation better than ectopic implantations. Using BMSC-seeded and addition of BMP-2 for intramuscular implantation give good result of new bone formation. Both orthotopic and ectopic (intramuscular) implantation are possible for bone tissue engineering
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pendahuluan. Perkembangan analisis wajah pada bedah rekonstruksi wajah sangatlah pesat, sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi pencitraan dan komputerisasi. Program perangkat lunak yang tersedia pada saat ini, seperti Rhinobase, hanya dapat mengukur daerah hidung, tidak seluruh wajah. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan suatu program perangkat lunak yang lebih lengkap, dapat menyimpan data medis, mengukur dan menganalisis foto (fotogrametri dan analisis fotografi) guna merencanakan tindakan operasi rekonstruksi wajah secara keseluruhan. Pengakat lunak ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai alat ukur dan menjadi panduan untuk melakukan tindakan bedah rekonstruksi wajah (reaksilofasial)."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hartstein, Morris E.
"Midfacial rejuvenation is a comprehensive review of the majority of procedures and options for midfacial aesthetic and corrective surgery. Each contributor offers a unique approach to the midfacial area, with detailed specifics for every technique. Chapters on midfacial anatomy, complications and their management complete the comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, resulting in a reference text that will benefit every practitioner dealing with the midfacial region.
Features, one of the first books to focus exclusively on the midfacial area, highly illustrated and with clear, step-by-step instructions on performing a variety of midface lifts, implants, sutures, grafts, and fillers, over 300 full color images, includes in-depth chapters on midfacial anatomy and the anatomic basis of aging, multiple approaches to midfacial rejuvenation by well-known surgeons in fields such as oculoplastics, facial plastics, general plastics, and dermatologists."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ande Fachniadin
"Latar Belakang. Salah satu komplikasi pada teknik kraniotomi ini adalah cedera pada saraf nervus fasialis cabang frontal sehingga terjadi paralisis pada otot frontal dan orbikularis oris. Komplikasi ini terjadi pada 30% kasus pasien yang dilakukan kraniotomi frontotemporal. Masih terdapat perdebatan bagiamana melakukan preservasi yang baik pada nervus fasialis cabang frontal. Beberapa teknik telah dikembangkan untuk menghindari komplikasi ini seperti teknik seperti teknik miokutan, interfascialis, dan subfascialis. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mengetahui insiden terjadinya cedera nervus fasialis pada teknik interfascialis dan subfascialis.
Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif potong lintang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Departemen Bedah Saraf FKUI-RSCM pada subjek pasien yang dilakukan kraniotomi frontotemporal pada Januari-Juli 2018. Dilakukan penelusuran rekam medis dalam menilai teknik dan luaran cedera subjek.
Hasil. Dalam kurun waktu dilakukan penelitian terdapat 20 (dua puluh) subjek pasien yang dilakukan preservasi nervus fasialis cabang frontal yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Didapatkan 15% subjek mengalami cedera nervus fasialis cabang frontal pada saat segera setelah tindakan. Pasca 3 bulan tindakan cedera didapatkan 5% subjek masih didapatkan cedera. Seluruh cedera didapatkan pada Teknik interfascialis.
Kesimpulan. Insiden cedera nervus fasialis cabang frontal pada pasien yang menjalani kraniotomi frontotemporal sebanyak 15%. Insiden cedera nervus fasialis cabang frontal menggunakan teknik interfascialis sebanyak 15% dan dengan teknik subfascialis sebanyak 0%.

Background. One of the major complications on frontotemporal craniotomy technique is injury to the frontal facial nerve, inducing paralysis to the frontal and orbicularis oris muscle. This complication occurs in 30% of patients with frontotemporal craniotomy. There are still some lively debates regarding proper preservation on frontal branch of the facial nerve. Some techniques have been developed in order to avoid this complication such as Miocutanenous, interfascialis and subfascialis techniques. This research aims to find the incident of injury to facial nerve on interfascialis and subfascialis techniques.
Method. This is a retrospective cross-sectional research performed in Neurosurgery Department of FKUI-RSCM on patients with frontotemporal craniotomy on January to July 2018. All suitable patients' medical record was inspected and studied for the techniques and the occurrence of post-operative side effects.
Results. Within the time limit, we found 20 (twenty) subject patients with frontal branch of facial nerve that matched the inclusion and exclusion criterias. It was found that 15% of the subjects have had their frontal branch of facial nerve injured immediately after surgery, and 5% after 3 months of recuperation. All injuries was found in interfascialis technique.
Conclusion. The incident of injury on the frontal branch of the facial nerve after frontotemporal craniotomy was 15%, with the interfacialis technique contributing to the whole 15% while the subfascialis technique with 0%.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meneghini, Fabio
"This richly illustrated book presents a straightforward non-instrumental method of clinical facial analysis in preparation for aesthetic surgery, orthognathic surgery, and orthodontic treatments. After discussion of various practical aspects of facial examination and photography, analysis of different regions of the face and dentofacial deformities is discussed in a series of detailed chapters. At the end of each of these chapters, multiple-choice checklists are included that will help the reader to perform step-by-step regional analysis. Important features of the book are its multidisciplinary approach and the emphasis placed on the relationship between different parts of the face. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and includes a new chapter on recording and documentation relating specifically to aesthetic facial surgery.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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