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Jamal Muhammad Gawi
"Penelitian ini menjelaskan dampak proses globalisasi dan otonomi khusus yang terjadi secara bersamaan pada pengelolaan huitan berkelanjutan di Provinsi Aceh. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualiitatif, tiga aspek diteliti: respons kebijakan dan institusi oleh pemerintah Aceh dan dampaknya pada keberlanjutan dua ekosistem penting, Leuser dan Ulu Masen. Teori proses kebijakan dan ekologi politik digunakan untuk menjelaskan narasi, aktor dan jaringan, serta kepentingan yang mempengaruhi pembuatan dan hasil kebijakan. Indeks Tata Kelola Hutan yang Baik dengan menggunakan teknik Multi Dimentional Scaling digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja lembaga yang mengurus konservasi yang dibentuk Pascatsunami di Aceh. Teknik yang sama digunakan untuk mengukur keberlanjutan kawasan hutan dengan melibatkan lima dimensi pengelolaan hutan di Aceh.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat empat narasi dengan berbagai aktor dan kepentingan terlibat dalam proses kebijakan kehutanan/konservasi di Aceh. Kebijakan dan lembaga yang dibentuk pascatsunami memiliki kinerja kurang baik dan status keberlanjutan kawasan hutan juga kurang berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan temuan ini, sebuah model kemitraan pemerintah-swata diusulkan untuk mengelola kawasan hutan Aceh secara berkelanjutan di masa mendatang.

This research explains the impact of parallel processes of asymmetric decentralization in the form of special autonomy and globalization through REDD+ on sustainable forest management in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Using qualitative approach, three key aspects are studied: the policy and institutional responses of the government of Aceh and the sustainability of forest management for two important ecosystems: Leuser and Ulu Masen. Political ecology and policy process theories are used to explain the narratives behind a policy, the actors involved, and the political interests influencing the policy making and outputs. Good Forest Governance index by using Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) technique is used to measure the performance of conservation institutions formed during the post tsunami Aceh. Similar MDS technique is used to develop sustainability index by looking at five dimensions of sustainable forest management in Aceh.
The results show that four main narratives with different actors and political interests involved in influencing forest conservation arena in Aceh. The conservation policy and institutions formed in post-tsunami Aceh have not performed well and the sustainability status for the two ecosystems studied are less sustainable. Based on these results, a model of public-private partnership is developed to manage future forest conservation in Aceh.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Thanthowi Jauhari
"Otonomi Khusus Pemerintahan Aceh berbeda dibandingkan dengan daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia, berupa kekhususan bidang politik pemerintahan, ekonomi, sosial budaya dan keuangan. Sebagai format penyelesaian permasalahan Aceh secara menyeluruh dan bermartabat dengan pendekatan pembangunan sosial. Penelitian ini untuk memastikan adanya pelaksanaan, institusionalisasi dan efektifitas pembangunan sosial. Menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan sosial termuat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan. Proses dan hasil pelaksanaan pembangunan sosial telah dapat menjadi alat integrasi sosial, menghasilkan alat peningkatan pemenuhan dan peningkatan kualitas hidup, serta dapat menjadi alat untuk memberikan akses yang sama bagi semua anggota masyarakat untuk maju dan berkembang melalui peningkatan lapangan kerja produktif dan pengurangan pengangguran. Institusionalisasi pembangunan sosial dilaksanakan dalam bentuk implementasi kebijakan otsus dalam pemerintahan dan budaya masyarakat Aceh. Reintegrasi dan rekonstruksi sudah diterima masyarakat dan hasilnya sudah dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Aceh. Terdapat pencapaian peningkatan HDI, terdapat kemajuan pendidikan, kesehatan dan pendapatan masyarakat mengalami peningkatan.

Special Autonomy for Local Government of Aceh is different government application from the other provinces in Indonesia. The differences include specialty in political, governmental, economy, social cultural and financial. Special autonomy is a form of problem solution in Aceh generally and pride with social development approach. This research is to make sure the implementation, institutionalization, and how effective social development. This research used qualitative research approach with descriptive research. The result of research presents that social development in the regulation is already match with the aspiration of society, Government of Aceh and country. Process and result of the implementation of social development could become social integration tool, needs improvement tool and life improvement tool, and also could become tool to give the same access for all member of society to develop through. Institutionalization of social development in special autonomy for local government of Aceh has been implemented in the policy of special autonomy in government and culture of Aceh. Re-integration and re-construction has been accepted by society and the result already has been used by society of Aceh. About the achievement of increasing the number of HDI is already good, in education, health and society income."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Keberhasilan dalam pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan merupakan salah satu tujuan dalam mewujudkan kepentingan nasional yang paling strategis bagi tegakberdirinya Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Namun, selama lebih dari enam dasa-warsa, pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan masih menghadapi masalah dalam hal keamanan dan kedaulatan; kesejahteraan dan perlindungan rakyat; pelayanan publik dan sarana-prasarana; tata kelola dan keberlanjutan lingkungan; ketergantungan pada negara tetangga; kejahatan lintas perbatasan; pengamanan, pengelolaan dan perlindungan aset-aset nasional; dan desentralisasi pemerintahan.
Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut bersumber pada isi kebijakan, implementasi kebijakan dan gambaran masa depan yang problematik. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab tiga pertanyaan pokok, yakni: (i) bagaimana isi kebijakan ( policy content) pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan sebagaimana diatur dalam UU No. 43 Tahun 2008 dan Perpres No. 12 Tahun 2010 serta peraturan perundang-undangan dan kebijakan terkait lainnya?; (ii) bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan dalam mewujudkan beranda depan negara yang aman dan sejahtera?; dan (iii) bagaimana skenario dan arah kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan yang aman dan sejahtera sampai dengan tahun 2030? Secara umum, penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yakni tahap pertama yang mencakup evaluasi isi dan implementasi kebijakan serta tahap kedua yang mencakup scenario planning dan perumusan rekomendasi kebijakan.
Analisis terhadap isi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan menemukan adanya "kesenjangan" kebijakan, kurang harmonisnya pengaturan antar kebijakan, dan tumpang tindihnya kebijakan dalam pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan. Ketidak-selarasan kebijakan antara lain ditemukan dalam aspek penganggaran, yaitu bahwa anggaran pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan yang terdapat pada pos belanja Pemerintah masih tersebar di beberapa Kementerian/ Lembaga teknis. Analisis terdahap implementasi kebijakan mendapatkan kurangnya koordinasi dan keterpaduan program oleh BNPP sebagai akar masalah dari belum efektifnya pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan. Sistem pembagian dan koordinasi kewenangan antara BNPP dan lembaga-lembaga ad-hoc juga problematik. Implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan juga dipengaruhi oleh belum adanya grand design penataan dan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan.
Dengan pertanyaan strategis "Bagaimanakah kondisi kawasan perbatasan dapat dipertahankan dalam bingkai NKRI sampai dengan tahun 2030 dan guna mengantisipasi AEC 2015 yang berkolaborasi dan berkompetisi"?, empat driving forces dirumuskan, yaitu politik, pembangunan ekonomi, keamanan, serta kesejahteraan. Peneliti membangun 4 (empat) scenario pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan, yaitu: Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya, Merah Putih Terkulai di Ujung Tiang, Merah Putih Setengah Tiang, dan Merah Putih Turun Tiang. Dari analisis kebijakan disimpulkan adanya kesenjangan, disharmonisasi, kevakuman, ketidakkonsistenan, serta ketidaktepatan perumusan kebijakan, yang mengakibatkan tidak optimalnya sistem keorganisasian dan program. Dari analisis implementasi kebijakan disimpulkan adanya ketidakefektivan implementasi karena keragaman persepsi dan hambatan prasarana dan sarana. Dari scenario planning disimpulkan adanya empat driving forces yaitu politik, pembangunan ekonomi, keamanan dan kesejahteraan, dan bahwa apabila tidak dilakukan perubahan, pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan akan masuk pada Skenario Merah Putih Setengah Tiang atau Merah Putih Turun Tiang. Untuk itu, perubahan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan dan penguatan kelembagaan dibutuhkan.
Berkenan dengan isi kebijakan direkomendasikan perlunya perbaikan, penyempurnaan dan harmonisasi kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan, serta perlunya pengembangan Grand Design Penataan dan Pengelolaan Kawasan Perbatasan. Berkenaan dengan implementasi kebijakan direkomendasikan perlunya kesepahaman persepsi dan strategi dari para stakeholder serta penyediaan prasarana, sarana dan sumber daya yang memadai, mendesaknya reorganisasi BNPP dengan menempatkannya di bawah kendali langsung Wakil Presiden, perlunya restrukturisasi BNPP berdasarkan pada satuan wilayah, serta diberikannya kewenangan kepada BNPP untuk menentukan alokasi anggaran dalam pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan. Berkenaan dengan scenario planning direkomendasikan perlunya pengembangan skenario dengan variabel-variabel yang lebih lengkap sebagai dasar pembaruan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan dan implementasinya, serta perlunya perbaikan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan strategis secara terus-menerus berdasarkan pada Skenario Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya, dengan mempertimbangkan perkembangan kekinian, preferensi dan agenda nasional dan lokal.
Implikasi teoritik penelitian ini adalah, pertama, penelitian kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut, dan, kedua, sintesa teoritik dalam penelitian kebijakan yang mendasarkan pada teori-teori struktur kebijakan dan kontekstualisasi kebijakan serta dipadukan dengan teori-teori evaluasi kebijakan serta teori-teori reformasi teritorial perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut. Secara praktik, penelitian ini memiliki tiga implikasi. Pertama, perlunya perbaikan atau penyempurnaan kebijakan dengan mendasarkan pada analisis kebijakan terkait demi terwujudnya skenario ideal. Kedua, perlunya kajian kebijakan pengelolaan kawasan perbatasan demi merumuskan peraturan perundangundangan yang bersifat lex specialis. Ketiga, perlunya intervensi pemerintah dalam hal pemekaran daerah, membuat tata wilayah pengembangan baru dalam bentuk daerah administratif di perbatasan.

The success of border area management is one of aims in creating the most strategic national importance for stand-establishment the unitary state of Indonesia or NKRI. However, for more than six decades, the border area management is still facing problems in terms of security and sovereignty; the prosperity and the protection of people; the public service and the infrastructures; the governance and the sustainability of behavior; the dependence on neighboring country; the cross-border crime; security, management and protection of national assets; and the government decentralization. Those issues are based on the content of policy, policy implementation and the problematic future reflection.
Therefore, this research is done for answering three main questions, there are: (i) what is the content of border area management policy in the same manner as set out in Law No. 43 of 2008 and Presidential Law No. 12 Tahun 2010 and the content of legislation rule and the other concerned policy?; (ii) What is the implementation of border area management policy in creating secure and prosperous national front porch?; (iii) what scenario and direction border area management policy which is secure and prosperous until 2030? Generally, the research is done in two stages; the first stage covers the content evaluation and the policy implementation and the second stage covers the planning scenario and the recommendation formulating of policy.
Analysis to content of border area management policy discovers the policy "discrepancy", the lack of inters policy regulation harmony, and the overlapping of policy in border area management. The policy unconformity is discovered in budgeting aspect, the budget of border area management which is contained in government expense items is still spread in some ministries or technical institutions. Analysis to policy implementation discovers the lack of program coordination and the cohesiveness by BNPP as the main problem of the border area management ineffectiveness. The distribution system and the authority coordination between BNPP and ad-hoc institutions are also problematic. The implementation of border area policy is also influenced by the absence of border area ordering and management grand design.
With the strategic question "how the condition of the border area is defensible in NKRI frame until 2030 and in anticipation of the AEC 2015 collaborate and compete"?, four driving forces are formulated, there are politic, economy development, security, and prosperity. The researcher set up four scenarios of border area management, there are: Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya, Merah Putih Terkulai di Ujung Tiang, Merah Putih Setengah Tiang, dan Merah Putih Turun Tiang. From the policy analysis can be concluded that there are the discrepancy, the exist of vacuum, the inconsistence, the disharmony, and the inaccuracy of policy formulation, which cause the organization and program system is non-optimal. From the implementation of policy analysis can be concluded that there is the ineffectiveness of implementation caused by varieties of perception and infrastructures obstruction. From the scenario planning can be concluded that there are four driving forces: politic, economy development, security, and prosperity, and that if there is no change, the border area management will be entered in Skenario Merah Putih Setengah Tiang or Merah Putih Turun Tiang. As for some reasons, the changes and the action of perfectingthe policy and the consolidating of institutional are needed.
In connection with the content of policy there is a recommendation for rehabilitation, action of perfecting and the harmonization of border area policy, and also the need of developing the border area management and ordering. In connection with the policy implementation there is a recommendation the need of the like-minded perception and the strategy from the stakeholders and also the infrastructure supplying, the equality of infrastructure and the main resource, the BNPP reorganization obtruding with place BNPP under the Vice President control, the need of restructuration BNPP based on unit of area, and the authority for BNPP leader for determining the budget allocation in managing border area. In connection with scenario planning there is a recommendation the need of scenario development with the complete variables as the main renewal or the action of perfecting the policy and its implementation, and also the need of rehabilitation and action of perfecting the strategic policy continuously based on Merah Putih Berkibar Jaya scenario, with considering the newest development, preference and national-local agenda.
The theories implication of this research is first, the research of border area management policy needs to be developed further. Second, theories synthesis in policy research is going upon the policy structure theories, the policy contextualization, and is compacted with the policy evaluation theories and the territorial reformation theories needs to be developed further. Practically, this research has three implications. First, the need of the rehabilitation and the action of perfecting the policy is going upon the concerned policy analysis for creating ideal scenario. Second, the need of the border area management policy study for formulating the rules of law which is lex specializes. Third, the need of government intervention in terms of the region enfoldment, creating a new development low of region such as an administrative region in border area.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nazirah Yakub
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana pelaksanaan koordinasi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam pengelolaan jalur pedestrian. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi lapangan dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan koordinasi Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam pengelolaan jalur pedestrian dilakukan dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan dengan mekanisme koordinasi hierarkis. Koordinasi horizontal dilakukan pada seluruh seksi dan bidang di Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman sedangkan koordinasi vertikal dilakukan antara Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman dan Asisten Pembangunan dan Lingkungan Hidup. Koordinasi eksternal dilakukan dengan pihak-pihak terkait yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan jalur pedestrian.

This research discusses how the coordination is done by DKI Jakarta Parks and Cemeteries Department on the management of pedestrian way. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through field studies and literature studies. The results showed that the implementation of coordination was conducted in planning, implementation, and supervision using Coordination by Hierarchy-Type Mechanisms. Horizontal coordination is done at the entire section of DKI Jakarta Parks and Cemeteries Department while the vertical coordination was conducted between DKI Jakarta Parks and Cemeteries Department and Assistant for Development and Environment. External coordination is done with the relevant parties relating to the management of the pedestrian path.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"refers tp law No. 32/2004, transferring autonomy to local government is directed to some issues, they are : political aspect, transferring autonomy to local government is aimed to involving in channeling people' s aspiration into development program for local interest or to support national policy on democracy. Governance management , transferring autonomy to local government aimed to increase capability to governance management, transferring autonomy to local government aimed to increase capability of governance implementation, particularly in providing service to people's need. People's aspect, transferring autonomy to local government aimed to increase people participatory, to grow and accelerate self - reliant of the people up as well, in order that they don't depend on government's provision in the process of growing , so that they have strong root of core competence. Economy development, aspect, transferring local autonomy in various state, there are 2 big formulations in formulating the law related to the division of governance affairs, they are : 1. General competence and 2. Ultra vires . General competence is limitative because the affairs (the tasks) carried out by government is limitative and the rest is local authority (see Residue Theory). While limited autonomy formulation, local affairs are formulated imitatively and the rest is central government authority. Reviewing the emerge of Law No. 32/2004. on Local Governance, it has been has revised twice as the follow up Constitutional Court's Appeal, which stated that the affairs on conducting Direct Local Election (Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung or Pilkade) as the impact of earthquake, turbulence, disorder and other problems and also independent candidate. In the framework of Law Revision No. 32/2004 on Local Governance done comprehensively integrated need to agree the platforms of home affairs governance and grand design of local autonomy. However, those issues haven,t been realized yet."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Herawati
"Penelitian ini mengenai Persepsi Guru Tentang Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Penyelenggaraan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional. Penelitian yang dilakukan Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Serang, Provinsi Banten.
Penelitian ini mengkaji secara mendalam dan terperinci tentang factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan penyelenggaraan Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional. Model implementasi kebijakan yang digunakan dalam menganalisis implementasi Kebijakan adalah model George C. Edwards III. Model ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat empat varibel yang berperan penting dalam pencapaian keberhasilan implementasi, yaitu: komunikasi, sumberdaya, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah perpaduan (mix) antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor komunikasi atau sosialisasi dan sumberdaya manusia belum mendukung untuk pelaksanaan rintisan sekolah bertaraf internasional Pada dimensi struktur birokrasi artinya bahwa struktur birokrasi sudah memadai.

The research is about teacher perceptions of factors that affecting the implementation of pioneering international standart school policy. This research located in SMP Negeri 1 Serang, Banten Province.
The purpose is to examine the factors that influence the implementation of pioneering international standart school policy both in depth and detail. The research is analyzed by using George C. Edwards III Implementation Policy Model. This model explains that there are four variables that play an important role in achieving a successful implementation, namely: communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. The method of this reseach used both of quantitative and qualitative.
The results showed that the factor of communication or socialization and human resources not support to the implementation of pioneering international standart school policy in the dimensions of bureaucratic structure which means that bureaucratic structure is adequate."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsons, Wayne
Jakarta: Kencana, 2008
320.6 PAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The aim of this research is to analyze the public sector policy management in the management of Citarum river by using governance paradigm. The research used qualititive approach by using triangular sources techniques consisting of: the state, civil society, and private sector. The result shows that the management of drainage basin becomes a public matter involving the three main governance actors. However, the involvement of these three actors entails three implications: (1) the addition of core competence principle to the distribution of authority among actors, apart from ultra vires and general competence principles; (2) the addition of accessibility and effectiveness criteria in the affair distribution among the actors, apart from externality, efficiency, and accountability criteria; and (3) the revision of Government Regulation Number 38 year 2007 particularly on the affair distribution that involves non-state elements (civil society and private sectors) according to governance paradigm. More over there has been a need to revise the regulations related to the management of drainage basin.
Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi, 16 (2) Mei-Agustus 2009: 82-86,
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Ryanda
"Adanya ketidakefisienan dalam penyelenggaraan retribusi di DKI Jakarta membuat pemerintah DKI Jakarta melakukan berbagai cara untuk mengatasinya. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah DKI Jakarta adalah mengeluarkan Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 11 Tahun 2014 tentang Tata Cara Pemungutan Retribusi Melalui Sistem Elektronik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis proses formulasi kebijakan sistem elektronik retribusi di DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian yaitu formulasi kebijakan melewati beberapa tahapan yaitu identifikasi masalah, agenda kebijakan, formulasi kebijakan, dan mendesain kebijakan.

The inefficiency in administration of user charges in Jakarta makes the Jakarta government take a variety of ways to solve the problem. One of the efforts made by the Jakarta government is issuing the Governor Regulation No. 11 of 2014 on Procedures for Collection of User Charges Through Electronic Systems. This research is a qualitative research aimed to describe and analyze the process of policy formulation of electronic user charges system in Jakarta City. The results of this research is the policy was formulated through several stages, namely: problem identification, policy agenda, policy formulation, and policies designing."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dunn, William N.
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2000
320.6 DUN pt ;320.6 DUN p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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