ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Kejahatan seksual terhadap anak terjadi di seluruh dunia. Komnas
Perlindungan Anak Indonesia mencatat, telah terjadi 21.869.797 kasus pelanggaran hak
anak di Indonesia, dengan 42-58% merupakan kejahatan seksual terhadap anak dari tahun
2010 hingga 2014. Hal-hal yang terdapat pada diri anak, karakteristik keluarga serta
faktor lingkungan dapat menjadi faktor resiko bagi anak untuk menjadi korban kejahatan
Tujuan: Mencari hubungan antara karakteristik keluarga sebagai faktor resiko dengan
kejadian kejahatan seksual anak.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus-kontrol dengan kasus berasal dari
rekam medik pasien anak korban kejahatan seksual periode Januari 2012-Desember 2014
sedangkan kontrol adalah anak bukan korban kejahatan seksual yang berobat di Poliklinik
Kiara RSCM selama bulan Oktober 2015. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik
purposive sampling dan menggunakan kuesioner kekerasan seksual anak yang diadopsi
dari Guidelines WHO 2003. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square dan dinyatakan
bermakna apabila p<0,05 lalu dilakukan perhitungan RO serta IK95%.
Hasil: Diperoleh 230 subyek pada setiap kelompok kasus dan kontrol, dengan rentang
usia 2-18 tahun. Kejadian kejahatan seksual meningkat sesuai dengan bertambahnya usia,
terbanyak (65,2%) pada remaja (12-17 tahun). Terdapat hubungan antara keberadaan
orangtua dengan kejahatan seksual anak (p=0,009; RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91), namun tidak
terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan keluarga (p=0,499; RO 0,88 IK=0,60-1,28) dan
anggota keluarga yang padat (p=0,641; RO 0,92; IK=0,64-1,32) dengan kejadian kejahatan
seksual anak.
Kesimpulan: Anak dengan orangtua tidak lengkap terbukti memiliki resiko untuk
terjadinya kejahatan seksual anak (RO 1,84; IK 1,16-2,91). Tingkat pendapatan keluarga
dan jumlah anggota keluarga tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian kejahatan seksual anak.
ABSTRACTBackground: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National
Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured
between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child
becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the
family and the environment.
Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of
child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor.
Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The
case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during
Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual
victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the
same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when
p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate.
Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years.
Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault
increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study
showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the
incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but
showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88;
CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32).
The result showed that children who have complete parents have a
proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income
and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National
Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured
between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child
becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the
family and the environment.
Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of
child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor.
Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The
case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during
Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual
victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the
same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when
p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate.
Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years.
Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault
increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study
showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the
incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but
showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88;
CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32).
The result showed that children who have complete parents have a
proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income
and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. ;Background: Child sexual assault occurs all over the world. Indonesia National
Commission in Child Protection states that 42-58 % of 21,869,797 cases occured
between the years of 2010 to 2014. Risk factors that can contribute for a child
becoming a child sexual assault victim are the characteristic from the child, the
family and the environment.
Aim: This study was designed to discuss the relationship between the incidence of
child sexual assault with the characteristics of the family as a risk factor.
Method: samples for case-control study was taken by purposive sampling. The
case group were taken from medical records of child sexual assault victims during
Januay 2012 until Desember 2014, while the control group from non child sexual
victims who are outpatients of Clinic Kiara RSCM during Oktober 2015 using the
same questionare. Data is analiyzed using Chi-square and significant when
p<0.05. OR and CI 95% is also calculate.
Result: Both groups consists of 230 subjects, with an age range 2-18 years.
Incomparison with the control group. The incidence of child sexual assault
increases with age, the highest (65.2%) in adolescent (12-17 years). This study
showed a significant relationship between the presence of a parent towards the
incidence with child sexual assault (p=0.012, RO=1.88, CI=1.13-2.85), but
showed no significant relationship between family income (p=0.499, OR=0,88;
CI=0.60-1.28 ) and the number of family members ( p=0.641, RO=0.92, CI=0.641.32).
The result showed that children who have complete parents have a
proven risk to become victims of child sexual assault. The level of family income
and the number of family members does not associated with the incidence of child sexual assault. "