"RSUD Pemerintahan Kabupaten Sumedang telah terpapar dengan kebijakan PMK dengan nomor 836/MenkesiSICN1/2005 tentang Pedoman Pengembangan Manajemen Kinerja (PMK) Perawat dan Bidan sejak tahun 2006. 1 (satu) orang Perawat sebagai DTOT kabupaten Sumedang serta 7 orang Perawat dan 1 orang Bidan sebagai First Line Manager (FLIVI) di Rumah Sakit mi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut dilakukan peneiitian Evaltzasi Kesiapan Implementasi PlvIK Perawat dan Bidan Di Unit Pelayanan Kesehatan Reproduksi RSUD Pemerintahan Daerah Kabupaten Surnedang Tahun 2010. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif (kuantifikasi data).
Hasil penelitian menunjukan belurn siapnya inaplementasi P/vIK bagi perawat dan bidan di Rumah Sakit ini, karena belum ada SK khusus untuk mengimplementasikan PMK dan belum tersedianya alokasi anggaran khusus mengimplementasikan PMK bagi perawat dan bidan. Dua komponen PMK. yang disuswi berbeda yaitu: Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) dalam bentuk Standar Asuhan Keperawatan (SAIC) dan uraian tu.gas perawat clan bidan berdasarkan kedudukan dalam struktur Rumah Sakit. Sementam 3 komponen lain yaitu: indikator kinetja, D.R.K serta monitoring dan evaluasi belum ada.
Hasil evaluasi kinelja dari 31 orang perawat dan bidan di unit pclayanan kesehatan reproduksi Rumah Sakit ini, keadilan transparansi dalam penilaian kinerja di institusi tempat keija ditemukan kurang puas sebanyak 23 orang (74,2%).
Disarankan pemegang komitmen dan pengambil keputusan untuk memberikan Support Sistem dan kebijakan dalam mengimplementasikan pengembangan manajemen kinelja bagi perawat dan bidan, 5 komponen PMK disusun dan dimplementasikan secara utuh untuk meniugkatkan kinexja perawat dan bidan khususnya dan mcningkatkan mutu pclayanan di Rumah Sakit ini pada umumnya.
Sumedang District Govemment Hospital has been exposed by policy of Clinical Performance Development Management Systems (CPDMS) with the number of 836/Menlces/SK/VI!2005 about Pedoman Pengembangan Mamjemen Kinerja (PMK) Perawa: dan Bidan and there is a nurse as District Trainee of Trainer (DTOT) of Sumedang and 7 nurses and a midwife as First Line Manager (FLM) in this Hospital since 2006. The research of evaluation of implementation readiness nurses and midwives in Clinical Performance Development Management Systems (CPDMS) in Reproductive Health Care Unit at Sumedang District Government Hospital 2010 based on the statement below. This research use qualitative and quantitative methods. The result shows the Clinical Performance Development Management Systems (CPDMS) policies aren’t ready yet for nurses and midwives in the hospital, because there is no special Decree to implement Clinical Perfomance Development Management Systems (CPDMS) and there is no specific budget allocation for the implementation of CPDMS for nurse and midwife. Two components of CPDMS which were prepared diferentlyz Procedure Operating Standard (POS) in the form of Nursing Care Standards (NCS) and job descriptions of nurses and midwives based on the position in the structure of the Hospital. Meanwhile the three other components, namely: performance indicators, Reflection of Case Discussion and monitoring, and evaluation still pending. The results of evaluating the performance of 31 nurses and midwives in reproductive health services unit. The results of evaluating the performance of 31 nurses and midwives in reproductive health services unit, justice of transparency in the assessment of institutional performance in the workplace found less satisfied as many as 23 people or (74.2). Suggested to holders and decision makers are committed to providing support systems and policies to implement the Perfonnance Management Development for Nurses and Midwives and the five components of CPDMS prepared and fully implemented to improve the performance of nurses and midwives in particular and improve the quality of care in general hospitals."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010