ABSTRAKPekerja loket tol mempunyai risiko terpapar debu, khususnya PM2.5 yang
dapat berakibat pada sindrom metabolik tubuh. Penelitian ini membandingkan
antara pekerja loket tol dengan pekerja office terkait adanya sindrom metabolik
yang diukur melalui tekanan darah, profil lipid (LDL, HDL, trigliseride, dan
kolesterol total) dan Indek Massa tubuh (IMT). Hasil penelitian ditemukan adanya
perbedaan rata-rata nilai tekanan darah distolik (Pvalue 0,470), kadar LDL
kolesterol (Pvalue 0,349), kadar HDL kolesterol (Pvalue 0,336), Trigliseride
(Pvalue 0,023), dan Kolesterol Total(Pvalue 0,142), dimana pekerja office
(kelompok kontrol) mempunyai nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan pekerja loket tol
(kelompok terpapar).
ABSTRACTToll booth workers had risk of dust exposure, especially PM2.5 which can
affect metabolic syndrome in the body. This study compared the toll booth worker
to office worker related to the metabolic syndrome as measured by blood
pressure, lipid profile (LDL, HDL, trigliseride, and total cholesterol) and Body
Mass Index (BMI). Results reveal the different mean values for diastolic blood
preasure (Pvalue 0,470), LDL cholesterol (Pvalue 0,349), HDL cholesterol
(Pvalue 0,336), triglyceride (Pvalue 0,023), and total cholesterol (Pvalue 0,142),
which is office workers (control group) has a higher value than the toll booth
workers (exposed group)."