"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah pemikiran berulang terkait pekerjaan
memediasi hubungan antara stres kerja dan kualitas tidur pada sampel karyawan startup.
Penelitian sebelumnya menemukan pemikiran berulang signifikan memediasi hubungan
antara kelelahan bekerja dan kualitas tidur hanya pada dimensi affective rumination saja.
Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 150 orang karyawan perusahaan startup dengan
lokasi kantor yang tersebar di wilayah Jabodetabek. Sebagai perusahaan baru, jumlah
karyawan startup masih tergolong sedikit dengan beban kerja yang cukup tinggi karena
harus selalu mengikuti perkembangan pasar dan teknologi. Kualitas tidur diukur dengan
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), stres kerja diukur melalui Job Stress Survey
(JSS), dan pemikiran berulang diukur dengan Work-Related Rumination Questionnaire
(WRRQ). Hasil analisis mediasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat indirect effect (ab =
0,036, p < 0,05) dan direct effect (c’ = 0,114, p < 0,05) hanya pada dimensi affective
rumination saja.
This study aims to see whether work-related rumination mediate the relationshipbetween work stress and sleep quality in a sample of startup employees. Previousresearch has found that work-related rumination significantly mediates the relationshipbetween work fatigue and sleep quality only in the affective rumination dimension. Therespondents of this study were 150 startup company employees with offices located inthe Greater Jakarta area. As a new company, the number of startup employees is stillrelatively small with a fairly high workload because they because they have to followthe development of markets and technology. Sleep quality is measured by the PittsburghSleep Quality Index (PSQI), work stress is measured through the Job Stress Survey(JSS), and work-related rumination is measured by Work-Related RuminationQuestionnaire (WRRQ). The results of the mediation analysis showed that there wereindirect effects (ab = 0.036, p <0.05) and direct effects (c' = 0.114, p <0.05) only in theaffective rumination dimension."