"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi intensi
PNS Badan Kepegawaian Negara RI dalam membayarkan zakat profesinya pada
BAZNAS. Theory of Planned Behavior yang dimodifikasi dengan tambahan
variabel Literasi Zakat PUSKAS BAZNAS menjadi dasar landasan teori penelitian
ini. Metode penelitian berupa kualitatif survey dan menggunakan SEM-PLS
(Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square) sebagai alat analisisnya.
Sampel berupa 119 orang PNS BKN yang bertugas di BKN RI Pusat. Hasil dari
penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pengetahuan zakat tidak berpengaruh secara
langsung terhadap intensi membayar zakat ASN, namun secara bersama-sama
dengan variabel lainnya, yaitu Attitude Towards Behaviour, Subjective Norms dan
Perceived Behavioral Control mempengaruhi intensi membayar zakat PNS BKN.
Variabel Attitude Towards Behaviour dan Perceived Behavioral Control
mempengaruhi intensi membayar zakat PNS BKN sedangkan variabel Subjective
Norms tidak berpengaruh terhadap intensi membayar zakat PNS BKN
This study studies the factors that influence the intention of the Civil Servants of BadanKepegawaian Negara RI in paying their zakat profession at BAZNAS. The Theory ofPlanned Behavior which is modified with the addition of Zakat Literacy by PUSKASBAZNAS’s variable, form the basis of this research theory. The research method usingqualitative survey and SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square) asan analysis tool. The sample consisted of 119 BKN civil servants who were assigned atBKN RI Pusat. Results indicated that zakat knowledge had no direct effect on BKNcivil servants’s intention to pay zakat, but jointly with other variables, Attitudetowards behaviour, Subjective norms dan Perceived Behavioral control, hadsignificant effects on BKN civil servants’s intention to pay zakat. Attitude towardsbehaviour and Perceived Behavioral control had significant effects on ASNintention to pay zakat. Subjective norms had no significant effects on BKN civilservants’s intention to pay zakat."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020