ABSTRAKTesis ini menganalisis pengaruh pricing strategy, khususnya penerapan price
framing yang membuat harga makanan menjadi lebih murah dari harga
minuman, serta pemberian penawaran refill pada konsumen, selanjutnya akan
dilihat pengaruhnya terhadap persepsi keadilan harga (price fairness), persepsi
resiko yang diterima (perceived risk), kesadaran harga (price consciousness),
serta niat pembelian (purchase intention) dari konsumen. Penelitian ini
bersifat kuantitatif dan merupakan riset konklusif yang bersifat kausal dimana
bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesis dan khususnya untuk memeriksa hubungan
antara variabel-variabel dependen dan independen yang diuji. Hasil penelitian
ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dan hubungan antara penggunaan
strategi price framing dan refill tactic pada price fairness, perceived risk dan
purchase intention, namun tidak mempengaruhi price consciousness
partisipan/konsumen. Disisi lain, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa
kombinasi dari penggunaan strategi price framing dan refill tactic justru dapat
menurunkan price fairness dan purchase intention, sekaligus meningkatkan
perceived risk, namun tetap tidak mempengaruhi price consciousness
ABSTRACTThis paper analyzed the effect of pricing strategy, in particular the application
of price framing that cause food prices to be cheaper than the price of
beverage, as well as providing refill offers the consumer, will see its influence
on price fairness, perceived risk, price consciousness, as well as purchase
intentions of participant/consumers. This study used quantitative methods and
was a conclusive research with causal type, which its objective was to test the
hypothesis and especially to verify the relationship between its independent
and dependent variables. The results of this study indicate that there is an
influence and the relationship between the use of price framing strategy and
refill tactic on price fairness, perceived risk, and purchase intention, but it
does not affect price consciousness of consumers. On the other hand, the study
also showed that the combination of the use of price framing strategy and
refill tactic will reduce price fairness and purchase intention while increasing
the perceived risk, but it still does not affect the price consciousness of