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"Fenomena globalisasi yang terjadi saat ini mengakibatkan berkembang pesatnya perdagangan dunia, salah satunya yaitu waralaba (franchise). Indonesia sendiri mempunyai potensi yang baik untuk pengembangan bisnis waralaba. Pesatnya arus masuk waralaba asing ke Indonesia disebabkan oleh pasar Indonesia yang sangat kondusif bagi perkembangan usaha waralaba asing. Namun ternyata berkembangnya waralaba asing di Indonesia memberikan dampak negatif yaitu dapat memperlebar kesenjangan ekonomi antara usaha besar, usaha menengah dan usaha kecil. Dalam rangka mendorong peningkatan waralaba ke arah membangun kemitraan dengan pengusaha kecil dan menengah dalam bentuk penerima waralaba atau pemasok bahan baku termasuk peningkatan penggunaan produksi dalam negeri, maka Pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 42 Tahun 2007 tentang Waralaba dengan diikuti munculnya Permendag no. 53/2012 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Waralaba. Dalam pelaksanaannya Permendag no. 53/2012 banyak menemui kendala, salah satu pasal yang dianggap melahirkan kontroversi yaitu adanya ketentuan penggunaan bahan baku 80% harus berasal dari produk dalam negeri yang dirasa sangat merugikan para waralaba asing. Akan tetapi di dalam merumuskan ketentuan penggunaan bahan baku tersebut, Pemerintah (sebagai negara peratifikasi Perjanjian WTO) tidak melanggar Prinsip Perdagangan WTO yaitu Special and Differential to Developing Nations dan mengacu pada tujuan pembentukan Keputusan Komisi No. 57/2009 tentang Pengecualian Penerapan UU No. 5 Tahun 1999 Terhadap Perjanjian yang Berkaitan dengan Waralaba dan UU No. 20 Tahun 2008 tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah agar dapat menjamin kesempatan berusaha bagi seluruh pelaku usaha, mewujudkan iklim usaha yang kondusif sebagaimana dijamin dalam UU Persaingan Usaha Indonesia.

Globalization phenomenon is occurred today make the rapid development of world trading, one of them is franchise. Indonesia have good potency in order to develop the franchise business. The fast growth of foreign franchise in Indonesia because Indonesia market is very conducive for the development of foreign franchise business. But in the fact the development of foreign franchise in Indonesia give negative effect namely can make the wide of economics gap between big business, middle and small business. In order to support the increasing of franchise to the direction of building the partnership with small and medium business in form of the receiver of franchise or the supplier of material included the increasing of local production usage, so the government release the Regulation of Government Number 42/2007 about the franchise by followed about the releasing Permendag Number 53/2012 about the implementation of franchise. In its implementation Permendag number 53/2012 there are so many problem founded, one of some article that be estimated make the controversy namely there is the regulation of material usage about 80% must come from local product that be felt make lost absolutely for the foreign franchise. Meanwhile in making the formula of such local content usage regulation, government (as the country of WTO agreement ratification) do not abuse WTO trading principle namely special and differential to Developing Nations and refer to the purpose of establishment Commission decree Number 57/2009 about the exception of application of Laws Number 5/2009 for the micro, middle and small business in order that can insurance the opportunity of business for all the doer of business, to realize the climate of business which is conducive as be guaranteed in the laws if Indonesia business competitiveness."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Iqbal Pratama
Skripsi ini membahas penyesuaian peraturan Tingkat Komponen Dalam
Negeri di Indonesia untuk bisnis retail modern dan ketentuan WTO mengenai Local
Content Requirements. Indonesia telah meratifikasi Perjanjian Pembentukan WTO
dalam Undang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 1994 tentang Pengesahan Agreement
Establishing The World Trade Organization, namun sejak 2014, beberapa negara
anggota WTO telah mengajukan concern terkait ketentuan dalam Peraturan Menteri
Perdagangan No. 53/2012, 68/2012, dan 70/2013 yang beberapa pasalnya diubah
dalam 56/2014 yang mengharuskan retail modern untuk menyediakan barang
dagangan hasil produksi dalam negeri minimal 80% (delapan puluh persen) dari
jumlah dan jenis barang yang diperdagangkan. Ketentuan ini bertentangan dengan
Perjanjian TRIMs, yang berlandaskan Pasal III GATT tentang prinsip National
Treatment dan Pasal XI tentang prinsip Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions,
yang merupakan lampiran dari Perjanjian Pembentukan WTO. Penyesuaian antara
peraturan tentang Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri Indonesia dan Ketentuan Local
Content Requirements akan dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan peraturan dan
penerapan pengecualian dalam ketentuan WTO. Berdasarkan ketentuan WTO,
ketentuan retail modern ini telah melanggar ketentuan WTO baik Perjanjian TRIMs
maupun GATT tanpa adanya pengecualian yang dapat diberlakukan. Untuk
menanggapi hal ini, pelaku usaha retail modern di Indonesia bersedia untuk
mematuhi peraturan perdagangan yang berlaku dan Kementrian Perdagangan akan
mengubah peraturan yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan WTO

This thesis examined the adjustment of domestic Local Content
Requirements rules in Indonesia for the implementation of Modern Retail business
in Indonesia and the Local Content Requirements provisions of the WTO. Indonesia
showed their self-approval to WTO by ratifying Law Number 7 of 1994 concerning
the Ratification of the Agreement Establishing The World Trade Organization on
November 2, 1994. However, since 2014, the Government of Indonesia has
received protests from WTO member countries in relation to the Local Content
Requirement policy in the form of fulfilling 80% (eighty percent) of domestic
products that must be sold on the modern retail market on Ministry of Trade
Regulation 53/2012, 68/2012, and 70/2013 which was replaced by Regulation
56/2014. These provisions are contrary to the TRIMs Agreement, principled by
Article III GATT on National Treatment and Article XI GATT on General
Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions, which is an annex to the WTO
Establishment Agreement that has been ratified by Indonesia. Comparison between
the regulations of Indonesia's local content requirements and WTO provisions will
be done by looking at the adjustments between regulations and the application of
WTO exceptions. Based on rules of Local Content Requirements, the Modern
Retail has violated TRIMs Agreement with no applicable exceptions on the
provisions. To respond to the concerns raised by member countries, modern
retailers in Indonesia are willing to comply with applicable regulations and the
Ministry of Trade are due to change regulations that are contrary to WTO rules
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Novia Anggita
"Permendag RI No. 7 Tahun 2013 pada dasarnya mengatur mengenai pembatasan jumlah gerai waralaba untuk jenis usaha jasa makanan dan minuman. Tujuannya adalah untuk pemerataan ekonomi dengan mengembangkan usaha kecil dan menengah melalui pengembangan kemitraan dalam waralaba dengan pola penyertaan modal. Pada prakteknya, mayoritas pemberi waralaba merek asing terkenal hanya akan mempercayakan pemasaran merek dagangnya kepada satu penerima waralaba di Indonesia. Hal ini dinilai oleh pemerintah sebagai pemicu terjadinya kesenjangan sosial, ditakutkan pemilik waralaba ini akan semakin merajai dan menjajah perekonomian negara dengan memonopoli sistem perdagangan dalam negeri. Maka untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, dikeluarkanlah Permendag RI No. 7 Tahun 2013. Namun yang menjadi permasalahan adalah bagaimanakah implementasi dari regulasi ini dalam kegiatan bisnis waralaba secara nyata? Dapatkah regulasi ini menjadi suatu solusi yang komperhensif untuk mengembangkan usaha kecil dan mengengah sehingga terwujud pemerataan ekonomi? Bagaimana mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap pemilik waralaba? Mengingat kegiatan perkembangan waralaba di Indonesia yang semakin pesat, dan semakin banyaknya waralaba merek asing yang masuk ke Indonesia, maka Pemerintah Indonesia selaku regulator perlu memberikan perhatian khusus terutama dari segi hukum yang mengatur waralaba di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan memberikan tinjauan hukum atas usaha waralaba merek asing terkenal di Indonesia, terkait dengan keberlakuan Permendag RI No. 7 Tahun 2013. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat normatif yuridis. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis yang bersifat kualitatif.

This regulation, basically set on limiting the number of franchise outlets in foods and beverages franchise. The purpose is for economic equality by developing small and medium enterprises through the development of partnerships in franchise with the pattern of equity participation. In practice, most of famous foreign trademark franchisor will only entrust the marketing of its trademark to one franchisee in Indonesia. This is seen by the government as a trigger of social inequality, franchisor will increasingly dominate and colonize the country's economy to monopolize trade in the domestic system. In order to anticipate this situation, the government issued the Indonesian Trade Minister Regulation Number : 07/MDAG/ PER/2/2013. However, the problem is about the implementation of these regulation in the franchising activities in real. Can this regulation be a comperhensive solution to develop small and medium enterprisess in order to realizing economic equality? How about the legal protection of the franchisor? Since franchises in Indonesia are growing rapidly, and the increasing number of foreign trademark franchises in Indonesia, the Indonesian government as regulator needs to give special attention, especially in terms of the law governing franchise in Indonesia. This study will provide an overview of business law for famous foreign trademark franchise in Indonesia, associated with Indonesian Trade Minister Regulation Number : 07/M-DAG/PER/2/2013. This type of research is normative juridical literature. Data analysis methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufan Agung Pratama
Dalam era globalisasi ekonomi saat ini, pelaku ekonomi swasta memiliki peranan
cukup penting dalam menjalankan proses perkembangan perekonomian suatu
negara. Tidak mengherankan bila proses perkembangan perekonomian lebih banyak
diserahkan kepada swasta untuk mengelola dan menjalankannya, sehingga peran aktif
dan inisiatif para pelaku usaha swasta sangat dibutuhkan dalam era globalisasi
ekonomi saat ini. Salah satu akibat dari globalisasi perdagangan adalah dengan
meningkatnya Toko retail di Indonesia sejak 1980-an. Toko Retail mulai bermunculan
dengan bentuk yang lebih modern atau yang disebut dengan pasar ritel modern.
Pemerintah melalui Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia telah mengamanahkan
Undang – Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2014 tentang Perdagangan, Peraturan presiden
Nomor 112 Tentang Penataan dan Pembinaan Pasar Tradisional, Pusat Perbelanjaan
dan Toko Modern, Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor No. 70/MDAG/
PER/12/2013 Tentang Pedoman Penataan dan Pembinaan pasar Tradisional,
Pusat Perbelanjaan dan Toko Modern dan 6. Peraturan menteri perdagangan Republik
Indonesia Nomor 56/M-DAG/PER/9/2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri
Perdagangan Nomor No. 70/M-DAG/PER/12/2013 Tentang Pedoman Penataan dan
Pembinaan pasar Tradisional, Pusat Perbelanjaan dan Toko Modern. Peraturan
perundang – undangan tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penggunaan produk
dalam negeri khususnya pada toko retail modern. Namun pada kenyataanya,
Permendag 56/2014 yang baru diterbitkan ini mengalami berbagai kritikan terutama
dari pelaku industry. 2. Indonesia sebagai Negara anggota World Trade
Organization (WTO) dan telah meratifikasinya dengan Undang – Undang Nomor 7
Tahun 1994 Tentang Tentang Pengesahan Agreement Establishing The World Trade
Organization (Persetujuan Pembentukan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia). Pemerintah
Indonesia di dalam merumuskan Pasal 22 UU Perdagangan, Permendag 70/2013 dan
Permendag 56/2014 ini juga melihat dari prinsip – prinsip Perdagangan WTO.

In the current era of economic globalization, the private economic actors have an
important role in carrying out the process of economic development of a country. Not
surprisingly, the process of economic development more left to the private sector to
manage and run, so that the active role and initiative of private entrepreneurs is needed
in the current era of economic globalization. One consequence of the increasing
globalization of trade is with retail shops in Indonesia since the 1980s. Retail stores
began popping up with a more modern form, or the so-called modern retail market. The
Government through the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia has mandated
Act - Act No. 7 of 2014 on Trade, president Regulation No. 112 On Planning and
Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores, Trade
Minister Regulation No. No. 70 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2013 on Guidelines for
Management and Development of Traditional markets, Shopping Centers and Modern
Stores and 6. The Regulation of Trade Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Number
56 / M-DAG / PER / 9/2014 on Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade
No. No. 70 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2013 on Guidelines for Management and Development
of Traditional markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores. Laws - laws aim to
increase the use of domestic goods, especially in modern retail stores. But in fact, the
recently published Regulation 56/2014 is subjected to various criticisms, especially
from industrialists. Indonesia as a State member of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) and has been ratified by Law - Act No. 7 of 1994 About On Ratification of the
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (the Agreement Establishing
the World Trade Organization). Indonesian government in formulating Article 22 of
the Law of Commerce, Regulation 70/2013 and Regulation 56/2014 also see from the
principle - the principle of the WTO Trade., In the current era of economic globalization, the private economic actors have an
important role in carrying out the process of economic development of a country. Not
surprisingly, the process of economic development more left to the private sector to
manage and run, so that the active role and initiative of private entrepreneurs is needed
in the current era of economic globalization. One consequence of the increasing
globalization of trade is with retail shops in Indonesia since the 1980s. Retail stores
began popping up with a more modern form, or the so-called modern retail market. The
Government through the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia has mandated
Act - Act No. 7 of 2014 on Trade, president Regulation No. 112 On Planning and
Development of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores, Trade
Minister Regulation No. No. 70 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2013 on Guidelines for
Management and Development of Traditional markets, Shopping Centers and Modern
Stores and 6. The Regulation of Trade Minister of the Republic of Indonesia Number
56 / M-DAG / PER / 9/2014 on Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade
No. No. 70 / M-DAG / PER / 12/2013 on Guidelines for Management and Development
of Traditional markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Stores. Laws - laws aim to
increase the use of domestic goods, especially in modern retail stores. But in fact, the
recently published Regulation 56/2014 is subjected to various criticisms, especially
from industrialists. Indonesia as a State member of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) and has been ratified by Law - Act No. 7 of 1994 About On Ratification of the
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (the Agreement Establishing
the World Trade Organization). Indonesian government in formulating Article 22 of
the Law of Commerce, Regulation 70/2013 and Regulation 56/2014 also see from the
principle - the principle of the WTO Trade.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saban Nur Akbar
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai dugaan praktik anti persaingan perdagangan gula di Indonesia baik dalam perdagagan gula kristal rafinasi maupun gula kristal putih, dugaan adanya praktik anti persaingan ditenggarai dengan selalu tidak simetrisnya neraca gula di Indonesia, disertai harga gula di Indonesia yang cenderung tidak pernah turun. Struktur pasar gula di Indonesia yang cenderung oligopolis dan dikuasainya stok gula oleh di Indonesia diduga memberikan kesempatan kepada para pelaku usaha untuk menciptakan kolusi yang mengakibatkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Pokok permasalahan utama dalam skripsi ini adalah untuk membahas apakah terdapat dugaan praktik anti persaingan yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999 dan apakah kebijakan perdagangan gula di Indonesia telah sesuai dengan Hukum Persaingan Usaha. Penulisan skripsi ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penulisan skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dugaan praktik anti persaingan berupa kartel yang melanggar Pasal 11 dan oligopoli yang diatur dalam Pasal 4 Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999, dan Kebijakan perdagangan gula di Indonesia belum efektif dan dapat memberikan kesempatan untuk menimbulkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat oleh pelaku usaha.

This thesis analysis the alleged of anti-competition practices in sugar (white sugar plantation and refined sugar) trading in Indonesia. These allegations arose after not always asymmetrical balance of sugar in Indonesia and price of sugar is most expensive. The structure of the sugar market in Indonesia which tends to oligopoly and overpowered by the sugar stocks in Indonesia allegedly provides the opportunity for businesses to create collusion resulting unfair competition. The issues of this thesis is to discuss whether there is allegation of unfair competition practices as regulated in law number 5 year 1999 and whether sugar trade policy in Indonesia were in accordance with competition law. this thesis is the juridical-normative research using primary and secondary data. The results of this thesis shows that there is competition in the form of an alleged practice of anti-competitive cartels in violation of article 11 and oligopoly that is set out in article 4 of law number 5 year 1999, and sugar trade policy in Indonesia have not been effective and can provide an opportunity to inflict unhealthy business competition."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saban Nur Akbar
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai dugaan praktik anti persaingan perdagangan gula di Indonesia baik dalam perdagagan gula kristal rafinasi maupun gula kristal putih, dugaan adanya praktik anti persaingan ditenggarai dengan selalu tidak simetrisnya neraca gula di Indonesia, disertai harga gula di Indonesia yang cenderung tidak pernah turun. Struktur pasar gula di Indonesia yang cenderung oligopolis dan dikuasainya stok gula oleh di Indonesia diduga memberikan kesempatan kepada para pelaku usaha untuk menciptakan kolusi yang mengakibatkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Pokok permasalahan utama dalam skripsi ini adalah untuk membahas apakah terdapat dugaan praktik anti persaingan yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999 dan apakah kebijakan perdagangan gula di Indonesia telah sesuai dengan Hukum Persaingan Usaha. Penulisan skripsi ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penulisan skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dugaan praktik anti persaingan berupa kartel yang melanggar Pasal 11 dan oligopoli yang diatur dalam Pasal 4 Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999, dan Kebijakan perdagangan gula di Indonesia belum efektif dan dapat memberikan kesempatan untuk menimbulkan persaingan usaha tidak sehat oleh pelaku usaha.

This thesis analysis the alleged of anti-competition practices in sugar (white sugar plantation and refined sugar) trading in Indonesia. These allegations arose after not always asymmetrical balance of sugar in Indonesia and price of sugar is most expensive. The structure of the sugar market in Indonesia which tends to oligopoly and overpowered by the sugar stocks in Indonesia allegedly provides the opportunity for businesses to create collusion resulting unfair competition. The issues of this thesis is to discuss whether there is allegation of unfair competition practices as regulated in law number 5 year 1999 and whether sugar trade policy in Indonesia were in accordance with competition law. this thesis is the juridical-normative research using primary and secondary data. The results of this thesis shows that there is competition in the form of an alleged practice of anti-competitive cartels in violation of article 11 and oligopoly that is set out in article 4 of law number 5 year 1999, and sugar trade policy in Indonesia have not been effective and can provide an opportunity to inflict unfair business competition."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Two issues leading to the collapse of the 5th WTO ministerial
meeting in Cancun, Mexico, are agricultural issue and Singapore
Issues. There are four sub-issues on Singapore issues, which are
Trade and Competition- Policy, Trade and Investment,
Transparency on Government Procurement and Trade
Facilitation. The issues on competition policy are some
ambiguities such as the coverage of hardcore cartel provisions
and the differences on the articles or business practices which
can be considered as per se illegal and which one wilt be
considered as rule of reason. The most crucial on handling
competition case is analyzing relevant market consisting product
market and geographical market. Related to the Indonesian
competition law, unfortunately' the definition on the relevant
market is not clear enough Besides that, Indonesian competition
law does not give authority to the Indonesian Competition
Institution to enact some guidelines issued by OECD, UNCTAD
or countries which having wide experience in handling
competition cases. Up to now, the Indonesian competition low
has not been completed with the government regulation on
merger and acquisition. To invite the government people in the
ministry of industry and trade who are responsible to prepare the
said government regulation, this paper is ended with the case of
merger between Boeing and MDC suffering injury for Airbus
company and the practice of exclusive dealing done by Boeing-
Jurnal Hukum Internasional: Indonesian Journal of International Law, Vol. 1 No. 2 Januari 2004 : 269-294, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silvia Fibrianti
Tesis ini membahas tentang perjanjian waralaba pada prakteknya ditinjau dari
Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan
Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Perjanjian waralaba berdasarkan Pasal 50 huruf b
Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 dikecualikan dari penerapan Undang-Undang
Nomor 5 Tahun 1999, namun pada prakteknya tidak menutup kemungkinan pada
prakteknya klausul yang dimuat dalam perjanjian waralaba mengarah pada praktek
monopoli yang dilarang oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999. Penelitian ini
adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian
menyatakan bahwa setiap perjanjian waralaba tetap harus menerapkan persaingan
usaha yang sehat dan anti-monopoli walaupun waralaba dikecualikan oleh Undang-
Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 karena mengandung unsur HAKI didalamnya dan
merupakan masuk dalam kategori Usaha Kecil, Mikro dan Menengah; diperlukannya
pengawasan oleh Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha dalam mencegah indikasi dan
dampak yang ditimbulkan dari perjanjian-perjanjian waralaba yang dapat diindikasi
sebagai praktek monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat; klausul perjanjian
waralaba yang dapat diindikasi sebagai bentuk praktek monopoli dan persaingan
usaha tidak sehat tidak berlaku penerapan pengecualian Undang-Undang Nomor 5
Tahun 1999.

The focus of this study is franchise agreement in practice in terms of the Act No. 5 of
1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition.
Franchise agreement according to Article 50 letter b of Law No. 5 of 1999 are
excluded from the application of Law No. 5 of 1999, but in practice it is possible in
clause of franchise agreements lead to monopolistic practices prohibited by the Act
No. 5 of 1999. This study is a qualitative research method normative analysis. The
study states that every franchise agreement still must apply fair competition and antimonopoly
franchise although excluded by Law No. 5 of 1999 as containing elements
of Intellectual Property Rights therein and franchise as one form of small medium
enterprised; the need for supervision by the Business Competition Supervisory
Commission in preventing the indications and the impact of franchise agreements
which may be indicated as monopolistic practices and unfair business competition;
clause of franchise agreement can be indicated as a form of monopolistic practices
and unfai"
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Indra Sukma Adnyana
"Skripsi ini membahas terkait perbandingan Praktik Monopoli dalam kegiatan usaha Waralaba di negara Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, dan Belanda dengan menganalisis peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, antara lain Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2007 tentang Waralaba, Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 71 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelenggaraan Waralaba, serta peraturan perundang-undangan terkait Waralaba dan Praktik Monopoli di Amerika Serikat dan Belanda. Pembahasan permasalahan dalam skripsi ini berfokus terhadap peninjauan perbandingan pengaturan Waralaba, penyebab terjadinya Praktik Monopoli, dan penanganan Praktik Monopoli yang terjadi di dalam kegiatan usaha Waralaba dengan peninjauan melalui metode yuridis normatif dan penulisan deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Praktik Monopoli dapat terjadi dalam kegiatan usaha Waralaba, baik di Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, maupun Belanda berdasarkan kepada perjanjian-perjanjian dalam kegiatan usahanya yang memiliki potensi untuk disalahgunakan sehingga memberikan kerugian dan menciptakan persaingan usaha tidak sehat kepada kompetitornya melalui penyalahgunaan posisi dominan yang dimiliki perusahaan atau pelaku usaha. Oleh sebab tersebut, perlu adanya klausul-klausul yang dapat memitigasi dari adanya unsur-unsur Praktik Monopoli dalam Perjanjian Waralaba yang dibuat para pihak dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat yang diatur maupun dari adanya pengungkapan terhadap informasi-informasi seputar dugaan Praktik Monopoli yang pernah dialami oleh Penerima Waralaba.

This thesis discusses the comparison of Monopolistic Practices in Franchising business activities in Indonesia, the United States, and the Netherlands by analyzing applicable laws and regulations, including Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, Government Regulation Number 42 of 2007 concerning Franchising, Minister of Trade Regulation Number 71 of 2019 concerning Franchising, as well as laws and regulations related to Franchising and Monopolistic Practices in the United States and the Netherlands. The discussion of the problems in this thesis focuses on the comparative review of Franchising arrangements, the causes of Monopolistic Practices, and the handling of Monopolistic Practices that occur in Franchising business activities by reviewing through normative juridical methods and descriptive writing. The results of this study show that Monopolistic Practices can occur in Franchising business activities, both in Indonesia, the United States, and the Netherlands based on agreements in business activities that have the potential to be misused to provide losses and create unfair business competition to competitors through the abuse of dominant positions owned by companies or business actors. Therefore, it is necessary to have clauses that can mitigate the existence of elements of Monopolistic Practices in the Franchise Agreement made by the parties by paying attention to the regulated conditions as well as from the disclosure of information about alleged Monopolistic Practices that have been experienced by Franchisees."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lina Fitriana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh kebutuhan untuk keunikan sikap terhadap produk nilai emosional serta kualitas yang diterima terhadap niat beli di Jakarta khususnya kedai kopi waralaba lokal dan waralaba asing Excelso Coffee Bean Tea Leaf. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain riset konklusif dan jenis riset deskriptif. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 200 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah SEM Structural Equation Modelling dengan teknik pengolahan data menggunakan Lisrel 8 54. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Need For Uniqueness attitude toward product emotional value perceived quality mempunyai pengaruh yang positif terhadap purchase intention konsumen.

This riset for study explain effect from effect need for uniqueness attitutde toward product emotional value perceived quality to purchase intention specially for Customer Coffee shop from Local Franchise Excelso and Foreign Franchise Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Jakarta. This riset is kuantitative riset with conclusive design riset and description. Total sample for this riset is 200 respondents. The analysis technic with SEM Structural Equation Modelling Lisrel 8 54. The results showed Need For Uniqueness attitude toward emotional value perceived quality have positive effect for purchase intention customer Keyword Franchise Local Franchise Foreign Coffe shop Excelso Coffee Bean Tea Leaf."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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