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Siahaan, Richard S.N.
"Relaksasi merupakan salah satu mekanisme coping yang digunakan untuk menghadapi stress. Salah satu metode relaksasi yang banyak dipakai adalah aromaterapi dengan menggunakan minyak esensial. Minyak esensial yang berasal dari tanaman Indonesia yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk relaksasi adalah sereh wangi, kenanga dan nilam.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas campuran minyak esensial Indonesia yang terdiri dari sereh wangi, kenanga dan nilam yang diberikan secara inhalasi terhadap relaksasi secara psikologis dengan pengukuran Visual Analog Scale (VAS) dan fisik dengan pengukuran tekanan darah (MAP), frekuensi nadi, dan frekuensi nafas serta dibandingkan dengan minyak lavender dan kontrol.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan rancangan uji klinis tersamar tunggal, before and after, dengan perlakuan intent to treat yang dilanjutkan dengan tes kejut pada 60 wanita sehat yang terdiri dari 20 subyek kelompok campuran minyak esensial Indonesia, 20 subyek kelompok lavender, dan 20 subyek kontrol.
Penelitian ini memperlihatkan hasil bahwa campuran minyak esensial Indonesia memiliki efektifitas relaksasi secara psikologis yang sama dengan minyak lavender dan kontrol tetapi memiliki kecenderungan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Sedangkan secara fisik campuran minyak esensial Indonesia memiliki efektifitas relaksasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan lavender dan kecenderungan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol terutama pada parameter tekanan darah (MAP).

Relaxation is one of the coping mechanisms used to deal with stress. One method that is widely used for relaxation is aromatherapy using essential oils. The essential oil from Indonesian plants that can be used for relaxation is sereh wangi, kenanga and nilam.
This study aims to look at the effectiveness of Indonesian essential oils blend consists of sereh wangi, kenanga and nilam that are administered by inhalation to the psychological relaxation measurements of Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and physical measurements of blood pressure (MAP), pulse rate, and breathing rate and compared with lavender oil and control.
The study was conducted with the design of a single-blind clinical trials, before and after, with treatment intent to treat followed by startle test on 60 healthy women consists of 20 subjects group of Indonesian essential oils, 20 subjects group of lavender oil, and 20 subjects group of control.
This study showed that an Indonesian essensial oil blend has the effectiveness of psychological relaxation similar to lavender oil and control but have a tendency better than the controls. While the physical measurenment showed that Indonesian essential oil blend has better effectiveness on relaxation than lavender oil and has tendency better than the controls, especially on the parameters of blood pressure (MAP).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roosalina Wulandari
"Pendidikan merupakan hal penting bagi pemerintah Indonesia ditandai dengan tingginya anggaran belanja yang digunakan pemerintah Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dapat meningkatkan stress akademik yang dialami siswa di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi tingkat stress akademik pada remaja siswa kelas 1 di SMA Negeri 1 Depok. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif sederhana. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah total sampling dengan jumlah responden sebesar 252 siswa. Hasil penelitian didapatkan data 51.6% siswa kelas 1 SMA Negeri Depok mengalami tingkat stress akademik tinggi sementara 48.4% mengalami tingkat stress akademik rendah. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi kepada perawat untuk lebih memahami mengenai stress akademik pada remaja.

Education is important for Indonesia`s government which is proved by the high budget that used to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Improving the quality of education will affect the level of academic stress for students. This research aimed to describe the level of academic stress first grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Depok. Research design that used in this research is quantitative with descriptive method. This research used total sampling method with the amount of sample were 252 respondents. The result showed 51.6% first grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Depok had high level of academic stress while 48.4% had low level of academic stress. This study provided recommendation for nurses to be able to understand about academic stress among adolescents."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Richard S.N.
"Relaxation is one of many mechanisms for coping with stress. One of the most widely used methods for relaxation is aromatherapy with the application of essential oils. Known for their therapeutic benefits, essential oils can be extracted from various Indonesian native herbs such as lemongrass (sereh wangi or Cymbopogon winterianus), cananga or ylangylang (kenanga or Canarium odoratum), and patchouli (nilam or Pogostemon cabin). This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a mixture of Indonesian essential oil made of lemongrass, cananga, and patchouli extracts. Experiment was conducted by asking a number of subjects to inhale the oil mixture and assessing its effectiveness in terms of psychological relaxation by using visual analog scale or VAS) and of physical relaxation by examining the subjects? blood pressure or mean arterial pressure (MAP), pulse frequency, and breathing frequency. The result was then compared with that of lavender oil and with the control group. The study was conducted on 60 healthy women through single-blind clinical trials (before and after) using the ?intent to treat? approach, followed by a startle test. Participants were divided into three groups: (1) 20 participants who were treated with Indonesian essential oil mixture, (2) 20 participants who were treated with lavender oil, and (3) 20 participants who served as the control group. Psychological relaxation measurement showed that Indonesian essential oil mixture produced the same degree of effectiveness as lavender oil and the control groups did, although both treatments tended to produce better results than the control group did. However, physical relaxation measurement showed that Indonesian essential oil mixture produced a higher degree of effectiveness than lavender oil and tended to produce a better result than the control group did, especially in terms of blood pressure based on MAP scores.

Efektifitas Campuran Minyak Esensial Indonesia: Sereh Wangi, Kenanga, dan Nilam terhadap Relaksasi secara Inhalasi ?Suatu Uji Klinis pada Wanita Sehat yang Memiliki Risiko Stress?. Relaksasi merupakan salah satu mekanisme coping yang digunakan untuk menghadapi stress. Salah satu metode relaksasi yang banyak dipakai adalah aromaterapi dengan menggunakan minyak esensial. Minyak esensial yang berasal dari tanaman Indonesia yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk relaksasi adalah sereh wangi, kenanga dan nilam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas campuran minyak esensial Indonesia yang terdiri dari sereh wangi, kenanga dan nilam yang diberikan secara inhalasi terhadap relaksasi secara psikologis dengan pengukuran visual analog scale (VAS) dan fisik dengan pengukuran tekanan darah atau mean arterial pressure, frekuensi nadi, dan frekuensi nafas serta dibandingkan dengan minyak lavender dan kontrol. Penelitian dilakukan dengan rancangan uji klinis tersamar tunggal, before and after, dengan perlakuan intent to treat yang dilanjutkan dengan tes kejut pada 60 wanita sehat yang terdiri dari 20 subyek kelompok campuran minyak esensial Indonesia, 20 subyek kelompok lavender, dan 20 subyek kontrol. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan hasil bahwa campuran minyak esensial Indonesia memiliki efektifitas relaksasi secara psikologis yang sama dengan minyak lavender dan kontrol tetapi memiliki kecenderungan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Sedangkan secara fisik campuran minyak esensial Indonesia memiliki efektifitas relaksasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan lavender dan kecenderungan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kontrol terutama pada parameter tekanan darah atau MAP."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Davis, Martha
Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, 1988
115.904 2 DAV r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stres, ansietas, dan depresi merupakan bentuk gangguan mental emosional yang sering terjadi pada mahasiswa. Bila tidak ditangani dapat mengarah pada panik atau bahkan bunuh diri. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pengaruh progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) terhadap tingkat stress, ansietas, dan depresi pada mahasiswa keperawatan yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi di wilayah Jakarta.
Metode yang digunakan Quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa keperawatan yang sedang mengerjakan skripsi sebanyak 50 responden melalui total sampling (25=intervensi, 25= kontrol). Data dianalisis dengan uji Marginal Homogeneity dan Chi-Square.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan tingkat stress, ansietas, dan depresi pada kelompok intervensi signifikan setelah diberikan PMR (Pvalue < 0,005). Latihan PMR yang teratur dan sistematis mampu menghasilkan kondisi relaksasi pada mahasiswa.
Penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa khususnya institusi pendidikan keperawatan untuk menerapkan PMR dalam menurunkan tingkat stres, ansietas, dan depresi yang dialami mahasiswa.

Stress, anxiety and depression are types of mental emotional disorder that often experienced by the students at universities. This condition can cause panic and suicide if these problems don?t get treatment.
The purpose of this research is to identify effect of progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) to level of stress, anxiety and depression in nursing students that doing thesis in Jakarta.
This research used Quasy experiment pre-post test with control group. Sample of this research are 50 respondents (25 intervention group and 25 control group). All of variables were analyzed with Marginal Homogeneity and Chi-Square Test.
The result of this research showed that progressive muscle relaxation has significant effect to decreased level of stress, anxiety and depression (P value < 0, 05). Regular PMR exercise can increase relaxation condition in student.
This study recommend to the mental health provider especially nursing academic institution to implement PMR to decrease level of stress, anxiety, and depression of student.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Charlesworth, Edward A.
New York: Bellatine Books, 1989
155.9 CHA s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penyelia dan manajer pada perusahaan farmasi memiliki beban untuk mencapai target produksi dan pemasaran secara bersamaan. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan penyelia dalam mengenali masalah kesehatan mental di tempat kerja akan meningkatkan efektivitas kerja suatu perusahaan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh intervensi psikoedukasi dan relaksasi terhadap penilaian stres kerja penyelia dan manajer. 42 penyelia dan manajer perusahaan farmasi ?X? mengikuti studi Randomized Controlled Trial. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data karakteristik individu, stresor kerja (menggunakan kuisioner Survey Diagnostic Stress), stresor psikososial (menggunakan kuisioner Holmes-Rahe) dan stres kerja (menggunakan Symptom Check List 90). Intervensi dilakukan secara psikoedukasi menggunakan materi pada Buku Pedoman Kesehatan Jiwa Departemen Kesehatan dan 5 sesi relaksasi progresif. Sebagian besar subjek penelitian memiliki tingkat stresor kerja sedang-tinggi (59,5 - 90,4%) dan stresor psikososial minor (54,8%). Pada penilaian awal stres kerja didapati bahwa 71,4% subjek mengalami gejala psikopatologi dengan gejala terbanyak adalah obsesi-kompulsif (45,2%). Intervensi tunggal psikoedukasi menunjukkan penurunan stres kerja yang bermakna dibandingkan kontrol (beda rerata psikoedukasi=-17,93+20,84, beda rerata kontrol=0,21+24.07, p=0,043), sedangkan intervensi kombinasi psikoedukasi dan relaksasi hanya bermakna pada kategori masa kerja kurang atau sama dengan 6 tahun dan ketaksaan peran rendah.
Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah metode intervensi tunggal psikoedukasi lebih banyak menurunkan stres kerja penyelia dan manajer daripada intervensi kombinasi psikoedukasi dan relaksasi (beda rerata psikoedukasi-relaksasi = -12,5+38,52).

Production and marketing targets are work loads to be achieved for supervisors and managers in a pharmaceutical company. Work productivity will increase if workplace mental problem can be identify by improving knowledge and skill.
This research aim to identify differences in supervisors? and managers? work stress assessment between psychoeducation intervention, relaxation intervention, and the combination of both. A randomized controlled trial study was performed to 42 supervisors and managers in ?X? pharmaceutical company. Collected data include individual characteristic, cause of work stress (using Survey Diagnostic Stress Questionnaire), psychosocial stress (using Holmes-Rahe Questionnaire), and work stress (using Symptom Check List 90). Intervention was done by using materials from Indonesia?s Ministry of Health Buku Pedoman Kesehatan Jiwa for psyhoeducation and 5 session of progressive relaxation. Most of study subject have medium-high stress level (59,5-90,4%) and minor psychosocial stress (54,8%). In early work stress assessment, 71,4% subject show psychopatology symptoms and obsessive-compulsive is the most symptoms (45,2%). A single psychoeducation intervention show significant reduction in work stress level compare to control (Mdiff psychoeducation=-17,93+20,84, Mdiff control=0,21+24.07, p=0.043). Combination psychoeducation and relaxation intervention show significant effect in subjects with work length less or equal to 6 years and low role ambiguity.
This research concludes that a single psychoeducation intervention method reduce work stress level in supervisor an manager more than combination psychoeducation and relaxation intervention (Mdiff psychoeducation-relaxation=-12,5+38,52).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baker, Elizabeth
Jakarta: Bhuana Ilmu Populer, 2004
155.904 2 BAK b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syavika Ayuni
Insomnia merupakan ganggguan tidur yang paling sering dikeluhkan. Angka kejadian insomnia dari tahun ke tahun semakin bertambah. Insomnia menyebabkan seseorang mengalami kelelahan, penurunan status kesehatan, bahkan menyebabkan kematian karena kecelakaan. Penanganan kasus insomnia masih difokuskan pada pemberian obat (agen hipnotik) yang terbatas pada terapi jangka pendek karena dapat menimbulkan efek samping yang cukup berbahaya sehingga perlu dicari solusi yang dianggap lebih baik dan lebih aman. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian kombinasi minyak atsiri pala (Myristica fragrans) dan kenanga (Cananga odorata) sebagai aromaterapi dalam menurunkan derajat insomnia. Penelitian menggunakan desain eksperimental acak, single-blind dan cross-over pada 26 wanita paruh baya yang dibagi dalam dua grup dengan pemberian aromaterapi secara inhalasi selama 4 minggu (1 minggu tanpa perlakuan, 1 minggu perlakuan pertama, 1 minggu washout dan 1 minggu perlakuan kedua). Hasil diukur menggunakan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) dan parameter fisik berupa pengukuran tekanan darah (MAP), frekuensi nadi dan frekuensi pernafasan yang akan dibandingkan dengan minyak atsiri lavender sebagai kontrol. Kombinasi pala dan kenanga memiliki perbaikan skor PSQI sebanyak 3,31 poin (p = 0,01) dan lavender sebanyak 2,54 poin (p = 0,30). Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa pemberian kombinasi minyak atsiri pala dan kenanga ternyata lebih berpengaruh dalam menurunkan derajat insomnia pada wanita paruh baya dibandingkan dengan minyak atsiri lavender.ABSTRACT Insomnia is a sleep disruption are most often complained. The incidence of insomnia increased from year to year. Insomnia causes a person to experience fatigue, decreased health status and even cause death due to an accident. The current treatments of choice are drugs (conventional hypnotics agents) that is limited to short-term therapy because it can cause dangerous side effects. It is necessary to find a solution that is considered to be a better and safer. The purpose of this study to see the combination effect of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and cananga (Cananga odorata) essential oils as aromatherapy in reducing the degree of insomnia. This study used a randomized experimental, single-blind, cross-over design in 26 middle-aged women who were divided into two groups with aromatherapy administration by inhalation for 4 weeks (1 week without treatment, 1 week for the first treatment, 1 week washout and 1 week for the second treatment). Results were measured using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and physical parameters such as the measurement of blood pressure (MAP), heart rate and respiratory rate which will be compared with lavender essential oil as a control. The combination of nutmeg and cananga created an improvement of 3.31 points (p = 0.01) and lavender of 2.54 points (p = 0.30) in PSQI. This study showed that administration of a combination of nutmeg and cananga essential oils were more influential in reducing the degree of insomnia in middle-aged women compared with lavender essential oils.;Insomnia is a sleep disruption are most often complained. The incidence of insomnia increased from year to year. Insomnia causes a person to experience fatigue, decreased health status and even cause death due to an accident. The current treatments of choice are drugs (conventional hypnotics agents) that is limited to short-term therapy because it can cause dangerous side effects. It is necessary to find a solution that is considered to be a better and safer. The purpose of this study to see the combination effect of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and cananga (Cananga odorata) essential oils as aromatherapy in reducing the degree of insomnia. This study used a randomized experimental, single-blind, cross-over design in 26 middle-aged women who were divided into two groups with aromatherapy administration by inhalation for 4 weeks (1 week without treatment, 1 week for the first treatment, 1 week washout and 1 week for the second treatment). Results were measured using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and physical parameters such as the measurement of blood pressure (MAP), heart rate and respiratory rate which will be compared with lavender essential oil as a control. The combination of nutmeg and cananga created an improvement of 3.31 points (p = 0.01) and lavender of 2.54 points (p = 0.30) in PSQI. This study showed that administration of a combination of nutmeg and cananga essential oils were more influential in reducing the degree of insomnia in middle-aged women compared with lavender essential oils.;Insomnia is a sleep disruption are most often complained. The incidence of insomnia increased from year to year. Insomnia causes a person to experience fatigue, decreased health status and even cause death due to an accident. The current treatments of choice are drugs (conventional hypnotics agents) that is limited to short-term therapy because it can cause dangerous side effects. It is necessary to find a solution that is considered to be a better and safer. The purpose of this study to see the combination effect of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and cananga (Cananga odorata) essential oils as aromatherapy in reducing the degree of insomnia. This study used a randomized experimental, single-blind, cross-over design in 26 middle-aged women who were divided into two groups with aromatherapy administration by inhalation for 4 weeks (1 week without treatment, 1 week for the first treatment, 1 week washout and 1 week for the second treatment). Results were measured using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and physical parameters such as the measurement of blood pressure (MAP), heart rate and respiratory rate which will be compared with lavender essential oil as a control. The combination of nutmeg and cananga created an improvement of 3.31 points (p = 0.01) and lavender of 2.54 points (p = 0.30) in PSQI. This study showed that administration of a combination of nutmeg and cananga essential oils were more influential in reducing the degree of insomnia in middle-aged women compared with lavender essential oils., Insomnia is a sleep disruption are most often complained. The incidence of insomnia increased from year to year. Insomnia causes a person to experience fatigue, decreased health status and even cause death due to an accident. The current treatments of choice are drugs (conventional hypnotics agents) that is limited to short-term therapy because it can cause dangerous side effects. It is necessary to find a solution that is considered to be a better and safer. The purpose of this study to see the combination effect of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) and cananga (Cananga odorata) essential oils as aromatherapy in reducing the degree of insomnia. This study used a randomized experimental, single-blind, cross-over design in 26 middle-aged women who were divided into two groups with aromatherapy administration by inhalation for 4 weeks (1 week without treatment, 1 week for the first treatment, 1 week washout and 1 week for the second treatment). Results were measured using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and physical parameters such as the measurement of blood pressure (MAP), heart rate and respiratory rate which will be compared with lavender essential oil as a control. The combination of nutmeg and cananga created an improvement of 3.31 points (p = 0.01) and lavender of 2.54 points (p = 0.30) in PSQI. This study showed that administration of a combination of nutmeg and cananga essential oils were more influential in reducing the degree of insomnia in middle-aged women compared with lavender essential oils.]"
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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