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Dimas Andika
"Tesis ini membahas business plan dari website crowdfunding yang diberi nama mulaisekarang.com. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif. Perencanaan umum dan operasional mulaisekarang.com dirancang dengan mengacu terhadap analisis industri e-commerce dan industri kreatif di Indonesia, serta benchmarking terhadap website Bhinneka dan Kickstarter. Business plan ini menyarankan mulaisekarang.com mengantisipasi beberapa isu e-commerce dan industri kreatif di Indonesia yang meliputi masalah kepercayaan, penipuan, serta keterbatasan yang dimiliki calon partner dengan adaptasi berupa penyediaan proyek kreatif pilihan, pemilik proyek terpercaya, alternatif metode pembayaran, pendanaan proyek secara bertahap, laporan perkembangan proyek, dan tautan ke online shop.

This thesis discusses the business plan for crowdfunding website called mulaisekarang.com. The research methodolgy used in this thesis is qualitative approach with descriptive type of research. General and operational strategies of mulaisekarang.com are designed by refering to the analysis of Indonesia e-commerce industry and creatif industry and also the bechmarking of Bhinneka and Kickstarter websites. This business plan suggest mulaisekarang.com to anticipate some issues appeared in e-commerce and creative industries in Indonesia, including the issye of trust, fraud, and the limitation of the prospective patners by providing selected creative project, reliable projecr owners, alternative payment methods, project funding by progress, project progress reports, and links to online shop."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogi Sukmono
"Produk furnitur Indonesia memiliki keunikan tersendiri yang tak kalah bersaing dengan produk furnitur impor, namun karena faktor keterbatasan bahan baku terutama kayu yang selama ini merupakan bahan utama pembuatan furnitur membuat nilai ekspor di dunia internasional tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan akan permintaan yang ada. Keterbatasan bahan baku ini diakibatkan oleh maraknya ekspor illegal logging dan isu eco labeling. Dengan melihat adanya demand terhadap produk furnitur Indonesia di pasar internasional yang tinggi, namun terhambat karena keterbatasan bahan bakunya. PT XYZ memberanikan diri untuk masuk ke dalam kancah industry furnitur di Indonesia dengan konsep yang berbeda dengan mengusung 'Bramante Furniture' sebagai brand image-nya. Konsep ini tercermin dalam penggunaan bambu laminasi sebagai bahan baku produk furnitur PT XYZ. Dengan menggunakan bahan baku yang lebih ramah lingkungan, maka akan mengurangi illegal logging serta mendukung isu eco labeling yang sedang marak terjadi. PT XYZ adalah sebuah usaha bisnis yang bergerak di industry furnitur dengan status berbadan hukum, dimana pemiliknya berjumlah tiga orang, yaitu Fajar Hudhiarto, Ferry Dianda dan Bogi Sukmono (penulis business plan). Analisa industry dengan menggunakan Porter's Five Forces Model, menunjukkan bahwa persaingan industry ini semakin ketat dengan hadirnya produk furnitur impor seperti Da Vinci, Vivere, Veranda dan lain-lain yang juga membidik kalangan menengah atas. Namun, saat ini persaingan lebih bersifat fragmented, dimana para produsen memiliki pasar masing-masing dengan karakter konsumen yang berbeda. Hal ini memberikan sebuah peluang akan masuknya ide baru yang memberikan nuansa diferensiasi yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Strategi bisnis yang digunakan oleh PT XYZ adalah diferensiasi focus. Hal ini tercermin dalam penggunaan bahan bakunya yang berbeda dengan para pesaingnya, desain furniture yang dapat disesuaikan dengan selera konsumen serta dalam hal penyediaan layanan kepada konsumen. Produk furnitur PT XYZ diposisikan sebagai furniture yang memiliki desain mewah, ramah lingkungan serta kualitas tinggi setara dengan produk furnitur yang berbahan baku kayu jati. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operationalnya, Bramante Furniture memiliki dua lokasi. Lokasi pertama bertempat di Ciganjur sebagai kantor pusat yang memiliki fasilitas showroom, manufacturing, storage, desain dan lain-lain. Lokasi kedua berada di Ruko ITC Fatmawati. Untuk di lokasi kedua, hanya memiliki fasilitas penunjang yaitu tempat penjualan. Kami memilih Fatmawati sebagai tempat untuk membuka showroom, karena daerah tersebut dekat dengan kawasan perumahan menengah atas di Jakarta. Dalam pengaturan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki, PT XYZ memiliki budaya organisasi innovation, commit to excellence, integrity, clean and healthiness, dan terakhir process and result oriented. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar setiap karyawan PT XYZ memiliki kompetensi tinggi yang mampu bekerja sesuai dengan visi, misi dan tujuan perusahaan. Strategi keuangan PT XYZ diarahkan pada optimalisasi alokasi dana investasi dengan sasaran memberikan tingkat pengembalian biaya modal bagi para pemilik modal. Adapun penentuan risk premium ditentukan berdasarkan besarnya Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia (SBI). Sedangkan untuk analisa kelayakan digunakan tiga metode, yaitu Net Present Value (NPV), Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), dan Discounted Payback Ratio. Berdasarkan analisa keuangan, diperoleh bahwa PT XYZ membutuhkan initial outlay sebesar Rp,-. NPV yang diperoleh bernilai positif sebesar Rp 13.318.011.097,- dengan MIRR 51% yang berada di atas biaya modal 23.02%.

ndonesia's furniture has their uniqueness that can compete with others product furniture from foreign countries. However, because of the rareness of raw material especially woods, the percentage of the total furniture that can be export can't fulfill the international demand. This restrictiveness of raw material are caused by the issue of illegal logging and eco labeling. By seeing the high demand of Indonesia's furniture in international market, but blocked by the limitation of their raw material, PT XYZ take the liberties of this condition to enter furniture industry with differential concept tahat using Bramante Furniture as their brand image. This concept is reflected on the usage of laminated bamboo as raw material of PT XYZ's products. With the usage of the raw material that we call environmental friendly, can reduce illegal logging and also supporting the government with the eco labeling issued. PT XYZ is a corporate business that participate in furniture industry, and the owners of this corporate are Fajar Hudhiarto, Ferry Dianda, and Bogi Sukmono (as the writer). In industry analysis that using Five Porter's Model, shows that the competition in this industry are high. It caused by the existing of import's furniture such as Da Vinci, Vivere, Veranda and so on. However, the competition nowadays is more fragmented. Where those producer has their own market with their different customers. From this point, we can find an opportunity that can come with a new idea that can produce differentiate atmosphere from previous. PT XYZ using differentiate focus as their business strategy. It reflect on the usage of its raw material that different from other competitors, the design that can be personalized with the needs of each customers, and also in the service that given to the customers. The positioning of PT XYZ's products is as a furniture with luxurious design, environmental friendly and also has a high quality product as teak's furniture. In running the corporate operational activities, PT XYZ has two location. The first one is located on Ciganjur. It acts as a head office, and the facilities are showroom, manufacturing or workshop area, storage, house of design and so on. And the second one is located on Ruko ITC Fatmawati. In planning the needs of human resource, PT XYZ has corporate culture that can support the activity of organization. They are innovation, commit to excellence, integrity, clean and healthiness, process and result oriented. This culture are be intended so that each staff has high competency that can to work They are Net Present Value (NPV), Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), and Discounted Payback Ratio. According to the calculation, PT XYZ requires initial outlay as high as Rp,-. NPV got positive value with Rp 13.318.011.097,- , and MIRR 51% that exceed the cost of capital 23.02%based on the vision, mission and company objective. The financial strategy of this company is the optimalization of the allocation of invested fund, with the objective higher return compare to cost of capital to the owners. The determination of risk premium is based on the level of BI rate (SBI). To analyze the feasibility of its investment are using three method."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Affandi Rahman
"Dalam menjalankan bisnis, sangat dibutuhkan sebuah perencanaan bisnis yang baik. Pengusaha, organisasi, atau perusahaan seringkali mengalami kegagalan dalam menjalankan bisnisnya disebabkan Salah satu alasannya adalah karena tidak adanya rencana bisnis yang memadai. Rencana bisnis dapat menjadi suatu alat yang efektif untuk berbagai macam bisnis dalam mengatur tujuan-tujuan kedalam suatu benluk yang saling berhubungan, khususnya bagi bisnis baru atau bisnis kecil.
Di dalam skripsi ini, membahas setiap aspek dari rencana bisnis bagi Bookstore dan Ritel FTUI yang rencananya akan dibangun di lingkungan kampus Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia. Aspek-aspek tersebut adalah rencana organisasi, rencana pemasaran, dan dokumen keuangan.
Hasil dari penelitian dan penulisan ini akan menjadi usulan rencana bisnis dan pertimbangan bagi Bookstore dan Ritel FTUI, apakah layak untuk dijalankan atau tidak.

In running business, a very good of business plan is required. Enterpreneur, organizational, or company oftentimes fail in running its business is caused by one of the reasons is no adequate business plan. Business plan can be become an effective appliance for assorted of business in arranging the target into a form that is interaction, especially for new or small business.
In this final paper, study about every aspect of business plan for Bookstore and Retail of FTUI that its plan will be founded in campus environment of Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia. The Aspects is organizational plan, marketing plan, and monetary document.
The result of this writing and research will become business plan proposal and consideration for Bookstore and Retail of FTUI, if it's feasible to be run or not.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sabrina Rahman Nur Sary
"Dalam makalah perencanaan bisnis ini akan dijelaskan sebuah produk digital yang bernama "Jigsaw". Dengan slogan "Every piece of life", Jigsaw akan menawarkan system terintegrasi dari berbagi material digital yang didasarkan pada sistem cloud. Jigsaw akan berfungsi sebagai jurnal online sehingga pengguna bisa melihat aktivitas mereka di dunia online dan offline. Jigsaw dilihat mampu untuk menciptakan posisi yang unik di market, dimana produk ini menawarkan pengguna nya untuk melihat kembali semua kegiatan masa lalu mereka di berbagai social media. Jigsaw menargetkan Generasi Y yang tinggal di benua Australia sebagai penggunanya. Kompetitor yang nantinya akan dihadapi adalah Blogger.com, Wordpress.com, Blog.com, Tumblr, dan Timehop. Dengan menggunakan beberapa teori marketing (seperti Product Life Cycle, Porter’s Five Forces Model, dan SWOT Analysis), pasar dilihat cukup attraktif dan menarik untuk dimasuki. Sumber pendapatan utama akan didapat melalui subscription. Sumber pendapatan lainnya akan didapatkan melalui branding, promosi, distribusi, dan dalam bentuk kerjasama.

This business plan will explore the development of a new product branded as "Jigsaw", to be sold over the internet. With the tagline of "Every piece of life", Jigsaw will offer the integration of various digital materials through a cloud-based system. Jigsaw will serve as an online journal service, subsequently letting users to track their daily online and offline activities. With core and augmented value offerings, Jigsaw will establish a unique selling proposition in the market, allowing users to revisit memories from the past in a simple way.Jigsaw has strategically segmented Gen Y and the Australia geographic region as its target market. Through the competitive analysis, it is discovered that there are a few major competitors such as Blogger.com, Wordpress.com, Blog.com, Tumblr, and Timehop. By using appropriate measures; PLC, Porter’s 5 Forces Model, and SWOT Analysis, the market attractiveness is found to be moderate. Jigsaw's revenue model proposes several ways to generate revenue. The primary revenue stream will be via a subscription for service. Secondary methods of generating revenue will be included in branding, promotion, distribution and partnerships.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadi Kusuma
This study discuss business plan rubber plantation at Bangka next year. The reason is the capital to start rubber plantation in medium-scale at Bangka are still relative low and could bring a high return for a long period. Author expects from this study, author can get a lot of good information about rubber plantation, and it will come from business entity and local farmer that have a great experience. Author also gets information from the books, newspaper, and internet, which discuss how to manage rubber plantation, so it can minimize the risk of failure. There is a good opportunity in the rubber plantations business, because a high demand for natural rubber this time, also many parts of the rubber plant itself, that can be used or sold, so the author can maximize the income from rubber plantations. To implement this agribusiness project, author will establish a new company with a core business as rubber plantation company called PT.Binex. The author expect in a long run this company could become go public company, that can contribute significant not only for Bangka?s rubber industry, but also for national rubber industry, so it could bring employment for Indonesian people, especially in Bangka. In addition, the company is expected to provide a high level of investment (ROI) for the shareholder, higher than deposit rate of return. At the beginning, the company will be run as a family business, so the main management functions will become a job desk for the members of the family. To maintain and develop the company, author will need a good business strategy with a high competitiveness, so can bring competitive advantage for the company. The growth strategies are divided into two parts, namely internal growth strategies and external growth strategies. Therefore, author will try to apply some of this business strategy which accordance for rubber plantation. The conclusion from this business plan is prospect of a rubber plantation business actually is still good, although there must be a tidal experienced for author at beginning. Author has a long-term plan to develop PT.Binex not only as a rubber plantation companies, but also develop into a company that able to process natural rubber latex and other parts of rubber plants into finished goods. Author also hopes the corn plant, which is an additional commodity crops for the company, can provide a significant contribution, so that companies can maximize profits. Therefore, the author will learn more about products based on rubber and corn, so can be developed and processed into more valuable products that can be directly sell to end consumer."
T 26425
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wildan Hakim
"Karya akhir membahas perencanaan bisnis untuk mengembangkan pasar panel furniture di Philippina untuk PT. CSF sebagai pemimpin produsen furniture di Indonesia. Tetapi hanyalah pemain yang sangat kecil di pasar furniture Philippina. Philippina menawarkan kesempatan yang sangat besar bagi export furniture karena tidak ada produsen furniture lokal yang kuat. Kebanyakan panel furniture yang terdapat di Philippina berasal dari Malaysia, Thailand, Cina dan sedikit dari Indonesia. Karya akhir ini membahas situasi eksternal dan internal yang dihadapi PT. CSF dan strategy-strategy terbaik apa yang selayaknya dilakukan PT. CSF untuk mengembangkan pasar di Philippina.

Final report discusses business plan to expanding panel furniture market to the Philippine for PT. CSF which is the leader panel furniture manufacturer in Indonesia but a very small player in Philippine furniture market. Philippines offer a big opportunity for panel furniture exporting since there are no strong local panel furniture manufacturers. Most of panel furniture in Philippine are coming from Malaysia, Thailand, China and some from Indonesia. This study analyzed the external and internal market situation faced by PT. CSF, and what best strategies should PT. CSF applied to expand the market to Philippine."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Holm, Sheila
Jakarta: Ufuk Press, 2010
650 HOL tt (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Astuti
"Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning merupakan bisnis di bidang jasa yang menawarkan tiga jenis pelayanan yaitu laundry, dry cleaning dan pressing. Badan Usaha Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah Perseroan Terbatas yang dimiliki oleh tiga orang, yaitu : Jurnal, Christian Tony dan Puji Astuti (penulis business plan).
Lokasi bisnis Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning berada di Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 257 Jimbaran, Kee. Kuta Selatan Kab. Badung, Propinsi Bali. Lokasi bisnis Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning merupakan lokasi yang strategis karena berada di jalur utama yang menghubungkan antara Nusa Dua - Denpasar serta berdekatan dengan Bandar Udara Ngurah Rai. Selain itu, Jimbaran merupakan salah satu daerah tujuan wisata di Bali yang menarik bagi para turis domestik maupun asing. Beberapa perumahan yang dihuni oleh masyarakat kelas menengah atas juga terdapat di Jimbaran.
Di wilayah Jimbaran belum terdapat bisnis laundry & dry cleaning professional yang menawarkan tiga jenis layanan yaitu laundry, dry cleaning dan pressing. Adanya peluang pasar tersebut, dimanfaatkan untuk mendirikan Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning yang dalam lima tahun beroperasinya akan berfokus pada kebutuhan masyarakat kelas atas di wilayah Jimbaran.
Analisis Eksternal
Bali merupakan wilayah yang potensial bagi pengembangan bisnis laundry & dry cleaning. Hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya jumiah pemain bisnis ini bail( yang menggunakan sistim waralaba global seperti 5aSec, waralaba lokal nasional seperti Melia Laundry & Dry Cleaning, maupun yang tidak dikembangkan dengan sistim waralaba yaitu Royal Professional Cleaners. Namun demikian, lokasi bisnis laundry & dry cleaning tersebut banyak terkonsentrasi di Denpasar sebagai ibukota Propinsi Bali.
Entry barrier bisnis laundry & dry cleaning cukup besar, hal ini disebabkan karena modal yang dibutuhkan untuk mendirikan bisnis ini cukup besar dan adanya kendala untuk memperoleh karyawan yang memiliki keahlian di bidang teknis produksi. Demikian jugs untuk melakukan exit barrier tidaklah muda karena modal yang ditanamkan untuk bisnis ini cukup besar.
Tidak ada kendala dalam hal supplier mesin, peralatan dan bahan baku yang digunakan dalam bisnis laundry. Beragam jenis dan mute mesin, peralatan dan bahan baku ditawarkan oleh banyak supplier yang berada di Bali dengan harga yang beragam.
Pesaing utama Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah 5aSec. Untuk menghadapi 5aSec, Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning menggunakan strategi bisnis "Differentiation Focus" yaitu dengan menciptakan differensiasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan target pasar yang dibidik oleh Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning. Differensiasi yang membedakan Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning yaitu dalam hal waktu operasional, menyediakan jasa Home Collection & Delivery Services, fleksibilitas pelayanan dan harga yang lebih murah dengan kualitas yang setara dan membedakan harga antara layanan laundry & dry cleaning.
Target pasar yang dibidik oleh Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah segmen pasar individu kelas sosial ekonomi atas yang tinggal menetap maupun sementara di wilayah Jimbaran. Adapun positioning Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah jasa laundry & dry cleaning yang mengutamakan kecepatan dan kualitas untuk memenuhi gays hidup masyarakat kelas atas. Positioning statement Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah pure lifestyle. Positioning statement tersebut dikomunikasikan melalui berbagai medium komunikasi pemasaran.
Core product Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah jasa pencucian pakaian dengan menggunakan air (laundry) dan tanpa air (dengan menggunakan solvent). Core product tersebut dilengkapi dengan supplementary service element untuk memudahkan pelanggan memanfaatkan core product. Supplementary service element tersebut terdiri dari information, order taking, consultation, hospitality, safekeeping, exeption, billing dan payment.
Strategi harga terhadap kualitas yang diterapkan oleh Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah Super Value Strategy yaitu menerapkan harga yang lebih murah namun kualitas setara dengan kualitas yang menawarkan layanan premium (dalam hal ini adalah 5aSec). Harga layanan Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning rata-rata berkisar 30% dibawah harga 5aSec. Pesaing utama Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning yaitu 5aSec menetapkan harga yang sama untuk layanan laundry dan dry cleaning namun Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning menetapkan harga yang berbeda antara laundry dengan dry cleaning yaitu sebesar 10%. Perbedaan harga Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning dengan harga 5aSec akan selalu dipertahankan sebesar 30% sehingga Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning akan menaikan harga pada scat 5aSec juga menaikan harga. Rata-rata kenaikan harga diperkirakan sebesar 5% per tahun.
Adapun pricing objective yang ditetapkan adalah maximum sales growth yaitu kenaikan volume penjualan pada tingkat tertentu, berdampak menurunkan biaya per unit yang pada akhirnya memberikan profit yang tinggi dalam jangka panjang.
Karena membidik target pasar yang sempit yaitu di wilayah Jimbaran, maka strategi promosi yang dilakukan oleh Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah promosi berbasis komunitas sehingga banyak menggunakan aktivitas personal communications.
Organisasi dan Sumber Daya Manusia
Struktur organisasi Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning adalah fungsional structure yaitu rnengelompokan aktivitas berdasarkan fungsi masing-masing dari tingkat paling bawah hingga paling Was. Adapun perencanaan Sumber Daya Manusia Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning meliputi aktivitas : job analysis dan job design, standar kompetensi dan job description, rekrutmen dan seleksi, orientasi, pelatihan dan development, sistim penilaian kinerja dan sistim kompensasi. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan direncanakan program pelatihan dan pengembangan secara berkala tiap tahun. Di sisi lain untuk membuat karyawan bertahan untuk bekerja, dirancang sistim kompensasi yang memadai. Dengan demikian, diperkirakan tidak ada karyawan yang keluar dalam perencanaan lima tahun beroperasinya Putih laundry & Dry Cleaning dan karyawan yang bekerja akan makin ahli sehingga bekerja makin cepat dengan kualitas yang makin meningkat sehingga meningkatkan tingkat produktivitas. Peningkatan pendapatan akan memberikan dampak terhadap peningkatan kebutuhan karyawan terutama adalah karyawan staf produksi dan quality control. Untuk efisiensi, rekrutmen hanya dilakukan untuk memenuhi peningkatan kebutuhan tersebut.
Persiapan Operasional
Persiapan operasional Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning diperkirakan memerlukan waktu sekitar tiga bulan (Oktober, Nopember, Desember 2006). Persiapan tersebut meliputi persiapan fisik maupun persiapan non fisik. Selama periode Desember 2006, seluruh karyawan akan mengikuti program orientasi dan pelatihan, sehingga meskipun Putih laundry & Dry Cleaning belum beroperasi namun karyawan telah bekerja dan aktivitas kantor telah dimulai. Biaya-biaya yang timbul dalam masa persiapan ini diperhitungkan sebagai biaya pre-operating expenses.

Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is a company operating in the service sector that provides three service, namely launderings, dry cleaning and pressing. The business entity is a Limited Company owned by three individual investors: Journal, Christian Tooy and Puji Astuti (who formulates the company's business plan).
Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is located in JI. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 257 Jimbaran municipality, Kuta Selatan regency, Badung, Bali. The office address of Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is a strategic location as it lies on the main road that connects Nusa Dua and Denpasar and is close to the Ngurah Rai Airport. In addition, Jimbaran is known as one of main destinations in Bali for both domestic and foreign tourists. Some of the middle and up-class residential complexes are located in Jimbaran.
There are no professional laundry & dry cleaning services providers available in Jimbaran that provide the three services of laundrying, dry cleaning and pressing. Against this backdrop, Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is established to tap the huge opportunities in the industry which in the first five-year of its operation will focus on providing its services to the upper-class society in Jimbaran..
External Analysis
Bali reserves a huge potential for the development of laundry & dry cleaning business. It is reflected in the growing number of players in the market, be it the ones that adopt a franchise business concept such as 5aSec, Melia Laundry & Dry Cleaning, or the ones that do not such as the Royal Professional Cleaners. However, most of those companies are concentrated in Denpasar as the capital city of Bali.
Entry barriers in this business are quite significant as it requires a huge start-up as well as the lack of employees with adequate technical skills. Moreover, the huge start-up capital requirement makes it difficult to do an exit barrier.
There are no significant obstacles regarding supplies of machinery, tools and other raw materials for the laundering business. Numerous types and qualities of machinery, tools and raw materials are available in the market at a range of prices.
The main competitor for Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is 5aSec. To compete with 5aSec, Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning applies a "Differentiation Focus" business strategy which is by creating differentiation in accordance with the needs of market segments targeted Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning. The differentiation in question that separates Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning and others lies in the form of operational working time, of providing Home Collection & Delivery Services, of service flexibility and lower prices with equal quality.
The market segment targeted by Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is individuals with high income who reside, permanently or temporarily, in Jimbaran. The positioning of Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is a laundry and dry cleaning services provider that yang strives for speed and quality in fulfilling the lifestyle of top-bracket individuals in the society. The motto for Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is pure lifestyle. This concept is being communicated through various marketing communication media.
Core product of Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is the service of laundrying with water (laundry) and without water (using solvent). The core product is supported by the supplementary service elements. The supplementary service elements are made up of information, order taking, consultation, hospitality, safekeeping, billing and payment.
The pricing-to-quality strategy adopted by Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is Super Value Strategy, which offers lower prices but with equal quality offered by a premium service provider (in this case, 5aSec). The price tag offered by Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is around 30% lower than that of 5aSec in average. Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning's main competitor which is 5aSec offers the same price for its laundry and dry cleaning services, unlike Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning that offers the two services at a 1.0% .,margin. The price gap offered by Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning and 5aSec will always be set at 30%, meaning that Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning will raise the prices should 5aSec do the same. The average price increase per year is estimated at 5%.
The pricing objective that is adopted is the maximum sales growth, which means that a raise of sale volume to a certain Ievel reduces the operational cost per unit which will eventually contribute to profit in the long run.
Provided that the company aims for a narrow market segment, which is Jimbaran, the brand socialization from Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning centers on community-based activities, so it often uses personal communications activities.
Organization and Human Resource
The organizational structure of Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is fungsional structure that is categorizing activities by functions from the bottom all the way to the top.
As for the planning of Human Resources of Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning, it covers activities such as drawing up: job analysis dan job design, standard for competency and job description, recruitment and selection, orientation, training and development, performance appraisal system and compensation system.
To improve employees' productivity, it has been planned to periodically conduct training and development programs each year. On the other side, to retain workers, it has been also drawn up an adequate compensation system. Therefore, it is estimated that not a single worker leave the office during five-year plan of operation of Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning and all the while the workers continue to hone their skills, making them work faster with better quality so that their productivity will increase as well.
An increase in revenue will result in also an increase in workers' needs, in particular the staff in production and quality control units. For the sake of efficiency, recruitment will only be done to meet such needs.
Operational Preparation
The operational preparation of Putih Laundry & Dry Cleaning is estimated to take about three months (October, November, December 2006). It includes both physical and non-physical preparation.
During December 200, all employees took part in training and orientation programs, so that while Putih laundry & Dry Cleaning was yet to fully operate, the employees have started working and office activities began.
All the cost during the preparation period is referred to as pre-operating expenses."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cosmas Wibisono Nugroho
Tesis atau karya akhir ini akan merumuskan perencanaan bisnis untuk mendirikan bisnis pregnancy organizer, yaitu usaha yang menawarkan jasa pengaturan / organizer bagi ibu hamil dengan kelas ekonomi sosial menengah atas di Jakarta. Bisnis ini merupakan bisnis kreatif yang baru dimana belum pernah ada perusahaan yang menjalankan bisnis ini sebelumnya. Konsep bisnis ini serupa dengan bisnis event organizer, dimana untuk bisnis event organizer, jasa layanan pengaturan yang dikelola adalah dari persiapan suatu acara hingga acara tersebut terlaksana. Untuk bisnis pregnancy organizer ini, maka jasa layanan pengaturan yang dikelola adalah ibu hamil itu sendiri dimulai dari masa kehamilan sampai waktu persalinan. Penulisan tesis ini akan memberikan gambaran apa saja langkah – langkah strategi yang diperlukan unuk membangun bisnis ini yang mencakup mengenai perencanaan pemasaran, operasional, sumber daya manusia dan perencanaan keuangan. Di samping itu digambarkan juga mengenai analisis industri sehingga dengan menganalisa faktor – faktor tersebut, formula strategi yang akan dilakukan bisa direncanakan dengan tepat dan memberikan hasil yang maksimal. Tujuan akhir dari penulisan ini adalah apakah nantinya peluang bisnis ini bisa direalisasikan berdasarkan hasil analisa – analisa semua aspek bisnis.

This thesis or final paper will formulate a business plan to establish a pregnancy organizer, a business that offers services to organizer for pregnant women with high socio-economic class in Jakarta. This business is a new creative business which has never existed before. The business concept is similar to an event organizer, where for an event organizer, it will manage the preparation of an event until the event happen. In pregnancy organizer, it will manage a pregnant woman starting from the beginning of the pregnancy until the birth date. This thesis or final paper will give an idea for the strategic steps to build a business plan that includes marketing, operations, human resources and financial planning. And also describe an industry analysis and competitor analysis to help in business decision making to generate the maximum results. The final purpose of this paper is whether the future business opportunities can be realized based on all of business aspects analysis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahry Friansyah Anas
"PavadooBooks com is an online bookstore that aims to differentiate itself with aunique marketing strategy. Pavadoobooks com is a online book store that sells university textbooks to students in the state of Queensland. Our marketing strategy is one that allows theusers of the website to do our advertising for us using our unique reward system. Our rewardsystem allows users to advertise books on social media giving them a cash reward for peoplethat purchase books through their links. At Pavadoo books we also offer another service onethat allows users to trade or sell their second hand books through our website. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
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