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Wong Hendra Wijaya
"Kerontokan rambut bisa disebabkan banyak faktor antara lain kekurangan hormon estrogen. Penambahan estrogen secara eksogen diduga dapat mengubah siklus hormonal yang dalam beberapa kasus dapat memicu timbulnya kanker. Salah satu alternatif rasionil adalah dengan menggunakan senyawa mirip estrogen hasil isolasi dari tanaman yang disebut fitoestrogen. Fitoestrogen dapat berkompetisi dengan estrogen untuk berikatan dengan reseptornya sehingga timbul efek estrogenik. Senyawa fitoestrogen pada biji klabet diduga dapat meningkatkan proses pertumbuhan rambut.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan efektivitas sediaan tonik rambut ekstrak biji klabet pada proses pertumbuhan rambut kelinci, mendapatkan konsentrasi optimal dan data sensitivitasnya. Aktivitas pertumbuhan rambut ditentukan melalui perhitungan panjang rambut, diameter rambut dan berat rambut. Uji sensitivitas dinilai dengan Draize skin test dan Draize eye test.
Hasil uji aktivitas tonik rambut yang mengandung ekstrak biji klabet 10%, menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p < 0,05) dibandingkan dengan plasebo dan menyerupai pemberian tonik rambut yang mengandung minoksidil 2%. Hasil uji sensitivitas menunjukkan efek iritasi ringan.

There are many causes of hair loss, among others is estrogen deficiency. External estrogen administration could change the hormonal cycle and increased cancer risk. One of the natural alternative estrogen therapy can be found in various plants containing natural product among which are compounds with weak estrogenic activity, termed phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens compete with estrogen by filling or binding to the estrogen receptor and producing the estrogens effect. Phytoestrogene in fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) is believed to increase hair growing process; however, up to now there is no scientific study to prove it.
Therefore, the objection of this study is to prove the effect of hair tonic containing fenugreeks seeds extract in different concentration on hair growing activity of New Zealand strain rabbit ; and to get the optimal concentrations of fenugreek extract as well as the safety data. Hair growing activity is determined by hair length, hair diameter and hair weight measurement, while toxicity test is determined by Draize skin test and Draize eye test.
The result of the activity test using 10% fenugreek extract seed hair tonic showed significant difference (p < 0,05) compare to placebo and resemble the result using minoxidil 2% hair tonic. Sensitivity test results showed mild irritation effects.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Phytoestrogen is the chemical compound contains in plant which has estrogenic like effect. Estrogen has important function on woman?s sexual organ, such as proliferation of uterine and vaginal cornification. Phytoestrogen are weak agonists for estrogen and illicit statistic significantly increases in uterine wet weight, at
definite dose, in uterothrophic bioassay. Biji Klabet or Fenugreek seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) contains steroidal sapogenins such as diosgenin, tigogenin, gitogenin, yamogenin and trigoneoside, that suspected having an estrogen-like effect or as phytoestrogen. The aim of this research was to investigate the estrogenic
effect of fenugreek?s ethanolic extract in ovariectomized and immature rats models. These models represent the limacteric/menopause phase, where estrogen level is very low because ovary produces no estrogen. The testing animals were divided into normal group, ovariectomized control group, estradiol control group and three level
doses of fenugreek extract (30mg/200gBW; 60mg/200gBW and 120mg/200gBW). The result indicated that start on 60mg/200gBW, fenugreek extract significantly could increasing mammary gland proliferation. Empirically fenugreek containing diosgenin, that caused breast enhancement. This research showed that treatment
with fenugreek extract can caused proliferation of mammary gland, both on immature and ovariectomized rats."
[Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soeklola Muliady
"Keringnya kulit menua pada wanita disebabkan oleh penipisan struktur kulit, berkurangnya produksi Natural Moisturizing Factor serta penurunan kadar estrogen. Krim pelembab kulit menua pada umumnya mengandung gliserin dalam konsentrasi tinggi, tetapi kurang disukai ketika digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menggabungkan 4% ekstrak etanol biji kelabet dan 2% malam lebah untuk menghasilkan krim pelembab (krim uji) yang lebih efektif, aman, disukai serta stabil untuk melembabkan kulit menua dibandingkan dengan gliserin 10% (krim kontrol). Uji manfaat (efektivitas) kedua krim diukur berdasarkan pengamatan skor gambaran klinis dan skor korneometer CM825® pada 33 sukarelawan wanita berusia 30-45 tahun. Uji keamanan dinilai dengan patch test. Tingkat kesukaan kedua krim dinilai dengan uji perbandingan jamak. Uji stabilitas mencakup cycling test, uji mekanik, uji stabilitas dipercepat selama 12 minggu serta uji efektivitas pengawet. Hasil uji manfaat menunjukkan krim uji dinilai lebih efektif untuk melembabkan kulit menua dibandingkan dengan krim kontrol. Hasil uji keamanan menunjukkan kedua krim tidak mengakibatkan iritasi. Uji perbandingan jamak menunjukkan kedua krim samasama kurang disukai. Tidak terjadi pemisahan fase pada uji stabilitas dan penggunaan pengawet dinilai sudah cukup efektif. Berdasarkan penelitian, terdapat perubahan warna, pembesaran diameter globul, penurunan kadar pH, penurunan viskositas serta konsistensi, sehingga dapat disimpulkan kedua krim yang dihasilkan kurang stabil.

Dry aging skin on women is caused by thinning of skin structure, less production of Natural Moisturizing Factor and estrogen level decrease. Generally, moisturizer creams for aging skin contain high concentrate of glycerin, although less comfortable to use. The aim of this research is to combine 4% ethanol extract of fenugreek seeds and 2% of beeswax to produce moisturizer cream (herbal cream) which is more effective, safe, comfortable and stable to moisturize the aging skin compared to glycerin 10% (control cream). Efficacy test for both creams were measured based on observation of clinical score and corneometer CM825® score for 33 women volunteers aged 30-45 years old. Safety test was evaluated by patch test. The comfortability level for both creams were determined by pair comparison test. The stability test consists of cycling test, mechanic test, accelerated stability test within 12 weeks and preservative effectiveness test. The result of efficacy test showed that the herbal cream was more effective to moisturize the aging skin compared to the control cream. The safety test indicated that both creams did not cause irritations. The pair comparison test showed that both creams were less comfortable to use. There was no emulsion breaking during stability test and preservative was adequately effective. During the research, there were change in color, enlargement of globule diameter, decrease in pH level as well as viscosity decrease and inconsistency; hence it can be concluded that both creams were less stable.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ritonga, Desima
"Kelabet (Trigonella foenum - graecum L) adalah tanaman yang tergolong dalam suku Fabaceae. Penggunaannya dalam pengobatan yakni dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah dan kadar lemak. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas obat tradisional tanaman obat dan ekstrak herbal harus distandardisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan beberapa parameter spesifik dan non spesifik ekstrak etanol biji kelabet.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari tiga lokasi yang berbeda (Solo, Semarang dan Yogyakarta) menunjukkan bahwa rendemen tidak kurang dari 27,40%, kadar senyawa larut dalam air tidak kurang dari 10,95%, kadar senyawa larut dalam etanol tidak kurang dari 2,98%, kadar air tidak lebih dari 17,43%, kadar abu total tidak lebih dari 3,04%, kadar abu tidak larut asam tidak lebih dari 1,38%, sisa pelarut tidak lebih dari 0,2% dan kadar trigonellin tidak kurang dari 2,7%. Pemisahan secara kromatografi lapis tipis dengan menggunakan fase gerak aquadest - metanol (30:70).
Pengamatan pada sinar tampak dan sinar UV 254nm memperlihatkan 2 bercak berfluoresensi ungu dan kuning pada (Rf 0,37 dan 0,75) dan standard trigonellin berfluoresensi ungu dengan Rf (0,4). Setelah disemprot dengan pereaksi Dragendorff berwarna jingga (Rf 0,37) dan bercak standar berwarna jingga (Rf 0,4).

Kelabet ( Trigonella foenum - graecum L) is one member of Fabaceae family. It has been used to reduce blood sugar and lowering blood lipid. To increase the quality of traditional medicine, the plants materials and the herbal extracts should be standardized. The objective of this research was to determine specific and non specific parameter of ethanolic extract of Foenugraeci semen.
The result from three location (Solo, Semarang and Yogyakarta) which has been determined had rendement value not less than 27.40%, water soluble extract not less than 10.95% and ethanol soluble extract not less than 2.98%, water content not more than 17.43%, total ash content not more than 3.04%, acid soluble ash content not more than 1.38%, solvent residu not more than 0.2% and trigonellin compound not less than 2.7%. The separation using thin layer chromatography (TLC) with mobile phase of aquadest - methanol (30:70).
Observation under visible light and UV 254 nm shown two spots of violet and orange (Rf 0.37 and 0.75), while the trigonellin standard had violet fluorescence (Rf 0.4) in that condition. After sprayed with dragendorff, it change to orange-yellow (Rf 0,37)and the standard (Rf 0.4) with orange ? yellow.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Hidayati
"Efek pemberian ekstrak etanol biji klabet (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) terhadap pengurangan kerapuhan tulang pada tikus (Rattus norvegicus) betina galur Sprague-Dawley telah diteliti. Dua puluh empat ekor tikus usia 3 bulan dibagi dalam 6 kelompok, terdiri dari kelompok kontrol normal, kelompok ovariektomi (ovx), kelompok ovx-tamoksifen 1,8 mg/kg BB, serta 3 kelompok perlakuan ovx yang masing-masing diberi ekstrak etanol biji klabet dosis
150 mg/kg BB, 300 mg/kg BB, dan 600 mg/kg BB. Bahan uji diberikan selama 12 minggu berturut-turut. Hasil uji ANAVA (P < 0,05) terhadap kadar ALP dan kalsium serum menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh yang nyata pemberian ekstrak etanol biji klabet pada ketiga kelompok dosis. Hasil uji ANAVA(P < 0,05) menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang nyata pemberian ekstrak etanol biji klabet terhadap peningkatan rerata ketebalan dan derajat densitas trabekula pada ketiga kelompok dosis.

The effect of the ethanolic extract of seed of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. toward the bone loss in ovariectomized (ovx) rats were investigated. Twenty-two- 3-months-old female Sprague-Dawley were randomly assigned to six groups as followed, 3 control groups and 3 treatment groups. The control groups consist of the normal group, the ovx group, and the ovx group treating with tamoxifen 1,8 mg/kg BB. The treatment groups consist of the ovx group treating with ethanol extract of seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. dose of 150 mg/kg BB, 300 mg/kg BB, and 600 mg/kg BB. The treatment done every day for 12 weeks. The ANAVA test (P > 0,05) resulted no real effect of treatment toward the mean of level ALP and calcium serum to those treatment groups. The Anava test (P>0.05) resulted the real effect of treatment toward the mean of thickness and density of cancellous bone to those treatment groups. The thickness and density of cancellous bone of treatment groups increased toward normal group."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Wardani S
"Ekstrak tumbuhan obat memerlukan standardisasi untuk menjamin kualitasnya sebagai obat, salah satunya harus bebas dari mikroba patogen. Penelitian ini menentukan besarnya tingkat cemaran mikroba dalam ekstrak etanol biji Trigonella foenum-graecum Ldari Solo, Semarang dan Yogyakarta, ekstrak etanol herba Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume dari Bogor, Sidoarjo dan Yogyakarta, ekstrak etanol kulit batang Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br dari Tawangmangu, Bogor dan Makasar. Penelitian ini meliputi uji angka lempeng total, uji nilai duga terdekat, uji angka kapang dan khamir, pemeriksaan Aspergillus flavus serta pemeriksaan bakteri patogen, yaitu Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella sp, Staphylococcus aureus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol bijiTrigonella foenum-graecum L dari Solo lebih besar dari 16000 koloni/gram sampel untuk uji angka lempeng total dan lebih besar dari 103 koloni/gram sampel untuk uji angka kapang dan khamir. Ekstrak etanol biji Trigonella foenumgraecum L dari Yogyakarta, uji angka lempeng total lebih besar dari 16000 koloni/gram sampel. Dari semua ekstrak yang diteliti tidak ada yang tercemar bakteri patogen dan Aspergillus flavus.
Extract of drug plant need standardization to guarantee its quality as drug, one of them is free from the patogenic microbes. This research determined the level of microbe contamination of ethanolic extract of seed Trigonella foenum-graecum L from Solo, Semarang and Yogyakarta, ethanolic extract of herb Typhonium flagelliforme (Lodd.) Blume from Bogor, Sidoarjo and Yogyakarta and ethanolic extract Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br from Tawangmangu, Bogor and Makasar. This Research covered the total plate number test, test of the most probable number, test of the number of mould and khamir, inspection of Aspergillus flavus and also inspection of pathogenic bacterium, that is Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella sp, Staphylococcus aureus. Result of research showed that the ethanolic Trigonella foenum-graecum L seed extract from Solo bigger than 16000 colony/gram sample to test the total plate number and bigger than 103 colony/gram sampel to test the number of mould and khamir. Ethanolic Trigonella foenum-graecum L seed extract from Yogyakarta bigger than 16000 colony/gram sample to test the total plate number. All extract were not impure of pathogenic bacterium and Aspergillus flavus."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucie Widowati
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shannaz Nadia Yusharyahya

Menopause menyebabkan hipoestrogenisme dan mengakibatkan penuaan kulit. Fitoestrogen dari biji T. foenum-graecum (klabet) diharapkan dapat mengatasi penuaan kulit pascamenopause. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi optimal ekstrak klabet dalam menstimulasi sekresi COL1A1 dan COL3A1, cara kerjanya melalui jalur reseptor estrogen α (REα) atau REβ, dan peran klabet dalam mengurangi kerutan serta meningkatkan ketebalan kulit wajah.

Studi in vitro menggunakan human dermal fibroblast (HDF) tua yang diperoleh dari kultur sel fibroblas kulit perempuan pascamenopause dan HDF muda dari prepusium, dilakukan di Laboratorium Universitas YARSI. Sekresi COL1A1 dan COL3A1 diperiksa dengan ELISA lalu ditambah antagonis REa dan b. Penelitian in vivo merupakan uji klinis acak tersamar ganda berdurasi 12 minggu, di RSCM, Januari–November 2019. Subjek 50 perempuan pascamenopause yang dibagi dua: kelompok perlakuan mendapat krim klabet 5% dan kelompok plasebo mendapat krim dasar. Skor kerutan dahi, crow’s feet, dan nasolabial diukur dengan skoring atlas skin aging Bazin dan tebal dermis dengan high resolution ultrasound (HRU) 18 MHz.

Ekstrak klabet 2 µg/mL merupakan konsentrasi optimal dalam meningkatkan sekresi COL1A1 dan COL3A1 pada HDF tua dan muda dibandingkan tanpa perlakuan dan 5 nM estradiol. Uji inhibisi menunjukkan hambatan REα 50%; REβ dan RE α,β sampai 75%. Penurunan skor kerutan dahi, crow’s feet, dan nasolabial berbeda bermakna pada kedua kelompok minggu ke-4, ke-8, dan ke-12.  Peningkatan selisih skor kerutan dahi, crow’s feet, dan nasolabial tidak bermakna pada kedua kelompok antara baseline, minggu ke-4, ke-8, dan ke-12. Ketebalan dermis meningkat bermakna pada minggu ke-4 dibandingkan baseline. Pada minggu ke-8 dibandingkan minggu ke-4 dan pada minggu ke-12 dibandingkan minggu ke-8, ketebalan dermis menurun bermakna pada kedua kelompok. Peningkatan selisih ketebalan dermis pada minggu ke-4 dan ke-8 tidak bermakna.

Simpulan: Ekstrak klabet 2 µg/mL meningkatkan COL1A1 dan COL3A1 lebih banyak dibandingkan kelompok tanpa perlakuan dan estradiol 5 nM. Klabet bekerja terutama melalui REβ. Penurunan skor kerutan kulit dan peningkatan ketebalan kulit wajah tidak bermakna dibandingkan plasebo. Diduga, krim klabet konsentrasi 5% tidak tepat untuk mengurangi kerutan dan menambah ketebalan kulit. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui konsentrasi optimal klabet sebagai terapi penuaan kulit wajah pascamenopause.


Kata kunci: COL1A1, COL3A1, kerutan kulit, ketebalan dermis, klabet, pascamenopause, penuaan kulit wajah, Trigonella foenum-graecum.

Hypoestrogenism in menopause leads to skin aging, for which phytoestrogen originated from the seeds of T. foenum-graecum (fenugreek) is expected to be a solution. This study aims to show the effect of phytoestrogen from fenugreek extract in stimulating COL1A1 and COL3A1 through its mechanism of action on estrogen receptor (ER) ERa or ERb and its role in diminishing facial wrinkles and increasing dermal thickness.

The in vitro study was carried out in YARSI University Laboratory throughout March 2017–March 2018. This study looks into the effect of fenugreek extract on collagen level secretion in old and young human dermal fibroblast (HDF) compared to control. The in vivo study was a randomized, double-blind, 12-week trial conducted in RSCM from January–November 2019. Fifty postmenopausal women divided into two groups: the intervention group was given 5% fenugreek cream while the placebo group was given base cream.

The in vitro study showed that a concentration of 2 mg/mL was the optimal dose to stimulate COL1A1 and COL3A1 secretion in both old and young HDF compared to control (no treatment) and 5 nM estradiol. The inhibition test demonstrated suppression of ERa by 50%; ERb and ERa,b by up to 75%, indicating that the fenugreek activates both receptors, especially ERb. However, the success of the in vitro study did not translate into the in vivo study. Both the intervention group and the placebo group were able to achieve statistically significant in facial wrinkle scores from all focus areas without any significant disparity between both groups at all timepoints. Dermal thickness of facial skin showed similar results for both groups with significant improvements in the 8thweek compared to baseline and significant decrease by the 12thweek.

Conclusion: Fenugreek extract with a concentration of 2 mg/mL increased COL1A1 and COL3A1 secretion more potently compared to control and estradiol 5 nM. However, the decrease in facial skin wrinkles scores and the increase in dermal thickness were not significant compared to placebo. We suspect that a concentration of 5% was not adequate for the expected antiaging effects. Further studies are necessary to determine a more appropriate fenugreek concentration to permit clinical use as a postmenopausal antiaging therapy.


Keywords: COL1A1, COL3A1, dermal thickness, fenugreek, postmenopausal women, facial skin aging, skin wrinkles, Trigonella foenum-graecum.

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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