ABSTRAKRSIA Budi Kemuliaan memiliki posisi strategis di pusat kota Jakarta diantara perumahan dan perkantoran. Peningkatan pemanfaatan kelas rawat inap setiap tahunnya belum mencapai target optimal yang signifikan, terutama rawat inap kelas 1 (I,VIP,VVIP) yang menjadi latar belakang penelitian ini. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat gambaran karakteristik pasien rawat inap RSIA Budi Kemuliaan serta mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan utilisasi. Disain penelitian cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang bersifat analitik deskriptif. Sampel penelitian 210 responden mewakili rawat inap kelas 1, 2 dan 3.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas responden adalah ibu RT berpendidikan SLTA, penghasilan kurang dari 3 juta, memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik tentang pelayanan, referensi terbesar dari keluarga, biaya perawatan ditanggung sendiri, dan rata-rata jarak rumah pasien ke rumah sakit 10,14 km dengan waktu tempuh 20 menit.
Terdapat perbedaan karakteristik dan perbedaan persepsi yang berkaitan dengan perilaku petugas di rawat inap kelas 1, 2 dan 3. Analisis multinomial diperoleh hasil dimana yang signifikan mempengaruhi utilisasi kelas 1 versus kelas 3 adalah pendidikan, ketrampilan perawat/bidan, referensi keluarga dan yang paling dominan perilaku petugas, sedangkan variabel yang mempengaruhi utilisasi kelas 2 versus kelas 3 adalah penanggung biaya.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan upaya peningkatan dengan melakukan pemeliharaan, penambahan fasilitas, pemenuhan kebutuhan yang diperlukan tenaga medis dan non medis dalam melaksanakan fungsi pelayanannya serta dilakukan pendekatan pemasaran terdiferensiasi (differentiated marketing approach).
ABSTRACTLocated in the city center of Jakarta, Budi Kemuliaan Martenal and Child Hospital has a strategic position among the houses and offices. Increased utilization of hospital admissions each year has not reached the significant of optimal target, especially inpatient class 1 (I, VIP, VVIP), is the background of this research. The research objective to observe the picture of the characteristics of inpatients Budi Kemuliaan Martenal and Child Hospital and its determine factors associated with utilization.
Design of this study are Cross-sectional research with quantitative descriptive - analytic approaches. Sample of 210 respondents representing research inpatient class 1, 2 and 3.
The results showed the majority of respondents were housewife graduated high school education, earning less than 3 million, have poor knowledge about the service, the largest reference is from the family, medical cost are affordes privately, and the average distance of the patient to the hospital with 10.14 miles travel time 20 minutes.
There are differences in characteristics and differences in perceptions related to officer behavior in inpatient class 1, 2 and 3. Multinomial analysis of obtained results which are affecting the utilization of class 1 versus class 3 is the education, skills nurses, family reference and the most dominant are behavior of officers, while the variables that affect the utilization of class 2 versus class 3 is the person in charge.
The results suggest efforts to increase with improvements, additional facilities, meeting the needs of the required medical and non-medical personnel in carrying out the functions of his ministry as well as the marketing approach is differentiated (differentiated marketing approach)"