ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas perlindungan terhadap konsumen atas cacat tersembunyi
dalam kasus antara PT Maxindo Internasional Nusantara Indah (MINI) dan
Sulistia Ratih (Konsumen). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan
bahwa UUPK mengatur pertanggungjawaban pelaku usaha atas produk cacat
sehingga tidak dibedakan antara cacat tersembunyi dan cacat tidak tersembunyi.
Sedangkan pada KUH Perdata, terhadap cacat tersembunyi dimungkinkan
pengecualian sepanjang diperjanjikan. Namun hal ini tetap tidak boleh sama
sekali berdasarkan UUPK. Bahwa adanya tawaran perbaikan dari Pelaku Usaha,
maka secara implisit Pelaku Usaha telah mengakui adanya cacat tersembunyi pada
Mobil Mini Cooper. Konsumen memilih mengembalikan barang dan menuntut
pengembalian harga karena tawaran perbaikan saja tidak cukup. Putusan pada
kasus ini sudah tepat karena cacat tersembunyi telah terbukti. Bentuk tanggung
jawab Pelaku Usaha yang ditetapkan juga sudah tepat karena UUPK tidak
memberikan batasan jumlah kerugian yang dipersengketakan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses about the consumer protection of hidden defect by the seller
on case between PT MINI and Sulistia Ratih. Based on the research results, it can
be concluded that Law No. 8 Year 1999 regulated about seller’s remedies of
defected product whether its contained hidden defect or not. But, based on
Indonesian Civil Code there is possibility for the seller to be released from
remedies of hidden defect as long as there is no promised. But, this is still can’t be
done according to UUPK. Since there was service offered from the Seller, the
Seller implied the hidden defect of Mini Cooper’s car as a dispute object. Sulistia
Ratih (Consumer) choose to return the car and entitled to receive back the money
which has been paid because the service offered by the Seller was not enough.
The Judge’ Decision was correct because the hidden defect has been proved. The
remedies which has been stipulated by the Decision was also correct. It’s because
Law No. 8 Year 1999 has not regulated the border of the amount of remedies
which is conflicted."